rfnce Rupert Dnflp JSeUs Thursday, July 24, 1947 NEPALESE ARRIVALS IN LONDON The new Nepalese minister 'Commanding-General Kaiser, who recently arrived in London .with his wife and family, has a strong political background. He is the third son of a former prime minister of Nepal, and n elder brother of .his immediate predecessor in London. General Shlnglla; The Nepalese legation, which is at Kensington Palace Gardens, is the only diplomatic establishment in Lon--don where the womenfolk have strictly maintained purdah. ".But in view of the changes taking place this rule is likely to be laxed. This picture shows Commanding-General Kaiser's small daughter "being carried from the train on arrival at Euston station in London. Busy days are being experienced in the various Skeena River salmon canning plants on the Skeena River. This is the height of the tourist travel. Steamers both ways have, as a rule, most of the accomodation taken up and. often fares spoken for weeks ahead. Travel by highway and air is also active. Dr, H. L. A. Tarr. of the Fisheries Research Board o! Canada, fpeaking at Vancouver recently, said non edible by-products of CLEANING OUT ANYOX PLANT AH .Materials and Equipment, ..Except Power Plant, Going to Anyox On business in connection with the movement of materials from the former mine and smelting plant of the Granby Co. at Anyox which have been sold to the Steel Company -of Canada and are now being shipped through Prince Rupert to the Stee! Company of Canada at Hamilton, R. C. McCorkell, M.E., was a visitor to the city and Anyox this week. Crews are now engaged in removing the steel and equipment, amounting to some ten thousand tons in scows from Anyox to Prinqe Rupert where it is. loaded into rail gondolas for the trip East. The work is In charge of Albert Stone. 'B.C. Resources Co. still holds an option on the power plant at Anyox and It was announced recently that It was Intended to renovate and Increase the capacity of same. SOFT CORNS Corns Between Toes No matter how discouraged you have been, if. you have not tried JMoone's Emerald Oil then you have something, to learn. Two or three applications of Moone's Emerald Oil and in a short while the pain and soreness subsides. A few more applications, and you are on the way to solid foot comfort again. Ormes Drugs sells l6ts of it. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE SHIPS AND WATERFRONT fish are coming more into general use. Fish, he said, is being used as a source of synthetic f gg white. He also reported that Japanese are said to have developed production of insulin from fish. MINISTER OF FISHERIES ILL The Minister of Fisheries, Hon. F. H. G. Bridges, found it necessary in Ottawa, this week, to go from his office to his bed, by doctors' orders. Speedy Filletting Of Fish In East The Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co. of Boston has won the award for Food Technology Achievement through their filleting machine key to continuous processing of fish. Normal operating speed is 45 fish per minute. It took the company about twenty years and a million dollars to bring it to this point. Classified Aovertlsms Pays! - 11 1 , Railwavmen - Navy Win CCo-op and High School Defeated I In Softball With all four teams putting up a splendid brand of fastball, a big crowd at the popular Gyro Ball Park last evening saw Canadian National Recreation Assoc iation win from Co-op by a score of 5 to 1 and the Navy from High School 3 to 1. The win puts CNRA in a tie for the league leadership with General Motors. In the first of a double bill the last place Navy team won from High School in a very closely fought out game by 5-1. Navy got their first run when Dumas hit a two-bagger and came home on Turner's single. Gurvich ( scored a second run in the fourth when Kennedy missed his long anve ana ne came nome on Blaln's safe hit. Turner crossed, the plate in the fifth rnning for the third run when he hit safely and came In on Qroff's single They had six men left on base. The High School got their only run in the sixth when Hartwig doubled and came home when Kennedy got to first on an error. High School had eight men left on bases. Parlett struck out two, walked three and allowed six hits. His team committed three errors. Wesch struck out "our, walked one and allowed six hits. The siuaents were guilty of two errors. HIGH SCHOOL AB Symes 4 Forman ....2 Sharpe 3 Hartwig 3 Forbes . 