M: " S3I 1 171) IS THE GENTLEMAN -IN - WAITING.:: He's your Canadian Pacific ' dining car waiter. "Going Places" ' Is'In his blood. : ''' - That's why he understands so well how to provide those little added touches which make your train Journey so pleasant... swift service with courtesy... plus spotless It:E that bv order of r J: o W O. Pulton, made f of June. 1947. I was ;n ;trator of the estate v '.j'-pn otherwlne known J llcnrlette Jncobsen, de-' Bella Coola. B.C. huving claims against 1 are nereby required i s properly verified to : ti'lnre the 1st dav of after which claims t paid without reference of which I then had . ... v.. o -UbtTU VJ UIC . r vnr.il l . ...... . i. - 'r, mt it thp,r indcbtcttneM to me ,,TED w.:. 6th day Of July, A D. CORDON PRASEtt FORRES, o.;;al Administrator, '" ..:a Iipert, B.C. MUTMH COLUMBIA tw ,N PRORATE nM,r,M,rrii:R op THE ADM MI! TR ATION ACT" STB .... AND I IIAnA' f'i S? OF THE ESTATE OP i TAR .,STATE lMl'-.:.uhK tht by order of l' 20th , uaEe w - Pulton, made lne Last Will and ?h dlM I1Rrr"' "Vn. deceased, h n Z"? the 29th dav of Mav. n- th. wpre Rrantod to Dominic ALL . r. fi nni nil . i a. o fni.,-. .J lle re hcrebv reaulred or hefnM' -r.""i.:r"i' tl,. bP hi) rl ...lil . m "kr-WjiSi of whlch I then had nnn .n h1 r-t . PftrtIoa Indebted to the -Jn, " required to pay the Pfr '""thwith f lnebtodneBs to me I UsTrr. .. 11017. u lh'' 'th day of July. AD ?MiNI.0 EU0- Exacntor, P , Wllla Ray. linen, shining silverware, tactful advice on what would appeal to your palate. 1 PHONE 32 (17J) Rupert, B.C. To dining car patrons old and. new, he's their "gentleman-in-waiting"... one of the many thousands of employees who have built Canadian Pacific's fine, travel tradition. LOCAL STUDENTS LEARN POINTS ON RUGBY FOOTBALL POUT EDWARD IMnce Rupert high school boys working at Carlisle Cannery got instruction in the basic points of rusftiy football here on Sunday when they accepted a challenge from a group of Vancouver men and boys. Their need for instruction was made clear by the final score 20-0 for the Vancouver challengers. Although unfamiliar with the game, the Prince Rupert boys accepted the challenge In the interests of sport. It was. watched by a diminishing crowd of Moose picnickers for whom the game was also somewhat foreign. Rules of the game were modified because of a Jacx of proper clothlng pads, and the nature of the ground. Captain of the Bo-Me-Hl team was Reg Lavigne, while Don Salter, John Caldwell and Bill Lee were co-captalns of the Vancouver boys. The game featured two touchdowns made through two end runs and two passes, one by Jack Tatry and one by Jack Caldwell and two by Don Salter. Other members of the winning team were Bill Hale and Don Smart. BASEBALL SCHEDULE July 24-Moose vs. Watts Nickerson July 27 Smithers at Prince Rupert. July 29 Savoy vs Moose July 31 Savoy vs Watts & Nickerson August 3 Watts fit Nickerson vs Moose August 5 Savoy vs Watts & Nickerson August q Moose vs Savoy August 10 Watts & Nickerson vs Savoy August 14 Moose vs Watts ir Nickerson August Savoy vs Moose. Team last mentioned is to be the Home team. Classified Advertising Paysl RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize In rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service tor all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special, attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues I'll ON i: 5C6 Prince Rupert, B.C. "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINESS i nr O II No Job Too Large No JoO I oo omau EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING SIXTH STREET, r T i '.it T&duy in Sports Ptfrtcc nupm Daflp ftctau 7 Wr Thursday, July 24, 1947 1 l. Cnodion Pociftc trotn travel iali,comlortabl,rliabl.Th! b Ho. 4 In a urWi dtpkting Kmi of Hit mn who mok It to. MiTin: to (KttmMts : owapd charlton r fiv Klven that all mi-, ogalnit the Edward Charlton. T"lkwa, British Col-Ue 6th day of hereby required on ' ii;iv of Brptember. r send by prepaid ilar of their claims .lie underitgned ut T Rupert. B.C., ns ROll- II. Kenney. the m estate. ' "K "lOTinE that after the ' t to the Kxecutor will r tribute the nsftrts of . ..in', the periHiii en-r.:n intr regard only to which he shall then y 10th day of July. 1947. BROWN & HAnVEY. " for the Executor, Itat 058. - Uupert. B.C. (172) 1.1 TIT TKKME COURT OP Er- 'l ;if COLUMBIA , ' J PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMirtt. Tfl ATION ACT" A VTf-k niJ" UATTEH OF THE ESTATE OP KNOW;! A; MAGDALENE ; 'AKE (J; IP JACOBSEN, DECEASED Fastball Schedule (Men's) July 25 General Motors vs. Gordon and Anderson. July 28 Navy vs. General Motors. July 30 Oeneral Motors vs. High School, Gordon and Anderson vs. Co-op. The speedboat races held annually at the Canadian National Exhibition were called elf for the duration of the war six years ago. Deputy Oil Controller for Canada, J. L. Stewart announced the meet was called off to save gsollne. New, Improved Chase 6 Sanborn Coffee . Chtse & Sanborn have outdone themselves! They have made an even finer new blend of the world's choicest coffees! 