6 B B n r K! B H B B U a m u B B B n a a B a n u ft B U B a a B B a n a n n B n B a a (i D B H B a B B B B B B B u IB t ..ESSmn Prince Ruuttt Oailp: 33cU)0 Saturday, July 26, 1947 Waterfront Whiffs Dissatisfied With Pay, Fishery Patrol Men to Quit Final Date For Halibut Season Closing. Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write -City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUFERT Unless their pay checks for July come up to what they have agreed to demand, crews of fishery patrol boats in Prince Rupert area will quit their jobs as a body, it was stated yesterday afternoon by Robert Frizzell, spokesman .on their behalf. Frizzell said that some fifty to sixty such employees were in volvcd in the walk-out agree roent. He said that checks were today running $27 per month Ices than last year and. despite aepeatcd representations seeking that the cut at least be restored and promises of redress by departmental officials, nothing had been done and the checks were still .coming in at Ihe lower figure. During the war there had been a bonus for the ffchery patrol men but this has might as well quit and take clher Jot." Skipper Robert E. Bennett, who cleared his 20-foot motor-sailer "Gone Again" for Ketchikan yesterday afternoon, began sailing the Pacific coast waters at the age cf 13 when he built a 17-foot saifiooat and cruised the waters of Puget Sound. Since then muoh of Robert Bennett's time has been spent afloat on the salt since- been discontinued. Skip- j water. IDs interest and know-pers are now receiving $142 a j ledge in navigation and his fam-montti and engineers, $138. They iiiarity with Puget Sound earned are subject to 21-h0Ur call and' him a skipper's berth aboard a there Ls no overtime provision. Coast Guard patrol boat during fays Frizzell, adding: "We have the Second World War. The been underpaid for years. We "Gone Again." whose heme port Is Oak Harbor on Whldby Island, 90 miles north of Seattle, carries a crew of two, made up of the skipper's wife and Mr. Dorward. The "Gone Again" left its home waters early in July and made a leisurely passa.se up the coast calling at Sidney, Nanaimo, and Bella Bella. Skipper Bennett said the trip had been spendid so far. Fine weather has accompanied them all the way and they have been accorded excellent treatment wherever they I have had occasion tccall. After I a short visit in Ketchikan, the "Gone Again" will return to Prince Rupert enroute home. On the way back Skipper Bennett f.aid they would take almost a month to explore the B.C. coast and possibly try their hand at falmon fishing in'Qiese waters. A Campbell Church charter yacht, with a party of people, prominent in United States mid west affairs, is cruising the coast from Juneau to Vancouver. It will be oct for more than a fortnight. The yacht is the Deer-leap and those on "board include IRay Ryan, head of an Indiana oil company, Alfred Strauss, part owner of the Franklin Park Hospital in Chicago, Harry O'Shea, Chicago industrialist, and E. Burke cT New York and Miami. The Deerleap ls expected to put in at Prince Rupert In the course of the cruise. HEAVIEST PENALTY YET HANDED OUT The heaviest penalty ever 'i vied E?ainst a halibut skipper iBaBainiBaiiRBriBinBBBiDaiaBiiiaiiiiiiii RUPERT PEOPLES STORE resses Values to $20.00 HERE'S HOW IT WORKS. Pick out any two dresses. If both dresses are the same price, pay for one only v. and take the.other one free. If the prices are different, pay for the highest price one only and take the second dress free. Either way you get a second dress entirely free of charge. ' NO EXCHANGES CASH ONLY Also Coats - Suits - Hats - On Sale Sale Ends Saturday i RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs . Construction Alterations Thone RED 561 P.O. Box 721 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Mi FRASER STREET Prince Rupert For Your Eating Pleasure Broad way (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE-OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 AM. to 1:30 AM. PHONE 200 for Infraction of the International FGrTery Commission Reg ulatlon was handed out to Olaf Anderson, master of the halibut boat Miss Margot, by Magistrate W. D. Vance In oolice court Fri day when he was fined $800 pluq confiscation of 12,000 pounds of halibut