nciai uomqs to this section will be welcomed) C nlribulions chb DPKRVTFDIAN Bfilb uii Id Tour ic , from aiu'.du. a tour .merest in .icri :cenlc - viit to . oi Canada's ip France, a tti heav- i : its sad ,;t.unpts to v.ctlon ot run intc . ured an w E Cor- i ;i;ai prcsl- ol Cana- , ncd with a large the loca'i nub last coos place c 1 vcr 100 under the orcsldent t i Norton bPfofj s marked : the ur ir. : -noken ,; Cana- ide in uian na- iN kind ..fluencf - 'Can-. : iand-"eesslfy -o that thp lm- 3vncfl In tlr drnlor- f li,r,.,,,uur u ii Hi ;.!V1 Its : Mr. nderful aracter, ""'at md Ti is :ii:o Canada npons i bll-ii ne of us " (hinin-u.'mrst In-unit trans-me nart U -t. upon Meeting. Civic r. ... u J Coldwell, Oct 30. Aid Bazaar, ri y I:: 8 n Auxiliary Moo" arnual and 12. Moose v- men unurni. ' " D.E. Bazaar, Fa IHzaar. Nov ;D S!- mi) dance, Ma- "A- Nov 21. Cauiedral Bazaar.! . ' ra Home Leaime mill 5 Tci Homr Cooking, Lutheran Recrea-20-5:30. Nnv 90 h fk --'u uazaar, Decern- - .v urTmnor "i Ni ' Cla.s,ifira Ad. r bulldlnn- hn. FRANCE ement of your 2Sct,hatpresent or matpr ii .... re a"u iur- 0aUlt von, .-...I.- VlSerit nnn,l G'H?LGERSON -''1 xeu m Sixth PlrPAt LADIES' AID TEA Successful Affair (at Home Of Mrs. L. AV. iKergin A very successful tea under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church vaj held Thursday afternoon at the home cf Mrs. L. W. Kergin. The rooms were tastefully dec- orated with late fall flowers. Quests calling during the af- tcrnoon were received by Mrs. L. W. Kergin and Mrs. K. F. Saundrs. president c'. the La- dies' Aid. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Alex McRae, Mrs. O. A. Hunter, Mrs. II. M. Footc and Mrs. J. W. Eaitwood. Acting os .ervlteurs were Mrs. J. Naylor. Mrs. S. C. Elklns and Mrs. Ralph Hood. in charge of the tearoom were Mrs. J. R. Morln. Mrs. W. W. Bcwes and Mrs. J. M:Lecd. The sale of home cooking was conducted by Mrs. Robert Cam-hi eron and Mr. J. T. Garrett, Mrs. J. R. Morrison was cashier for the afternoon. COMPANIONS FOR NURSES Needed by Adventure Lovinc Young: Women in North OTTAWA, 0 For the adventure-loving young woman there are jobs open as nurses' companions in Canada's north, the Mines and Resources department announced recently. Nurses' companions are need- ed for Fort Chimo and Port Har- Hiifnrm-j rison in the Ungava region of u , in suumcrn uauin isianu, l where centres provide health nnri Pdnrnf inn fnHiitiPK fnr the Eskimo iiratth rent ,irh nrP rnnsirWri thp most nrar- Honi mnc r.f cr,iin,7 hn Ksn. mo health problem, said the department official. At the same time opportunities are provided for extending a measure of education to native children who may be at the station or! limited editions oi irom it 10 living In the vicinity. j 600. with each numbered and While no specialized training j the screen destroyed after print-is required, the nurses' compan- j ing. Aschers say hopefully some ions must have some teaching i may become rare museum pieces. ability in order to conduct: classes for the Eskimo children in such basic subjects as reading and writing, arithmetic and handicraft work. They must also be able to instruct them in hygiene arid general health matters. LITTLE ELECTRICITY Thn nvprnffp amount of clec triHtv in a Hphiiilnc flash is far S loss than the amount that can; be charged Into a storage bat-i tery. The New 0k is Local N Special 1 Chenille Housecoats, $6.75. Star's. (tf) C Ello's Furniture Store will be closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) William Anderson, well known local fisherman, returned to the ,Notccto patrons of the Prince Rupert Flshermen's Co- operative Association, the store located in Cow Bay will be closed for stock taking on October 29, 30, 31. Business will be re - sumed Saturday, Nov. 1. 