81 years of experience went into making tins new blend-even richer, even mellower, even more deeply satisfying than the coffee which has won Dominion-wid popularity for Chase & aanborn. Order pound of this new im- roved Chase & anborn today! You'll love it! You'll call it the most satisfying coffee you ever tasted! You'll pass your cup for more! MOOSE GIRLS WINNERS AGAIN 'Late Itally by Gordon & Anderson In Ladies Softball In the Ladies' Fastball League Tuesday evening the Moose nine got off to a good start( scoring eight runs jn the first three Innings and holding the Gordon & Anderson team scoreless for four innings. The store ladies came to life and scored three In the fifth and four in the "seventh but Moose scored two in the seventh and the final wore was 10 to 7 In favor of the lodge ladies. North,, Thornton and Currie scored tn the first for Moo.se o'i singles -by North, Betty Hamilton and Thain and a double by Arietta Hamilton assisted by a walk and two errors. North and Betty Hamilton scored in the second n a walk and successive singles by B. Hamilton and Thornton. Three more came in the third when Thain walked, Arietta Hamilton and Laird hit singles and Betty Hamilton got her third hit. Clough then took over the pitching chores for Gor don and Anderson and held the Lodge- ladies scoreless till the seventh. Then Pavllkis hit safe ly, Kildal was safe on an error, North was safe on a fielder's choice, Betty Hamilton got on base on an erfor, Carrie hit a single and Thain-wai, on a field er's choice. As a result, Kildal and North scored. NEW, MPROVEP The G. z A. girls came to life In the fifth. I. Ramsay, Flynn and S. Ramsay crossed the plate They staged a desperate rally in the seventh when the Ramsay sisters both hit safely Flynn was walked and Duffus- hit single. All four scored with none out. Balagno got to first on an error but the side was retired without further score. Betty Hamltlon gave up four walks, allowed eight hits and struck out ten. Her teammates committed only three errors. Duffus pitched three innings allowed seven hits, walked three sirucic out one ana eignt runs were scored. Clough pitched four innings, allowed one walk, ave five hits, struck out two and there were two runs scored off her. The team was guilty of seven errors. Box Scores t MOOSE AB R H Kildal 5 1 1 North 4 3 1 Hamilton, B 5 13 Thornton 4 1 1 Currie 5 1 0 Thain 3 11 Hamilton, A 4 13 Laird 4 1 1 Pavlikis 4 0 1 38 10 12 G'D'N & A'D'SON AB R H Ramsay. I, 4 2 1 Flynn 2 2 2: Ramsay, S. . 4 2 2( .Mmalnih ' ar 'k CARLISLE BEATS PT. EDWARD 11-5 PORT EDWARD In a pick-up fastball game between Carlisle Cannery and a team from Nelson Bros., Port Edward, the Carlisle j team won by a score of 11-5 in 5ix innings. Carlisle players were: Bob Anderson, Reg Lavigne, Bill Lees, Bill McChesney, Douglas Shier. Charles Webster, Don HamiKon, and two players from Sunnyslde Cannery. KHTADA GIRLS QUIT LEAGUE With their executive finding it impossible to field teams, the Khatada club Tuesday evening officially informed the Fastball Commission that they were regretfully forced to withdraw from the Ladles' Fastball League. As a result, recreation director Nell Rcss, went into a strenuous session last evening and, after calling on his mathematical knowledge of permutations and combinations, not to mention un stated amounts ol exasperation, aggravation, exclamations perspiration and desperation. strsyshtened out the league standing and drew up the new schedule. Ladies' League 24 High School vs. Gord on and Anderson July 29 Moose vs. High School July 31 Gordon and Anderson vs. Moose August 5 Gordon and Anderson vs. High School. August 7 High School vs. Moose August 12 Moose vs. Gordon and Anderson. Duffus Richards ., Windle Clough ... 4 .... 4 .... 3 3 Balagno . 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 Menell .. 3 1 31 8 Umpires At plate, Keil Ross; bases, Gill and Hartwig. Ladies Fastball Standing to date! ' W L Pet Moose 6 1 .857 High School 4 3 .571 G'don & Andlson .2 5 "285 KHa'adas 0 3 .000 NEW BLEND IS HERE.' most satisfying blend you've em tasted SHAVING COMBINATION OF ALL TIME! MLJljfiTJlJ I. l Gillette !(S use - "t,:Jl f To speed shaving, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. These two are precision made, fit exactly, and give you extra shaving comfort You save money, too, for Gillette double edges mean double economy. F 1 ,s . Gillette BLUE BLADES With the ffedges ever honed! Just Arrived! SLATER KANGAROO OXFORDS $14.50 GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY" ! V-8 POWER ABUNDANT I I .1 I f" ble U N I I 9 SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest Ford V-8 engine, Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught Carburator, Heavy Duty Ford Truck Radiator, specially designed Power Take-off, equipped with flexible coupling and two ballbearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built in sub-frame. Bob Parker Limited P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, .Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing worK. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. II. LINZEY INSURANCE - RENTALS - REAL. ESTATE 212 Fourth Street (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE . .. , BRITISH RUPERT Company Limited Columbia IT f rf" :i