EACHERS AN m) Mil strict in nff ..... ,t teachers .v.mi in me cujr 0pp()f unity 10 tp(j i; exccu- ... ounprt Dlst- rr ivuf 1111 eve: i in:: in tne a , me tea- ' poi' Easing- tht 'X- 'usive fa- ana Mr: . i cee Gid-Mose :r Dens Orasda! Church Be nth ajt Mrs. iw a T7nhor. Mr Kuiiander. 1 Mi. -rath Miss n TP? .0 ft rit' 2, Local News Items... , Miss General business meeting of the Prince Rupert Little Theatre Ass'n. Tuesday Sept. 30, 8:30 p.m. Common Lounge, Civic Centre. All those Interested are. requested to attend. (2281 i ii i .ne build T Bate-1 S.'hool: Moret of H: v:r re r uie meeting t.O.O.F. : T.-iKcsivlng Oct 16 7"' Of! 1 HMJfllfllU Sid Alexander and Len Hltch- ens returned to the city on the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon from Namu where they have been engaged for the past two weeks In fish packing. enjnvaoie dinner Air. ana wrs. o. j . uunier. wno .... ..f th made a motor trlD throueh the to i 1 , . 1 i m ...... lirilLltll 111LCI1UI UllAA I.llC lIKilll c ill v j. Mi:, tvi'iyu Dominic Montesano and his sister, Miss Rose Montesano, re- turned home by car last night I after a month's vacation trim which took them as far as New York and New Jersey where they visited wltn relatives. IT IW' .1 VKT I Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Foster, of Waukegon, Illinois, accompanied At the ,by Mrs- M. O. Walker . ....1. n-rpftii'' in tho of Van couver, left for their home last week after spending three weeks . 11.. I. r. . . oent tnei,,s,""o "'c "O""; oi but. anu II.. -i DmU. JAR PI.IU A - (niormai 4"a- o"mc, iuj oiaui nvenuu East. Mrs. Smlthe. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Walker are sisters, and had not met In 21 years. MOOSE BAZAAR, DANCE POPULAR The ladles of the Loyal Order of the Moose took over completely from the men Friday afternoon in handling the sec I ithe Mcc: annual " no u Moose I-O.D.E Bazaar, . ...k,ut , y wy noma Leasue F P;.,l- . i vi iic venire Nov rih TJ. "Hbaa. ueucni- Pali Bazaat rw n ond day of the Moose Bazaar. As in the first day. tea was served to those attending thp bazaar. na Gccoe oi ...,i .t,, j ..j i v. agaln had their home-made candy booth set up to cater to visitors. In the evening the lodge hld a dance In the Civic Centre Music for the large crowd at fending was furnished by Stev ens' Orchestra. Bill Terry acteo. 3s master of ceremonies during the evening and acting-Mayor Robert McKay drew the tickets of prize winners. First prize, an electric Ironer. was won by W. C. Hoff. Second prize, a card table and four chairs, was won by T. Crowe. June Thornton won third prize, a table lam?. Other prizes and the winners are listed below. Men's dress shoes. E, Morrow: Bathrobe, Y. Sorensen; half ton coal. J. S. Laurie; Ham, F. Me-Auliffe, Card table. R. Lambert; Garbage can, W. D. McAra; Side bacon, E. Frlesen; Barrel of oil A. Knutsen; Barrel of oil, Lew Yet: Crate oi smoked fish, Ver non Scherk; Three dollars worth of cleaning and pressing, Mrr Amy Kasper; Haircut, Shampoo, P. P. Ferguson; Men's slippers, J. Schrocder; Meal ticket, J. Goscoc. Hair cut, Shampoon, etc., William Bussey; Ladles' slippers, II. E. Applegate; Ladles' stockings. 7l. A. Guthier. The committee of ladies cooperating with the men of the lode to make the bazaar and dance a success consisted of Mrs. Kasper, Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Lawlay. Airs. Mclntyre, Mrs. Erlckson, Mrs. Wetes, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Sandvar and Mrs. Tattersall. The Staff of Life! PAISIN, PEACH, APPLE, APRICOT. STKAWbCKSrY, MJMKkiin, CHEf?RY OR CHOCOLATE II. V. Morehouse of the J. II. Todd backing Co. Is Balling on the Coqultlam Tuesday on a trip to Vancouver. e Prize-winners at Loyal Ord?i of Moose Bazaar are requested to call at the Moose TcmnU any evening after 7 p.m. and submit ticket stub. (229) Mrs. John McKechnle return ed to the city on the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon to re sume residence