4 i i f I lien he ujt they. have nothing iing loie but to their vl tliaim. "1 canundcrttand I labor union let. Ldrfncc Rupert Daily I3cuis LtD. Saturday, July 26, 1947 j; (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) ;; Wince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prluco Rupert, British Columbia. ' u. a. hunter. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRT. Managing Director. MH.MBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS V CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION !i Anlndependent dally newspaper deroted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert (l wuimuuiua wuuipruiiiK uuruieru ana central iirinsn Columbia. i! SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,, City Carrier, per week. I5c: Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, t7.00: B) Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Yw, S4.00. Economics, Christianity WHAT ARE ECONOMICS and politics anyway? They are ways of organizing society towards certain ends; unless the ends are those for -which man is made the plans will not work. Be-ore we can expect to succeed with economic plan-Xning we must have some definite idea about the nature of num. What is man? What is he here for? Where is he going? This is where religion comes in because Christians have a distinct view of man rooted in the belief of the reality of God . . . that there are certain laws which God'iias given to govern man's conduct and his relation with his fellows. We are now living in a world which has virtually lost faith in God and, consequently, has set, aside his laws. Those who have lost faith in Go(l have conseauentlv lost faith in 21 future lifp flU 1 11 ' i 1 n i aney nave noming to live lor beyond what they Hind here , on earth. Material things have for them become 'all important just at a time when they have become most-insecure and life most precarious. What we need most of all is better men and women., It Ls the heart that needs changing because we are at heart self-centered. This is not confined to any one class. The casual conversations in one circle would give one the impression that our troubles are exclusively the fault of the workers who want more wages for less work, and in another circle that the fault lies with the "Boss Class" whd want easy money. There is much "ambulance" work to be done, and this will occupy time and attention. It is made necessary because society, as a whole, has discarded, the moral. laws of God. At the same time it is our job to insist over and over again that we can onlv discharge our economic and political responsibilities as we regain, faith in God and recognize the true nature and destiny of mam - HERE AFTER SEVEN YEARS IN ORIENT! After spending seven years in South China, Edward Mah Chong Ghee, eldest member of a well known family .of business men. returned to Prince Rupert by air yestercTay afternoon. Ghee Mali, who hved here from the very-early days and received hi shcooling in the city from the, nrst, intends now to remain In Prince Rupert, He has many in teresting experiences to tell of I OVER THE 1 I FENCE "Here, a quote for you," uid.tbe old tuwr M lie Waned, on the hick fence. "It read: -The philosophy of Com' omnium and the philosophy of organized labor, can not be liaramnued. One u oeMmctive. The other it coratructive. " "Who aid ft? Some f jjcist, as the Com. munisu call them? No. it wai the Inter-national Ataociation of Bridge, Structural nd Ornamental Iron Worker, an A.F.L. union. "To me it makei aw. What!, the aim of organised, labor? T j get con. tattly better wagea with more buying power, and corntintly. better working condi ttona. Organized labor want to make people happier, more contented. Jt want$ to enrkh.the livet of workiot men and women. Don't we all? !oe.tl,6 Communi" "nt that? Nit What he wanti ino create ducootent, latttrntst and trouble to bring nearer the day of revolution. HtVJ rather ice ;.. .reoplt out on mike than wotkioe ing happily. He'd rather aee them poverty'ttneken than comfortably ' LouieJ, fed. and tlothed, so they win believe him - tint; a Copmunu in, n, a member, if ' he Icavei hit, political ideat ouuide, 1 c't unJeriUnd any union letting : Commuouu run iu affairi. It itut iw't lentible. 