hi MM "9 s 5 filU I ft I. ';f- I t Idtintt Rupert Daflp iSctos Monday, September 29, 1947 n LONDON, Eng., CB The Lord Mayor's National Air Raid Distress Fund has been offered money to build memorial homes for, old people bomlbed out dut-ing the.blitz. n I RUPERT I PEOPLES ' STORE . MAti 1 1 - E ' ; I la : a., i. - ft . if tJ I S 57- . ,! I -a and the Cold too f Be fair in all weather iB in this smartly hooded coat with new flare back. See our Fall Coat range. RUPERT IB PEOPLES IB KB tB tB STORE IB ilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB j! WALLACE'S 1 0 5 B '2 ) a m m B -B , REICH BATTERED, DEPRESSED TWO YEARS AFTER WAR DUSSELDORF, Germany. TO-Two years after the war It is hard to find a town that does not stil bear the scars of Germany's defeat from the air or a single German who has confidence in his country's future. Up and down the industrial Ruhr through Wuppcrtal, Essen, Dortmund, Mulheim and Duisburg to Hereford Hannover and Frankfurt in the American zone, I visited a succession or battered towns, some mere skele tons of brick and rubble below which German families exist in cellars. Here in once-prosperous Dus- seldorf 6.000 are living in cellars. 7,000 more in the small, window- less cells that serve as living ana sleeping rooms in the big, square concrete shelters. Essen has nearly 15.000 homeless, Dortmund more than 7,000, Mulheim at least 6.000. Even Herford and Hannover, miles outside the Ruhr, have extensive bomb scars. As in most bombed arear, these cities with the possible exception of Essen and Dort mundhave residential areas that escaped bombing but these, too, are seriously overcrowded with as many as eight and nine families sharing the lai-eer homes. Lifting Device Aids Truckers An unusual device designed to facilitate loading; of trucks has been attached to one of the heavy Co-cp vehicles, and Is working satisfactorily, accord ing to the driver. It is a hv- draulic tail-gate, which lowers to the ground by hydraulic action, then re-lifts, at the touch1 cf a lever, to the level nf thp truck platfcrm. Capable of ralrin.? great weisht. It U being found useful In loading 200-pound fish boxes and other heavy objects. It .can be lowered to any level required iby the operator. The device was installed and purchased from Bob Parker Ltd. From the number of demonstrations requested by other truck drivers, it Is likely that several more will be ordered throughout the city. WOKINGHAM, Ene..-JFloorfs in the Thames Valley can be pre-! vented only by vast expenditure, said Li-iCol. c. ID. Burnpll chairman of the Wokinehnm Council. POOLE, Eng.. The Golden Hind, Britain's 34-tori flying boat, recently released from R O.A.C. and spared the breakers' yard, now Is for -sale to the highest bidder. Advertise m the Daily News B WHAT'S NEW FOR FALL? ; It's YO U! ' Full cut and longer, lengths plus new styling sj that even jour husband takes notice. See all that's new this Fall at Wallaces. At WALLACE'S of course! When Buying FIRE INSURANCE .On Your Home or on Your Furniture REMEMBER THIS AND THAT Th Crir AJimt 5nic, Im. g-gyy j "Don't be impatient. We'll be there as soon as Clara knocks twenty more years off her age." C.P.R. steamer Princess Louisa Captain Peter D. Leslie, docked this morning at 9:45 from Van couvcr and sailed again at 11:30 bound for Alaska Dorts. The Louise, with a full list of pas sengers, including 40 who are making the round trip, will have a capacity load on the trip south, composed of Alaskans bound for (he United States. C F PR 1240 Radio Kilocycle Dial (Subject to change) MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Chlcho Valle and Los Cubanos, Tor. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 The New Mother Goose 5: CO King of the Saxophone 5:30 Rhythm and Romance 5:45 Toronto Trio 6:00 Tex Beneke 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Recorded Iuter'.udo 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up . 7:30 Intermezzo 8:00 Tonight at Timber Lodge 8:30 Operetta Time 9:00 Summer Fallow 9:30 Musical Program 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15-iProvincial Affairs 10:30 Dance Orchestra U :0d Weather and Sign-off TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical dock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert, ABC I I . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl dllll.MrilJ !J5!IbbbbbbMPI SHIPS AND WATERFRONT According, to reports from the Fisheries Department, the troi- lers cperatlnz in Queen Char- ilotte LslancT waters off Skidegate and Cumshewa have been having the best coho catches of thf- season Just recently. KM 12:00 Recorded Program 12:25 CBC News 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Artists or Tomorrow 1:45 Commentary and Ethelwyne Hobbes 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Sheila Present 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Serenade to America 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 B. T. Richardson PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENODiSERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPER1 to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight fAll Times Pacific Standard) For reservation call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUFERT Hotel. . . 'arrivals Prince Rupert F. C Oreen, Terrace; a. Haug land, Terrace; D. Miler, Vancouver; Mrs. W. Boerstinger, Vancouver; D. W. Fowler, Vancouver; Mary Pavlch, Wells; W. Bowden, Sandspit; C. Heppner, Paul Johanscn, Vancouver; (Wels. Miss S. Fletcher, Glasgow, .Scotland; Mrs. A. Fletcher, Vancouver; H. Porter, Vancouver; F I H. Fullerton, Vancouver; Mrs. J. Latham, ocean t ans; Mary Martin, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O, Scovlll, Vancouver; D. D. Hunt. Vancouver; C. Buldca, Carllse; C. ,E. Learmouth, Ed monton: R. B. Cousins, Vancouver; Miss V. Ennis, Vancouver; C. M. Edwards. Vancouver. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What is one of the most cdral Saturday afternoon when improper topics of conversation? Miss Joyce Marietta Smythe bc- A. Discussing illness. Tlw came the bride of Sydney Alex-height of social misconduct Is to i ander. The rite was Derformcl talk of sores, pus, ulcerated teeth, colds, mucus, boils, corns, eczema, or other physical im - perfections. It is much better to discuss these subjects only with your doctor. Q. What should a guest sat to her hostc&s when she leaves a luncheon party? A. She tells her goodbye and how much .she has enjoyed herself. Q. Should an engaged couple monopolize each other when In ' public? A. No; it is very rude and implies jealousy. BLACKPOOL, Eng.. fl Black pool, popular Lancashire holiday resort, has bought a hotel which will be used as a school for hotel-keepers. Floor Sanding I have just purchased the latest floor sanding equipment. This machine is the most modern type, and will do any kind of sanding. For the best, consult Iff I I : "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" HEfRE AGAIN "Ottawa valley- brand All Pure Wool REVERSIBLE TWO-TONE BED THROWS Rose and. Blue, Maroon and Camel, Green and Peach, Rose and Green, Mauve and Green. WHITE BLANKETS Rose and Blue borders. Sizes 72x90 64x84, 327 Third Avenue Phone 775 "Offering 37 years of Experience in Prince JOHN GURVICH HALIFAX FIRE INSURANCE CO. Phone KLUE 610 A. MacKcnzic Furniture LIMITED has returned to the No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 Stewart Women of Moose Initiation STEWART Women of the Moose held their publicity chapter night program in the Moose home here. A class of three candidates was welcomed into the heart by Senior Regent Mrs. II A. SJewart. There was an excellent turn-out of membcre. Following Initiation Chairman Mrs. W. R. Tooth and herccm-mittee entertained members and guests with a travelogue contest. Miss Betty McAufay won and Mrs. Dave Geddea carried away the consolation prize. The special gift was won by Mrs. If, McDonald. Refreshments were served to about 40 ladles, with Mrs. 0?d-des presiding over her birthday cake. Kincolith Couple Are Married Here A Kincolith couple were united in marriage by Rev. Basil S. iProckter at St. Andrew's Cath- . g In the presence of a number of j friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge L. , Stewart acted as attendants. The bride is the daughter of Mr. George Bolton, formerly of lyansn and now of Kincolith. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander ASPIRIN LOWEST 12 ublt,t u Mutwt M . rKICtS lOOUMiti ,Tc A practical Rupert' CONTRACTING BUSINESS SIXTH STREET P.O. Box 721 Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Established" Since 1809 sal MAKCII OF TIME (Nobody's Children) MATINEE WED. 2 30 EVENINGS 1 AND 9 Hie Pioneer Druggltti PRESCRIPTION CHEMI51S PHONE 81 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOGJTB PRINCE ChonSnev ChoW 5 SPEC'1' CHINESE DISHES OUU Open 8 a m to 2 PHONE 1W FAMOUS RUPE1T P FISH Produced and Pwco PAUAhlAM FKH R COLD PRINCE RUPERT Company DAT. Stmf P -1 Wert Sit TOMORM Make-Up! PRODUCTS Limited SPECIAL C0NSII)K1TI T RS WARTIME HOUSING i, I'HONE- It. E., .(MONTY) MOSTADOB a COI.LART & McCAFFER'