it par EWnrc Rupert Daflg Betas Thursday, July 24, 1947 YOUTHFUL'ADVENTURE TRAILS' PARTY VISITS HERE ON CONTINENTAL TOUR i "Adventure Trails" it is called and, by the sound of it, it concentrates enough of the heady stuff into G2 days of travelling and camping out to keep any student contendedly at his or her books for at least a full school term after it is over. It's the sort of thing that all young people, and most adults, too, dream about but rarely achieve. t That is the way Miss Madeleine june,' is one of a party of six Geller of Chicago made it sound Wednesday afternoon when she told of the tour which she and . on the Prince Rupert for Ket-38 other students from all parts J chikan and possibly, farther of' the United States are taking, j north. The rest of the party, 34 It began in New York on July 2 1 of them, will arrive in Prince and will end there early in Sep- Rupert tonight also by train, tember. and leave on the Prince Rupert Miss Geller, who graduated for Seattle, from high school in Chicago in Between their departure from Central Interior Terrace Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pjn, Saturday matinee at 2:30 pan. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY July 25 and 26 "THUNDER TOWN" with Bob Steele and Sid Taylor. "THE CONTENDER" with Buster Crabbe, Arline Judge, Julie Qlbson and Donald Mayo. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY July 29 and 30 "Private Snuffy Smith" with Bud Dunean, Edgar Kennedy and Sarah Padden. DINE AT PHIL'S (Formerly Skeena Cafe) Lakelse Aenue Terrace, B.C. BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courteous Service Proprietor, Phil Tetrault SILVER TIP CAFE CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS TERRACE, B.C. ' FOR PROMPT SERVICE .... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Cher. Trucks Pontlac Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Rough and Dressed Lumber TERRACE Agents For International Hamster Co. ' Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Wlllard Batteries Smithers CAMPERS Supplies delivered twice weekly to Lake Kathlyn. GOODACRES' SMITH ERA, B.C. (202) who arrived in the city Tuesday night by train, sailing last night CABINS Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp! (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C.J Classified Advertising Pays! TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace Logs, Poles and Piling WANT TO SWIM, FISH, BOAT OR LOAF? . . . Visit LAKE KATHLYN AUTO CAMP smitiier3, b.c. (175) HOLIDAYERS When in the vacation land of Bulkley Valley SHOP AT Leach Bros. FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS Free Delivery to Lake Kathlyn Tuesdays and Fridayi ... C80) New York City and their re turn, the party will have travelled across Canada to Alaska, down the west coast almost to Mexico City and across the United States back to the eastern metropolis, a distance of close to 13,000 miles. "Fun? I'm enjoying every minute of it," Miss Geller said eagerly. "Everybody else is having fun, too." By "everybody else" she meant Miss Magdalen Fullum, of West Orange, New Jersey who is in charge of the group. Michael ' Riesner of Scarsdale, New York; Robert Bateman of Kirbyvllle, Texas; Ronald Dubin of New . York and Leonard Ehrman of New York. All are energetic I teen-agers. ah are pan oi group a o "Adventure Trails", student tours I arranged by Jack Dengler of New York. Other members of group "B" will go directly from Jasper to Vancouver and Seattle, while group "A", which travels largely by bicycle, will arrive tonight by train here, sailing south immediately. The group to which Miss Geller belongs travelled from New York to Calgary by train, then by their private bus, which they call a "charabank" to Banff, Lake Louise, Waterfall Lake and Jasper, camping out in each of the parks. They planned to leave Jasper for Prince Rupert on Fri- day, but missed their train and 'had to wait until Monday. Since they have a fairly stringent time schedule to meet if Uiey want to see all the places on the itinerary, it is unlikely that Miss Geller's group will go any further north than Ketchikan. Fram Seattle, they will travel by train between the various na- tional parks on the west coast, i replace the one which was des-then south into Mexico, camp-jtroyed by fire ten months ago ing at beauty spots and shrines will be begun shortly. The De- along the way. Their southern tour will end Just north of Mexico City, then they will turn northward toward New York. Adventure Trails" tours are not new. They operated before the war but this is their post war season. They are designed for young people unpins in age from 14 to 23. Next year, according to Miss Geller, the European tours will be resumed which will include ungiana, fTance anu me Scan dinavian countries. inais a uip i rcauy want . to make," said misj oeiier. Is Reopening Shirley Mill A. Jacobsen Returns to This District From Prairies After an absence of about a year on the praries, A. Jacobsen has returned to resume operation of the sawmill at Shirley near Haysport on the Skeena River. It Is hoped to reopen the plant in about a month's time. Meantime, Mr. Jacobsen Is reorganizing with this end in view. He has been made an attractive offer by the Port Edward Cellulose Co. In connection with its Port Edward project and meantime has a market for all the lumber he can produce. The Shirley mill, planer equipped, has a dally capacity of about 20,000 board feet and employs some twelve men. It Is operated by power from a 100 h.p. turbine. Most extensive project preparatory to resumption of operations will be the restoration of the dam at Rainbow Lake, some two miles distant, which was mysteriously damaged during the