& 111 V TV . V I 1 t r h 1 4 delivery routes. lSrinrc Hupcrt Daflp.rSctos Monday, September 29, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Classlf(eds: Uo per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notice bOc: Carda ot Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements; $2. IliltTll (NOTICE - Born to Matoel and Arnt Rj-e, at the Prince Rupert General "Hospital, September 27, a -daughter, Dennlse. Both doing well. JJIRTII NOTICE , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Dixon, at the General Hos-. pital, .September 29, a daughter, 9 lbs. 6 oz., Lillian Winni-fred Dixon. Mother and daughter doing well, (nee Christina Cook). BIKTil NOTICE ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. I. W. (Ike) " Brown in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sunday, September 28, a son, Richmond Brock. 7 lbs. 9 oz. WANTED WANTED One acre land cn Queen Charlotte Islands, partly cleared, near sea. Write Box 271, Daily News. (228) WANTED -TO BUY Boat be tween .31 and-33 feet. Apply Pioneer'Rooms. (229) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Dining room Waitress for Civic Centre Dining Room. Apply in person, - Civic Centre. (230) WANTED Names are Deing received at the Daily News office of boys or girls desiring TENDERS (tf) WANTED Housekeeper to care for two .small children. Phone Green 968. (tf) tOK KtrfVT FOR RENT Single room, men preferred. Apply 224 5th W. FOR RENT Comfortable room. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (234) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, unfurnished; clean and warm. Apply 1142 Park Ave. Phone .. Green 224. (229) FOR RENT Furnished sleeping - room with kitchen conven- ' lences. Apply 221 5th Ave. E. (234) FOR RENT Comfortable room. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (237) FOR RENT One room furnished cabin. Seal Cove. Phone Blue 825. (225) FOR RENT Two rooms, newly decorated. Call after 4 o'clock, 1235 Park Avenue. (228) FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment, with furniture for sale. Phone Green 815. (229) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, furnished, at 209 Fifth - Ave; West. Apply p. H. Llnzey, Prince Aupert Realty Co. (232) FOR RENT Industrial site, two story building 47 x 30', tine Dairy Barn. Phone 657. Tenders win foe received by the undersigned up to noon Friday, Octcber 10, for the purchase of uots. 1 and .2, Block 21 A, Section 1, City of Prince . , Rupert. The highest, or any tender, will not necessarily be . accepted. (lt JIOOM AND flOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Fur naces, t anks, eaves-troughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Child's red scooter, 6th Ave. East near Hospital. Phone Green 785. (230) POUND Ring near the Sunrise Grocery. Owner apply at the Dally News and pay for the ad. (tf) MACMNZHr TO SAW better jumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B. C. (tf ) FOR SALE FOR SALE 3-piece wine bed chesterfield. Pair of binoculars. 1092 Ambrose Avenue. (229) FOR SALE 3x12 Cedar planks $20; 2x8, 2x6, 3x10, DD Fir and Floaring. Phone Green 693. (234) FOR SALE CoiViplete bedroom suite. Apply 1321 Overlook St. Phone Black 852. (234) FOR SALE New and Vied Furniture,' Hardware and Office Furniture. Used Single Beds complete $20; Musical Instruments, Kitchen Sets from $12.50; Electric Range, Mc-Clary's $15; Slightly used Men's: Raincoats and Topcoats; New, Coal and Wood Ranges from1 $30; New Rifles; New Unpalnt-ed Chests and Bookcases; New and Used Desks from $7.5'0; New Mattresses $14.50; Everything reduced to the lowest possible prices. SeeB.C. FUR-! NITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE One used, 1942, yard Koerlng Shovel, First class shape, $16,000, f.o.b., Vancouver. Other shovels available. Apply Clarence Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd., Phone 459, Box 1398. (237) i FOR SALE 3x12 Cedar Plank $20; flooring fifty-five 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, $40. Phone Green 698. (tf) JET STOVE POLISH FOR HOT STOVES does a perfect job without hrush or bother Leaves no black finish. Ask for "JET." (223)1 FOR SALE Bakery and Confectionery. Due to my health and other matters beyond my control, I offer to sell my Bakery. Good local and outside trade. Real snap. This will not last long once seen and price asked. Box 159 Terrace, B.C. (236) FOR SALE In Terrace, 3-room home on l'i acre property. Apply Terrace Hotel. (230) FOR SALE Furnished house. Apply 517 7th W. Owner leav; ing town. (2341 FOR SALE W. W. Greener, 32" barrel 10-gauge shotgun. 