here after absence of a year in Kamloops and Vancouver. Miss Sheila McRae of the gov ernment agent's staff, who has been on a two month's vacation trip to Vancouver, returned home on the Coqultlam yester day afternoon. Henri Castlllou K.C. of Van couver arrived in the city on the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, being here to act as defence counsel in one of the criminal cases at the current session of the Supreme Court Assizes here. LADIES OF PRINCE RUPERT Do you know the CIVIC CEN Mrs. N. Mazzone and child ar? sailing on the Coqultlam Tuesday on a trip to Vancouver. Frank M. Burns, inspector of customs, arrived in the city this morning on the Prlnjess Loui.w, being here on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. A.' E. Field returned to the city this morning on the Princess Louise alter ft three week holiday spent Id motcring through the northern States. . Mayor Nora Arnold returned at the week-end from a three week trip to Vancouver during which she attendsnd the annual Constable Roger Brett sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for Telegraph Cree'j where he has been transferred by the provincial police. He replaces Constable George Redhead who has been attached to the Prince Rupert city detachment. F. H. Fullerton. editorial "dlr- J ector of the Journal of Commerce published in Vancouver; Hedley Porter, registrar of the Pharma-ceautical Association of British Columbia, and Miss Verna En Ives, editor of Western Drug- TRE DINING ROOM opens at 9 j gist, arrived in the city on the ii: the morning and that AFTER NOON TEAS ARE SERVED DAILY? Come and enjoy the serene, pleasant atmosphere of the CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM. (tf) Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson ar rived In the city on the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon to pre side over the fall session cf the Supreme Court Assize which opened here today. He was ac companied by S. J. Cotter, the court stenographer. On comiple- i Hon of the court here they will j proceed to Prince George. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. MacSween and family are leaving on to night's train for Melfort. Saskatchewan, where Air. Mac Sween has accepted a pastorate' with the Presbyterian Church. They have been in the -city for the last seven years and, during the last week, have received farewells from their large num ber of friends. Miss F. Brandreth R.N. of the Prince Rupert General Hospital nursing staff returned to the city on the Coqultlam from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Jack Eales. Vancouver ac countant. arrived in the city on the Coqultlam yesterday after noon for a visit with his bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Eales, Angus Apart ments. SINGER Sewing .'Machine Repairs Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed PHONE N I 4 TS39 3rd Ave. V., Prince Rupert Catala Friday night from Van couver and. having brought their car with them, left this afternoon by highway for Ter race whence they will proceed to Prince George. After a flight into the Peace River country, they will drive down the Cariboo Highway frcm Prince George on their way back to Vancouver. Mm due to colds . . . eased without dosing when you rub throat, chest and JirKC back widi time-tested V v?obJu UPHOLSTERING Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 A New Shade Will Make it Look Like a New Lamp! See our complete stock of shades for trilights, table lamps, and boudoir lamps .... in silk, plastic and parchment SPECIAL Acetate boudoir lamp shades, six colours to choose from 59c RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE Gil Eemon-cream.cocomut- cream a CAN CARRY . V t SHOULDERS! Q ea. 313 3rd Ave. W. By Chic Young Tin r i rnnn vou'rc going. to -n i BOSTON- CvCAM, L J i1 W 1" X I lkt'J 1' J k AMW A dB-l I rL. :.r I tOkMC 'III I iv ir-j u ' mLrmsi.-mimi - ,ti i mi -..