past year. Mr. Jacobsen is leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver but will be back shortly. AIRLINE PASSENGERS Outbound yesterday after noon: Vancouver Mrs. W. Arm- ttrong, L. J. Wallace, R. C. Mc-Corkell, J. W. Reeve, G. Chaston, Miss D. Cameron and B. Klash- Insky. For Saridspit Mr. and Mrs. W. Burgess. Irtbound Tues day afternoon: From Vancouver -E. L. Harrison, R. W. Chich ester, J. ,0. Yendell, Mrs. J. R. Hall, A. Larsen, R, Nugent, W. Brown, Mrs. M. Armstrong. A. Klein. From Sandsuit Mrs Lund, Mr. and Mrs. N. Galbralth. Classified Advertising Paysl SINGER Klectrlc Sewing; Machines For Rent I Reasonable Rates TPhone 864 - Prince Rupertn Singer Sewing Machine Co. GADGETS HELP FARMERS CONSERVE TIME Farmers who figure out ways to conserve their time and energy by Installing "gadgets" that are short cuts in the routine of their dally work, have more time-to enjoy life with their families.- Lewellyn Mogan, above, rigged up a simple foot-controlled latch on the poultry yard gate at his farm near Erie, 111. Entering the yard with bucketsfull of water and feed, he doesn't have to put one pall down while he opens the gate, It works the same way leaving the poultry pen. TO REBUILD a LIGHTHOUSE Construction of a fully modern 1' station at Holland Rock to partment of Transport has called for tenders for the building of "a light station, dwelling and fog alarm station. The light station, built In 1913, was destroyed last September 14 by a fire which levelled it to Its concrete base and caused the light keener to flee in a small a boat. Since that time an unattended light has warned mariners from danger. The new lighthouse will tower feet above the ,ow tde ,evel and the complete unit will also Holland Rock Is situated 10 indude a two 5torey six-room Means Cigarette SWEET C ! OA dwelling for the light keeper, and separate engine room for the fog alarm system. All the buildings will "be of concrete block structure and will be built on the old concrete base. The light system will be a vpor llg'ht, burning either kero sene or stove oil, and its signal will be the same as formerly- -p straight flashing light, sea miles from Prince Rupert and actually Is the southern entrance to Prince Rupert harbor, which, for administrative purposes, extends that far. The new light station will have water system comprised of two large storage cisterns from which the water will be filtered for domestic use. The original Holland Rock light was built in 1908 and rebuilt In 1913. It was the latter structure which burned down Jast year. Check Perfection in CAPORAL RET T E S , .SAILS , HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 160 Eaat Third Ave. (Next to Shen ton's) REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINRSE DI8IIE OUR SPECIALTY Open.fl mm. to i .m. PHONE' 178 NEW BOOKS IN LIBRARY The fo!lLwin list of new books has been added to the PubHe Library: Fictl.m 'Wake Mine Maolaln' (Bay-nard Kemlrlck); "Vermilion" Hdwal Jones); "Kenny' (Louis Bromfiekl): "Tine Lonely Bride" (Anne Duf field); "The Magnificent Barb" (Dana Faralla); "So Lonpr at the Fair" (Anthony Thorpe); "And Never Ooodbye" (Rrfbert J. Kuhn); "Sassafras Hill" (Charles Allen Smart ; fFlanntsan' Folly" (MHburn 1 George); "The Scarlet Patch' (Bruce Lancaster) ; "The Old Lady" Anne Green); "Presidential Mission" (Unton Sinclair": "The Vixens" (Frank Yerby); "The Gilded Rooster" (Richard Emerv Roberts); "KinR.'blood Royal" (Sinclair Lewis); "Full Moon'" (P. O. Wodehouse); "Home Port" (Olive H. Prouty); "The Side of the Anyels" (Robert McLaughlin); "The Money-man" (Thomas B. Costaln); 'Prince of Foxes" (Samuel Shel-labarger). Non-Fiction "Iiralde UJ3A." (Jdin Gun-ther); "How Green Was My Father". (David. Dodge); "Home Country" (Ernie Pyle). Mysterie "Bedeviled" (Llb-ble Block); "They Can't All be Guilty" (M; V. Heberden); "The Gun and Mr. Smith" (John Godeyi; "The Preylnnt Mantis" "Nancy Rutledfe) mwyJZfmmmmmWmmmWmwmmm ml v&lrYT? VnH I I I m lLli3 TaJB II I mmm wmLj&fUMMM ml I HtT iJL )BsUL mU mmmh 'rrHHal V ' L'llJJJJJJJJJJJJJJB HE Hmi The famous Hot Dan Spoon with every Jar of.. ORDER FROM you GROCR NOW If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day casts of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street For That Party . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CII0W ME,N 7:00 a.m. to u:oo p.m. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and presilng and team preislnf while you wait. PHONE 640 - 220 Sixth Street REPAIR AND YOUR HOME CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs - Construction - Alterations Phone BED SO, P.O. Boi 721 EARLY ADVERTISING COPY TEA BAtS I Slack Suits ... are the things to rar this summer. They are well styled, smooth, rool and smart-looking. Sre them In a variety of styles, colors. Sizes to suit and flatter you. USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES EVEREADY RADIO BAIIll EXTRA HEAVY DUTY No. 38C "B" Biittc-IIF.AVV DUTY No. 770 "B" Battery MEDIUM DUTY No. 385 "B" Battery "A-B" Battery Pack No. 748 "A-IT Mlni-Pack No. 758 2-Volt AIR CEIX No. 2000 "A" Battery 1-Volt AIR CELL No. 1300 "A" Battery I'i-Volt DRY No. 740 "A" Battery ALSO Portable 'A" and "B" Batteries "C Iiiufcl Flashlight Batteries All out-of-town orders are shipped fx. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 RECONDITION THIS SUMMER! WILL BE APPRECIATED FI1 Kuprrpan rwl nevplnnlne. PncS'I Ine Portrait" Pn Fhoto Syi Pro'mpt Mall 01 Chandler and 210 4th St PRINCE BITCJ Three Sailings fl SEATTUJ (ALL TIMES ...vimllTSl' Tuesdays, 1:30 PJ1 cogum'" Fridays, 6 p" Saturdays. 10: KETCH"1;! rrldays, " STEWART "d " Sundays. 8 P , rilABH FOR MASSflyl ' June 27 FOR SOUTH V JUne29Mi FRANK J 4 prince ur- j Third Ave.