13rfmc Ruiic'rtrtDnNy JQctiis Friday, October 24, 1347 Classified Advertising : - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth Notices, 50c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. 'FUNERAL NOTICE MURRAY In the city, Wednesday Oct. 22, 1947, Arthur. Age 73 years, beloved husband of Jane Murray. Prayers will be held at Orenville Court Chapel at 8 p.m. Friday, October 24. Solemn Requiem Mass, 10 " 'am. Saturday. October 25, at Church of the Annunciation, Rev. Father Carroll officiating. Interment will follow in . . Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of ar-. . rangements. BURTON, in the city Thursday October 23, 1947. Harry, aged , ,,64 years, beloved husband of Anna Burton of Billmor, B.C. Rev. R. A. Wilson will conduct services at Grenville Court Chapel, Saturday Oct. 25, at 2 m . .p.m. Interment to follow In Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (It) CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many neighbors, friends and relatives for their expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes in our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Murphy and nurses for their kind attention. Also to Adjt. Rendell who rendered . such a beautiful service. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. W. Robinson and Family. HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable party to operate cafe. Phone Red 441. MAN WANTED For" Rawleigh business. No experience or ' ' capital necessary. Sales easy to make and profits large Start immediately. Write Rawleigh, Dept. WG-166-J-190 WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look Slter.cnlWren evenings. Phone Green 588; (tf) EMPLOYMENT WANTED 'Young man seven years business and bookkeeping experience wishes position with established firm. Phone Blue .62." (253) LOST AND FOUND. LOST During Central Hotel ffre. male police doe pup, answers to name of Timmy, has cellar on. Anyone with information concerning dog, please . phone Blue 829. (253) FOUND Wrist watch. Owner . .may.have same by identifyinf and paying for this advertisement, (tf) PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and permanent release from drinking. It. is a personal and confidential-service rendered without cost or inconvenience by other alcoholics who have found freedom from alcohol. Prince Rupert, Box 276, Daily News, (tf) TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15, 1947. FARGO. 3 tons, 196" W.B., stake-bod v, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, platform 7' 10"xl7' 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO, 2i2 ton, stake-body, - 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform 6' 6"xl6' with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-set. Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 264, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Additional Information may. be had from either of the above named. (tf) ; -OFFERS, plainly marked on en ; velope "Offer for Car No. 309" . will be received by the under ' signed up to November 10th, 1947, on a 1938 Ford Sedan De ..Jlvjery condition "as is and where Is." Licence and regls- ; titration not included. This vehicle can be seen at the Terrace Ranger Station, " Terrace, B.C. PURCHASING- COMMISSION Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. (It) FOR SALE FOR SALE Three hundred gallon oil drum. Ideal for furnace. Phone Red 800. FOR SAL E General, Electric six-tube radio, with attached record player. Phone Blue 983. (251) FOR SALE 1939 Hudson Coun try Club, Model -93; good condition, $1050. New price over $2500. Call at 409 6th Ave. East, or Dan's Service Station. (251) FOR SALE BUNGALOW Four rooms and bath, basement; large corner lot. Four block's from Post Office. Owner leaving. Sacrifice at $2100. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, 307. Third Ave. West. (251) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture for Household, Offices, Hardware and Musical Instruments, etc. Slightly, used Radios, battery and electric sets, from $20; used, kitchen Chairs, $1; Hassocks, $1.50; Chesterfield Bed, $32; new. double electric Hot Plate with cord, $7; unpainted Medicine Chests, $2.75; unpainted Book Cases and Chests of Drawers. Everything reduced. Come arid look them( over. B.C: FURNIr NiTURE CO., Black. 