4 t r i i k t I I i i ) t t t 1,1 f I Urincc-Uupcrt. Daily I3ctos LtD. ' Thursday July 24, 1947 J. LION CUBE BORN AT ZOO Without one smile among them, the four survivors of quintuplet lion cubs born at the Baltimore, Md, zoo pose for their first photograph. The fifth cub failed to live more than a week. Proud parents of the four sleepy cubs are Kansas City Kitty and Soux City Sue, otherwise known as Jim and Sis. Two of the kittens are males and two are fe-' males, weighing between three and four pounds apiece. TOY MONEY MAKER "TOO GOOD" Almost too good to be true is the dinky wooden money maker built by Jerry Jacobs, 30, New York City. Jerry got his inspiration for this "toy" while listening to.a radio story of a con man who bilked his victims with a money-making machine. He created this six-inch-high device which turns plain paper into money for amusement purposes , only. When the secret service heard of this miniature rival for the mlnt .it Invited Jerry to a talk with Assistant U.S. Attorney Laurltano, who pointed out that while there is nothing illegal about selling the machine as a novelty it isn't exactly advisable. A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS aKina a leave worries behind... carry Travellers iiies ONE WAY t6 ruin a perfectiholiday is to loseall your money en route! Play safe, Before you Ieaye, change your spare travel funds into Travellers Cheques. They can be cashed wherever you are whenever the.need arises. If lost or stolen, your Travellers Cheques are useless to anyone else without your signature; and you can afways get your money back from the bank. Use this safe, convenient way to carry your money- I FAMOUS TOTEM COLLECTION IN MUSEUM AGAIN After an absence of several years, the famous Cunningham collection featuring beautifully carved slate totem poles no less than fifty-five in all and other items of native handicraft has been restored to the Prince Rupert Museum, thereby greatly enhancing its attractlvesess. Valued at $5000 it was again put in the museum on loan yester-' day. It had been stored In the vault of S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. PIONEERS ARE APPRECIATIVE The men at 'the Pioneers' Home have asked the Dally News to express their gratitude to, all the kind people of Prince Rupert who never seem to forget them. Recently, the Sunbeam Club, escorted by Mrs. Beak, paid the home a visit and presented table silver, pillowslips, door mat and corridor mat.' They concluded thei visit by singing several songs which were- much appreciated by all. Since moving to the new home, the. pioneers are- being visited more of ten .and these vijitatloni 'appear to be- much appreciated. LOW VOTINGr AGE Suffrage is extended to all men and women 18 years of age in Brazil. INDIA'S AIR SEh VICES When plans are completed, India will have 146 airdromes In use operated by 14 transport companies. emmiscences Travellers Cheques are available at all branches. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA i PRINCE RUPERf . BRANCH " - - A. ,- FLATEN, Monagtr. T HTS A N D" T H A T "Hurry up. I want, to make the toast." HOTEL ARRIVALS Mr. A. B. Fleming, La Mera, New Mexico; R; W. Sinclair; Victoria; B. F. Hazelton, Ottawa; D. Dahl, city; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kearns, Vancouver; A. Samuel, Montreal; W. H. Williscroft, Terrace;. Q. Joy, Vancouver: H. E. Elling, Minneapolis; Mrs. B. Boynton, Yakima, Wash.; T. P. Webster, Pittsburgh, Pa.; A. Statnam, Houston, Texas; A. Blackshear, Houston,. Texas. By W.J. Reflections Mount "Morse, serenely brooding across the harbor, used to attract climbers years ago. The peak may do so yet although we have not heard of anyone ascending In a car. If you decide to start out; first ' of all know your shaggy- raomrt! It :can be deceiving. Begin the ascent near lhe site of certain cannery buildings up' the inlet and It wont be long- before the going is easier. You hike to the summit to see all Prince Rupert and theSkeena spread before you. Paste this in your hat. Don't go too far up the inlet. Otherwise, when you reach the top, from, another point of commencement.' you will behold scenery, but only more peaks. Rupert would be "over there," but you do not see .it. This is the circus season. Be lieve it or not, Prince Rupert hasy had big tent shows when there' was far less reason for suchis' display of nerve than -now-. Once, away back when, a dime looked like money, darned At an .alleged big top did not come to town, parade down Third Avenue and i bring up with a bang where the court house now stands. People .needed amusement and had no j particular objection to being mildly stung. For sometimes, a. shown can be so . bad it actually i is good. Prince Rupert has always been roadconscious. Even before the railway was in full operation, this yearning for a highway was. oorn. People discussed the desirability of a "road around the hland." No one seemed to care. a picayune about cost, necessity. or engineering considerations. Once, It almost seemed as though the