'The aimi o Commurutm and the iim st organised labor lion't.mu. any. better llun oil and water. They don't mix -.period." (luffing a bit. trie old timer resumed bit Z. , . wofniog. coait.tutiorul. ' . (Tnt JJ tima'l mwt ctl hreuntei m jhu. gfiptywr etch week unler At. fxr.ijffr.Sfp tf tke Britiik Columbia FcitrttuM el Tltie.tni InJuttry). life in the Orient during' the' height of the war years. He was" engaged in business in, pong Kong when the Japanese 'captured that city. About a ;month after the fall ot Hotrg Konf;. he made his way to Canton. He? also spent some time in the, Portu guese-owned city ofMacoa. Hu would nave been here sooner but for the restrictions cf Pacific travel, during and since the war. He notes many changes in Prince Rupert. HAY FEVER Relief hat been won- -o, I-Uy.iafrlvliih..,..i. , , "i.tiuiiurM c. r r year, iow , llr tlftp, work. M normal-AjHnkt to !l,iyr.r7"n!'"'ty T.teRAZ-MAH and lg" Uw relief you long i,. r. iOt.llat'lrugglsli.R.I I THIS AND THAT iirn. -s I The Ccorge Mkllkew Atiimt Smirc, 1m. "She has her own inter-ci:j;municatlons system for when the dishes are ready to dry." LETTERBOX DISGUSTLD MOTHEK Editor, Daily News. May I, through your paper register my disgust at the appalling condition of our roads and sidewalks. If ever our city fathers had tried to push a baby carriage over these thorough-Tares (Alfred Street, for example) every day, I'm sure thev would expedite the repair work. Why can't we have gravel paths instead of stony trails and broken down plank walks? And .con crete roads instead of pot-holes and bumps? Let's get modern! The other dav. mv nnnr niri buggy gave up the ghost after only a year's use, and the back axle broke with a weary siah. So my young son and. I were temporarily grounded until it was fixed. J should, send the repair bill to the city council, but mavtoe none of them are mothers, so they wouldn't understand .After all, jwe young toothers NOTICE1 TO TAXPAYEltS " "City faxes',;Geheral and Local Improvement, are . due, and pay-abXat the City .Hall, on o'r.befpre July 31st 1947. after that date ,ilve per added. cent penalty will be H. M. Foote, Collector. U14) are raising Prince Rupert's future citizens and are tax payers, so aren't we entitled to a bit of Consideration? My mother bounced me along these road ways when I was a baby, and new I bounce my young son along. It's getting mighty tiresome, believe me! Come on, Rupert, wake ud and 'fix our roads, so we can be boosting our city Instead of apologizing for it. Visitors wonder why we put up with such roads..And so do I. "One of Many Disgusted Young Mothers." Mr. and Mrs. J. Pinniger and daughter laftV train last nisrhi for Vanderhoof. After a briei visit there they will proceed to Stuart Lake where they will :spend two weeks vacationing. due to (I0 UIDKIIIKM, HI, VJ&Sm 'iiotwui Home, nsa 1 Sue.' MMtMU. HUHItt. MmV S-?77 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE The Most Dependable of All Outboards! j; Blue Ribbon Champion - Model U ' S 1.2 HORSEPOWER POSITIVE COOLING - POSITIVE LUHRICATION ' COMING SOO.N-Tlie Deluxe single, with Pull-O-.Matlc J starter and full reverse. This is a motor we are proud to demonstrate. ;! SEE THEM AT j! RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 3 A oii; Available! LOOIC FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS REPORTORIAL EXPERIENCES (W. J. R.) A chance visitor, this week, ylewed Prince Rupert and said he found a similarity to Montreal. He meant it too. But what he had In mind was topography. But It stops there. When Prince Rupert ls about three centuries old the likeness will be nearer the truth. Montreal has a background a mingling ot history and big ibusl uess the blending of education and contrasting cultures, cos.no I polltan point of view, church and art, and a certain tolerance and breadth no ether Canadian city has. Criticism is accepted as a matter of course. Old "Moreal' Is sufficiently populous and ven erable not to worry, and seems to thrive on it. Life in the Herald office years ago gave one an insight into af