caught. under a black-cod license. The case was the third halibut fishery prosecution on the west coast this season and followed closely the conviction cf Capt. Emll Petersen of the Clipper II, who was fined $300 by the same magistrate on a charge of fishing halibut In Area Two under an Area Three clearance. The Clipper n's catch of 9,000 pounds also was confiscated. The Miss Margot was apprehended off Langara island by Capt. C. VTT Earnshaw Cf the fisheries patrol vessel Kltl-maat on Wednesday. It is said to be the- first case in which u vessel was actually caught at sea In violation of the regulatipns. The fine handed down by the magistrate Is also said to be the biggest ever levied In such a case. In the case of the Clipper II, Capt. Petersen was fined for fishing halibut In Area Two, which is now closed to halibut fishing, while under clearance to fish In Area Three. This case, which Immediately preceded the prosecution of Capt. Anderson, was the second this season. The first occurred at Victoria where r.n American vessel was caught in Canadian waters. Maximum nenaltlfs nrnvlHprf by the regulations for Infractions ire $1,000 fine or 12 months in jail, plus confiscation of .the ves sel and equipment. Announcement on Thursday of the closing of halibut Area Three on August 17 sets the date for the termination of the shortest halibut season on record. Since the opening of the .season on May 1, 109 days will have elapsed when it closes. This means that the season's cniota for both areas, about 53,003.000 ; pounds. Is being caught each I year -in a shorter and shorter period, and poses the problem1 for fishermen of finding employment for their; boats during the rest of the year. Last year Area Three closed two days later-August 19. In the early davs wnen the season extended the vear-round, or even later when it lasted from March to Novem ber. halibut men and vessels' were kept occupied, profitably or otherwise, at the one type of fishery for theereater portion of the year. Now, however, It las changed. Halibut men are ither faced with the problem if tying- their bos: un-for nine months a year, or 'going trolling-, ilack codding or perhaps, tuna, ishing. With the price of black od and the uncertainty of tuna ishing, it ls quite a problem. Since the Area Three halibut tarted to be' delivered shortly 'iter the middle of June, land- tvzs have been fairly reeular. Vanglng between 100,000 and 250,- jvo pounds dally. There have. however, been some days when here were Ho arrivals During he last five weeks, halibut land- id from Area Three has totalled ,322,000 pounds. This Is more han a million pounds greater han landings afthe same date rom Area Three In 1946. Bulk of the Prince Rupert andings have been from the Prince Rupert and Vancouver boats which far outnumbered he Canadian boats in Area Three last year. More than 70 vessels of Canadian registry leared for Area Three this sear son. An added factor in shorten ng the season was the rush of Seattle boats to Area" Three af ter the termination of the dispute between the owners and fisher men early this month. However, lad the Seattle fleet been oDer- ating during the whole season. ioth areas might have been :losed by this time. Halibut landings at Prince Rupert this year from the reztf- '.ar halibut boats total. 10,350,000 pounds, a reduction of almost 2,000,000 pounds under the same cerlod last year. Area Two landings this year were 7,028,000 pounds while Area Three .landings to date have been 3,322,000. Last year, 12,129,500 pounds. SOCKEYE FISHING DISAPPOINTING Sockeye salmon fishing on the north coast so far has been relatively dlsappolntlng'Tn all areas. At River Inlet, probably the best seine district, catches have . been decreasing all week, Seine catches on Monday wert 150 fish per boat, average, dropping to J30 on Tuesday, and continuing to slide downward until Friday, f.'hen they were only 80 fish per boat. Seining In. the Naas-River area has been so unsatisfactory that practically all vessel. have moved farther south. Glllnetters on the Skeena have been averaging 25 to 30 fish Gaily, and only slightly better on the Naas. Seiners which left the Naas River mainly went to Butedale where they have been getting about 150 flfh. daily.' The Bella Bella and Bella Coola seining areas open