to the Yvonne nnirin. i, Alitor, ........ f Imrlpii J, h.oiiui, - llfS. .,iiina Gardner, Car- his ems r i ' K: Br- 1 i':at c occasion :p Jnr lit ft- L0NDIE . m m Wltf I'M'" . ., ..u.. BUY 4, oothM STIDEXT EDITORS Mary Mac- eui ' lirenUen, m- - i f Un r, K A J. 1 W- ' ' . iulcnts Council President ;j .. 01 v u Art OKpn n ,e ana efficient Students i or.-iriint. Art is a Prince Rupert ana elementary years in Edward and Borden Street )h He has attended Bo- i rrulariy since he started ID al) qualifications for ... i.m rhp rp-inpet and t hi- fpllriu; Kt.nd- When ti comes to sports, n: aftball and bas-thorounhlv In spite of az:t to enjoy his lav- form of relaxation good : an excellent student tilt- morf than nis snare jc.T.;: honors. The pro- n r--im.'itlon he wishes : t .-.till undecided but y.Aiminrl mnn t r rrn ukinr hi." office as Stud- ' ' .1 lire lUCIlb icnuuJ i, pcrfcrmin!? a very cap ita eremiame jod. owe en Party Arranged when witche "oblins shriek v ,. t weird sights t rrmvne wltf. fcn-s and girls H! fa School set a Hallowe'en be held at the next Friday M ses supervising :mmlttee, which Ce:ir. - Elkins. 7H; 7M. Joyce Petri :hie iiB; Mar-.::: CM Rena Ing-H v iry Joyce. tJ. T yrmun. 9M. it Is auditorium will ' background for, with Mr. - ",e u responsible ; program which provide fun and i until midnight. Ihw end m view, the mem- the C!t 9b Vli enrp(rinnt UbUt J Pene;! 711: Klizubftth y iM: Margaret aiskc, Buy McCh! 3ncy. ,8H; Billy M, and Bob Woods. 8P idea to divide the al- - v uul o:uu tu Pm. a program will be pre- y the stmlp to In-nn .n ,: au win take part tl and names. TIip finnl 1 w tue cvenine frnm m-n;i lll.ft. ' " " " " W W ho cni devoted to !' Whment committee r MISS An.:t i. j - . U H I llinTIIIGVII ' T. "J AJUauillUL. lwbcl Taylor, EM; vane ouomicn, - ""oerstood that a prize "e awarded tn emorial School News Students Well Pleased With Civic Centre As Venue for Their Sports Several of the students have been Interviewed concerning their reaction to the Civic Centre as a physical training centre. Here are some of their opinions: Jack Wynn Thinks taking Physical Education at the Civic Centre is a good idea because the Centre has better facilities for the sports which he likes than has the school. Jackie Uudinich Like many other basketball players, prefers the gym at the Civic Otntre to the. one at the school because the floor is much better and there are lockers for gym equipment. Kofc McChesncy Feels that Physical Education at the Civic Centre Is the best thing that ever happened to the Bo-Me-IIl students because there have been no proper facilities for gym work at the school. Louise Amailio Does not participate in many sports, but likes Rolng to the Civic Centre because it's cleaner, than the school gym. Amc Lien Wouldn't, te.ll us much but we know that hp must like it because he spends most of his time there. Jean Fauglit One of her reasons for. liking the Civic Cejitre is that it is a change from the schoolroom monotony. She also likes the privilege of using the showers after each gym class. HOOPSTERS ARE ROUNDING OUT Coa:h Alex Bill of the Ram-makers has been glvin? his boys stiff workout for the past three week and it is anticipated his time and effort will pay off. The boy are all looking good in the drills and shape up as a good crowd-pleasing aggregation for the coming season. The enuad will be lef vet erans rt la?t year's five Jim Fiaten, Ret Lavine and Bill Davidson. They will be ably as slsted bv Art Olsen, Doug Shier, toy Sprint; Olen Carlson. D-m ""hrrk and Tommy Boulter. - BADMINTON AT HIGH SCHOOL Last Saturday afternoon, the High School badminton season got under way. The large turn-1 out indicated that this should i be a highly successful season. A badminton club has been formed in the school which will be affiliated with the Civic Centre. This club elected the following officers: President, Charles Forbes. Vice-President, Joanne Lang-ridge. Secretary, Mildred Furunes. The gymnasium at the Civic Centre has been set aside Thurs- of the High School badminton