jprmrc Rupert Dat'lp JSctos tD. Friday, December 5, 1947 n independent dally newspaper c:ea to the upouuains or Prince Rupert ind all communities comprising- northern and- central British ColumDla. I Authorized m Second Class Mall, Post OHlce Department. Ottawa) O. A. HUNTER, Manaeta? Editor.' H. O. PERRY. Manaelnz Director. MEMBER pp CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION? ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ity Carrier per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Tear, $7.00; nigSWft - j aiuuio wci rvr- tear v.uu. Russia Stops Peace ANOTHER Big Four foreign ministers' conference in London is proving disappointing as far as accomplishments are concerned. It is not accentuating the alarm of shooting war which it seems to be generally admitted no one is very anxious about having. On the other hand, it gives anything but reassurance of peace among the nations. It is quite obvious that Soviet Russia intends to continue its war of nerves and propaganda and Mr. Molotov, as the United States- delegation appears to sense, is even using the conference as firing ground for that war. Meanwhile the growing communist-inspired industrial and political unrest within France and ftaly and its admitted bearing upon the international idealogical scene is transcending- the Big Four conference itself in the news picture. Student Voices A Race With Death It was late fall in Windy Cove, an Isolated village on ,the west coast of British Columbia. The trees had shed their leaves and everyone was preparing for winter storms, putting up .storm windows and piling up wood.! Everything seemed serene except for the leaden skies whieh foretold of an approaching storm. Even in late morning there was an-unusual darkness. Steve Daisy whistled happily as he outtered around his trim thirty-foot cabin crusier. Steve hadn't a worry in the world. He had-a little cottage and soon he i would take his boat out of the1 water and settle down to a quiet carefree winter writln? his latest book. Yes sir, who wouldn't go for a peacefull llf? like this? The- restful state of mind which Steve was enjoying was not to last, however. Th; store- .iM.cj;r. uoa iawrence, broke it when he ran un to Steve with the news that his son,. Michael, had acute appendicitis. The ftcareet doctor wnc tivt away at-Safety- Inht. The only means of getting Rod's son to the doctor was by Steve's cruiser and unless they could Set to Sajety Inlt within a few hours, 'it might be too late to save "Mike." As quickly as possible Mr. Lawrence and Steve prepared for departure. Mrs.. Lawerence stayed with "Mike" below. Steve filled the tanks on the double while Rod Lawerence made ready to cast off, Steve swung into the pilot-house and'piM- u mrter ana immediately the 100 H. P. motor roared Into life. As the motor throbbed contentedly Rod pushed' off from the wharf. Steve swung the bow towards the mouth of the cove and revved up the motor. The NEWSPAPER COSTS THK management of, the Daily News, which is I probably the only business in Prince Rupert which has not increased its charges for either advertising or subscriptions in four years, has been seriously studying its own costs. Within that period' of four years our mechanical department's basic wage rate under union agreement has advanced just over 35 percent. Within the same period the. cost of newsprint has advanced nearly 100 percent and the end is not yet. Other costs, as any one who does business knows, have advanced correspondingly. Notwithstanding these factors, the circulation of the Daily News today is the largest that any newspaper in Prince Rupert has ever enjoyed, not exceDting the abnormal boom days- of the war. Possibly Prince -Rupert people do not realize the crood value and the good service they, have been gotting from their newspaociv at a price to