324. GARAGE Business in. interior town for sale or lease. Turnover about, $7500X0 month. An opportunity that seldom appears. Fully equipped with modern machinery. Stock about $2000.00, Lessee may have option to buy property Particulars from P. H. Linzey, Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) FOR SALE 5 h.p. "Stover" Gas Donkey; Easthope Winches, complete with brand new main line, straps, chokers, float and two snatch blocks. Price $400, 6 h.p. Easthope, used two seasons. Price $175. Fordson Tractor, with steel wheels and, power take-off. Price $300. .Apply Ward EU ectrlc and Marine Supply Co. (251) FOR SALE Lady's light brown coat, size 1820, new. Kenwood make, price reduced. P.O. Box I 1376. (249) FOR. SALE 1936 Buick sedan; 5 good tires, overhauled this summer: running well. $350 cash. E. S. Laird, Terrace, B.C. (252) FOR SALE 32.20 CarblneT with ammunition, new condition, $75 or offer..Also scales, 10 lb. capacity, new, $10.00. Apply after 5 p.m. 737 8th West. (250) FOR ALrdpiario. $85.00. Phone Red 751. (253) FOR SALE Karn piano in good condition, $200.00; Two 195-gal. tanks, $75.00 (2). Phone 632 before 5 o'clock. (249) FOR. SALE Nice view lot on 6th . Ave. E. Apply 209 7th West. (249) FOR, SALE Leading magazine and tobacco store for sale by owner. Phone 750 or write Box 253, Prince Rupert. (250) FOR SALE 1937 Ford panel de-llvery. Phone Green 319. $350 cash or $400 terms, (250) FOR SALE Table and four chairs and bed complete. Phone Red 930. (251) FOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet Sedan In good condition. Apply 537 Taxi. (250 METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky fur nace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New installations. Satisfaction; guaranteed. Thorn Sheet MetaLLtd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t anks, OAves-troughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE Large supply, o dry scrap wood, random lengths, $6 per cord, 3 cord lots $16. BLUE 810 Bert's Transfer 303 Third Ave. ROCK THAT BENDS Rock so soft It bends like wood Is found not far from Brazil's deposits of diamonds, valued for their hardness. rillP why FOR HUNT FOR RENT Two-room furnished, apartment, and one sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (252) FOR RENT Three-room, house, partly furnished, 1008 Sixth Ave. East. $20.00. Prince Rupert Realty Company. (tf) FOR RENT House, corner of I Conrad and 8th. Telephone 844 or Red, 812. (249- FOR RENT Furnished room, clean and attractive, in private home. Phone Green 697. (253) ROOM, AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARI S40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table, meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) MACHINERY FOR. SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf I AND 1 wmwm 1 Note: "Bill 39" is not feet legislation. No claims it is. Where necessary it can be improved orderly and democratic action in the Legislature. The public approves basic provisions. to public Bill WHY per. one by its Timely Topics Mrs, Gordon Haugland and infant son returned to Terrace from Prince Rupert on Thursday afternoon, Gordon' driving down for them on Thursday morning. Twlns, a boy and girl, were born to Mrs. Ted Johnson on Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jackson of Kwinltsa were in Terrace, last week-end. i Steve Howlett, manager of the B.C. Power Commission and Mrs. Howlett returned, to Ter- race on Tuesday evening from the couth, where they were re- cently married. Starting Oetober 20, the local; telephone office started a 24- .11 -hour service daily. Pred Nh, local surveyor, left on Wednesday evening for Haz-elton on survey work. Going with him as assistant was Ck.'.rles de Kergommeaux. Mrs. Simuson returned home on Wednesday evening after two weeks visiting with Mrs. Mike lil ILL British Columbia's labor legislation gives new and important rights-and freedoms to employees. As before, it provides that there shall be negotiation in good faith and then, if necessary, conciliation under government auspices looking to the peaceful settling of industrial disputes, in the interest of all concerned. That's not new. It is a feature of all modern labor legislation in Canada and the United States. And Bill 39 says, too,, that before a strike can be. called in their name, employees concerned must have the right to a SECRET GOVERNMENT-SUPERVISED BALLOT to test their actual wishes. Nothing in the act takes away their right strike. But the form of voting is made democratic, just as secrecy of ballot makes elections free and democratic. 