dumc Rupert Dnflir Octus to. Saturday, September 20, 1947 lie support can be accepted as a ' safe criterion: the unworthy pub lications will find few readers who .derive benefit from them and will soon cease to exist. Canadian newspapers are in the fight for world-wide dom of, news, and all political leaders in Canada have express- ed approval of the movement. ., George V. Ferguson, editor of the 1 Montreal Star, has been elected a member of the Freedom of In formation Subcommlsslon of the United Nations Commission oh t Human Rights. The need for this commission is a warning against the complacency with which Canadians accept their freedoms. Practically all coun tries now entangled in the web of controlled information were once free from it, and had the feeHiig: "it can't happen here," FreVdoin of speech and of the press are not ends In them , selve They merely enable people ' to. express freely their thoughts on events so as to bring forth u th,best possible decision out of all'shades of opinion. In other L words, this Is not merely "free- vv dom from" but "freedom for. A person may cause evil not only " , b Jili actions but by his inactions. As Andrew Hamilton ' j said at; the trial of a printer In New York away back in 1785: ". . . I beg to lay It down as a ! rule that the suppressing of evidence ought to be taken for the strongest evidence," Knowledge and civilization are ad- vanced by posJUve actions, not by merely refraining from other actions, or-by retaining un-i questlonlngly the existing state of things. Newspapers need to use fully the freedom that is' their?. They need to keen on' challenging the sacred cows which occasionally stand In the streets blocking progress. Advertise i'n the Dally News IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE vr (luocrri JUuKo ISMAEL LACEU.E OR HARRT I. LACEIXE OR UUJ. CELLE3, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order 01 Hi Honour Judge w, O. Fulton Local Judge of tne Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on tbe aw j ui oepiemoer, a U. J7, ap. appointed Administrator nf ih tate of JiMeph Jules Ismael Lcelle or Marry I. Lacelle or Laaotlles, laU u run. Elements, Brltlsn Columbia, who uioa on or anout the 28th da of June, 1847, at Port Clements. Brit lsh Columbia. All persons Indebted vu mo saia esiaie art required to l the amount of their lndnbtodncu me forthwith and all persons having u me saia ustate are re quired to fUe them with me properly verified on or before the Slat dar tit ?CHr' A?!' Iu,n WW I'ltrii button will be made havinr wiifh oly to fuch claims of which I frhail DATED at Prince RuDert. B e. ltth day of September. A D. 1047 GORDON PRASER FORBES, wi iuunmiau'aior, Prince Rupert, B C, (234) .this ' JI tilt CM sam PuMiihrd rvrrv arwrnran exceot SundaT bv Prints Rupert Dally News Ltd, 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It's Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. Here.., I. MEMBER OV CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP- CIRCULATIONS i. CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAFER ASSOCIATION I. An Independent dally newspaper devoted to tae upbuilding ol Prince Rupert ind all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. It's (Autnoruea as (second Class Mali, rost uuice ueparunent, Ottawa) Modern,,, SUBSCRIPTION RATES . , City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 7.00; Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. ' " -I U' Dl tl ii it i s. I' U i i Ii It. - h I?. 4 mi l! ll j in i Russia and Peace BELIVE, as Andrei Vishinsky says, that WE ' Russia wants peace and prosperity. We have no quarrel with that claim. We do say, how ever, that Russia is pursuing a very provocative and dangerous course, charging our side, on the one hand, with wanting to fight and knowing full well that we are as anxious for peace and prosperity as she is. Strikingly similarly to the talk of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis before World War II is that which is heard these days from Vishinsky and other Soviet spokesmen. They, like the Nazis did, talk of aggressive forces moving stealthily against Russia, threatening her with encirclement and war. Vishinsky's fulminations notwithstanding, the record shows that Russia, while possibly not want-ingjvar, is, through her intense selfishness, nationalism and generally obstructive tactics, threat-elinijg. world peace and is endeavouring at least to manoeuvre the western powers which oppose her' .iilealqgy into a different and embarrassing position. COASTAL FREIGHT INCREASE THE ANNOUNCEMENT yesterday by coast lr-steamship companies of an increase of thirty percent in freight rates came as a sudden shock to all local business people and it will reach into the pocket books of all residents with its tendency to further increase the rapidly advancing price level. Possibly some advance, in these days of spiralling costs, might have been justified but a thirty percent increase seems a little drastic to say the least of it. It is satisfactory to note that the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, moved, quickly in making its-protest. The action will receive full approbation of the people of Prince Rupert. j RETAILERS PLAY GAME pRINCE RUPERT BAKERS,, doubtless, could I have had as good reason as those anywhere for taking immediate advantage of the price de- v control on bread and flour to boost their prices. They- are to be congratulated on .their forbearance in holding to the old level until after the new price level bn flour hits them. directly. In.fact, the fpod consumers of Prince Rupert can consider themselves fortunate that not only the bakers but the rank and file of retailers are refrain-.ing'from increasing prices to