if ' W CFPR Prince mipctt SDnily ttcUtf Friday, December 5, 1017 Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) A FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Ed McCuray rsrngs 4:15 Slock Quotation 4:30E.spcclally For You 4M5-Slcepy Time Story Teller 3:00 String Styllhgs 5:30 Music by Sammy Kayc 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 Deat the Champs 0:30 -Three Suns and a Starlet 0:40 According to Record 6:45 Recorded Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CUC News Roundup 7:30 Men at Work 8:00 Onc-nlftht Stand 8:30 Hoston Pops 9:0O-For Memories. 9:30 Mainly About Music 0:45 rclham Heath's Orch. 0:55 Interlude 10:00 CUC News 10:1011. C. News 10:15 Dance Orch. 10:30 vnl Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Oft SATURDAY AAt 7:30 Musical Clock 31 m i 8 a 8 0 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 1 Iff -CBC News :1.v-l'ick of the Hits ;3U Morning Devotions :45 Little Concert :00 IU3C News : 15 Records at Random :30 Music Makers 1: 2: 2 3: ; 3: 3: USE Bulkley Valley 45 Melodies for Juniors : 00 Time Signal .01 Band Stand :15-i-World Cmirch News :30 Concert Favorites :45-CBC News :55 Weather Forecast :00 Music for Dancing :30 Weather Forecast :31 Message Period :33 Recorded : 45 Personal Album KM. :00 Mid-day Melodies :15 Recorded Interlude 25 Program Resume 30 Polka Time : 45 Serenade for Strings :00 Announcer's Choice 30 Hit Songs of Yesterday 00 Musical Program,- Mont. 30 Musical Program, Mont. It's WALLACE'S Of Course! 00 Clearing Up the Weather 15-CBC News 25 Recorded Interlude Try a Classified Ad in The News Lingerie And - - House Coats To Solve That Christmas Problem IllCE Willi DEATH (Continued from Page 2) churning sea around the small cruiser was a mass of white-caps. The occupants had to hang on "by the skin of their teeth" as the waves struck the ship. With the land view blocked by the rain, Steve ran by compass. Rod and Steve took turns wrestling with the wheel. Mile by mile the mercy ship pushed towards the safety of the protected waters. Suddenly a huge wave covered the ship and before It could shake Itself free another wave struck. Water poured Into the i ii riit.ii iUa vonttlnt.nr. COCKpik UlIU uum w". v. The boat valiantly shuddered and I shook the water from Its decks! and ploughed onwards. The en-j ginc sputtered and coughed; I threateningly dui owve uuiaiv.. , It back to a normal throaty roar ! I again. I The next half hour was a nightmare. The crusler pitched and tossed flercly. dwarfed by j the size of the waves foaming around It. The timbers creaked nnd Pi-mined beneath the ter rific strain. Quite a lot of water had been taken in ana me uoai seemed weary of taking this severe beating. Finally In late afternoon, the calm protected waters were inaniinnani Table FULL of Xmas Gifts REDUCED for QUICK SELLING! Hand Woven Luncheon Sets Boxed Handkerchiefs Plastic Curtain Sets Babies' Pillow Slips Baby Crib Sets Children's Muffs AM) OTHER I'SttTL ITEMS Hollywood Cate rKlNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A-M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to S p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 1SJ 755 THIRD AVENUE WEST COAL AND SAVE OR Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED inannni 5! i GURVICH & SON CONTRACTORS Land Clearing and Rock Work Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections In 1931, observes sage John Graham, In Vancouver, things were cheap, according to the ad-vertlsemnets of that date, but no one could afford them. Today, about every article Is expensive. And few can do much buying, either. In 1931, coffee cost 47 cents with two pounds reached. Leaving Rod at the! wheel Steve took stock of the damage. Two portholes were broken, In through which quite some quantity of water had splashed. The engine room floor was awash. After pumping out the water the little vessel did not look too bad considering what she had been through. Mrs. Lawrence and Mike were none the worse although Mike's condition certainly had not Improved. However, there was only a short distance to Safety Inlet. In 20 minutes the tired and drawn quartet had docked safely. Within five minutes their patient had been delivered Into the safety of a hospital. This ordeal took, perhaps, 10 years off Steve and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence's lives, but what was that, compared to the life of a loved one? "Well," Steve thought, "I'll certainly appreciate my quiet life much more, now! A. O. Class 12B. ESSENTIAL SPORTS Properly conducted snorts, which teach young sters that they are members of. society, are essential, health au -thorlties claim. You saw it in the Daily New' Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and' Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 how Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Rasement Foundations Our Specialty TRUCKS - CARS TO HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 Sixth Street Announcing... RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC is pleased to announce that they have been appointed exclusive agents for the Connor Washer Launderall Home Automatic Washer The Connor name has proven itself over a period of years as being a QUALITY washer, having features second to none. Drop in and inspect one of these models on display. Your Connor washer is now available at Rupert Radio & Electric