i 41 i I. r T T .. i it; TV. .3 . jiJrinrc Rupert Daflp I3cuis rD. Friday, November 1, 1947 An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ind all. communities comprising northern and central British ColumDla. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Poet Office Department, Ottawa) O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. 11. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF- CIRCULATIONS Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. City Carrier, per week. 16c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, $7.00; Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. Case of Hugh Dalton CHANCE MISPLACED confidence in a newspaper A reporter lias brought aboyt a major political repercussion in Britain the resignation on. a point of honor of Rt. Hon. Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer and one of Britain's most important respected jiublic men. Mr. Dalton has and is entitled to the sympathy which .was expressed for him not pnly by Prime Minister 'Aftlee but by Mr. Churchill. Mr. Dalton was indiscreet, no doubt, in revealing budget secrets, even in confidence, it is simply something that is not done, but despicable was the reporter who took advantage- of the indiscretion. The reporter discredited his journalistic profession for, contrary general supposition notwithstanding, the good newspaperman often possesses many confidences and information that he does liot.talk about, much less publish... Fortunately, such glaring incidents as this of breaking the code are so rare that they are sensational. In this case it unfortunately tragically fatal to a' good and valuable public career. WAS NOTED AS ENTERTAINER Funeral of Ulysses De La Ferre Held Here Wednesday Afternoon Funeral of Ulysses De la Ferre, widely known entertainer, whose . death took place In the Prince '' Rupert General Hqspital a few f ; days ao, took place Wednesday alfernqpn from the chapel of J.' BT C.' Undertakers t-o Falryiey Cemetery. Rev. Fred Antrpbus, v;.- .paftor .of First Baptist Church, officiated, and Mrs. J. C. Qilker presided at the organ to acepm-gi.pany the. hymns. Pallbearers OPEN 'S A.M. TQ 2 AJU. were E. A. Evans, Fred Barber, Capt. EarlJarrett, G. E. Evans, Rev. Basil S. Prpckter and C. J. Carter. Widely travelled theatrical artist, illusionist and entertainer, the late Mr. De la Ferre was born in Bournernquth, England, and his funeral cpincidentally. took place on his sixty-fifth 'birthday He lived in Trinidad, British West Indies, and Dutch Guiana, South America, for a, number pf years and then came to Canada. After spmp time in Montreal and elsewhere, he moved west and resided n Vanpou-yer fqr seven years. Durjpg the war he traveled up and down th coast, 'entertaining men of the various forces and was often Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chqw Mqin CHINESE DISHES OUU SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service (or all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED ' JPARTS and ACCESSORIES. Qut-pf-town orders given special attention. porner Second and Park Avenues PilONK 566 Prince Rupert, B.C. ITALIAN MINISTER MEETS BEyiN Count Sforza, Italian ministter. is greeted by Ernest Bevin on his arrival in London for talks with Britain's foreign minister. " TELLS ABOUT SIKH NATION How Tney Became Finest I Soldiers of Indian Nalion I The historic position of the Sikhs in India was explained to the Rotary Club Thursday afternoon by Col. A, Hamilton Grant, lqcal Department of Veterans' Affairs officer and former men ber of the Indian Army in the Bayne and Mr. and Mrs. E. Brady (Stewart 1. Over 300,000,000 to be repaid! the public THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS REDEEMING 15 MAY, 1940 ISSUE OF WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES COMMENCING 15 NOVEMBER s Save thismoney. Start a Savings Account with your nearest branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. 1 f'lt'i Sever Too Late to Start a Savings Account You can add to it on the 15th of each month as the Government redeems each succeeding issue of these War Savings Certificates. This Bank welcomes ypu as a customer. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PRINCE RUPERT ItKANCII R. G. HOPKINS, Manager UJ-47 i Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come In and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing LING THE TAILOR VVe are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. HON.G9 -:220. Sixth Street ually produced some qf the finest ccmbat troops in the British Ccmmcnwealth, he sad. The persecution originated with the Mpslsm moguls and continued through several dynasties of slaughter and torture. Eventually the sect organized it self on military lines-in self de- Punjab. Col. Grant spoke at the fence with such success that club's weekly luncheon meeting when the British arrived in In-in the Commodore Cafe. jriia they were the dominant A religious offshoot of Hindu- group in the northern section, ism. the Sikhs have a long his- Following the arrival of the tory of persecution which chang- British, the Spartan attitude of ed them from a harmless sect 'he Sikhs became jeduced and intp a military grpup that event- ''he sect dwindled in numbers Noting the fine military quaU- in Prince Rupert. Ill for the past u" ' Sikhs- the British re-two crulted tnem lnto ths rmy. re- vears. he had resided at tegrity of the sect and tappln a oooi or fine iightm1? as wejl. Toclay, they are in the unhappy position of toeing caught between the Mqsjems of Pakistan, their traditional enemies, and the Hindus. This has reviv ed the ancient persecution. Col. Hamilton Qrant was thanked for his talk by club president Lpe Qordop, who also welcomed J. E. Robertson cf Vancouver as a guest. at Civic Centre SATURDAY Sports PM. 11:00 High School Juvenile boys' basketball. 12:00 High Schctpl Juvenile girls' basketball. P.M. 2:00 Novice badminton. 7:00-Stones vs. High School basketball . 8:01 Morgans vs. Bo-Me;Hi. 9:00 Savoy vs. Brownwopds. Special Meetings PM. 2:00 Badminton. WIDESPREAD ,QUID The largest mollusc known to man Is the giant squid, known to reach a spread of more than 50 feet. premises in accordance provisions or the Liquor Act" and the promulgated thereunder. with i Stewart near his son LaaM. and 1ulrln& them t0 weSf t0 the. daughter, Cecilia, of Premier. ,caths of tneir "Hgipn, thus, do-HU ' tp malntan the in- wife oassed away in the West i "M"" Indies 15 years a.30. Among those who sent flowers to the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. 1 VGqVERJWENT LIQUOR ACT" (Section 28) Nollir of Application for llwr Uvnce NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVEN that on the 28th day of November, next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Doar'd for a licence In respect of premises being part of a building Known as Karlsr court Hotel, situate on Colllaon Ave-nue. at Maasett, Queen Charlotte Islands. British Columbia, upon Uie lands described as Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3), Block Five (5), Subdivision of District Lot Seven (7). Plan 946. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, lh' J.he Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the' bottle for consumption on the premsies .or elsewhere. DATED this 27th day of October, - ' 1947. HERALD DRAT Applicant. (378) 'GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT' (Section S8) ' Notice of Application for a f-lufo l.lcriKe NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 28th day of November next, the undersigned REX BOWLINd CLUB LIMITED intends to apply to the Liquor Control Bctard for a " Club Licence In respect of premises situate at No. 251 Third Avenue West. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. (First Floor), upon lands described as lots 45 and 40. Block 34, 6eetlon 1, Map U23. Prince Rupert Land Regls tratlon District, In the Province pf British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club U keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor lax personal consumption on the premises, and entitling1 the Club to purchase liquor from a yen-dor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to Its members and guests lor consumption on the Club the "Government regulations ,n?,ATED Plls a7l& W 01 Pctpber.l (27a)EX mWL1Na CLUD LIMITED, DESCRIBES Prince Rupert-Terrace Section "Good" Pleasant Memories Of Prince Kupert An (American tourist who re-icently made the trip frpnv.Prlnce Rupert to Vancouver In a Jeep and trailer has written E. T. Applewhalte, secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-' merce. tejln pf hs reaction 4p the highway. Condition of various parts of the rpafl are different, according to the letter, the section between this city and Terrace ranking as "good." "The road frpm Prince Rupert to Terrace Is good," the letter says, 'and on to Haze,Uqn It is somewhat narrow with a few bad slides around Skeena Crpsj-Jcg. Thpre Is a sectjpn pf b.ad , road, narrow, winding and greasy, around th,e Perpw qrpa. "J think thp worst sectjqn s i in the Cariboo, being between 83 Mile Ifause and the Chasm, and the hill putslde 100 Mile House. Thpse spots are rpugh, phpppy, .gieasy and Just -plain bad. "Howeyer, they are straightening and fixing some of the spots in these areas and the new road will be open next year. The hard .surface starts at Cache Creek and irpm there to Vancouver it is fine. There has been consid erable