474 Taxi Stand, see L. Keller, (tf ) FOR SALE Single bed with mattress, in good condition. Phone Green 583. tf) PROPERTIES here are still low-check these: 4 room house and bath, garage, 2 lots all fenced The first $2250 takes it. 8 room house seml-furntshed: new foundations, fireplace, owner leaving must sell $3,000. Best Bet 6 room house with View; 3 improved lots on Ara-broee; new wiring and-plumbing; basement; $4,500 terms or $4,200 cash. 3 room house in good residential area $1,000. For Inspection of these, see Armstrong Agencies (Ph: 342). (234) FOR SALE 12 volt Freeman Iron Mike. Phone Red 753. (228) Two Weeks (Of Special .Bargains Ring Bolt Trusses 50 and (55 ft In length offer 2100,000 Gallon Wood Stave Water Tanks offer z 24x76' Loxstave buildings (with plumbing) offer 124x76 Loxstave Warehousp Special $350.00 1500 Gallon X.H. Steel Pressure Tank $125.00 2x6 Cedar Siding, per M4 $35.00 2x6 Tung and Graved Flooring, P" M. $40.00 1x4 Fir Flooring, per M. $45.00 Timbers, 4x6, 6x6, 8x8, 2x? 3x12, per M $25.00 2x4, 2-6, S4S, per M $40.00 "iu zxiz, t4a per M $45.00 All kinds of Finishing Lum- ber Half Price Electric and Plumbing Supplies,, greatly reduced In prlc. Group 4 Spies & Meckllng Phone 866 (229) Classified Advertising Pays! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAHiX Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE KIN LEADERS ARE INSTALLED Due to the tragic Jlre on Tuesday evening, the .Kinsmen's dinner meeting at Phil's Cafe, scheduled to start at 8 pjn., did not set under way till 11:30. The meeting cpened with the After the toast to the King a short business session, princi pally concerned with financial matters, took, place. The club has had a highly successful year but this year's aim was twice is much as last year. Dudley Little gave a short talk on the convention at Mont-, real to which he was a delegate. Installation of the officers el-; ected last June took place with William Jamison of Prince, George In the chair. Mr. Jarm-son Is the deputy governor of the northern District Five Kinsmen's cluos and he addressed the members on Klnsmaoshis and Education. This year's slate of "officers include: President, Jack McLeod (reelected). Vice-President, Dave Maw-( ' whlnney. Secretary, M. Peeke-Vout. Treasurer. Dudley Little. The executive Includes: George Grant, Alf Yoxall and H. Seaton. Light refreshments were served before the adjournment of the meeting at 2 ajm. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How should lace be laun dered? A. Lay a sheet of white paper on a flat surface and sprinkle thickly with fine magnesia. Put, lace on this coating and sprinkle more magnesia over It. Place another clean sheet of paper over this and weight it down. Allow it to remain for two or three days. Then shake off the powder and the lace Trill be like new. Q. How can I remove that faded and worn -look from the seams of carpets and rugs? A. Try using paints or soft crayons, of the same shade as the rest aj. ths tost, and touching up tne worn places with these. Q. How should one select pieces of steak? A. When choosing, steak, and other pieces of beef, see that the red meat is elastic and the fat firm and white. DONCASTER. K Race fans, unable to pronounce the name of Sayajlrao. winner cf the 1947 St. Leger. all him "Jimmie." 0 T BABY POWDER Soothing, cooling TenJci Agt" Baby Pow der it favoritt iih babiei and their mothers! Thit refmhing powder belongs io every nuricry and bathroom dun ic liber f after baby's baib and diaper changing time Ii gives fine anti-chafe protec tion, containing .Alpbaione, an ideal ami septic and deodorant - used exclusively by the manufacturers of Tender Agf fry Nrf fMfl , McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Third Ave. and Sixth St. Phone' 79 If your building, house or fur nlture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your, possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G, HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street Timely Topics pom Terrace j Mr. George McAdam tra'- f Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson of the elled to Prince Rupert on Tue- jRoya BSnk of Canada in Terrace dav to meet Mrss. MeAdnm who i have returned after a week's has been to Vancouver on business .trip. They returned to Terrace on Wednesday's train. ivjnsme.il oug uiicr wjucii.) j. K, Hart and party from grace was said .by one of the Everett. Washington, are in Ter-members and dinner was served J for few race a days on a hunt. ing trip. Art Wagnex has purchased a lot in Terrace the deal goin? .through the real estate office of E. T. Kenney, Ltd. II. Halliwell returned tu Ter-latse llils week after p;ndlng toe past ten days In Pruace Subscription lists are being: circulated in Terrace in the hopes of relieving to oome ex tent, the material losses sus tained by Mr. and Mrs. F. Clifford; in the recent fire which destroy ed their home and contents, claimed the life of their youngest cliild, BLHy, and their driest son. Roy, is fighting for hi life in Prince Rupert Hespital. Tom Olsen left for Prfce Ru pert on Saturday for Jury duty this week. Mr. Wllllscroft, Kay and Elmer1 Cuilis left for Prince Rupert on' Saturday and will return on' Wednesday. Accompanying them will be George Anderson and Angus Bruce who have been called to Prince Rupert on Jury duty. Announcement PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service holidaying In