public would get away with it. Back in the woods, opposite a point between the wireless sta tion and marine department' buildings, a start was made. But, It was little more than a gesture. However, "a road around the. Island" is on the way. If not partly accomplished. In one way or another, the past' 35 years witnessed a lot that worked toward fitting in with the early dreams of those who came, first HAY FEVER hiief ha W wm- -a. Ickly, mir l--by (hogtaailf who once uflered liom me. lUtawini, lrrilittd y. icchy ean. nd wlio tneucd nd wtwwl, cuuglied. ebuked. tpluttttcd cvrry yr. Now tliey tlffp, wok, fnl noimsf IhwU i la TrmpUion.VRAZ-MAH. Vou mcdn't tufltr Hy hc,n miwry. lk RAZ-UHnd (rl tlKielwf you lorif (or. 50c, It Mdnmliu. Kl NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention, to the rule that classified and transient! advertising Is payable in. advance at the office, at tlma of presenting copy for. adver-? 'tlslng. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the-Dally News are asktd to. assist the. office and respect' this rule by refraining, from , telephoning classified ECUADOR'S FARMERS Agriculture suDDorts about 90 Prince Rupert per, cent oi, Ecuador's popula- and Mrs. O. Brn7flL EIjUO"- Paso, Texas; G, McCallum, Vanr couver; J. J. Eairley, Vancouver; M. Chawrun, Vancouver; IL II ALMOST TWO-BITS Z Ti, T. , The monetary ' unit in Hun- t Church, Vancouver; Mr: and Mrs. , ,v. a i age. value, of 20 cents. ARHENETTE KIT ComciJn limulotoJ alligator in auorltd xooon of black, V? brown, rtd and Announcement PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES pv vt v.. AND Ell , Those taking part were, Ama- Seal Cove children had' their zons Dot Marshal. Jean Sharpe. elephant sale yesterday and It I Annette Windle, Vera Woiiden, was a big success. Parents and Hazel' Paulsen, Norma Mont-frlends gave It such generous j gomery, Marge Tattersall, Flor-support that all the articles j tie Uagshaw and Bernlce Hood. were sold in fifteen minutes. The sum of $850 was cleared. Articles were neatly wrapped and the fact that the buyer could not be quite sure of wnat she was getting added touch of delightful uncertainty. Of course it Is difficult to make a book look like anything else; I At McClymont Park swlmmlns j attracted twenty-two, although j these were not all the sarr.c twenty-two as were there on Saturday. The children are being made to feel at home in the water. They are being shown that the water will support ihem If they give it a chance and the confidence thus Rained gives them every encourapement to go on to further feats. In a girls' fastball game something of a record must have been made by. the Amazons. They scored 21 runs in an Inning. TJie adding machine nearly gave up! But all were quite happy. With more directed pvoc-tlcethe girls will do beer and the teams will be reorganize-1 so that thf-y will be more equll In playing ability and size. .You'll adore It th ntw Ardon.tl. Kit by Eliiobtth Ardenl It's tht perfect partner to liavef, '.Itltd with exquisite Elizabeth Arden Euentialt for tovelinest. The Ardenette Kit oiturei .you of beauty , ; , wherever you go I $5 ORMES DRUGS ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEAFOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND- MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Orders Given Special Attention - J. COMKK and JOHN I'EOPONES Proprietors i.i.ijjj.ii liiMirj McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. c. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 7) . Annette windle ana jeananarpe alternated as pitcher and catch er. The Alderettes were Barbara Moore, Roberta Paul, Agnes Macintosh, Lorraine Garvlch, Dar lene Olsen, Carol Moorehouse, Jackie Moore, Anita Brew, Lyime Nlckerson, Marjorle Howe, Jean Orimble and Dorothy Ilibbard r.. 11 rt ""ery vat ft,. 1 Anita oerettei 6. PrM. ... w'k FOR? ANTTftr ivt.TT nn n a. 't - bu :vi , ' aticiittfwvcr'! his wtv. .. ... . I er u...e- CANADA DR1 Makes Good Fool The cool, happy flavor of Canada Dry i juit the right match for good food any kind, any time, anywhere. It's deliciout . . . refreshing . .. thiril-quenching. We Rerve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED HUANU BEEF CHOICEST VECETAHLES AND FRUITS COMI'J.ETE LINE OK C.ltOCUtlKS DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked MraU Roast Cliitken Meat I'les and Salade Dalh RUPERT BUTCHERS I'hone ZI Third Ave. Wet CCM Bicycles Mru'ii and Ladles' Models Now In Stork The guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service. Mtltrld 'iimi WieneverYoureThit Hen A BIG t To Get Tomb Some Et'.::t t j Come i;i li HEAL 1 ti- "1 lie 0U I (Everything l including f c st. rhmu SI') TIME TO FIX THAT ROW Cedar Shingl1 We have Just received a large shipment of cedar blilngles. Let u supply youriiMda now while they f j PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. I "Serving the North Since 1920 n....t t . 4" . n..:ilinfS wijju j,umi)cr if aim JUI" ,D PHONES 651 - 652 Best Wishes to Superior Auto and 111 ... r opening.