players. MINERAL SUPPLY Chile has two-thirds of all trie mineral resources of South "Dad, I want you to meet Henry. He's an acrobatl" For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward. B.C. C1IOP SUEX C1IOW 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. Sell' Service! M EI N Whit? Elephant Sale Success Under the Joint management of the Parent-Teachers.' Association and the Students Council, p. very successful white-elephant sale was held in the auditorium at Booth School on Thursday afternoon. This rale was organized to help increase the funds in the P--T.A. and Student Council treasuries. On sale was a, large selection of articles books, glassware, games, Eports equipment, cakes, clothing, pictures and records which had been contributed by the parents and the student body. Refreshments were served during, the afternoon by the senio:' girls, under the supervision of Miss, M, Anstey and Miss M. Townsend. Following the tea Mrs. H. Black's fortune-telling booth proved extremely, popu lar. j The Students; .Courxil commlt-I tee was composed of Art Oher Bob McChesney. and Tom Holt. The staff advisors were R.'Ctel-and, P. Sferoochi and 3, Church. The P.-T.A. committee con-"teted of Mrs. G, Hill, Mrs. N. Youngs. Mrs. E. Becker, Mrs. H. Black, Mrs. E. Hyndman and Mrs. N. Moses assisted by. Mrs, Glass and Mrs. Langrldge.' NewF aces SHIRLEY SLATER The only j newcomer In 12B was born in j Winnipeg but came to Bo-Me HI from the Duke of Con- Veteran Prospector Out for First Time ' SEATTLEr-Joe Quillan, G8, Is! here en route to New York to; ;ce his sister. This is his first time "outside of Alaska and Yukon In 46 years. He's a prospector and miner. "I suppose I've found as much gold as the next man," he told an interviewer, "but I never struck it rich. I've worked In bonanza fields that are forgotten now, but I was always across the ridge when the big payoff came." low Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL By Chic Young Nlillllilll " P11IINIIN , , WW' ITS AMAZ1N3 I ' : life - naught High In New West-' minster. So far she likes Bo- JSCADDEN SPEAKS m;-hi very much. BISHOP RETURNS After an absence of several months during which he visited the Holy Father In Rome, his boyhood home in Scotland, as well as points in Eastern Canada on ecclesiastical business, winding up with a tour of parishes in the interior of the vicariate, Most Rev. Anthony Jordan, Roman Catholic Bishop of Prince Rupert, re-' turned to the city on last night's train. At a reception In his honor Sunday night, he will tell members of the local congregation some Impressions of his trip. I TO ROTARY CLUB ANITA. SLA'i Ei! Borij in Ed-J Fred Scadden, who mcnton, attended Trapp Tech'l r.etr-nf c 1 recently in Npw Westminster before a trip to England, told the local ccmln? to Prince Rupert. She club in a brief talk yesterday "cf says she hasn't been here long visiting Rotary Clubs in England enough yet to form an opinion ' and Wales. His talk contained of the school. i humoroue references to incl- 4 I .i .... . . . . x l .1 Tlfesfe hnn all played in laat day afternoon and the audltor-4 , TfT - cr.:r.i? . iadents-durins ouiw his urdra VrfprJunior League and gave ium on Wednesday evening andplfL M? -'Attend ..trew ihel? set up by the crowd many a good game. Tbev n'.ay liasketiball for keeps nnd it's pretty sure the fans will never 5to away disappointed after vatehlng them perform. The energy of t't ounces of coal will pull one ton of freight one mile. Saturday afternoon for the use. vawouver oouese last vear, is another addition to 11B. He was born In Washington and has lived, in Prince Rupert before. -4 MA R I ORTF PR A IN Born in the International Rotary organi zation. Gu:sts at the meeting, welcomed by President Lee Gordon, included James Carlay. Vi -tcrla: Sydney Barker. Vnncc liver: Dr. Gordon KincarK Vancouver; D. R. Hay. Dr. R M. Prince Rupert, later moved to ; Lane and H. A. Black. Vanderhoof. and now is b-?ck w.'th us again. So far she likes Bo-Me-Hl although this is her first year here. She registers with 11B. INFLAMMABLE FI,UTD3 In New York alone. In one year, 1.000 fires were started by household cleaning fluids. Get extra good-looking, comfortable shaves with MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price. 