-6iWfiw v.'r Rrr(M V A' I I 1 i I One Night Stand. rr FOR GOODNESS SAKES COME LOOK 7 . Dr. R. d. Large and A. J. Domtnato returned to the city Saturday night, having driven north from Vancouver. Dr. Large had been on a trip to New York for a post-graduate course. Mr. Domlnato has been in Vancouver on business. Mrs. P. Sylvester and daugh ters, Margaret and Jean, and Miss Jeanette Remy, all of Pern broke, Ontario, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeault Overlook Street, are sailing on the Coqultlam tomorrow for Vancouver. Mrs. A. Fletcher of Vancouver and Miss" A. Fletcher of Olas convention of the .Union of B.C. gow, Scotland, who have been Municipalities at Harrison Hot, visiung me lormers son ana Springs. ' daughter-in-law, Constable ana Mrs. J. M. Fletcher, will sail on the Coqultlam Tuesday to return to Vancouver. Miss Fletcher ha3 been visiting widely in Canada and the United States since coming from Scotland. I I ' j Mooae Weekly Whist, Dance Members of the Loyal Order of Moose and their friends gath ered at the Moose Temple Saturday evening for an evening ot whist followed toy dancing. The whist winners were Mrs. S. HaudenschUd and Mrs. W. Bus-sey in the ladies' section and A. Jacobsen and J. Slaggard for the men. Dancing, with music by Stevens' .Orchestra, began at 10:3'0, continuing until midnight. During the intermission, refreshments were served and prizes were distributed to the whist winners. C. M. Adams of Terrace left for Vancouver by air today. C. II. Elkins returned to the city on the Coqultlam yesterday afternoon frcm a brief business trip to Vancouver. Good Crops! Tlie pen crops Mere 47IZ C A alA nnil carrot excellent . . . that means there will Jic an ample supply of "Royal City's" tasty pea anil carrot I'oinliiiialion ut your grocer's. Trimmed to tantalize their eyes off you ED FOODS When shopping with us for that FALL COAT, especially smart FALL SUIT, or COMPLETE WARDROBE . . . C Use The Sweet Sixteen Personalized BUDGET PLAN. Terms to suit every budget. No Interest-No Carrying Charges. . so folks can't take is our new genuine wool PRINCESS COAT, with humdinger eb only Persian scarf to tie gently adorably about your throat. V tr ISttnce Rupert taflg jSctos Mgnday, September 29, 1947 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert PHONE 101 1 JUST ARRIVED! I US j A large shipment of I II Ronson Lighters I Comprising all the new designs of engraving and & !9j M engine-turning . . . and many new designs and - colors in enamel. I H Also the new Aladdin lamp design in I HI Konsou table Llglilers at $15 I The other Konsons run from $G to $3 H H ' Many people like the TIIOHENS lighter. We have I I them from $3J0 to $8 J H Also we have other lighters from SI t6 $3.50 I For FALL... New fabrics, latesc styling, unsurpassed workmanship .... in made-to-me"a-sure clothing by "Fashion-Craft" and "Lombardi" See the range today Scotch Tweeds, Imported and Domestic Worsteds $51.50 10 $80.00 3 Moving, Packing, Cratlnr, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 SHINGOLEEN Shingolecn beautifies and protects old and new shingles, and years of testing and constant usage have established its worth and sure capacity to beautify your home . . . Shingoleen is made on a two-oil base in many attractive colors and is entirely free from creosote. Sold by THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Ave. GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.p. Box 737 BETTER FURS COST LESS TODAY At SCUBVS CANADIAN SQUIRREL "... $375.00 BERING SEAL 169.50 Due to Our Low Overhead, We Are Able to Give You Highest Quality Furs at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 3"2 3rd Ave Black 416 ,blLL iUUtS lor UK2i From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Hom 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P-O. Box Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJU. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEAYS CIRCULATION COUNTS 'I