for salmon on Sunday at midnight, according to an announcement by the fisheries department. The converted navy falrmile patrol boat Princess Louisa Inlet, now a luxury cruiser belonging to the Malibu Club at Princess Louisa Inlet, stopped briefly In port here Thursday afternoon, heading south after a. cruise to Ketchikan with nine passengers. The vessel probably wHl be making frequent cruises up the coast this season. It was Union steamships afternoon again yesterday a the local waterfront. Arriving at 12:45 noon was the steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, from Vancouver and coast cannery points. She sailed at 5 pjn. on her return soutih. At 3:30 the Cassiar, Capt. Lome Oodfrey, arrived from Vancouver via the south end of Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed at midnight for Massett Inlet whence she is due back tomorrow morning. The Camosun, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived at 4 pjn. from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and sailed at midnight for Ketchikan whence she is due back here this evening southbound. Mrs. Edna Maxted of Terrace was a recent arrival in Prince Rupert Tor treatment at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, bein;: accompanied on the trip to the oast by her sister Mrs. F Woodrow fitUNUHJM ran INSULATION 9o of all radiated heat from the Mz.ling Hummer's sun is rcllecled like a mirror ly the pleaming, crumpled xurfuceofAlfol Aluminum Foil Insulation. Exhaustive authoritative tests show conclusively Mint Allol crumpled aluminum foil insulation is 2 times more efficient than ordinary halt-type insulation in stopping the dotn- vnrd flow of nuninirr ...... . lical. Allol prevents lieat X&'ZTT'J'.'mi --i,-A conduction hy creating Additional air spaces. insulation this Hummer. Your home can ho 15 degrees cooler anil at the same time proportionate fuel savings and comfort uro jours for the winter also. Alfol costs no more to huy than other types, jet costs a great deal less to install.. You can install it .yourself in j;our altjc. IS r Call in today lo your nearest Sulncy denier, or write direct lo s mm SAVES HUKiHT Wmlghm onm-trnth ordinary ypm nnutatton. Local Dcaleis: ALREKT & McCAFFERY LTD. . SAILS IIATCn COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 160 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the . CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 82 SIXTH STREET TONITE "2 GUYS FROM MILW J SUNDAY MIDNITE Otftf FRANK JENKS - H. n. WAUNEr in - "ROGUES GALLEI O ALSO o SALLY EILEKS JAMES LYDny In "STRANGE ILLUSION r mi ii 'M pre 3 MONDAY mm iisi Business and Professioni DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ' ANNOUNCES I ' THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF ' DENTISTRY IN SUITE 1 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 1 S 0 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOE Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 handyman home Service GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kind, Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burneri PHONES: Orten 486 , Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H.J.LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From' the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. Movlnf, Packing:, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd.' Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 REX P N Kilbern . PRINC E RLTJ HUH LP COLIi and MFSSESq PHOSC RE tl - GEORGF I E! Public Ar-saniapt aJ Income Tax Ream;, oesner Bl::k M BERT'S TRAM AND M ESSEX Lumber Coai Hyi- Frcljht Ipal PhoneB!'jtdl Night CaLs-O.-xl Prince Rtjd PRINCE rupee: M A. R.10Q Wedding BouqucU : Designs PoW Bulbs Ss MODERATE fX Prompt attenticu to: Box 516, Phone mi JONES NEWS Eastern and Werr MagailtS subscription: Sixth Street JOHN MOSt CARPENTER; CABINET $ sl PHONE RED If It's Rock Work- CALL Bl M. SAUXDE concreh sidewalks - ba Your hours and Insured whin I SetTlng the thhtfaA Wells (P.W' Carlasc, LabtHM'1 ICS BLUE M! w jiui amiMBUOpricj ' mm .in,-Tl IT LI Dressing nu TOO naoMPl A40 ! SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUeRT ' runn c.. Chow Mn ilAl' CHINESE DISHES OUIt Birv' Open 6 am. to 2 ajn- PUONE 173 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR