Classified Advertising -- . nnr insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notice! Ivic P neatn Notices, Funeral Notlcee, Marriage . and Engagement Announcements: M. P WANTED ..1 IminHrv r;ood wages, nvw L-undry forcD- -Outside la"bor- !lor.nern Pyrites mine. uu: Frlzzell, Long mo- jKK WANTED 11 lit EoTED- Woman wltli Li miu-ework lor re- E, t , uand7. "WANT ED Black (174) Dur scrap ieiau, Paid- Active Trad- npany his.. St. Vancouver, U.C. tl)EKS WANTKI) I invttED for 1000 feet elms m ommeca uoiu I . Mlna frnm fHi-.ii class equipment Dinodatlon. Apply uox News (tf) VNU HOARD CD BOAiu--s4u eacn ($ ..iiIe Home away me Tablt meals. Mrs. IC22 Fraser Street, (tf) ilTAI, WORK kit for Winter. Now Is to have that eaves- ixed and furnace ln- Thonn Sheet Metal Ick 884 (tf) MACHINERY better lumber more Ically use the modern Sto-date type National Sawmills, nianufac-Natlonal Machinery By Lunitea, Vancouver, MS AND cqi.LEOES IL SERVICE tMINATIONS NOW for Fall ex- bia Write M,.C.C. Civil Sphool, .301 Enderton finnlpeg, Man. FOR KENT 1 room apartment lie holjfcekeejjlng room. f Av2 E2t. Phone Red FOR KENT (177) -One-room furnlsh-SS3 3rd Ave. West. !lm. (174) IT llouiekeeplng room Bon Apaitments. House it Seat Cove. Blue 815. (tf) Rupert Realty Co. Apartment, seml-fur- $25.00 per month. II -bed Housekeeping u.uu per month. (174) IMKM Of .'ICANM'OUT IIIMI ( lll.l 'Mill A "-k u rnouirv fruui nllnllfl.w! horuiiii lie Pllotttire lumbla Pilotage District are tin Department of Trana-Bittanal on the applicant ' k'j on examination and relatini KiihinrtM Pliflnitlohii Itl.nnlrH.I its must be nrtttsh 'ubJectB. p v uiiua, LM'iwetn tne ageii I M. of gixKl character and "'X A CPI-imeAt., r.t koallh M hearing must accompftny lower than Master, Bleam '" "aae with proof of If 3 thnn nil A r n .. -a u,.liu md for the balance of the iwioci dnublo nervlce as P-er r,r Fimf taiA in a llred bv the Cnniula Rhiu. m. . t -rrj a certificated mate, ' tO hn r.fimnu4 In a Iwd In the coastal trade nf "lumbla. (Certificate of py Snd tPkt.lmrmlnla mtiBt '"tny ,innllet.lnn IJ'in: for examination In the ;u unnawntinK, must lie I'-'deru umidlnir, Vancou- r ". am man Anmist 20th. I "mination win b held r "OTiriDcr and. 1047. for ? an eiioihio ii. t trn,n "V. "DDolntments nf Pilots for the District P EnWAnD3. ifantv Mi.i.i.. Pfpnrtment pf Transport. tN'HtllTrt sifi " r "INCR nimtnq, N AT PI1INCF! ilUPERT - nerenv Riven that by I'M a . I Wnnr.i. ,B4 m ho L""i COMPKN"" nV. , I . COMPANY L1M- hirit . """" wn ine i ui me defendant, con. rw?"! rwlcey, Oiisollne k 9 n 0tflt , .,r. tha ' Tooll, Cehlea undry itoms too numerona '- an Inventory of whlrh r 'i on Arir.1l.A4u.. a. ' FOH SALE FOR SALE Well-constructed 32-ft. glllnetter, new Easthope engine, with drum and net complete. $1400. Phone 349, between 7 and 9 p.m. (174) FOR SALE 900 timber bolts, 10 In. and 20 In., complete with washers and nuts; also timber rings. Phone Green 150. (174) HOUSEHOLD and Office Furniture, Hardware, etc. Used Hassocks $2; Palls- 50c; 5-plecc Kitchen Set $12.50; 3-plece Chesterfield Suite $40; Desk $7.50; new Hot Plates $350; Chest of Drawers, well made, unpalntcd; Desks, Radios, and other useful furniture at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. FOR SALE 9-plece dining roorr suite; 3 -piece chesterfield suite; 5-plece complete bedroom suite, excellent condition. Phone CO. (tf) FOR SALE 16-ft. Turner-built speed boat. 62 h.p. Willys Jeep engine, used only two months. Complete with all accessories. Phone Blue 3C5. (175) FOR SALE R.O.P. White Leghorns and Hampshire pullets, 10 weeks old. $1.35 each. Add 10 cents per bird per week after July 19 sufficient cockerels free. Terms cash F.O.B. Kitwanga. M. Rowe. ...!