39 gives MORE not less freedom to employees. SHOULD THE SECRET from Terrace Lemon of Prince Rupert, There was a large turnout of all the local lumber operators on Wednesday evening In the Orange Hall, when they met with the Hon. E. T. Kenncy and. visiting members of the Forestry. Branch with a view to ensuring an adequate supgly of timuei ior existing operations. jrmy Barge: On, . 7 T, Kalum Lake TERRACE. An American Army, barge, purchased hy Little, Haugland & Kerr .Lumber Co., has been delivered to their mill siding and will be used in tneir logging and polo operations on the Kltsumkalum river and lake. BADMINTON AT TERRACE Ralph Corey President Play in Civic Centre TERRACE On Tuesday evening a large number of badminton devotees met at the Civic Centre and the Terrace Badminton Club was officially PROM FEAR BILL 39 IS LABOR'S OF R I G HITS lormed. PJay wlll.be at the. Civic Centre where three court are . now ready for: use, A small heated, sitting, room lis to be furnished and all rjunlors from the age of 13 yeans I are to be welcomed to the club and volunteer instructors will ! be there to teach them the, game, j Officers of the club are: President, Ralph Corey. Vice-President, Bruce Barr. ' Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Vic Glraud. BALLOT BE OPPOSED ? Directors Mrs. Peeke-Vont and Miss Edna Hobson. The courts will be open for u$c on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. AUCTION QUEEN'S GIFT .... DUNDEE, Scotland, Qt A 13-plece hand embroidered linen luncheon sot, given by the Queen was auctioned during a garden party here in aid of homeless mothers. TAILORS' BONANZA PRETORIA, Suuth Africa 0 Bulging British walstlinw ought to provide a bonanza for Pretoria tailors. South African food and fresh air are adding Inches to the walsU of British immigrants and ruining their wardrobes. 'Every night we look at our dinner with wonder," said one. mm .CIP-2. (Representing industrial and commercial organizations in B.C. having a stake in industrial feats and Prozrtst alone. tht 215.000 men and women ou tljeir payrolls. lerrace FOR PROMPT SERVICE See Your GENERAL MOTORS ""-ALL DEAlr rolel ,.1..L Chevrolet 1'untlai- Oldsmohlle Machine Work A SpbIt, lerrace Machine Shop & Qar Phil's Cafe I 'll.'oli.. At .to,,. j, 11. -i. iiicmiv Terr . um BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Qulck ana Cour. . i'ropnetor, Phil Tetrault l itti r iiiiiAi 1 ins .. b s n b m w v LI I I.IC, nAUULAlW & RtKK Lumber MsiPiir;iririT Rough and Hrfu.il Liimlw, Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Uubber Co. Ltd. I'bilru Radius Wlllard Batteries TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO, ANY, POIN ' IN, THE. DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrtce 1 Last Two Days! of the Sensational Autumn FUR SALE by FOWLIE & RUTTLt Featuring even still more extraordinary vamejnw 11 i t ...in i .... iiiit i hrH nnfft V vih in mr a 111 re wm tuiiunu r- rescnt real savings. Iw!ivnr I -mm !ifiHii I '(Kit 5 Brmvn Lapin Shorlee Coat Hair Seal Coats Kid Skin Shortcc Coals White Lapin. Shortee Coats Coney Coats Viscacha Coats IWouton Coats Electric Seal Coats Opossum Coats Ocelot Shortee Coats Drown Electric Seal Coats Lvnx Shortee Coals Muskrnt Klank Coats Muskrat Dark Costs HV r:inn..t reneat on these first come first Take advantase of our Uudjel VUn v., lntpri-st.No Carrying Charts Remember . . . for QUALITY. STYLE and LOW Witt Fowfifc a Ruttle 328 THIRD AVENUE ....... ii:vi:loi'INi, i-rintino and enlarging We have Arjus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11. 15 MM Projectors. Amateur ICnlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert. B.C. Ormcs The Pioneer DruSS1'" PRESCRIPTION CHEMISE PHONE HI REMLMUER . . . ADS- THE TRY OUR CLASSIFIED i.nt . 4 . . mil r Immediate dtlivtrj I treadle and electric A machines in Prince t and district SINGER Sewing Machine Phons- EG4 P;' t s; 5 J1 $113 $12 it S4V0 HOW CarlZardB.fi KASER STREH Prince Ruin Dally