,1 it . 8 F A. L3)rfncc Rtip'ctt Daily ftciua Saturday, December 13. 1947 Waterfront Whiffs Cassiar On Farewell Voyage Winter Pickings For Sea . Gulls Japanese .Mines The Popular S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. - For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT ; Book Early for Xmas For Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. USE IDBBaBOBBEKB H Historic vessel on the Queen Charlotte Islands in which she has plied for thirty-five years, the most of swoop over, and verily, ifs a ease the time under the name of Prince John first in the 01 I,rsi co- rst servca- service of Grand Trunk Pacific Coast Steamship Ser vice and then as a vessel of Canadian National Steam "FORMAL-ly Yours" Sizes twelve through forty-four ... a style selection to please the fastidious. Holiday season formals can be made so much more enjoyable with a new Formal. We invite your approval of our formal lresses of todav. RUPE PEOPLES TO HOLIDAY EXTRA SPECIAL! 15 EVENING GOWNS Selection of all sizes. No two alike-each different. Your choice. REDUCED lk PRICE Bulkley Valley the south and sailed early this afternoon on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. . With fewer ships calling, and the seasonal change, sea gulls are finding rather sll mplckings along the waterfront. They arei making the usual winter movement up town, favorite calls beins in front of stores and behind restaurants. A thoughtful and kind-hearted citizen also spreads bread crumbs and other odds and ends of food over the surface of a large stump in Totem Pole Park and this spot is never neglected. The birds The exports through the port nf KVw Wpstm.nstpr Mc vr ships before being acauired several years atro by win be the heaviest m eight Union Steamships Ltd.. Union slon of this voyage, the vessel years, according to a recent re steamer Cassiar, Capt. Alex Mc- is to be withdrawn from service port from there. In the first Lennan, is here this week-end and it is understood is being eleven months, the total for that making what is understood to disposed of by the company, one period approximated a million be her farewell voyage. She ar- report being that she is to go tons. Until the end of last ( rived at 5:40 this morning from to China to end her days. Be- March, there were 336 deeo sea Vancouver via the south end of fore coming to this coast in 1910. freighters arriving at New West-Queen Charlottes and sailed at the Cassiar operated on the minster. 10 a.m. for Massett Inlet points. Clyde River in Scotland. j She will return here tomorrow , Steamship companies, speaking v-'iW-C- "In the Mood" EVEFiINQ WEAR at PEOPLES Hollywood Cafe PKI.NXE HUPEItrS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST iHcaonai AND SAVE Get 25 More Heal From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED Bl I INlo SUN PORCH HOME This Moose Jaw. Sask . farm home veranda has, If nothing else, plenty or windows The veranda was formerly a Moose Jaw city street car. bought by the tanner whi n the city converted to buses to sail at midnight on her re- Union .steamer Catala. Cant of the increase in fares on this turn to Vancouver via south Ernest Sheupard. arried in port coast for passenger and auto- operating costs, mainly in wages ' Island points At the conclu- at 10 o'clock this morning from mobiles, say it i3 due to higher and fuel "- " ls a ten Per cent " -- - - - - - - ; boost to lower coast points and "g l3 per cent higher to Prinre a n A vessel with 73,500 bundles of mandarin oranges from Luucation Class, p.m. 1:00 Booth School Physical Education Class. I I jgy M Daliv Npw THE MARKETS Vegetables Sweet Potatoes. 2 lbs. 39 Hubbard Squash, lb. .06 Danish Squash, lb .06 Spanish Onions, 2 lb .28 Vegetable Marrow, lb 06 Japan, arrived in Vancouver to-! V day. This will make the second U "" " M to post-war orange ship. She be- ,er' r,Leeks. 2 bunches ? .18 Line. There were also passen gers. While by no means underesti-1 Parsnip (unwathedj 3 llw. . .19 Turnips, lb. u Mushrooms, lb 63 Beets, 6 lb .25 i i mating the menace of Japanese ' w" " B mines, there are some marine J 3? .men on this coast who say that cabbage Ww., ""lb. 1 not all are as deadly as might 'whit, ik b be supposed. This, they say,' J lagely depends on how long they White. lb. B nave oeen aanu. at Civic Centre SI'NDAY Sports i -u. 1 O ffh Url.i.n t, .. , aft r,. a 1 Basketball PracUce. 2:00 Badminton. f Mova.w Sports a.m. 9:00 Booth School Physical Golden Pellow. Ib. ! I'resh .Milk Quart Pint I Cream, Va-PInt tgts : Grade A: 'Large, cartoned, doz ' Medium, doz. Ihh Halibut, b. Salmon, lb. Cod lb Black Cod, smoked, lb. .491 .10! .n 8tnokd Kippers, lb. 22 flutter First Grade, lb .70 Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz.. tio, 2 for ?? Hour 2:30-King Edward School ""y Fl0ur-7 Ib" Physical Education Class. : "our. No.l hard wheat. 2.99 4:00-mgh Scnool Junior Girls 5Becond Patent 2 35 Basketball Practice. lnur 24's) 159 5:00 High School Juvenile! Tfa and Coffee Boys Basketball Practice. DeLuxe Quality, lb. 1.C7 8:00 Rup-Rec Ladies' Keep I Coffee lb- -59 Fit Class. I Juices Basketball Practices Tomatoes. 20-(7 .15 0:00 Bo-Me-Hi Girls. 7:00 People's Store. 3:00 Morgan's. 9:00 Savoys. SPECIAL EVENTS f . .,111 8:00-Bo-Me-Hl Dress lOW Available! Rehearsal. ! 8:00 Band Practice. ' :00 J.C.C. Public Speaking! rfY 1 1 - 1 1 I NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT. Rupert, n H.C c Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 - . I 2A ji 1 JC LOOK FOR THE ! CHOW MEIN NEW RED AND I ARE YOU A PROBLEM ELS? 1 WHITE III fife? WW itAL LAdcL I I - -1 I T-U . 1. x 1. r 1 1 mi 1 1 bbbbbi naiiv .1 uui lui mob lui 1 iiiaiuw m 1 i i 40 oz gallon Applet. 20 w tin. 2 for 43 ox Orane, 30 oz. B!endd (oranf e and grape fruit ) 20 oz. 43 oz. From This Date WAK ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 312.00 per ton MINE nvs Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER rilONE 580 ! 1 r m ' ... 1 : Two Sailincs I'cr Week for VANCOUVER - VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pm. Coqultlam. Friday, 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 12 midnight. K)K SOUTH ISLANDS December 14 midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 r j 1 . II? a?, I I We want to tell you that this store Is fixed I M mJ--BPki II I to suit you no matter how much you wish to pay. M t II I " K taJHIL -jKPasHpP Also we handle nothing but standard stones M mwET-mp m iuiiy tested. r msmu &t III We wat to say that bur diamond stock ls M j B M-'8 C JS jnOl M III That it is now extra large, and that dla- R zL ll jjfjf R Frln emr JL VM I monds will soon be hard to get on account of the Mitl WA mbULU 1 1 new regulations. B (Kj II I Prices from S25.00 un llrl "WirrS I . Ill m ORDER POPCORN FOR Tr PROM THE CAPITOL LAST TIMES TODAY DF.ANNA DURUIN and 10M UxKK 'I'LL BE YOURS' : , m msmmi . . mmmiw -i ' , MATINEE MON 2:30 EVENINa:: MOOSE f ririS JAW T AW FARMER ITATJXftro pnwurDTC CONVERTS STREET ctdppt r- C AR turn. phi ninn.. . H t . yBl Rupert and adiacent rmrinns , 'RM.r nil h K fi l SCOTTY BECKETT W n U J ' "k ' DONALD CURTIS ' TI ji RtCHARO GAINES jft IfllM i i CLARENCE KQLB v n 1 GIVE THEATRE TIC kl.T.s IP From oldsters . younRstors cvervon loves .slippers . . . us a practical jjifl yet a luxury or comfort, too. STONK Ill ll.llINC .S.-V!.s.-iJ.t.. Tn.u..n.. n. J . . Hre You Heady For Christmas? I .. if not, let us help you " ' nvJ'NL 661 3 I iR M T?5 FOR ALL THE FAMILY f ifrrt iv v.T.... ........... iiwii'vn t. iiiMi S -i m m Fashion Footwear ... ,1,1! i i.iii. , . . HKIf .linn."' f)N .,vl- Nr ' LIKE . . . YOU'LL FIND JUST THE (HIT IOI! M II YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST. ome to Toy an I- iieki: you'll si:i: toys, c.amls. dolls, miniature i'lanos that i'lay, s.mi.im; shu's, si.kioiis, doll iiugoils, mftal cars that wind up, wirllfss skts . . .and scokf.s OF OTIIFR (HITS TO GLADDF.N Till-: IIKARTS OF CIIILDKL.V. Gift Wraps. VOI Seals. Ribbon n Gay Tree am House Decoration d