2 Kennedy 3 Pierce, H. ". 2 Owens . Wesch NAVY Sparks .. Parlett .. Dumas .. Turner .. Grnff ...3 . 2 24 AB . 3 . 2 - 3 .. 3 ,. 3 I Gurvich 3 I Blaine 3 Aldridge 3 Meads . . ... 3 26 R 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 R 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 nign bcnool 000 O01 0 vy 100 HO x 3 CNKA WIN FROM CO-OP The second of the double bill was also hard fought. The Co-op got their only run in the sixth when Slater scored after he and Bellis had hit safely and Warren was walked. They had six men left on bases. Slater played a very heady game bringing off two neat bunts. He had two hits out of three times at bat. Pali-ieter had two hits out of three timers up but was left on third base when his mates could not connect. TviiA Pkhptrkfa L.r MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE CNRA was able to score only in lne Inning but they collected five in that one, and the team batted all round. Dunbar hit safely, Boulton was walked, Ratchford hit safely and the bases were loaded with none out. R. Duncan was walked and a run came In. Chyzyk was safe on a fielder's choice, Nixon on an error and Hunter was walked. Jensen, ninth man up in the inning, was safe on an error and Dunbar, up for his second time In the Inning, got his. second hit. Boulton was out, Slater to first, and the railway men were finally retired. But five runs had come In. In the last of the sixth a smart double paly stopped the CNRA. Warren took Hunter's difficult fly and then tossed to Slater who had covered first and Nixon was out too. Co-op actually out-hit CNRA seven to five but three walks by Slater and two errors by his teammates did the damage. He struck out 4. He got two hits, being very fast on the base following clever bunts. Pallistcr with two hits was the other successful batter. They had six men left on bases. They committed three errors. Dunbar was in top form. He struck out thirteen and had two Wts in three times at bat. Nixon was the only other player to get two hits. He got them In three times at bat. They had five men left on bases. Hunter caught Pallister's fly'and then threw tn Nixon for a good double play. CO-OP AB R H Slater 4 12 Bellis 3' 0 1 Smith, W 3 0 0 Warren 2 0 0 Ward . 3 0 1 Pallister 3-0 2 Postulo . 3 0 0 Yelland ,. 3 0 1 Edgar 3 n n 27 1 7 CNRA AB R Schwab 4 0 Jensen 3 0 Dunbar 3 1 Berner 1 0 Boulton 1 1 Ratchford 3 1 Duncan, R. .. 2 0 Duncan, V. l 0 Chyzyk 2 1 Nixon 3 1 Hunter .'. 2 0 25 5 Co-op 000 001 CNRA 000 500 Umpires: At plate Alex Bases B. Wlndle. League Standing W L CNRA 6 3 Gen. Motors 4 2 Co-op 5 4 Gcrd. & And 4 4 High School 4 5 Navy 2 7 H 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 5 0-rl x 5 Bill; Pet. .666 .666 .555 .500 .444 .222 I BUNTS The Rule Book Is Consulted He's out If he bunts on the third strike! Is he? The official FASTBALL RULES state, Rule 33, section 11, "A batsman is out if he bunts on his third strike, AND THE BALL GOES FOUL." What is the meaning of this? Well, if he bunts successfully it Is a hit and. if he gets to first base, he is safe. If he misses the ball It Is a strike, and, if the catcher misocs it, he has a chance to make first base. If he hltsJt and It goes foul he is automatically 'out. Evidently all the ball palyers, even some old-timers, do not know al the rules. Alex Bill, who Incidentally did a very good Job behind the plate in both games last evening, was quite correct when he allowed a player to go to first base. The bunt dl dnot go foul. And then out of curiosity the Official Rules on Baseball were consulted. The book states, "The batsman Is out If )Sec. 9, rule 44) the third strike be called in accordance with sections 4 or 5 of Rule 42. And Rule 42 is: Strikes A strike is: Sec. 4. An attempt to bunt which results in a foul not legally caught. Section 5 refers to a pitched bal at which the batsman strikes but misses and which touches any part of his person. So even in baseball a player may bunt if the call Is three balls and two strikes. If he hits the ball It Is a hit. If he misses It, It is a strike. But if It goes foul and Is not legally caught, he Is still out. SHORT SPORT A Ab Jenkins, established 21 new world's automobile speed records In a 24-hour rnu at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, seven years ago. His main achievment was the mark of 161.8 m.p.h. for 3,86852 miles In 24 hours. Ernie White, St. Louis Cardinals' pitcher, completed an am-azin; streak of three hurling victories In three days over the New York Giants, six years ago today. White was the starting pitcher in the first game and won the second and third in extra-inning relief jobs. EARLY NEWS I IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors X are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal interest are alwayj welcome. 25 "Build B. C. Payrolls" A Favorite Dessert ta a e Years Ago In SPORT July 24, 1922 With Sons of England and Grotto playing to a one-all tic In the Senior Football League, the idle Sons of Canada gained the Moblcy Cup by a one point margin. George Shaw scored first for Sons of England from Tinker's pass. In the second half Hynd finally equalized for Grotto. Sons of England Stock-dale, Darton and Lambe, Ed, Craggs, Kelsey, Manseli, Farqu-har, Tinker, Wiggins, Hodgson, Shaw. Grotto Mercer, Barrle, Hamilton, Smith, Hynd, Currle, Hill, McOowan, Campbell, Klrby, Butters. Sid Thompson was referee, with Clapperton aad Marks linesmen. In the first lacrose game of the senior league, the Sons of Canada won from the Elks 5-4 In a game that went Into overtime. Engineer of Public Works Is Transferred T. Willis, who for some time has been stationed at Smlthcrs as assistant district engineer fcr the provincial department of public works, is being transferred to Vancouver. His successor at Smithers will be W. Bottomley who comes from Pouce Coupe. Baseball Scores National Philadelphia 2, Pittsburgh 6 St. Louis 6, New York 5 Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 2 Boston 12, Chicago 4 American Boston 8, Chicago 7 St. Louis 8, New York 2 Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 3 Washington 5, Detroit 0. Are you seeking a little variety for the family desserts? Ice cream made with Pacific Milk Is easy and economical and the recipe Is on every familiar Pacific Milk label. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed NEW ENGLISH CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S "YOU It V II I H N I) i Y JKWKLKK" YOU CAN GET . . . LUNCH BOXES THERMOS BOTTLES and all the accessories at BAPCO PURE PAINT BAPCO PURE PAINT Is made In the west, to withstand western climatic conditions. This is hot theory but accurate knowledge obtained from close observation or its every day use on thousands ot buildings throughout Western Canada for many years. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. pre . "T6:''" nir I WORLD'S SMALLEST ALL-METAL PLANE- The metal airplane In the world Is shown shortly be'-C flight from a California airport. The 800-pound ffiil' monoplane, nicknamed the Cosmic Wind, was jeZ j built by a group of pilots, and engineers in the'r 1 win pe eiiicrru 111 new tvenv jur smaller plane P Engineer Glen Fulkcrson is getting Into the liny "craft Goals were scored for the Soni of Canada by MacKlntosh and Gray with two each and one In a scramble, the scorer belli? doubtful. The Elks' scorers were McLachlan, "Bumps" Oliver and Taylor with two. In a Junior League Baseball game the White Sox brat the Boys ScouK 12-8 eamc. Wi:.vs '"t-.f lb; W. Cavall-r 2j;b! p ana .ss. Ait Shockhrt uncnosKt, if. Sulnc Mil-- l. m..J,-. . - I u. Hiuit r j v,,i Meagher jr. w HaaiI Hall, rf. "A FOOT FOR LECKIE'S If it ha five toes It's n "foot for ami the iloMiirlglit comfort that W' ana craftsmen build into every pair (b5jQ 1um8 is one of tlic many rcaon$ 'luwKLf Lujcrs insist on . . . Eji: yiViViViV1VVJ'AV.VAWJ'AWAVAViViW NOW IN STOCK TIIONES 110 and 117 Courtesy and Service CAFE In Connectiot lua in 1 The Most DcDcndablc of All OutboW Blue Ribbon Champion - Mode! 1 i.u noitsiTownt POSITIVK COOLING POSITIVE H IlKICATWl .COMING SOON The Deluxe siiiRlc, with I'ullOM starter and full reverse. This is a motor we arc proud to dem .. SEE THEM AT RUPERT RADIO AND ELECT! how Available! LOOK FOR TIIK NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL CENTRAL 1 Weekly and MontOT - .1 for your con?cnlea NEWLY DECORA! Tumlmt Kk L1OEN0KO PRIM (ItenoTiW niONi " USED GOODS W f ItllV AMI ki ll. ENTERPRISE MARKET Phone itl.i 111 Third Av"iue It's Lwod buslncA hill Ymi act spec! roflln siblc delivery off1 favorile brand0'" from us. wdn AIRFPTft MrfAFFFRYlB MH-247 255 TIIIKI) AVENUE PHONE 101 FUEL AND mm.niNf! MATERIA