fairs. Assignments sent men into all sorts of places any old time and under varied circumstances. Some were pleasant as well as memorable. The Montrealers? The new comer, more especially if he hailed from another province, might risk concluding He was in an alien town and the quicker he picked up an extra language the more rapidly the feeling would "wear away. Widened knowledge made residence a more full and comfortable exlst- i ence. And certainly, more under standable and interesting. Asscciatlo'ns, fr!iCs'hips were easily cultivated in a centre where an undercurrent of amiability even gaiety seemed to belong. The Herald office stood, at that time, in Victoria Square firm where one looked across to Beaver Hall Hill winding IU way up to St. Catherine Street, the shopping hub. Members of the staff were lusty fellows who knew their town and began their weekends, Saturday mornings. "Fitz" was there "Fitz" the cartoonist who passed away, years later, while employed on the Vancou ver Province. His brother George Fltzmaurlce, lived In Prince Rupert in early days, and died here. Another of the writing crew was B. Ki Snndwell, dramatic critic, new of Saturday Niht, who once dropped in at Prince Rupert and gave an address here. Montreal lias a mountain rising behind her streets and squares. So has Prince Rupect a point of similarity, so to speak. But here, there is no illuminated cross shining on Its summit the night through. In that respect, there is a difference. Classified Advertising Pays! HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FKASEU STREET Phone Black 823 pieiettti. fan ifrecUd AHDEIVETTE KIT Comet in umuhltd alligator in aitorltd cooun of black, brown, rd and blua. You'll adore it tho new Ardenetto Kit by Elizabeth Ardent It'i the perfect partner to travef, Mtted with exquiiite Elizabeth Arden Enentialt for tovelinesi. The Ardenette Kit aiiurei you of beauty , , . wherever you go I 5 ORMES DRUGS TOM McKEOWN Sun Life of Canada Residence Phone Clue 246 No. G Smith l.lock ; I Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phono iOB PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for (iENKIIAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC IIELCO HEAT OIL BUHNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS new In stock Large Slock of Plumbing Supplies Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO C, A.M. Speuial. Dinner Every Sunday -5 pan., to 8 p.m. , i; CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATEH TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD A V E N U E, WE ST' KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOM8 REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: proprietors: TOM TOM PESUT PESUT STEVE STEVE VKKLAKN VRKLAKN Dun Lire rssuranrof OF CANADA Extends the Facilities of the National Housing! To Prospective Hume Owners In PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. All inquiries should lie mad at the offi,(j S. D. JOHNSTON CO. UD, a. I t t iteiM i-tiuii- insurance I' luancial Aju I PHONE 130 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C 617 2 it j I From Thin Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per. tun MINI! RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 This years' Styles Today! SMARTll TAILORS SKIH Exclusive Ddi AND Material AT THE n i ii-) n I I Mfl-I I . I I Ml III . 1 il 345 THIRD AVENUE WEST AVAV.WV.VAW1,AV.V.V.ViV.V.V.'W NEW HOI HOTEI A Home Away Tat Rates lit V bO Room, Hot & water f rUNUE. nuri'. Phone 281 PA A k A m mm . m ft w -m w maw rm u d r w il iu V M M j a m wr g p LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVLRY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIQHT I . mm m. l-A 1 POULSEN GUARANTEES NO SHRINKAGE INSIST ON HAZELW)OD Proj;rSHive rilONE KW FOR DKLIVER tiood as the Best Better Thau the Fountain Service Unwind SUNDAES SODAS MILK SHAKES Ice Cream Specials PHONE 17 .. vfH WEEKDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. Tlli 12 p!' SUNDAYS OPEN 8 A.M. TILL 12 P1' Official Appointment nil i r il l nieni i i ' " ' iianv lipnvrrv srrvir i ill it-ill ' v-immmFi . .f VVLl LHUU.I I ' II Prop iJTt JVW""" m . i ill mnm bhrmbmk m ! i III I