themselves the reasonableness of which is the marvel of other newspaper managements who hear of it. boat forged ahead and picked uo soeed. With the throttle out all the way the race between life and death began. Steve knew the waters he- tween Windy Cove and Safety iiniei iiKe the back of his hand. The first 40 miles were protected and, by hugging the shore, the fastest possible speed could be kept. The 15 miles of open water which lay between, them and Safety Inlet was th oniv dangerous part of the whole trip. A storm could spring up at any time and make It peril- i ously rough. Once they crossed that section all would be smooth for the last five miles. Steve prayed fervently that the cross- ( ing over the sound would be safe and that their errand of mercy might not be in vain. The hours dragged by as the tiny ship purred along the shore. Steve kept, a close watch of the skies and the "glass." What he saw did nothing to ease his mind. The sky was windblown and forbidding and the glass looked as if the bottom was going to fall out of It. Rounding the last point before the sound, the two men felt the force of the wind strike the boat but as yet it was not of a high enough velocity to make much difference. Rod made fast all the portholes and lay loose gear. The patient was acting bravely below decks, although he was suffering great pain. Steve reassured Mrs. Law-1 rence that everything would be taU right although he himself was not anywhere near as confident as his word. I The minutes dragged- by as ' the storm approached the course . of. the cruiser. The distance seemed little that they had travelled and the motor seemed to drive the boat slowly Instead of1 the 10 knots at wftUch the pro-pellors were driving them. I Actually the storm struck at 1 the midpoint of the channel. It's unleashed furv struck with unprecedented fury. Sheets ,of rain swept the sound. The (Continued on Page Six) WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and' Recovered' 330 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE 818 ASK ABOUT I n U l M' C Prompt Attention CREDIT TERMS L U V I II J to Outside Orders If v y v V V STUDENT EDITORS Editor-in-Chief, Mary Mae-Afce. Social Editor, Yvonne Morin. Sports Editor, Charles-Forbes. Typists Jean Fanght, Herdis Holkestad and Frances Olaf son. Popular Gir n Grade Ten I in a recent popularirty poll taken in Booth School, fifteen-' year-old Mona Lykegard of Grade 10 was voted the most popular student in Grade 10. In making their selection the Grade 10 students were asked to oonsider such fsctors as athletic ability, manner, and scholarship as well as appear-ace or "good looks." And Mona admirably fulfils all these quail fications. ) Mona was born in Atlin. She attended MacDcr.ald School In Vancouver and later came to Borden Street School. In the October examinations Mona proved to be a first-class honor student. This year she Is also class president of Grade 10M. Mon'a favorite sport 13 basketball but she also, enjoys soft-ball and ice skating. After school each day Mona works in a beauty shop. 1 1 nv rxayrni roiai Bears Conning The stage Is set next Friday and Saturday, December 12 and 13, for the anual invasion of Prince- Rupert by the Ketchikan High School "Polar Bears." The squad this year is vir tually the same one that swepti four straight wins from the! "Rainmakers" last year. They are a big, high scoring outfit as their games so far this vear show and will probably give the Bo-Me-Hl lads a little trouble recovering rebounds. The odds certainly point to Ketchikan as far as these games are concerned as the "Rain makers" have a less experienced team than last, yjeat's .bays. - The students of this high school, however, have their own opinion . about the outcome of the gam arid, though they vary slightly, the general trend is that with their fair share- of break.