Phone 6U 313 Third Avenue Wot of sugar thrown in free. With every $1.37 sack of flour (49 pounds) there would be a pound tin of shortening. Linen tabic cloths at $1.29. Shirts were going at $1.10, with work shirts 75 cents. Caught, both coming and going! Well, we can't go on raising Cain Instead or crops and other necessities without Fifty New Subscribers Daily News Bicycle and Cash Prize Contest Bringing Results Over half a hundred new readers have joined the family circle of Dally News subscribers since November 3 when a new subscribers' contest was launched among the Dally News carriers. i Through the energetic efforts of i several of the boys this boost In circulation has been made pos sible. Leonard Leigh, who has brought In 21 new customers, has 'received enough In cash com missions to substantially pad his Christmas present fund and is leading, contender for the first prize a bicycle which will be given away to the carrier hav ing the highest point score when the contest ends December 20. Leonard's point score stands at 231. Advertb in tne Dally News DECIS30NS ARE BASED ON EXPERIENCE Experience has shown that good management is essential to the eScc tivc operation of business. This immediately po the question: "Where docs good management come from?" A recent suroy ! liown that roarwRement ha (jcnenlly come up through the rank from humble beginningi. In other words they have gone through the null and have a pretty accurate idea of how the business, or industry, should be run. As a result, this means that management is, or should be, sympathetic to reasonable demands of employees. Good working condi tions, fair wages, and an interest in the workers' welfare, the investors' welfare and the public welfare are all functions of good management, 7hti ivki nil ftaentei in tHu nrufrr bl iKc BnJuli CuiumbM ftifcralvon p T'idc nJ Imtustry O-IO riiree Ballings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3i pm- Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday. 2 pjn. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 pm. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight QUEEN CILRLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 23 Midnight FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November , 16 and 30 Midnight FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Ajent Third Ate. Phone 553 discovering something is wrong, somewhere. It seems all the guesses made as to how Cow Bay came to be given that name cannot be considered final. Only yesterday, a pathfinder -who has been here since 1907, said he knew for a fact that, during the year, dozen cows to Rupert on a float, George Phllpott brought half a putting in at the mouth of a stream that later came to be known as Hays Creek. No one ever heard of any livestock, with fresh milk on tap, arriving earlier. George had sandy hair, had an Instinct for agriculture, served as clerk for the harbor master and cultivated a garden in front of the O.T.P. office. Sometimes one can get into a Jam through no fault of his own. Cordova has no dentist. There had been one but he got Into a certificate tangle. Tom Sand- born, suffering from a badly-abcessed tooth,, rustled $100 to pay for a flight to Anchorage The dentists in Anchorage tola him that, It being Saturday night, there could be no dental service until the following week and so on and so on, They beg for them, DR. BALLARD'S : VARIETY : : SQUARES : Cuutenicrit Sue Cootl Variety fur all brnlt LOVELY LOOK ATI O COME IN AND LET OUR EXPERTS STYLE YOUR HAIR IN EX-CITINO NEW WAVES. PHONE 655 Helen's Beauty Salon 206 Fourth Street rrn I L J V CHRISTMAS; SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street, Prince Rupert A Announcing n 1 xxmx ...... .4, t ITP FLAVORED DAIRY nltlNK Containing i not lew than U ' libutteria . CHILDREN LIKE IT Order fram jour Wagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY I PHONE 651 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Be R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Are. (Near CFPR) YOU'LL FOREVER REMEMBER ON THE SCREEN ! Darryl F. Zanuck presents 2a CAPlf QUALITY FIRST In Tiiesc Style-Rit;ht COMMANDO CORD TOP COATS Latest, Smart Gabanllne Shades SWEATERS By Regent Knit. Palner Tuny Day are big favorites. HAR-H RANCiE IIICKOK BELTS, TIE IJARS KEY CHAINS Make Ideal Christmas (Sifts TOOKE AND CL'RRIE DISTINCTIVE TIES GREER & Phone RED 561 ON 1HIUKI HiiJ Til jl l if coming stl i TK BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Repairs Construction Alteratioj P.O. Box! KNOX HOTE A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE mMPI.PTELY RENOVATED r- ROOMS REDECORA SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSE3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM FESUT - STEVE YBKLAKS SE,T COVERS DEFROSTER FANS . c, i,,iv!c a i:oi) 1.1C UTS . LOCKING GAS CAPS Numerous Otluf Boh Parket Ltd. 1 tans iveve IDetei inttc ACME CLOTHING STORM 633 Third Avenut West ine liomr m r-ic BBKi t P.O. llax 38 Itu-J LUMBEE lit of F'l JUST RECEIVED a large shipment Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, ec Joim, - . . . I IrftffTP ilS1 Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, anu a rncnt of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. Al RFPT MrHAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SlW PHONE 116 CO.VL TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS-THEY 1.TS