5(22) J. S. Murray, Alice Arm business man, arrived in the city on the Carncsun this moring from Vancouver. He plans to leave for Alice Arm on the Chilcotin on Sunday. D. G. Stenstrom, consultant for Celanese Corporation of America, arrived In the city on the Camosun this morning from Vancouver on business in connection with the construction rf the pulp plant at Watson Island. O Fur Coats of rare charm for discriminating women see them at Fowlie & Ruttle, 3rd. Avenue. Persian Lamb $495.00, Hudson Seal $435.00, Swedish Squirrel $395, Canadian Squirrel $375.00. (tf) Ernest Santerbane Is sailing Sunday afternoon on the Camo sun for Vancouver where he will meet and' accompany heme his brother, Oliver Santerbane, who lias been in Toronto for the past six months receiving medical treatment which has resulted in a very gratifying recovery from an illness. j'V BE SURE YOU GET ALL THESE 5 If! ews Items . . . One imperial gallon ($4.95) does a large room. 2 Cover all surfaces wall paper, painted walls; plywood, brick interiors, etc. 3 One coat really covers. 4 Dries hard in one hour. 5 No disagreeable paint odour use room the same day. A hard, durable, Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (250) Mrs. Oeorge iW. Rudderham returned this morning on the Camosun from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Meeting of International Union of Operating Ongineers, Local 510, wilt be held in the Carpenters Hall, October 24, at 3 pjn, (249) D.. C. Stuart still finds it necessary to remain at his home, Second Avenue West. His gen- eral health continues favorable but It will still be some time be- fore his recovery will be sufficiently advanced to permit being around as usual. G. A, Hunter sailed this afternoon on the Camosun to make the round trip over the weekend on the new run of the vessel to Southeastern Alaska Including Ketchikan, Wrangell and Petersburg. Home and Career Not Incompatible MONTREAL, 0i Frieda S. Miller, director of the women's bureau of the United States labor department, believes that home and cereer are not incompatible. In an interview here Miss Miller expressed It this way: "Women are Human, and they cannot haver a good home situation unless they are free to choice whether they will do unpaid work in their own homes or hold down an outside job for which they are fitted by training and temperament. It is better for the family and the community If the wife is allowed to express herself." OF YOUR WALLS for $ washable surface. - no primer spreads Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert W. II. Brown, Kamloops; D. German, Vancouver; George Columbus, Vancouver; J. Stone, Ketchikan; .W. H. WillLscrolt, Terrace; Mrs. E. Brokke, Ketchikan; W. J. Osborne, Terrace; W. Johnson, Osland; Mr. and Mrs. J. O.'iaorne; Terrace; J. W. Pad-more, Vancouver; Mrs. L. Nlck-lln, Fort Francis, Ontario; D. S. Maclnnes, Terrace; Miss S. Post, Usk; Mrs. A. C. Cramer, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rosenburg, Sunnyslde; W. Bickle, Grassy Plains; W. R. Hudson, Vancouver. ROMAN NAME Aluminum owes Its name to the Romans, who called certain salts alumen. "LOT" OF ERROR! PETERSBOROUGH. Ont. (fc uuiiaing a nouse on someone else's property can be an ex pensive mistake. E. J. Waldron bought a lot and on comt-ietion of his house found he had built on three lots belonging to an estate. The estate let him keep the lot providing he bought the other two. TAKE NOTICE that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted for In my name by any other than myself. Lance D. McPhee. (250) BesH nown home remedy for :lievlng miseries ol I f VICKS children's VAponue colds. 95 1 ADVANTAGES i Owe en WEDDING'" INFLUENCE London's Fall Hats Feature Black, White and Wine By DENISE DALTROFF Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON Fancy hats were on display at the fall show of Erik .Paris) Ltd., with three colors predominating black, winter clty on the Camosun this morn-white and wedding wine, the I ln8 Ircm a trip to Vancouver. ; ...umuiuacumi) iur me lonncoming royai wea- His models were designed to sit straight on the head, and his trimmings were a variety of high -standing feathers, a profusion of winter flowers or a narrow sequin band around the base of the crown. Black Poocue was his name for a new fur fabric used for some of his models. It has a bushy , appearance like the fur of a French poodle. For wearing with tailor-mades he showed many hats designed on the style of beef-eater models. A small crown and smaA straight brim curving slightly upwards in front. The crowns were almost as wide as tho brims. For cocktail and dressy hats he used the pill -box style with sudden height introduced by feathers, plumes or large bows. For evening wear with long skirts, large stiff brims giving side width were shown. Most of the brims were raised slight-1 ly off the face. Sequined veilings for keeping the hair tidy on evening outings were also exhibited. His berets were designed with side width to be worn at the back of the head, and the brim of one of his halo hats swept gently around to a high point at the centre of the forehead. Another headwear show was put on by Aschers, a well-known firm of textile designers, with square scarves designed by such ! artists as Henri Matisse. Henry i . , , ; Vfrvird Anrtro Tipraln nranam " " " ,"' V7, I Sutherland and Fellks Topolski. ! Ascher squares, which can also i be used for neckwear, sell from "S 6d. ($3.50) for a design by ! an unknown artist to 7 9s ($30- for a square by Matisse. They were exhibited in frames, like pictures, opening up a new idea for interior decorating. Many have been produced in Some of the designs are sur realistic. Others feature ballet dancers and even still life. HAPPILY OBLIVIOUS HASTINGS, N.Z., Rationing, until recently, didn't mean a thing to an old farmhand of a remote sheep station near here. On a rare visit to town he was nonplussed when asked for rouDons for clothing he had bought, and explained that the farm produced all the food he needed and he hadn't bought any clothes since 1939. -x Short Coat not only uppermost in the fashion-world . . . but it's the perfect solution to your budgeting problem. SKLKCT THIS SUrtiltl! COAT IN SOtX LUSH MOUTON Warm, wearable and wonderful I IF YOU HAVE A WEAKNESS FOR BEAUTY YOU'LL LOVE OUR Suits and Dresses S HhA j)JL-fn)t 5 m 7 A pleasure to put on Ptfncc Eupett DnHp 33etes Friday, October 24, 1947 IT'S THE SEASON for a comfortable topcoat. We are now showing one of the finest ranges we've had in years. Made by Fashion - Craft and Society, in Scotch fleeces, gabardines, coverts, tweeds, Venetians and Crombie lodens. Call and see them today. V 4 ORDER NOW! GIFT STATIONERY DIBB PRINTING COMPANY v BESNER BLOCK BAPCO Floor ENAMEL and DAPL-ART PROCESS Bapco Floor Enamel may be used on floors linoleum or woodwork, and dries with a high gloss. It is made in nine popular colors, and is ready to walk on when left over night. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked ... $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Hollywood Cafe rniNCE nuPEitrs newest and most UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FKOM 11 A.M. TO 6 AJU. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD for Hallowe'en Shell-Out a Sell-Out Help Kinsmen Help -a. $37.50 to $65.00 Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS In New and Original Designs. Prices from 50c1 up 1 FOUNTAIN PENS THIRD AVENUE 255 Third Ave. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Homt 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 CHOW MEIN ORDERS PHONE 133 AVENUE WEST Masks Lanterns Hats Fireworks Streamers Noisemakers You will find your Hallowe'en requirements at Kiddies