-the "Rainmakers" "should give them a "battle royal." 1 froggy PEARLS LOCKETS CARVING SETS ThcPonular s;s. PR INC K RUPERT Sails For AND! I NTEKM EDI ATR POKTS EACH THURSDAY AT- 11:15 P.M. For KETGHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Book Early for Xmas F6r Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE ItUPEKT, B.C. if if V V if if if y y y y y w n y y y y I y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Gifts of Distinction! y U K O N K 5 JEWELLERS 1 J. G, Alexander) 023 Third Ave. BiueClS Booth M i Ethel and Bert - Today - By Archie Question: What do you think about sending Christmas cards? Answer: a It Isn't necessary but it's thoughtful. ,b- Send a person a Christmas card Just because he sends you one. ct Send one in case the person things you are. cheap. Question: How would you tie up Christmas parcels? Answer: (aj Wrap them up in nespapers. b Wrap them neat1- ly in Christmas paper. c Give them to the person tied In birth-1 day or Easter paper. 1 Question: Is it correct to send thank-you cards, instead off nt . . , - . writing uiaiiK-you noies lor Christmas presents? Answer: (a) No. (b) Yes. it will help you cut down in your 1 note paper, (c) People- like the personal touch of a handwritten1 note of thank. ; Question: Wnat could we do at a Christmas party? Answer: (a Play childish, games. 1 b) Whatever the crowd suggests. c) Have a complete list of items made up before the crowd comes. Question: Iv .t right for girtto go gossiping about a date she had with a certain boy? Answer: (a) Yes. b) No. c) If she does she might lose her boy friend, because he might be embarrassed later. SPOUT blGUUE . BILL DAVIDSON Eill hails from North. Vancou ver where, he was born on, September 24, 1929. He is a Grade 11-H student and has been in Prince Rupert since 194X He Is a star guard of the Bo-Me Hi i r r DOUBLE the drfi rlrntj must Le paid 1t allrranra if pontage ia unleriaiL Don't take chances. One lilieet of avera ge, 1 iglil wclghj Air Mail paper, and one light-weight Air Mail envelope, weigh $4 ounce or less. Tha Air Mail rale it JStf per Vi ounce to Oreal Britain, Eire and Europe. Afck at your local Toft OITire for rales rUewhere . . . have lelteri tveighrd when in doubt. Iliu.d by ovlhorify a Hon. Erni.t l.rtrond, K.C., M.P., Paitmoitar Cantrai 707 Announce withdrawal until further notice of service on Route 3 SS CAMOSUN Vancouver-Prince Rupert. Alaska Last sailing northbound) leaving Prince Rupert Friday, December 5. Last sailing southbound leaving Prince Rupert Sunday, December 7. emorial Schoo Tea And Luncheon Social Events Of Past Week On Wednesday afternoon the Grade 9M girls, under the supervision ofi Miss Anstey, served tea to guests who included members of the teaching and the following.:. Mr. and-Mi's. Hyndman, Mrs.. Hurst, Mrs. Uensmore, and Mrs, Farmer. The following girls acted'as- hostesses and serviteurs: HOSTESSES Hazel Tweed Jacky- Ratchford, Nellie- Pavlcii Swanee Holkstra. SERVITEURS Benita Windle, Dteon, Virginia- Clake Dorothy H&ixfen&chlld, Lunc-frcoiii Uy Nine-It' Bustin Ous luncheon to staff members on. Tuesday, December. 2. & At each of; the. three- attract- Madeline Youngman, Florence", iyery- laid Ublea were the fol-Nordjn, Norma Wilson, Eileen Jowing: Jerstad, Joan Ryan, Dorecnj TABLE-ONE: Geraldlne Proc-Paul, Doreen Harris. Jeanne, tor (Hostess) Diane- Gillter Meams, Joyv Peterson, Molly. Hosti MPi.n. T4nn iwuitiri Margaret Johanson Manager) Mr. Hurst. Mr. Williams, Snarl Ingalls (Servlteur) Gloria Mowin Miss. Ansteyls. Grade 9Bhome f (Hostess) Louise Mowin (Man-economics dass. served a delici- aser Mr. Evan& MUi McRae. TAELE TWO: Joan Adock "Rainmakers." and Is an all- (Servlteur) Iona Hardy (Hosti round athlete. His favorite past- Barbara Teng (Hostess) Janet time iihunting. He is the popu- Ralkow (Manager) Miss Anstey lar vice-president of Gamma Mr. Adlem. House and the inseparable pal TABLE THREE: Ginny Rlch-bf star! Jim Platen, This is Bill's mond (Hostess) Donna Petroff second year with the "Rain- j Host) Edith Johnson (8?rvi-makers." teur) Mr. Cleland, Mr. Ewald. 