in r- vw . - axm.h n 4t HP Jtti ir.r . I t jc r 1 . K. rA FD iiiiiinr UH 1 n TOGETHER- -Shown above on the lett Is ; .-it- of the British Legion, talking over with Major-Qeneral C. B. Price, Do-madlan Legion, B.E.S.L. Sir Ian Fraser urst of the Canadian Legion. He Is also . . . . K 4 m m I 1 1 I A I IV CU C Mill LMHU1KV ULMMAMI n m nr linn l r i iiiiuiv i II I 'J 1 m . m m u m m m m mm ITT I r I I A l W T T A 1 t" v n ii h h n u 1 1 i n r ii inini u iv u i is mil Dodgers Have "Lost" Mag Many Times This Season By JACK HAND) a i a Y- V 1.1 1 A t I A. 7 7 4. L-. A l a i. Jn (Ai'i !5rooKiyn nas iosi iu ht 'i nn mi so munv Lin ua amvx- n un unU t try to buy a World Seriesr ticket. 11 i r i I M a 1 1 . 1 i i iv ' " 'i in i i ri n ijni hi 111 i uiirvii:. has; u, m Hav- r. .. M ':2 rr the j" thelr peerles: leader, -W(J,, VUUOC HaV9 n tk..l.. .. . 82-year- ".rccsed off ion nnH "ir eld ,; ;ng about W Falr- it in charge '.nadlan Na- r 'd here fJ- destruction nf the F- Great le River ri!atrl.t aimm . . -ic u n mi nf mu ''t)U''- liti that, thn oon. We BTr , ii... i. -- wu.-, uiai tna was t-?"W - - ; uj great aiid production.-'- I IV -w. ' dangerous ,' ;"e se""e la r.fc "ade ft Phanlom-like romthehcavilv can,... " th two .had vu at Mice. su" l'0,nt "wait 'til next year when Leo will be back. ' (Maybe)." Shotton. actually well quali fied for the job although he had not managed In the Big Leagues since he did a stretch with the Phillies from 1928-33, wasni named until April 18, three days after the season had opened. Tho Pennant was "lost" again, viiaiiu- oi. April May 3, when Rickey peddled . j Kirbv HlEbe. his 17-game win ning pltchlngace of last year, and four others to . Pittsburgh for a reported $200,000 In cash and an out-flelder named Al Cionfrlddo. NEGRO IS 1110 STAR Even before Shotton came to Brooklyn, after one of Duro chcr's final huddles with Rickey on players, the Brooks had brouaht up Jackie Robinson from Montreal as a first baseman. The first negro to break into modern organized ball was installed at first base and never ousted. The job was a tremendous gamble at the time and the former U.CLL.A. football player cfaricri sinwiv. under back- breakintr nressurc. lie went hit less In his first 20 at bats but soon put together ... a 14-game it hitting streak and later ran ou a 21-game string, only one short of the record for a rookie. Robinson's basc-runnlng. speed and hitting have been Important factors in the championship team, at least as Important as the contribution of any other sinale man. He is in the run nine lor rookic-of-the-year. The Brooks took over first pjace ' permanently July 6 and never eave un despite a heart breaking blow when President Frlck ordered a re-play of a July 20 victory over the Cardinals because Umolre Beans Reardon had motioned that Ron Northey had hit a homer when the ball actually struck the wall ana bounced back and he was thrown out at the plate. Next day they started off on a 13-game win streak that probably won the pennant, Including as it did a three-straight sweep over St. Louis at Sportsman's Park. Brooklyn's success was a team triumph. No one player stood out above the rest. amped 3 Marooned For 14 Hours M. J, Prigent Is resting In the Prince Rupert General Hospital apparently little the worse for a half mllp swim In the chill lwatepof Chatham Sound and 14 hour marooning on the I beaches following the sinking I of the fish troller 203 Wednes day night somewhere off the ' coast near Prince Rupert, Prigent, who was travelling from Port EdwaroHo Sandspit on the troHer.'ln company with the . owner of the boat, John Jensen, and an unidentified member ot the crew, doesn't know just where he landed after the accident. He was .brought to Prince Rupert Hospital Friday. Native Succumbs To Monoxide I The party left ' Port Edward j weanesaay aiiernoon Douna ifor Sandspit to pick up seme gear Jenson was planning on re turning to his home in Westminster and Prieent was going to the Queen Charlotte1; seeking employment as a cook in Morgans Logging Camp. Late Wednesday night tae little craft was making her way In a running sea not far oft shore when a wave tossed her into The trough and the next, sea swamped her. All three men managed to get clear of the pilot house and swim to the near- .ui i a i . kY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRfTlBH COLUMBIA'S NEWUPAPER fTTfTftTTTTTTTTTT - 1 V TAXI V-iri Phone Sttnd; note!. - Third Ave. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to .the Great Northwest." nit tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? f. M,. XXXVI, No. 221 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS -i 'in irrrii" f t i i a ir i mi '.' Dy snore aunougn mey . -.,. thelr clothes practically ton. UI I IWIMIi Mill from their backs as they strus- WW II m V vv i gled in the surf to get through the drift and snags near the beach. The men, with all their mat ches wet were fr.ced to spend the balance of the night and all th next day without heat or cViaUbi- nnlll ahnnt 1 In Ihp even- KrstieTr"a' rsslrig "seine 'boat. from New Westminister spotted the men and picked them off the beach. The seiner brought Prigent into Prince Rupert and took the other two victims of the accident, south. Inmilrv le r hp hplH. nrb Stephens, into the death of Luke Nelson, native fisherman, whose body was found aboard his beached gas boat in the Portland Canal on Thursday by the Canadian Fishing Co', packer Sked- ans, Capt. Hany Trlmm. Nelson, a Naas River Fisherman, Is believed to have succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning while the boat was mnninz. The craft apparently ririftpd ashore after Nelson's collapse. 'CRACKER CAUSES GAS EXPLOSION VANCOUVER (CP) Harvey Mar kel, eight, suffered severe burns ohont. the face, hands and arms Friday when he threw a lighted firnciror into an ou arum nnrtiv filled with gasoline. The pxDloded and caught the youngster. His condition is re ported good, i T I TTt 7 '4 New . I Local Bakeries Announce Three Cent Bread Increase : Effective Monday Morning Prince Rupert's collective pocketbook will receive another shock on Monday. Operators of the city's three bakeries announced this morning that the retail price of bread will advance at the first of the week from 10 cents to 13 cents a loaf. Increased cost of ingredients following the removal by the federal government of its subsidy on flour was given as the reason for the boost which some quarters had predicted, would not come for at least another week. Prince Rupert is believed to be the last city in Canada to follow the trend which started immediately after the subsidy was dropped a week ago. Stocks of flour in the .city, bought at the subsidized price were not large enough, however, to allow the 10-cent loaf to continue in Prince Rupert beyond Monday. Wholesale price of bread to grocery and food stores advanced to 11 cents HURRICANE IN GULF AREA NEW ORLEANS 0 An eleven- day-old hurricane born In the Caribbean Sea, was dying out early today In northern Louisiana, after a rip-roaring career across southen Florida and the Gulf of Mexico coast where It let t t least thirteen - dead -and around 500 injured. Property loss and damage across the afflicted Florida area and from New Orleans east to Mlloxi, Mississippi, on the Gulf Coast was Immense, and, so far, Immeasurable. At last reports, the United States weather bureau placed the centre of the storm in mid- Louisiana moving on a north ably Monday, by Coroner M. M ! westerly course about 15 miles . . .. t. hour. hnni- WlnHa Winds nf of from frnm 35 35 to to an 50 miles an hour, with gusts up to 62 within 60 miles of centre, were reported. noon. . 