4forl0(i -12 for 25 lEC2.NMM? BLADES TWO HUNDRED AT TULSEQUAH Taku District Mine Going Full Blast Again About 200 men are at present employed at the mining camp at Tulsequah in Northern British Columbia. There had been a shut-down for a considerable t'.me but, with the revival of mining activities In various Dolnts throughbut the north, busy times returned to bring regular production and payrolls. W. J. Nelson of the Customs office in Prince Rupert, who was stationed at Tulsequah years ago, returned from a trip north recently. New Phones in Vanderhoof Area Extra '"lerrhone facilities will uirtly be installed in the Van--"rhcof area. Announcement ha- been made by R. G. Bishcp. division superintendent that a craw, will scon be on the ground. Establishment of a safety factor will be necessary to take care of arcemmodatian when it '.s expected there will be a large scale cbab:lita1'.on. The seneral retail operation at Burns Lake shut dewn earlier than scheduled, because of the hiah board charged the crew, Mr. Bishop Indicated. EAST PUNJAB UNIVEUSITY NEW DELHI fCP) Steps are iz'nz taken by the East Punjab government with the assistance of the government cf India for i 'he establishment of a university j for the East Punjab with ma-I chinery for holding examina-I tions in 1948. .a o o o m They beg for it . . . DR. BALLARD'S CANNED HEALTH FOOD FOR DOGS Ml McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD, (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH PHONE 32 has returned to the PHONE 7'J CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING. HAULING, LAND CLEARING SIXTH STREET Prfnre Rupert Daflg Befog Friday, October 24, 194J A BLUE RIBBON 1 UiAMriUIS f POSITIVE STAKXING y POSITIVE COOLING , POSITIVELY GUAKANTEEI) ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION, AT i ditpcpt if a run & vi .V.C.TUC, TyJ Box 1321 PHONE i,l 4 MOTORISTS Here is. a service that you have II U. L ! 1 M. m a 'Mil TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed Prince Rupert's first tire vulcanizing machine and offer you a prompt and efficient tire Vulcanizing service. ALF STEINERT, who Is. In charge of. our tire department, will be pleased to explain this new service, and advise you about any of your tire problems. Prompt attention given to out-of-town orders. Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. Before having that next REPAIR JOB done, drive in and have one of our experts give'.you a detailed ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs ' Dealers in Studebaker Commercial and Hudson Cars Tires and Tubes Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and Third Avenues Green 217 GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box. 737 ,".vvA"Avvvv,,v.v.v.v.v.w...v...v Union Steamships Ltd. wish to announce- their NEW FAST DIRECT SERVICE Rctwccn Prince Rupert and Vancouver Effective October 22 (Southbound) Lv. Prince Rupert Sundays 2 p.m. Arr. Vancouver Tuesdays, 7 a.m. (Northbound) Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 9 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 9 a.m. Also extended service to Alaska as follows; (Read Down) 2 pin. Friday 9:30 p.m. Friday 11:45 pjn. Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 11 ajn. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday Lv. Pr. Rupert A". Arr. Ketchikan Lv. Lv. Ketchikan Arr. Arr. Petersburg Lv. Petersburg Arr. Wrangel (Read Up)" 8:30 a.m. Sundays 11:45 p.m. Saturdays " 10:30 pJrt. Saturdays" Lv. 3:30 p.m. , Saturday ' For Your Eating Pleasure ... Broadway Cafe ' (Formerly Bostorr Cafe) TUE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS i Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE -OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 AM. PHONB 200 . A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRINd RESULTS