straightening and widening along the Fraser River canyon." The writer, recalling h.ls stay in Prince Rupert, recalls with "fond remembrance the nice pepple" here. JIM WEST SAYS WAG ES AND PRICES I guest just about the hardest thing to figure out is what part of the cost of things we consume is represented by wages and salaries. A lot of people would say about 50 per cent, and point to some particular company's figures to prove it. But then what about the cost pf the jaw materials used in manufacture? About half their cost, too, went directly into wages and salaries. And what about the cost of fuel? Mast cf that is wages and salaries. m VP What about the cpst a new machinery, pf freight, of cartage, pf mail, of taxes and a hundred and one other things that al went into the company's V't ceneral costs? Weren't they aU made up mainly of the cost pf wages and salaries? Fpr that matter, since everything in business, and industry is done by people who haye to be paid for what they do if they're going to keep on doing it, what else enters into the cost of what we use othe than wages and salaries? "Ah,' someone says. "Profits'" But .the average profit of ALL companies over a period of yearj is only a little more than four per cent nearly always less than six per cent. That's the cost of using saved'up capital, of buying the brains of people who run businesses. The rest (even taxes) goes to wages and salaries,, directly and jndirectly. That must be the reason why the business of trying to jack wages up suddenly and not raise prices u about' as profitable as chasing the weasel 'round apd ?rpund the mulberry bu.;h! V. 'Jim yest Sayt . . ." il ppmorf4 by thi Bntjjh (Stuffy ffdcrtyiun of J"fi tnf .IpJiutry. 1 '.i Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT FROM NOVEMBER J 7 TO DECEMBER (f INCLUSIVE Acpount annual pverhaul pf ss "Prince Rupert" Service Resumed December 8 Reserve Early for i Xmas Sailing Decerpber 18 For Information call or write City or Depot Ticket1' 6l flc$V PRINCE RU F ERT Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert B. R. Leboe, Crescent Spur, B.C.; E. D. ELsdon, Terrace; Miss M. Nichpnson, Queen, pharlptte city; W. Ounther, Prince Oeorge; Mr. and Mrs. J. Castle, Copper River; Terrace; FORMER LOCAL GIRL MARRIES Uliss Peggy Barclay Becomes Bride in West Vancouver i WUVer rjr , . ilciatln, kritl The brld. The marriage of Oarnet Mar- wlth Mack uJjl I mi t. T -KC Baco nf C5Srli su'"' ckbji uarciay, only ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Barclay of West Vancmivpr W. Wllllscroft, i Kelvin Charles Harris, oniv , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. , of Mrs. M. Harris of wt w Murin. Battle Creek. Michiean: Powder h. : 01 rospl,. AttsA..... honeymoon v.? " ' on un vane:, R. C. Barbour. Prince Georee: I Harris t.nnir dna on their Mr. and Mrs. Amdom, Tprrace. I dday evening last in West Van siderepdCnCe 8t Uv ,,rtMHf "i ..t iiw is tin f(raw m ri vii ii Mr 1 1 a k i; ii ii ii ii nr ' r a t . . ww u if tiifKiri ii ii ft r iui . if t m uma rm i aii iui h m i 1 Pt Vcl6" 1 Kr VI W AA mJ v I GIVES yOU ALL THESE AWAHTAGtil 2 3 4 5 6 7 Covert all surfaces wall paper, painted walls, plywood, brick interiors, etc One coat reoy covers. Dries hard in one hour. One imperial gallon does a large room. No disagreeable paint odour use room the tame day. A hard, durable, washobfe surface. A pleasure o put on no primer tpreadt like a charm. mm rhree Bailings Ter Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN,' WRANGI'J.I, and I'ETERSBUItn Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays', 12 rnldnlght. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND rOlfT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 Noyember 14 apd 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 10 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNKH Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 868 Jt :Pah tp" 'A'dVertlse ( In the Daily News Classified Columns. ' (WIUKIH f .Hi CfTY OF PRINCE VVl NOTICE . . o .nH mrrecttheM A Court oi revision w -- , , j. Voters'. List will be held n the Council Chamber on Saturday, November 15th. at-10 a.m. CHJ H. D. TIIAIV, N.B.-The propqsed list will be at the City Hall from Novenw ii llninn QtanniQll'lllS UipiUII UlUMiii""!" thfir wish to announce NEW FAST DIRECT SERV Hehveen Prince Kupert adUnC NOW EFFECTIVE (Southbound) Ly. Prince Kupert Su. ,Arr, Vmwouver TuftdD 2p.m- 8.W- (Korthl)onnd Frwia) , Arr. Prince Kupert Also extendeawrv'..- - (Re,a Reo,d Down) 2 pip. Friday p:30 p.m. Friday 11:45 p-m-frlday 10 a.m. Saturjiay 11 q.m. S&tprday 2:30 p.m. Saturday e BupertH'jSr tv. Pr. Arr. Kptchika V- Sauird LV; Ketchikan rr' j0:30 f Arr Petersburg filturd3 t Petersburg Arr. vvrangd