6th Avenue and Fulton Street Ladies' and Children's Wear - Smallwares ATTENTION:!! Our Christmas Gifb to.Oun Customers 10 REDUCTION on allt Purchases Over $2.00 . BEGINNING SATURDAY, DECEMBER TEENAGERS See our All-wool Cardigans S5;50 4. LSO WE CARRY Xmas Cards, Xmas Decoration, Toys, Smallware Agents for Slater Shoes mm 1 News House n 11 n Dan Kesu Gamma. Volley Its Thursday Junior Girls, won by default over Delta. III A .- . miiNG Mew!; I eacher St pJit Volie L. : Fr!. saw the ea. v. students ia Karnes r.f v handicaimM v,.. ' Unnilnf.CnnlAi. f I 1 1 .... .. 't defeated Beta 17-14. I 1,1513 Referee, A. affair- .. .. ' Hamilton. Scorekeeper; E. jor-l, 1 t;: dan. toR muv . ueieaieu uwia. i:ju. Referee, game i;i '- . Ti tl. o 1 I -"v-' 0! ""'""j' ocui c.e.-per( . rnain. arade 12 Wednesday Intermediate to win 1- Glrls. Alpha won by default over counts flfe now offer you a home delivery scr vice for Dinner Time and Par' Time. Just Phone 530 for any of our Car and Soda Fountain Items . . Mlxerj for drinks. l:i Ln ;new ten: v.: n0 'U Ik.,,).... ... I overtlnr ,,e IP YOU ARE GIVINO A PARTY COM2 U! TALK IT OVER-WE HAVE IDEAS. ut i uy nni-ie-in iTinee Hnnort .- p.m. for Iteted prices nlus 29P rieiivprv fv regular messenger rates will be charts; TRY OL'U QUICK TASTY LUNCHES Snack and-Fountain Specialties lllv VI V1 AT, HUS DEPOT 2ND STREET IF You Are Particular THEN CALL US FOR ALL YOUR PUUMDmn AND HEATING REQUIREMENTS Phone 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing and' Heating Second Ave and Seventh Street l'IHNI) 10S Give HIM the Gift lie wants . . comfy, good-looking- SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED P.O. Box 737 624. Third! Avenue Do You Have FIRE PROTECTION We handle Fire Extinguishers for any need ... GAS OIL-ELECTRICAL or GENERAL FIRES All types all. sites KIDDE LUX C02 EXTINGUISHERS PYRENE FOAMITE Ideal for. Home; Office, Boat etc. Call us for Information regarding your fire protection requirements. COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR RECHARGING ON HANI) PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coali Building- Supplies Painu Hardware PHONES 65! - 052: nil ! I 1 your boy and our ... I I I WATCHES I il 'I H, If yottfown a boy who Is old enough hs .oujit i own awatch. He UnT so ver; parU.-L.; vb.H Hi sertof watchy you know just so 11 1 i tcbl'H 1 what time It is erery time he vanr ' ) tr. t, a M which. U pretty often. B Wi:l.L, WE HAVE THE WATCH " 'Wtavwm alew as S2.9J ar..: c hr-fl 5 B A B some wrtet wWches as low as M.95. Th: asc a I guaranteed too. I g We have a very good strap wattn r....( B steel case 15 jewelled and fully r -i" a I $15.00. i M We have a waterproof 15 jeweUca o: " 1 lumlnou dial In the most modrr z?r.;. 1 ( a SZ1M.' M ' .1.. 1 1 . J it mLlnr, n-i', h f-ltH mmmmmm I ,um,nous d,Rl for J37. 1 LET US S1K)V ih w 1 1 A. Mackenzie Furnitui I' J "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" j Christmas Sugwslioii CHESTERFIELD SUITES BEDROOM SHI Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Box Spring Walnut Tables for every purpose urAmntf rtirn tirrfcrrwutr W1R SPECIALS ih ns 327 3rd -M r - I Haa. ORDER NOW! YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MRAI.S Personal 'Christmas Greeting Caras 4 t. s n - BOXED ASSORTMEj In New and Onpnal Vtm Prices from .'0f "I GIHT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN-Pj PPIMTiNfi COMFA tmtRD AVl g BE5NER BLOCK mJ.JI It A.M. TO 8 P.M: BROADWAY CA ..mrv nnSTON) Iftriivicjiu'. 1 Chinese Dishes-a Special nn.,ot Hall for I Luncheons, Dinners I'fl COS THIRD AVENUE Telephone w