(tf) THREE SUITE apartment block -$4,500,00 Partly furnished eight room house $3,500 00. Six room house 3 lots $4,500. Six room house $3,400. Business property lots $750.00 up. Terms or cash on most of the above. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (174) FOR SALE 7 roomed house. Best residential district. Furnace, garden, 4 bedrooms Price $4,200.00. Immediate occupancy. Phone 57, Q. P. Tintr & Co. Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE Desh able resort site am T aUa T ntf aIca TtVi rtnem T"rr' FCR SALE 5 used cars, 1-3 cyl inder Hudson, 1 Dodge. 3 Fords, from. $500 up. Contact Johnson or Malr. Phone Black 150 or call 171 3rd Ave. East. (tfK FOR SALE Dalton adding ma-. chine. Apply Suite 1, Stone Block. 175) AIR PASSENGERS For Vancouver H; D. Foster, Miss E. Ritchie, R. Nugent, H. Elnarson, W. C. Rice, T. B. Burr, W. Taylor, Miss B. Blanchard, Miss . Elliot, Q. Carr, Miss M. Woodhurst. For Port Hardy a. Williams. INBOUND FRIDAY From Vancouver Dr. W. C. Rice, E. E. Butchart, Mrs. R. McKea, Mrs. O. Iverson, H. ChrUtensen, Kee MahJ. Emslle, T. B. Burr. From Sandspit O. Alexander, II. Dimor. iff FOR SALE FOR, SALE 4-room house, modern, on 2 lots, In garden. Cash price only $2300. Apply Collart and McCaffery. (tf) FOR SALE Shlplap, windows, flooring, lockstave buildings (two-inch cedar), Gyprocand Oyproc lap, steam radiation, 2 by 4's, 2"x Va, 2 x 8's. Phone 800. (179) FOR SALE One goat with two kidj six weeks old. Phone Red 083. , (175) FOR SALE Baby's Sunshine pram, like new. Phone Red CS3. (175) FOR SALE 22 ft. s'p e e d b o a t launch, V-8 motor. Only goni' 50 miles. Needs minor adjustments to put In good condition. Price as is $550 cash. Inquire Mr. Hodgson, Skeena Lumber Co., BUlimor, B. C. (174) FOR SALE 200 window sash- 40 inches square, 12 light $1.50 each. I"x4" flat grain flooring j $35.00 per M. Dimension lumber all sizes $48.00 per M. 38" plywood odd sizes 5c per sq. ft. Doors single and double with frames. Apply Civic Centre office (phone 231) after 2 p.m dally. (s) TRUCK FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to July 31st. 1947 for the purchase of International 1942 truck, Model K 4, 160", 4-speed transmission, tires 650-20, rear dual wheels, 1 spare. tire, with RCAF 4 cot- 147 Linden Avenue, Wllmctte, ambulance Illinois. (178) FOR SALE Boat "Svalbald," 42 feet; 52 Vivian dlesel. Rigged for fishing or packing. Apply Rupert Dry Dock. (17G) body, used as school bus from November, 1916 to June, 1947. Truck has never carried a heavy load and is lrfgocdrurinlng qrdr. Mile age: 14851 miles. Inspection and delivery of truck at Smith ers. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tend ers will be for an all cash offer. Smlthers, July 9th, 1947. A. Muhelm,, Becr.-Tlreasurer, School District No. 54 Smlthers, B.C. (174) AUGUST PICTURES Interesting List Announced for Capitol Theatre ' 1 List of feature offerings for the month of August at the- Capitol ; Theatre is announced by .Man ager J. Harry Black. It includes such items, as. "Waltz Time," With Carol Raye and Peter Gran-' yes, "Big Sleep," with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, "Under Current," with Katharine Hepburn and Ri&ert Taylor. "Marsle," with Jeanne Craln and Alan Young. Here is the listr July 27 (Sunday Midnight) "Rogue's Gallery," with Frank Jenks and H. B. Warner, and "Strange Illusion," Cally Eiler and James Lydon. July 28 and 29 "Waltz Time," Carole Hay and Peter Gfarivfis. July 30 and 31 "Black Angel," Dan Duryea and June Vincent. August 1 and 2 "The Big Sleep," Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. ' August 3 and 4 "Wanted For Murder," Eric Porlman and Dul- cle Gray; "Stranger Triangle," , Signe Hass'o and John