FMirr nuutu suiif juiium Thursday, July 24, 1947 Ltd., 8rd Avenue, Prince Rupert Brlttih Columbia. ..t.Bttarwr nevnira to ins uDDuiiaiuK uj rruue iiuDrn. r' 11 KUina nnrt hprn and central Brltlfth ColtimbU. PS cviiY : . -.int1M 1 A 111 M.-l ,1111 . . . - k 15C. rPr HU'iun. out. in ifwf irw, rP.,-L in.. Pr Ypr. ft4 DO. and Marshall Plan - TlTTMflT A 1 111 t t UI3 ur nu&aiA to agree wun um- 'rance on the Marshall Plan to aid i reconstruction carries away many ni , , I RS AGO !1, 1922 P.. addressed the II IV... L .... situation. WAS ft trnnnroi in- " o-vl 4 IVlttl 1-A 1 fl - UVMVUUIV.U lU W srvai disappoint- in mint. 1.11 was no market salmon, The can- buying coho be- ' ,1 .... -"'"ijcmiun irom which was packed se. i iiir - inn nnu in mil mm rim is i-t nw mi inn If 4n 1.. n n a - -nia4- Ait a. n . i . i (iviiniiv r n r riftniivirAn it i 1 1 U V. VV. - l . and r ranee must now take the lead nns or HiUro nc wno nave loineu tnem 1 ... L .. 1 1 J t. . . . -.11. 1 1 1 11 States, an economically anu politically ii ..i t..nM.. ...ill ,.,..1. l.',. ........ ,,lr l.t.wm tn f onntl'l nf IVin AT n i,r.l-i ri II (liuimu iu uitiiuuu ui iiiv; judicium Europe is recognized although perhaps III kTV:iclLi;il. AilVi CIA ,C CUIIL.i ULU 1ICIO ULCII "'... ..1! -.1- 1 ...111 t. iiiaiKUL iui vjuiuuiiuii iiuuii ami win L'li it becomes self-sustaining. This m- addition to Canada's general interest u : ;e reasons Canada must do her share in with the United States in anv work- 1 .1....! 1 Ti. ....... 1 fri' 1.. orit year for fire years. But this will be 111 iv 1111 ;i mi'.i.sini1 111 msm .iih'p mure war. ' BIGGEST FISH POND . 1 1 1 Lilt, J I I l.UI 11UIII11L. UUIIll (1IIV tt lli:i I. 11 - T.V 1 Tl .i. ?1 1 ! L'liiru ,i 1 ii'i nriMi 1 iil.t i ir t-nii tici? . 1 4i j u iiumvtiu . wo 11 ova 11011- jrests you? You don't need to feel rani manan on ixew nrunswicK 10 .. n... a ii....t: .ii 1: ..11 1 F 11 1 l?ll 1 f 5,000 miles. The Bay of Fundy alone square miles of fishing grounds, and .IIW VV.1I Will t J C4J 11IL4V.11 1J1 I W 1 . nrin TininiT nvonc i in run ivnct nnncr r?1 1 . ?i i m -n 11111111:1 i'i uv 11:1 vii 1 ii'i riwn iii inn inland fisherman, Canada s lakes 'con- . e 1. 1 ... Lf "i ' . 1 : 'Tl " " " u irL-isn w: ii r i n rnis 1 a nr. lshing you want, net yourself a hook f imt iroinir 'I ha 11 hnn ia hurn o-- o o' 1 .--. SPORTSMANSHIP LE OF WATERLOO, we understand, on the playing field of Eton. Since n il enhnn rio in pnn iniwt inn s hat, has fallen into popular disrepute, luence ot the playing field remains, lhe tntl nt nil nlruu-Ad ttritli iiiriititf ittu hance," and the irrefragable judgment, I II is 11 utmrroiri'iiiclim iu imr In o nn tner 1 1 nlf'tou nnn-iimr i Dfif.iin f nv tlwi 10.18 - waaaasi v . ' . 1 1 It . V' I v " mes can bring with them the pounds red to all travelers entering the coun- rvl"-V lllCiUVl 1M ItlCll IfllllMlO J J III ster Strachcy refuses to relax the strict ney will stick to their weeklv diiota of IK Z'l routs' wn'vfh nf mont. a nard blow to the spo-rtsminded Briton, VLlll li: 1. I III IIIIIMI llll hllllli:il'II III I I I I I a 11? II . . . f v. 1 nitty jiu nan iittti iw ij nuiio With mo my heart is laden For golden friends I had, For many a rose-lipt maiden And many a light-foot lad. acliey may bo putting an extra hurdle light-foot, litrht-fed lads, but he shows filous spirit of the playing field in suboi'-pnsi.derations of national prestige to the IS of tlio nnfinnnl oniovironov ............ ...IV.. ...J , Two money bylaws, one for $35,000 for construction of a bridge across Hays Creek on Sixth Avenue and one for $15,000 for repairs to Booth Memorial School, were passed by council with a view to submitting them to the ratepayers at an early date. July 21, 1912 The Bank ot Montreal, as the city's financial agents, came up for discussion at a meeting of the city council. The bank would not definitely state that It would refuse to sell stocks to city customers but was "tying the situation up, Instead." The Section Two street improvement bylaw, which authorized building of a bridge, passed the city council. 1 OSCAU FOU 8IR LAURENCE Laurence Olivier (right), who received a knighthood in the King's birthday list, is presented with his special Hollywood Academy Award for "Henry V" by Ray Mllland, winner of last year's academy award for his performance in "Lost Week End." Looking on (centre) is Roger Furse who designed the costumes for "Henry V." The ceremony took place on the "Hamlet" set in London, with Olivier dressed In the costume of the title role of his second Shakespearian film. THE RAIN We listen each day to the rain pitter-patter, We're so cold in July, our teeth fairly flatter, Dut, between you and I, what does it matter When the sun shines again, the clouds will scatter. We hear people say, again and again: "O Dec I'm so sick of this nasty rain : TTJ "I wish the sun would come out and shine "Whenever on earth Is it going to be fine?" Sometimes as I sit and look out o'er the sea, So many thoughts come drlftln? to me. Have we ever paused and stopped to think If the rain ceased to fall what would we drink? Supposing the sun shone all the while, It would n't -be -long ere .e lost our smile. Without our rain, what would we do? Cari you give me an answer? I'm asking you. Have you lived In a city? As you walked on the street The heat from the sun burned the soles of your feet. At night it's so hot you're forced out of bed, . In the morning youeel you are Just half dead. Uow often we wish for cool, fresh air, A rain shower to us Is an answer to prayer. The weather in winter is so very severe, If it Isn't your feet freeze, then It's your ear. So when we have given some time' for Uiought, Are we taking our blessings as much as we ought? We can't have our caKe and eat It too. Dut there are many thlags that we can do. We can be like the bird sings in the tree. that When It rains, he's happy, he's free. He knows the rain will keep him alive, If he didn't have It, he wouldn't survive. Perhaps, Indeed, with more sun we could do Dut has it ever occurred at least once to you: How much we arrreclate each little ray When the sun shines' upon us some sunny day? Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For VrttirotiTfi Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. . Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:13 p.m. Prom Vancouver-Sunday ss Coqultlam, 4 p.m Monday ss Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 11:00 a.m. SIZES rp CAN BE WASHED IN SAFETY WITH TRIPLE ACTION ERFEX THC CINTLC BLEACH SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Ml FRASER STREET Prince Rupert RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON). We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER nitOKEltS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 075 Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Serrice NEED FOR PUBLICITY An appeal for more publicity for the beauties of the Prince Rupert-Terrace district was the parting word of J. Norman Som-ervllle, Toronto Educationalist, who left the city Saturday afternoon by bus after spending 10 days here during a 10-month tour that has taken him to all parts of the continent. "I regard this visit as-a splendid Introduction to my next one, and suggest that you prpvide Toronto with more news about the district, as does Alberta," Mr. Bomervllle wrote Chamber of Commerce Secretary E. T. Applewhalte. Mr. Gomerville travelled as far as Smlthers In the bus chartered by the Prince Rupert Daseball Association to take Its team to Smlthers on Saturcay. "I found that the 05 miles of mountain scenery to Terrace was magnificent. The dense, massive vegetation is outstanding. The continuous mountains are stu pendous. Classified Advertising Pays! ). Local Lady Is Honored BURNS DAKE-Mrs. M. Skin ner, wife of R. . BKlnner of Prince Rupert, who sold one of the winning tickets for the Tweedsmulr Park Rod and Gun Club, on the time of the break up of the ice on Francois Lake, has been visiting friends In the Lakes District, where the Skin.' ner family Is widely acquainted. With her two children she was a guest at the Bickle ranch at Grassy Plains. Then, with Mrs. William Bickle, they visited the McDougall Farm at Tatalrose, returning to Burns Lake where they were guests of Mrs. Margaret Bickle at the town residence. An impromptu .party wa3 staged and many old friends of both the Bickle and Skinner families responded to the call. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Mabel Skinner and Mrs. John Bostrcm, while the visitors Included Mrs. Teter Olson, Mis3 Thclma Lund,. Those who dropped in Included Roy Chamberlain, Carman Nyeste and John Hart. Last arrivals were Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson, old timers of Grassy Plains, which they left tome thirteen years ago. With their two children they motored up from New Westminster. Excess Profits Tax Act-Standard Profits Claims NOTICE Recent amendments to the above Act provide that all standard profits claims must be filed with the Department of National Revenue before 1st September, 1947. All applications are required to be in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed by the Minister and the Minister may reject an application that is not made in such form or that does not contain such information. The prescribed forms (S.P.I) are available at all District Income Tax offices of the Dominion Government. All pertinent information required on the form must be included or attached thereto in schedule form. Tentative or incomplete forms or those filed after 31st August, 1947, will not be accepted. Department of National Revenue Ottawa James J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenue. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phono 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now In stock , Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOPSUEY CHOWMEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, TLEASANT FLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN 1 prince Eupttt Dall? jtfetos .... Thursday, July 24, 1947 This years' Styles - Today! SMARTLY TAILORED SKIRTS Exclusive Designs AND ' Materials AT THE Rosa-Lee Ladies' Wear 345' THIRD AVENUE WEST From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER rilONE 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 . P.O. Box 19S 1F 1TS ?ctzihti00i It's ICE CREAM POULSEN GUARANTEES NO SHRINKAGE INSIST ON IIAZELW00D PHONE RED 441 FOR DELIVERY A Jewellery Store Yon can Depend on... That's what we always want this place to be. We will not knowingly sell you an unsatisfactory article and will do our best to make right any defect which may turn up in anything bought here. Through long experience we have found the factories which make the best qualities. We try to keep our prices on a par with those of larger cities. We are always here to make any adjustments. T Progressive Courteous COMMODORE CAFE Good as the Best Better Than the Rest Fountain Service Banquet Hall SUNDAES SODAS MILK SHAKES Ice Cream Specials PHONEl 17 LUNCHEONS DINNERS BANQUETS PARTIES WEEKDAYS OPEN 7 A.M, TILL 12 P.M. SUNDAYS OPEN 8 A.M. TILL 12 PM. Official Appointment Geo. Dybhavn Prop W. T. Cooper Manager