the public as long as they .possibly can that is until their own stocks bqught at the predecontrol levels are exhausted, Canadian Newspapers .i rom the Monthly Letter of Royal Bank of Canada INSTALLMENT NO. 9 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Few safeguards of nublic welfare have hppn mnw hardly won, says Wickham Steed, than freedom of the press. Where men cannot without fear convey their thoughts to one another, no other liberty is secure. A free-press must be free from compulsions from anv source, governmental or social. As Milton pointed out in ms great piea lor freedom to plblteU; Jt Is impossible to de termine whose judgment -shall decide what is good or worthy Iorvthe public to read. Only pub SATURDAY SERMON WHY PEOPLE TURN FROM CHRIST (By P. ANTROBUS, First Baptist Church) What are your own personal relation's to Jesus Christ? Nothing short of a personal relationship of love and trust will suffice to give peace and satisfaction and purpose in life. Jesus said that there were only two kinds of people and he showed this by saying that there are only two ways, the broad and the nar row, only two kinds of trees, the good and the bad, judged by their fruits. Men are either for Him or against Him, To be for Him means that you trust Him for salvation from sin, you believe In His ways and teaching,? and are doing your best by His grace to be His faithful servant here and tell others of their need to this Saviour and' Master. To be against Him means that though you may not be violently opposed to. the Church or Christianity, you have never made a personal .surrender to Him. One reason why men turn away from Jesus Christ Is because of the natural enmity of man for God. Man was made In God's Image, to serve Itim and enjoy Him forever but men, through disobedience, fell into sin and the principle of evil, the bias to sin, the sinful heart has been the possession of every man since that time. Jeremiah said: "The heart is deceitlul above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?" The natural man, al DIRECTORY Services in all churches at 11 ajn. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday School at 12:15 except as shown.. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Are. W. at Dunsmulr St. , Hot j Communion 8:30 ajni Sunday School JcOO p.m. Rector: Basil B. Prockter. B.A., BD IBlue 733) FIRST BAPTIST Sth Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: Rev, Fred Astrobui (Oreen 812) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue Xatt Minister: A. f, MactSweea. B-A. (Oreen 83) FIRST UNITED . 636 6th Ave. West Minister: R. A. wiispn. M A-Primary Sunday School (4-8) 3:30 ,p.n). . (Oreen 813) FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 33 1 6th Are. West Pastor: J, Unney (Oreen 620) SALVATION ARMY . Praser Street CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrttt Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 1 lOO ptn. (Black Wt ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 5th Ave. at McBride St Pastor :' E. goliand (Black 810) STr PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Co? Archdeacon E. Hod son Sunday School, 11:00 an. Evening Prayer 7:30 p4n. ' (Blue 827) COMMUNITY SUNPAY SCHOOL East End Hall, 2 :30 p.m. Regular Baptist Services LO.O.E. IU1I (5th Ave. ana McBride St.) We preach Christ,. ' .Crucified I rqwned -The lamp of the wicked shall be PUT OUT." Prov, 13 ;9, SUNDAY, SEPT. 21, 1947 12:15 pan Sunday ..School (Remember Rally Day-Sept. 28) 7:30 p.m,-aospei Service, Subject: -SO NEAR AND YET, SO FAR I" Speaker: G. R. S. Blackaby WEDNESDAY 8tfW p pj Praytr Meeting, FRIDAY 3:50 pin-MJsslon Band 7:00 p-m. Junior Young Peoples. (Phone 349 ? Green 7T) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WnOLE WORLD though he be educated, respectable, a good provider and so on, has nevertheless enmity against Ood. He is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can he be. So writes the apostle Paul. This Is why Jesus said: "Ye must be born again." Atrocious Inhumanity, cruelty, treachery and such-like are not racial characteristics. They are not German, Japanese, Italian, Russian Spanish. They are characteristics of paganism, of WED QUIETLY AT CATHEDRAL Paul Postolu and .Miss Nellie Volkovich were quietly wed at the Anglican Cathedral Thursday evening. The service was conducted by Rev. Basil S. Prockter with Mr' and Mrs. Pete Richards witnessing the ceremony. After the church service the young couple received their friends at a reception In the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Nel son. , First United Church Sixth Ave W., near Fulton St. Minister Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A. Organist: Miss Rose-Marie Hartwlg 11 a.m Morning Worship. Guest Sneaker: ev!HughrDobl6rl, BD. 12:15 Junior and Intermediate Sunday School. 2:30 Primary Sunday School. 7:30 Evening Worship. First BapUst Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Qreerj 812 Sunday, Sept. 21 11 a Jn. Morning Service. The gospel Is the power of God unto salvation. Salvation ' is a word for lost men, and for none other. Men are involved in 'salvation or in Its opposite, per dition, 12:15 p-m Church School. As a father or mother, your own relationship to the Lord Jesus is the most powerful human factor in the life of your child. 7:30 pjn. Evangelistic Service. "The Place called Calvary Join with us In singing Redemption songs. RALLY DAY Sept. 28 11 a.m Scholars of the Church School together with their par ents will gather with the morning congregation. Please note change of hour for this one service only, Special program, with Promotion Exercises. THc Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corps Officers. ' TONIGHT, 8 P.M. YOUTH RALLY The Word Testamonles Singing The Message Hear Bandmaster Clifford all-lingham, visiting Instrumentalist from The Salvation Army, Vancouver, B.C. Special Vocal Number Spanish Guitar Item. Local Talent. Sunday Meetigs; 11 ajn-IIoliness Meeting. 3 p.m. JSunday School Rally Day. 7;30 pjn Old-Time Gospel. Note: Bandmaster C. Glllngham will assist at both services. Advertise in The Dally News I t) swan nut iiMiM. ttm. MiVWH. mum. Mtll 1 'l $ frhUt4i4 I I I III 1 wULttri a heart estranged from God. The way to moral character and conduct is through trust in the Saviour who makes men new and ,when we commit ourselves to Ilim and receive His forgiveness and grace, He expects and helps us to do Ills will. Mep. are vainly trying to get good character, economic security, peace in national and international relationships with changing the men involved. Without a change of heart these things are noi possible. A change of heart from sin to righteousness and from unrest to peace, depends upon our relationship to God. He Is the source of moral strength. He alone can enable us to do the good which He commands. That Is why the sacred writer says: "Trust In the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Be not wise In thine own eyes; fear the Lord, and depart from evil." Once a man who had been a hard drinker for years and seemed unable to avoid excess asked hU minister to draw up a total abstinence pledge for him and to witness his signature. He looked so pitifully weak and his past record had been littered with broken resolutions to such an extent that there seemed no llklihood that he could keep that pladge. But he added to his promise an unreserved surrender to Christ and so entered at once the victorious life. Even! DENTIST ANNOUNCES TUB OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF ' DENTISTRY IN 'SUITE ' 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOIvLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S REAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 200 4th Street : Phone 635 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 484 Red m If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 iu : p.m. P,0 Box 274 . QEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the fast-Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 8 p.m. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday the desire for hU old indulgences was taken away and he became, , from being one of the weakest,! to being one of the strongest moral characters, and one of the most effective Christian workers iniiis district: To know the good and then to trust God for strength, to do It means entry to the career of whicTi one can say In the face of temptation and trial: "In all these things wc are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." One writer of Scrptures says that, humanly speaking, tlu heart Is tiie source of all virtue. He said: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of It arc the issues of life." Sinful man cannot be reformed piecemeal. It Is useless to rebuke him for his excesses, and urge him to give up his bad habits. One's nature can be changed only from the heart out; the foundation of action must be cleansed before the stream can be pure. Christ's method Is to change the whole man and He does so when we open our hearts to Him by personal repentance and trust. "If any man be In Christ, he is a new creonture." Much is being said today about the need of a change in our so cial order, because ol its evils, but a renewed social system li only possible through regenerate persons. It Is only through Gdd's sovereignty established over the hearts and lives of His own people that God can establish His Kingdom In the na tion. Business and Professional DR. P.J. CHENEY PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 828 Agent for Pacific Bertie D C. Ltd GEORGE- Lr-RORIE Public Accounlant Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387- Grand view Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 P N. KUborn W. PeKrsoi BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber . Coal - Wood Baggagi Freight - Express ' Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 77 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A, R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATZ PRICES Prompt attention to mall order.". Box 510, Phone 77, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Paper Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 80S JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING "REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Oreen 391 Serving (he Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling Weighing BLUE 992 Tmiunagnumm I qmr elme W ' OPTICAL CO. La A Portrait by . . . Van Mecr Slii 305 Wert Third Affnile For a true portruturc, Dbrtruying yUr individlllI Just Phone 426 m Ainu Ar Ait in.. ZIPPER LOOSELEAF 81 7 QC GENUINE LEATHER a vw Ch0ice 0f Brown orBlacl ALSO - LEATHER SCHOOL BAGS LEATHER MUSIC CASES 303 Cabs I would like to take this op announce to my many friends Kip that I have left 123 Taxi and willbeopt Inff 303 Cabs from the 3 Sisters Caft I continued patronage will be sincerely ii ciated. FRED JENSEN IASTHEWEU:OOTWAT OUT FOR ITS PATRON-FniENDS J Rotary Club , Thursdays 1 pjn. GEO. DYBHAVN Prop. Our Foods Are by a New Whin q Who Spechliif Canadian DiiW to 12 P Open7a.m except TuesdW. Sundays. 8 am. to M with 44-honrj Closed all Tuesday to comply Official APPl .COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE BOD AS - ICE CREAM - SUNDAY W. T, coorER Manager "Offering 37 years of pradicf Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH to e - has returned CONTRACTING EXCAVATING, HAULING, UNO PHONE 33 BP vWsl1 CL NORTHERN ANP. CENTRAL .UMBIAS I