li ' t l C u r I h i i. w V j?nnrr Rupert Dnflp rsrtus HtD. Tuesday November 4, 194? An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd all communities comprising northern and central British ColumDla. (Authorized as becond Ola. Mall, foet Olllce Department. Ottawa) O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. a. PERRT, Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BCREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Published every anernoon except Burmay by Prince Rupert DaUy News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, City Carrier, per week, 16c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear. 17.00; Bj Mall. Per Month. 40c; Per Year, H.00. Socialist Reverse GAIN of G21 council seats was made by i- vthe Conservatives in the election in England " and, as a result, Winston Churchill is calling for a&eneral appeal to the people, without delay. The result of tht poll, undaubtedh, was emphatic and, while not directly affecting the government, is enough to justify the Attlee administration in deyiSfrig ways and means to restore lost ground and;public confidence. $There is no surprise about Churchill making the most of the opportunity to capitalize on what appears to be a most definite turn away from socialism. TIMES CHANGE A MONTH, four physicians in Vancou-have WITHIN refused to respond to calls when request-to do so because of the lateness of the hour. In one case, lack of attention was suggested as the if ason for a death. Times and systems change. Once,' in Canadian life, more particularly in the country, the doctor had no hours and precious little rial "money, It may be that way yet in some districts. At any rate, he turned out when notified, nq matter if the hour was midnight and snow falling. In that event, he took along a shovel and used language that could not be repeated in a parlor. Often he would not be home again for a couple of days. " 1 CANADIAN BOOK WEEK T 'IIS IS CANADIAN B00K WEEK which is de- C c.'l ' I' signed to bring to the attention of the people of Canada the fact that Canadians can write, and 2 have written many worthwhile books. These last ? two or three years especially have seen some ex- V CQllent; books published in Canada. Hooks by Cana- .' dian authors on poetry, travel, history, music, painting, as well as good fiction are available to the reading public. The Prince Rupert Public Library is endeavoring to do its part in drawing attention to the many Canadian books on its shelves, by a special display avrangeed for Canadian Book Week. Among Ganadian authors in our Library are names such as Mclennan, Jaques, Carr, Roy, Groves,, Raddall, to mention only a few, - This would be a good opportunity to mention a donation to th.e local Library by the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Club. This was used entirely for the purchase of Canadian books, including the following: "Fresh Wind Blowing" (Grace Campbell), "Continental" Revue" (Winifred Bam-bricjv), "New Secret" (Lillian Beyman), "Growing Pains" (Emily Carr), "Canadian Democracy and THieKconomic Settlement" (H. Cragg), "Wind Without Rain" (Selwyn Dewdey), "All This to Keep" (Haida Parlow French), "Remember Me" (Edward Meade), "Who Has Seen the Wind?" (W. O. Mitchell), "Welcome Wilderness" (Grace t Pay a Visit to Fowlie & Ruttle See the excellent values in JJlack Electric Seal coats. hard -'wearing, deep- piled and luxurious coats in a variety of styles and prices, .are gure to meet with your approval. $95.00 - $150,00 $225.00 midget Terms Available t- No Interest No Carrying Charges 11 Remember for QUALITY, STYLK and LOW PRICE, It's Fowlie & Ruttle '28 Third Avenue : Phone 522 To Wartime Housing Purchasers We have something In teresting and reason able to offer you in . . FIRE INSURANCE On your new home and futrniture. Do not delay in providing yourself with full protection. We have a plan to meet all your needs. Do Not Delay! See Vs at Once! H: 6. HELGERSON LTD. Phone !MI or visit our office 210 Sixth Street World Food Problem Is Considered United Nations Uody Is Starting; Deliberations By ADELAIDE KERR LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y. B The World Food Council a body of the United Nations Food to produce as much food as ex peeled and a lot of other con dltions combined to make holes in the world's bread-basket. Europe had zero weather which froze the wheat. It was planted again in the spring but the harvest was poorer than usual. The United States had a bumper crop but spring floods and summer drought hit corn and some other cereals. Rust reduced the wheat crop In India. Some Latin-American areas did not plant as much In grains as before. Canada had a drought and heat which cut the pro duction of wheat and coarse grains. In 194G-47 the world produc ed almost as much rice as before MARGARINE IS FAVORED Chamber cf Commerce Thinks It Should be Manufactured And Sold in Canada Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce went on record emphatically at lt regular monthly meetlns last night as favoring the manufacturing and sale of margarine In Canada and will accordingly cast its ballot in a referendum of constituent mem- lltiTe nf hp nnnflrilnri Phamhpr and" Agriculture Organization-, Commerce on the ,ubJc?t. convenes for the first time in , , chamber u on Washington today to grapple determined Willi uuiu jJicacui. uuu juniii. problems of getting enough food for the world to eat. The 18-member council represents the 54 countries which of opinion. The resolution upon which the referendum is being taken was now belone to F.A.O. The United presented at the recent annual States, Canada and the United ' convention cf the Canadian Kingdom are members of both. Chamber of Commerce and U Riicsin rinps not bplnne to,s louows. either. Part of the purpose of F.A.O. "As the cost of livln? Is gov erned by the price paid by the Is to find ways of producing consumer, we believe It Is es-more food and distributing it j sential that Industrialists and more evenly over the earth, so producers endeavour to hold there will not be potatoes and prices at such a level as will grain rotting in the fields of I give them a fair margin of pro- one continent while people die ' fit. We further contend that on- of starvation in another. Feeding the earth's population of more than 2.000,000.000 with anything like adequacy Is a problem mankind has never licked yet. and one it never even tried to solve until the United Nations tackled it. The council was created to cope with a present crisis and to deal with serious long-range ly free enterprise or competition will tend to reduce prices. One Item in the cost of living stands out of reach of many and will necessitate reduced competition by many more. We refer to butter. The present system denies the basic use of free problems. F. A. O. experts say ! ..rn" in OLD AND NEW LOED MAYORS OF LONDON -Sir Frederick Wells, 03, rl"ht. i intur d ijtrv hi. flection a.s the new Lord Mayor of London Wit i him i Sic Ur.uewell Smith, retiring lord mayor afhi the f lection at the city Guildhall. Both arc in the robes of office. LETTERBOX PIONEERS' HOME enterprise and lowers the stand- j Editor. Daily News "d "f livlni nf many Canadians. I I surely visa suiprued to read If It is true that democracy I in the Daily Npws ahnnt ihP tm . country, mere : incident of A d. Casev at th the world faces a most critical u no justification for a sepir- Pioneers' Home. I know quite a iouu emergent unuugiiuui, in ain pany oi prr.tectlon for the food emergency throughout dairy industry. We therefore ad- 1947-48. The 1847 harvest lanea V0Cate that the Canadian Cham- ber of Commerce exert its full influence with the federal authorities to authorize and permit the manufacture nd sale of margarine In Canada." Diculon of the matter, brought out the general opinion that the only reason for the banning of margarine In Canada was political, a catering to the farmer vote. This was the only country In the civilized world where margarine could be. neither manufactured or sold. Tlie fonsensu was that margarine was equal to butter from a nutritive standpoint and that ,mere was no good reason whv 't should not be available here. few of those old gentlemen at the home and have often talked to them about how they are yetting alo g. I also knew Mr. nd Mrs. Montchall and how happy the old men are to have them In charge. They were my neighbors once and I think the city was surely fortunate to have them take charge of the home. I might have to go there myself and I am sure I would be gla-1 to be in the care of Mr. and Mrs. Montchall. I say again they are entitled to a great deal of credit. I would alio :ike her? to sa-. a word of appreciation to the Rex and Orand cafes for the ood meals that were so generously given men back l.i tin thirties. They may be Chlnjmen but they are also "white" r and the war. But complications arose food production, the world still our white people could learn f. because nroductlon fell off in nave food worries. It had . lot from them for kindness and southeast Asia, where millions them before the war and since generosity, live chiefly on rice. Although ,hen the earth's population has j ThanVlne vou, Mr. Editor. a"'i production rose substantially In increased 175,000,000 and many , the staff of the Da'ly Nsws. the United States, Brazil, Egypt of ,ts PPle- have changed and and some other non-Aslatlc eerea meir looa nabtts. countries, prevented the solu- The new food council's main tlon of Southeast Asia's dllem- Job is to take over the Interna- ma. ' tional Emergency Food Coun- The world's 1947 oil and fat cil's work of recommending al- ex.ports, though greater than locations of scarce foods. the year before, are still only An allocation of food to a 3.C00.OOQ tons compared with a pre-war normal of 5,900,000. PRODUCTION SLOW IN RECOVERING Prospects for a production recovery do not look too bright. Many war-torn countries still lack the seed, machinery, fertilizer, manpower, roads and transportation to produce the food they might. Many are rid- died by political troubles which waste. .1 i. i retard their agricultural pro EXTRA VASTY BREAD! country does not mean that It automatically gets it, however. Allocation simply means that a certain amount of food in country "A" has been earmarked for country "B." It is up to "B" to finance the deal by trade, loan or other means. Another Important job of the couhcll Is to review the food and agricultural policies of dlf- countries to prevent 1 gress. I F. A. Os