Prince Rupert and Uiev will spend the next week at Lakelee Lake. Miss Mary Mawhinney returned to her home in Vancouver after spending the past two weeks vlsltins her brother and, wster-in -law, Mr. a;d Mr. Dave! Mawhinney. Keturalrig to Tarrace on Wednesday's train after a short stay ir. Prince Rupert we '3 Mrs. H. Paulson, Mrs. Milton Olsen and Mrs. B. Jones. Matt Teige.i, formerly of K's- pjoK. who spwt several months Gordon Ronson of Prince of eaci year trapping at Teljjen George is a business visitor in Lke. 00 mile nortli of Stewart, town coming In bjr car. Roland Brett, representative or the Fisheries Researn Board, is winding up his work for the season and expects to leave Terrace on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr-,. McKay returned to Terracp on Friday atter a motor trip lasting a few weeks. vas riwhed to Prince Rupert hos pital on Sunday from Tetrace where he has been staying, and passed away early Monday On Wednesday morning, local Kinsmen travelling to Prince Ru-$ert tor the Installation of officers of the Princ Rupert Club, during which they travelled as I included Alf Yoxall. Walter far south as Iowa. 1 Cheshire, Dave Mawhinney. Bill Osborne, Jr., Jack McLeod, Jim Maxted, Dudley Little and Leon ard Casey. Mrs. J. Martin spent two .days in Terrace, returning to Prince Rupert on Saturday's train after travelling as far east as Toronto where she attended the Dominion annual meeting of the Sons of Eagland Women's Auxiliary. JjONDON Messages of con-grfttulatioas frm many countries but all written in the same ianuge were received by Robert Roberteon. twice president of the British Esperanto Society, on his diamond wedding anniversary. Try a Classified Ad In The News CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management .WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordeib Given Special Attention JOHN COMER, Proprietor t's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Winter Coming! Time to fill that coal bin NOW SUBSTANTIAL. STOCKS ABE NOW ON HAND BUT THE SUPPLY WILL SLACKEN SOON. Phone 651 or 652 for Quick Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "SERVING THE NORTH SINCE 1920" Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies I MANY ATTEND SERVICE FOR TERRACE BOY . Genera) service for Billy Clifford, three year old son of Mi, and Mrs. Frank Clifford of Terrace, who was the victim of Tuesday's disastrous fire, was held in St. Matthew's Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon. Rev. R. Hills officiated. The church was packed with friends and sympathizers c the mourning parents and the chancel and aisles were banked with the many wreaths and flowers. The hySinr "When Mothers of Salem" and "Jeus Loves Me" were suae, with Mrs. Norrington at the organ. At the end of the service the ouletly weeping congregation filed past the tiny casket. Pallbearers were four young boys, friend's of Roy Clifford who lies seriously ill in Prince Rupert General Hospital from burns received while trying to save Billy. They were Ronnie Paulson. Gunnar Paulson, Gerald Toop and Lloyd Honke and the Cub Pack of Terrace followed behind" the ca&et. Interment took place at Kalum Wonder BRAS NEW SHIPMENT Satin and Nylon lizes from 32 to 41 small, medium and Jarje cups AJI Wool ENGLISH SKIRTS in Plaids and Stripes si.es from IS to 20 ALPINE SKIRTS sizes from 12 to 41 Judy Bond BLOUSES Lace and L'mhroldery Trim, Short and Long Sleeves Annette MANSELL STONE RUILDING "Walk Upstairs and Save" .W.V.W.V.W.VAWAW Iow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHJTE GOLD SEAL LABEL i( X ! erraie FOR PKOMPT SERVICE See Your GENERAL MOTORS Chevrolet nulck r"nl1 Oldsmobil, Maolitn. ... . Terrace Machine Shop& TERRACE B4J Phil's ai Lakelse Avonuc BREAKFAST LUNaujJ BANKETS Serve: ' ' vie -X iri cot-tfiJ Proprietor. Ph'lTf'jrit LITTLE,- HAUGLAND Lumber Manufacturers Koueh and Dressed Lumber TERRACE Agents For International Burster Ci Firestone Tire & EubbtrCiJ rnilco Radios WiUard Batteries DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 .M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur fnlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box, 478 Prince Rupert, B.C Box 1398 THE MIST FOOD FINEST COOKING OS TOP SERVICE Rotary Club Thursdays 1 P-"1 HAS THE r POR FOR ITS PATB nTTT Who TERM Till WE KETfl saivKsioii CiTHII-i P.O.BCUS Corner 2nd Av trJ7'jSt PRINCE RUPERT PLUM & HEATING ENGLMffi Author:::: J fir.;.!:-" GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC WMW HUKM'.ItS lor your furnmim A Genera; Mi".::j PkS QUAKER OIL RANGES AND IIUIBSW Large Stock of riumbtoi 5?fa j For Your Eating Pcastire. Broadwa (Formerly Boston Cafe) rnRll ni!iSl AFTEKSOfflj Mein J Chinese Dishes Chow - - H 1111 "TAKE-OUT" ORDERS Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 Ail That Party PAR AMOUNT CAf atrortEdrd.-Bfl CHOr SUEY .nnBn. 7:00 am. w - npn 7 8JH-"-...idJf Sunday J Closed all Tuesday to 'jj COMPLETE rOOWjWgSS SODAS - ICE CItEAN GEO. DYBHAVN Prop. IC.T.C0"'- jlana?er 21