Shepperd, August 5 and 6 "I've Always T r .. .. ,, ..nHnlvn n I i-VVCU luu, jvuiuc uuspcuanajra and Philip Dorn. August 7, 8 and 9 "Undercurrent," Katharine Hepburn and Robert Taylor. August 10 and 11 "Cockeyed Miracle," Frank 'Morgan and Keenan Wynn, and "Apology for Murder," Ana Savage and Hugh Beaumont. . i August 12 and 13 "Nocturne." George .Raffc and Lynn Barl: . ' School for Husbands," Rex Harrison. August 14, 15 and .10 "Mar- gie," Jeanne Grain and Alan j Young. i August 17 "Dangerous Mil- I Hons-," Kent Taylor and Donna Drake: "Gas. House Kids,'' Rc- , ert Lbwery and Teala Loring. August 18 and 19 "Claudia j and David," Dorothy McGuire 1 and Rcbert Young, and "Shock,1' ; Vincent Price and Lynn Bari. August 20 and 21 "Imperfect j Lady," Teresa Wright and Ray Miliand. August 22 and "53'Canyon Passage," Dana Andrews and St&ln HaywarcL August "24-8 nd25-i'Bpwery," George Rft and Wallace Beery. "Sun Valley Serenade," Sonja Henleand John Payne. August 26 and 27 "Beginning of the End," Brian Donleyy and Rdbert Walker. .... TAYLOR PRESIDENT ' The original tailor shop of President Andrew Jackson is soused In a brick museum In Greenevllle, Tenn. SATURDAY AFTERNOON IDYLL This delightfully pictorial study shows Frenchay Common, Gloucestershire Eng., where great cricketers like' Allan, Hobbs and Hammond have played, and Is reputed to' be the most picturesque village green in the West end of England. For well over a century the villagers-have watched their favorite teams playing In front of the parish church, In a scene such as this on Saturday afternoon. AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-8 POWER ABUNDANT I I I 1 fF 4 UEE U IS I I 5 SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest Ford V-8 engine, Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught Carburator, Heavy Duty Ford Truck Radiator, specially designed Power Take-off, equipped with flexible coupling and two ballbearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built in sub-frame. Bob Parker Limited P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 PRINCF RUPERT REALTY CO. P. II. LINZEY INSURANCE - RENTALS - REAL ESTATE ! 212 Fourth Street (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS w Prince Hupcrf Daflp rectos . & Saturday, July 28, 194T OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO f i ... Him- IN Just Arrived! SLATER KANGAROO A mighty industry, built upon high courage and strenuous toil To the Mining Industry . . 7 more than any other B.C. industry goes the credit for the development of our great province. From the prospector searching virgin country for mineral wealth down through the testing and. development of promising showings and finally the building of a great industry is a unique and exciting story. It is a story the rug- gedncss and courage of which is reflected in those who today follow B.C.'s pioneer industry. Consolidated is proud to be in the forefront of this great industry which contributes so much to B.C.'s prosperity. SL , t j. i i i OXFORDS $14:50 GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 56G Prince Rupert, B.C. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks 'Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black;884' P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies ! ... , i i Consult us for your needs In all types of printing wort. Everything In high-class stationery.- J Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens r . DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE i ...v U.;:1 O . i f i J it mt m n . L- Wit iT'l f'be'rr--vAt .... . in,... y "n Tnurodav at o.nn . . Bonn - "" " tl"r" 11 4 1 i ne. nionenr. i m ot7 nl" accented f !lHZ?:'" "hcrlff, a,. .. . ,lm MO . 1 July, 19J7,