3U 13nncc ttupcrr Dnflp f3cUis ttD. Monday, September 29, 1947 utiA ruoiisnea every ttiicruwu ouij . i iiivn ivupprt ijniiy jNews i-wi., ora avcuuTi rrujvo nuib! viuuii O. A. HUNTEK, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ind all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; Bj Mall, Per Month. 40c; Per Year, 14.00. Canada and Marshall Plan IN THE WEEKS immediately ahead, Canada I which as already contributed nearly $5,500,000,- 000 in various forms o aid to European countries, is going to be engaged with the problem of what to do about the Marshall Plan if anything. At the recent conference in Paris of the 1G European nations affected by this proposed aid plan, several references were, made to "Aid from North America" and this has set ssome authorities here wondering if these countries are expecting Canada to play a significant role in the scheme. The United States, it is understood has not approached Canada on the deal. Neither has Great Britain and the whole situation regarding what attitude this country will take is Very nebulous at present in Ottawa. But it seemslikely careful consideration will be given the question on a .high level soon. ;,If. the European request or more than $19,000,-000,000 in credits from the United States is endorsed by Congresss, a considerable portion of this amount could conceivably be spent in Canada, buying ' needed supnj.ies. But it is possible Canada -could not supply the speciic requirements of the European countries. It is doubtful whether she could meet large demands for such orders as rolling stock, electrical equipment, pit props, railway ties, wheat and other foodstuffs, which would be high on any list. This country has to consider its own domestic tralia, India; Mew Zealand and the British West Indies. In addition there was an $18,0Q0)00 gif t of Canadian wheat for the relief of Greece before Chelation; $154000,000 to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration over two years and $20,000,000 in post-UNNRA rejief. The rest of the total was in loans and repayable contributions. Under the Export Credits Act, $591,O00y000 in loans to European countries was authorised; military relief supplies took $96,000)00 and $1,250,000,000 was advanced to. the U.K.' under the United Kngdom Financial Agreements Act of 194G. The $594,000,000 in credit Joans went to eight European countries, with Norway getting $80,000,-000, Czechoslovakia $19,000,000, Russia $3,000,000, Netherlands East Indies $15,000,000, Netherlands $1.25,000,0000, China $00,000,000, France $242,000,-000 and Belgium $100,000,000. East Was Too Warm-Is Glad to be Home "Anybody who complains about the weather at Prince Rupert . should have their head ex-; amined," quite bluntly said C. A. Berner, divisional superintend ent, Canadian National Railways, today as he enthusiastic ally expressed pleasure at being home from a holiday trip to: Eastern Canada and the United1 States. The trjp was an interesting and pleasant one, Mr. Eerner admltte.d. but the heat he encountered around Buffalo and Niagara Falls reaching 94 In the shade and from which it was difficult td obtain relief, was most uncomfortable. Mr. Berner also visited Montreal and Tor ; onto. A. Brosseauk, a crew member of the coastal freighter Nootka, who is, according to reports, sufr fering a tfractiired limb, wai brought to the city from Bute- dale on the Catala Friday (eve ning. Brosseauk was taken from the Catala to the Prince Rupert General Hosjijltal by the city am bulani'e. Steamship Sailings For TnacotiTei Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pm. Tuesday s Couultlam. 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday s .catala, 5:30 pjn. Saturday ss Camosun, 10: IS p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday ss Coqultlam, 4 pn Monday s Princess Adelaide pm. Wednesday s Prince Rupert! 11:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 4 pm. Friday ss Cataia, 5 pin. For Alaska-Friday s Camosun, a.m. Wednesday $s Prince Rupert, ajn. From Alaska-Thursday ss Prince Rupert, "! P-m, Saturday ss Camosun, 8 p.m. LONDON, W Maxlne Rabeau, J5, flew 1300 miles by mistake when he boarded a plane for Stockholm at London alrpprHe was returned here and puton the right plane for Paris. P supply position and the contracts she already has to jm9W. lullliil abroad. Hut it Canada does not participate indirectly in the Marshall Plan as a supply nation, it is highly unlikely she will have any part at all for there appears to be very strong opposition here to making further large credit loans in Europe which would be the alternative method of sharing in the project. The government financial records show that the last Canadan credit loan to be made in Europe was in June, 194.G when the Norwegan loan was extended to $30,000,000. Since that date all applications from foreign countries have been rejected, usually because of the Canadian supply position. The general attitude of the financial people here obviously is agajnst Canada, going any further in advancing these credits. This is understandable, considering the huge amounts granted over the last five years, totalling $5,47-L0QQ,000. The majority of this total was in outright gifts, wjth $1,000,000,000 made available to the United Kingdom in 11) J2 to purchase goods and services in Canada and $2,312,000,000 under the mutual aid program of 1043 for war and civilian supplies for the U.K., the Soviet Union, China, France, Aus THIS AND THAT AT SHOP 'The cad who just whistled at my girl had better apologize, or else " Salvation Army . Womerrs Leader Brigadier Annie Fairhurst arrived by the Princess Adelaide today from Vancouver. The Brigadier, who Is at present the Territorial Secretary for the Salvation Army Women'ss Organization, "The Home League," previous to taking her present position with headauarters, Toronto, spent a namber of years as a missionary in Africa . She will address a public meeting at the Citadel tonight and meet the Local Women's Organization Jo- SUPPORTING the RED SHIELD APPEAL Previously reported .$839 , Empire Baths 3 , Mrs. Cook 2 Mr. and Mrs. Burge 2 W. Streatam 2 F. E. Hunt Ltd. 5 Pacific Fisheries Co. Ltd. 5 ' "Anon" a Red Shield Friend 10 Royal Hotel 10 P. R. Plumbing & Heating 3 G. H. Sianbridge Equip' Co. 3 Wells .Cartage Co 3 L. Christopherson 2 Long Motors 5 Fraser & Payne 15 B.C. .Furniture 10 Total tQ noon, Sept. 29 . $919 . PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO (Sept. 29, 1922) Of 196 lots offered for tax sale J75 reverted to the city unsold. Twenty-one were bid on by prl-yate buyers. There were only about 0 people present. Only spirited bidding was for a Section Two lot sold to John Man- son for $195, which was $175 over ,the upset price. The Prince Rupert General Hospital was left a legacy of 1,000 by the late Miss Moffatt.' ,pf Dumfrieshire, Scotland, a sls- te of Adam Moffatt, a patient in the hospital during the early years who was affectionately known as "Grandpa." Representatives of the building trades who' conferred with the civic building commission were of the opinion that amend ments to the Building Bylaw, proposed by the commission were not stringent enough. Standards of building, especially In the fire limits, should be higher, the tradesmen urged. (Sept. 29, 1912) A meeting pf the city council, schedued for that night, was (precast to be of high Interest, with many matters to be dis cussed. Among them was the report of a committee appointed Ato deal with a new money bylaw Frank L. Landes, .of jthe Christ ansen-Bnfndt Co. was a passen ger or the south on the Camo sun. He was bound for California on a combined business, and pleasure trip. Bishop pu yernet and Aif.h deacon Colllson left on the Steamer Prince Rupert on a trip' to yancouyer, LEICTESTER, EnW., OH Flying Instructor Edmund M. Pizey, who taught Winston Churchill i&nd :l-he ia Sir John Alcock to uy, died aged 54, ORANGE LADIES INITIATE FOUR Four new members were initiated into the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association at i1 monthly meeting Thursday night. The members voted tu donate $50, proceeds from a ten held on September 3, to the j Protestant home for children at New Westminster. j The next meeting, on October j 9, will be a short business meet j ing, followed by a social, to which members are invited to brinj ( friends. 1 Classified Advertising Paysl TONIGHT Hear . . . Hon. Fl. G. Mac Donald Minister of Mines & Municipal .Affairs Discuss: PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS CFPR 10:15 p.m. LING THE TAILOR JVe are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wall, PHONE C49 - 220 Sixth Street MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR S1IOKS IIKEL THEM ATTEND TIIEIK DYEING SAVE TIIEIK soles-box 774 Second Avenue LETTERBOX BIG ARTIST CO.MIXO On my return to town yesterday, one of my frst conterns was to see how the seat sale for Ike Igor Oorln concert was go ing. I was naturally very perturbed lo find the response of the general public so peer. Last year, as you will remember. Mr. Editor, we brought ssv-v ral very od artists to perfertu for Prince Rupert audiences lid lht reioorwe wms very gratWy-!v. It led the members of thf Civic Centre executive to feel that Prince Rupert was readv fnr some of the big artists of the entertainment worW. We therefore, after 'JiaMi ikwt, derided to encase Igor Oorin for the first of this season' eueit artists. 'In doing so we gambled to the tune of $1,500 on gettUMf the support 'of the music lovers or the city: While lm!n to pnv such -a hlsh fig ure for Mr Oorin'1! '.riv' ; wo hnve Jrent the ndmlwion nne below what would be charted in V J. P. M()r,LEU PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AN.') PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Buildlpg and Repairs of all kinds itoofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 If It's Rock Work- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers ' Phone 174 P.O Box 274 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Frlday-8 pm. From jtbe East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 p.m, Vancouver for the gjiie concert. We are yery con$$ed, Mr. Editor, at the response to date. TWs concert is in the nature of cjn)eriieii. Upon the response we receive will dtpAw the class of artist we will be able to 'brinp; in future. It wjUl be a serious reflection on our community spirit if Mr. Gorin lias to slut to a half empty hall. Thanking you for this space, I am t.r r. a. iyman, Qluttrmtn, W&j fpd.Means 'Cflsamitue Cirtc CetUre Ass'n. Dr. O. Burgess of Queen Charlotte City left by air on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands today after a brief visit to Prince Rupert. Rev. W P. Cunt, superintend ent of home missions for British ColunvWa, of the UnUed Church of Canada, Is sailing Tuesday on the CoquUImi to return to Vancouver after spending the last wepk In the r-lty during which he attended thr f ill sr ion of the Prince Rupert Prcbytery NOTICE OF REDEMPTION Dominion of Canada 4 Loan Bonds DoiOdoUi3,i93i Due October 15, 1952 NOTICE b kmbr oil hoWm A evhtanrftiij 4 oaf ewil Leon Bonds 4f4 OctebM 15, 1931, d. OooUt IJ, 15I, ol th Covmninl el lha Oommlon el CoMda, loJ, dnwonl la th pravhions IKrol, oil ft evhiaAdina ondi el i Aaid Ijm at Kbv calltd loi rdapiioa end priei cgraml 01 on wlvaly oa Odobtf 15. 1947, o ony Agmy ell baeV el Canada, ol Ik pt incipal lhaiwil pen iwixkIw ol Mid fkwdt nub rh Apiil 15, 1941 end HrbMavwil taopont aMadwd. Inlmnl en all aid Bond! tnatl com la oca horn end oJmi OooU 15, 1947. Th CwwmwiI ol din Oominion of Canada Ottawa, Aiigvil 15, 1947 In IANK Of CMMK fuul Aanntt. Business and Professional DI? P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE' PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 PKINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 828 Agent for Pacific BctUc B C. Ltd GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 Grandvlew Hotel RORERTSON POTTLE RUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 P N. Kilporn W. PerMr BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Uaggngf Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 977 Prince Uuprrt PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall order Box 510, Phone 77, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Paperji Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Hod 80S JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A, P. .Crawley Green 391 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, LabelUnr, Weighing BLUE 992 KX PROMPT ms4 IFFICKHT MR all Mr jUt U I ;.. C0WMBIA OPTICAL CaiP Keep Warmer! -with a COLEMAfl OIL !1J See .them now, with their hr ,.."- . famous Coleman furnace-type heitlr' inerc is a ngm size tur your hemf large or now small. Come In and Jet us Dive you aa Golcicm! i. iuA If niermeM, Phone Jul 'AVWAVAVV.V.V.V.V.V.v.V.v.v.y BOOKS fr Ml fa BEST SEI.1.KUS OF THE MONTH FROM THE NEW YOKK TIMES Um FICTION "lb Monevman" r; T (M "The Prjfic of Foxes" t p .jl fJlu-Ym" I . F xXtti HtoUfrp's Asreement" t: L,. Hlrl "lngaUMl Koyar t l lfl. GKNKUAI, Ffv 1W to Storm" t H (Lis Jhe Itwsevelt I Knew" t; F;-..-.Peh JUVENILE READING "Siaoky" 1 T to "lssk Come Home" t t I "freu flrass of Wyoming" r L OS: sei: us i on all hkciuikksiknts in a a at C - - aV 1 Ih . Consult us for your needs in al) types cf pA Everything In hirh itaC. Cards for every occasion DIBB PRINTING C BESNER BLOCK CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rate, for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 income; tax Returns Prepared See II. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPID FILMS Suprrpan Press Film Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mall Order Service CJiamller and Cowgill 218 4th St. Dx 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rhrre .... -riurSSN' i:""" Tuc-day Friday,. 5 P- "US P Saturday Sundays, 8 p M TUrd A"- x RE-OPEN FOR BUn-SEPTEMBER23' Everybody WcW REX CAFE