chief, Sir John Boyd SPEAK HINDUSTANI Orr, says: "We are in a jam The Mohammedan people of . until the 1948 harvest." India, about 70,000,000 generally But even if war-torn coun- speak one language Hlndus- tries, are restored to, pre-war tanl, BECAUSE IT'S FULL-STRENGTH this active fresh Yeast goes right to work. No waiting -no extra steps! Anil Fleischmann's fresh Yeast makes bread that tastes sweeter, is lighter, finer-textured every time. WW t'x-zzH IF YOU BAKE AT HOME - get Flelschmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow labeL Dependable Canada's tested favor, ite for over 70 years. FRED OLBN. FAIR PMY Editor, Dally News I Imc read the article in your ; paper under tlvs beadlr? "Aid. Cacy Reprimanded." The article states that the caretakers of the Pioneers' Home Mr. and Mr-Montchall. had offerrd th". resigntaicn and that Aid Ca --had offered his ami' to tJv Pioneers Home commlHe" t, my opinion any B'ioln?y ?vrnH have been made Mr. t.nd Mr Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? yrtr'"7.i'-l,T',i.7;:,:m:,sf,: .. Wiwulloi,!,..,!!,,,,,!,,. .,ll.,j .,;"', '"' V 1 j.l.i.i. '..i., I,., I Glorify Your Sentiment With Jewellery DESIRED MOST OF AM, WHEN OUT TIME CO. MI'S Priceless jewels arc like stars, but inferior jewels, unlike the stars, lose their brilliance, their beauty and value. Let the glory of your special occasion live foreverby choosing fine gifts from a competent jeweller. II l s experience and undemanding, and his loyalty to his craft, is assurance of complete satisfaction. So consulet your Jeweller He Is ready and willing to help and -serve you faithfully. Montchall and not to the commute. I would like to ay that, hau It not ben for BUI Sheardown a nd a certain lady who has bn very Interested in the welfare of the old gentlemen, the present 'are'.aker would not le there to-lav. I doif.t if the city could ever have found anyon more .JZducalionWori: - w old men and UWna care of the ing and direction. At Its tot , t Such . ' I fnv n t 111!' inn ... ; t! "The fear of the Lord A ma;, . th(. M v , beginning of wisdom - Sen,,-. : This is "Education Week" and iki thev as I think of it. I am wmliZ : man T1 or the words of Henry Van Dyke Mln ,', 1 when he said: ' otherLL "Four things a man m,,., ,m t "If he would ke,n ,,. I!. i, "Ffct ininic without confusion clearly, "Act from hnno.t ,ki. . '! V...WV uiutiveH nnraii, uuie v,.- VdijI tth,f... "'"Oil '"" and K. "Love his fellowman sincerely' L X "And trust In nH j ... .. "-fij ... WUV4 ,m eaven ln . securelv " i,, . m A true education ift,.. ... lB?0,W whole of man. A school nr , .w leee nrovldps n Hiiun .......... . "BrJ r., . -...f.vm, Biuaeni V,:P in be'iw w with knowledge, that l um.k ,i t, ! ... . ' ""' :. m weapons wnicn he may use in lb pren( wisely in his place in life. But its "Study to jwi! best contribution to a student ed unto rjca Is enabling him to think clearly needeth n"tt J iu act uio j.isui-B invoiveo in a his own convictions, "etter EtJ J But a walking encvclonMin ' BX D- C Vnl i though he may make good ! w: marKs in written examinations, useless in life, If he cannot ab( v . ;; use his knowledge or skill In 2 W practical affairs. The real man r is within. There is the source of action, humanly speaking. What are the motives? For instance, warmakers are well-trained men but are their motives honest and pure? Again, each man has his own "'''': desires, feelings and affections U-Experience teaches us how little, comparatively, upon reason, and ' 0 how largely, comparatively, up- thr- t. on the heart, depend the Issues a a of living. Love for a cause or a 3 persons is the greatest of all :nteretld ih Uoldni afier tn motlvps and nrovldea orpat driv- W tr. it 4 W j w C", n T V i U 1 honia. I believe in giving credit bet jt muJt De for others. tonypaxdy il where credit l due. How about yn Dyke's 'Trust In Cod Tb M! R: .j if securely was no after-thomnt cicy c prti'-fr fMR PLAY FOR ALL. . Nor was he simply saying that clc" t;:; lVl j Jt was necessary for a full- chapel .;. rounded We- WS more vital datla: K: car Adverts Advertise in in thp the Dallv Dally News. News' K waj Jat beclue Tiy a DaUy News Classified Ad. cause It comes first, and Is a short.;: : WM.'Wmr'j: 'intern 'K It's no trick at all to turn "hopeless" gloomy surroundings info an enchanting, cheerful Local Dealers in Congoleum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. THIRD AVENUE A. icKenzie Furniture Ltd. 1 itfMiii tti-jc- . . Rented room: room. Yes, even on a slim-Jim budget I Try aco:ywrilir' . agay print bedspread . , . wallpaper trim arounJ the windows nook. But be sure you tlarf with a sparkling new Gold Seal Ccn9r5(ieffle..t the way to get a floor covering that lends excitement to your w Best of a , that Is smooth, easy to clean, comfortable underfoot. buy"l for Gold Seal Congoleum both rugs and oy-mc j ioyer of heal-toughened paint and baked enamel eqwoi in b I unUACTWI UUtMtUt p HI mmininm Jff I ' bef floor paint appl "X iiin1 - without this familiar ooia - You II be surpnsea i" buy for so little money. j Gold Seal .Congoleuj Cona-leum Canada jZo.Z I.mporarily cut ot t P - j i U. Our giuiei pl,at "7 ... iidd'JM at ip-MiHitromti"' We handie CoSoleun GORDONS IIIPE of tvfry 1..rt ' ' lAR?' 3 . rmuoleunis up"- slot"