1 ClM tho lllc WCaUliCl luitau ou.u - I inished to 25 to 35 miles an hour. With seven already reported dead in southern Florida In the wake of the storm, a meagre radio report received by an am ateur radio operator In Jackson, Miss., from the naval reserve station at Gulfort, Miss., told of six being killed and some 400 injured. Local Tides Sunday, September 21, 1947 Hl-rh 5:59 15.8 feet 17:45 Low 11:37 I m mm m m m. CALLS HOME TO LE-ARN ABOUT GOLD STRIKE News of Prince Rupert's gold strike Is getting around. Bread Price To Jump Here Bidault Terms U.S.-Russian Crisis "Critical" Livestock Shipment Arrives Here Prince Rupert Friday escaped the Immediate prospect of'Tjar- ren butcher shop shelves which is currently facing other Canadian cities as result of the na tion wide meat packers strike with the arrival of three car loads of livestock for slaughter at the local plant of Bums and Co. The delivery augments meat supplies already in the butcher shops and adds at least a week to the time limit which Prince Rupert people can dine on roasts, steaks and chops before they find themselves In a similar .situation to residents of otherCan-adian cities, where the strike is being felt. The shipment containing 21 steers and 200 lambs from the interior cf British Columbia, arrived yesterday, anrt, has been declared "fair" by the Packinghouse Workers Union. Conciliation Efforts "Futile", French Minister Says NEW YORK (CP) Foreign Minister George Uidault oi France declared today that growing conflict between the Uni ted States and Russia has reached such a critical stage that further efforts to reconcile the two viewpoints seem In France's opening poMcy speech before the United Na tions Assembly, Bidault frankly acknowledged that he say no way out of the crisis sharpened by the speeches of States Secretary Marshall and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishln-sky. "The French delegate deems It futile and dangerous to conceal the magnitude and seriousness of the crisis," Bidault told the 55 national delegates as the Assembly continued its fourth day of general debate. In his pessimistic and straight forward speech, Bidault said that France had devoted her efforts toward compromise and reconciliation between Russia and the United States since the begin- - I ine siupmeni nus, ueeu uj- Press and radio coverage of lclared fair, according to Standing of the United Nations, but the 'discovery which has claim holders quivering, has sent word of the two-ounce nugget to all corners of the continent, as witnessed by a long distance telephone call received by" a - - ..Vwwri-v - . id Syd Hamblin local laundry-man envisioned all sort of family trouble .when he recived a call frcm his daughter, Mrs. Ralph De Coursay, at Long Beach, California. He feared the worst. However, it was nothing more than his daughter and her husband, a former American soldier who was posted at Prince Rupert, asking for the low-down on Prince "Rupert's gold strike. Ijff, They had heard It over a California news broadcast. hurricane in its dying convul- PRIME MINIb 1 LK sions would make "its way with I CALLED TO BAR ram unu oiiuuw Arkansas and that by this after- winds should have dim TORONTO (CP) Prime Minister Mackenzie King, who never for mally studied law, was called to the Bar of Ontario this week as a special honor during a ceremony at which 20 graduates from Osgoode Hall Law School received certificates as barristers LA GUARDIA DIES NEW TORY Fiorello II. La Guardia, (three times Mayor of New and former director general of the .United Rations 17.5 feetKelief 'and iRehabiUtatlon ad- 9.7 feet ministration, died (today Boshier, United Fishermen and I such efforts now seemed futile. Ailing Wnrlrore' Union Rwrptnt V. I - who has been acting as local contact man with the Packing house Workers Union, because Vhe local management of Burrv3 lniormea tnai sucn snipmenia woulu ae recognized as unfair by the union. However, R. E. Moore manager of the local Burns and Co. plant, said today that he agreed with the union that Friday's Distribution of the meat will be made to the "usual" lecal outlets of Burns and Co., Mr. Moore said. Assurance toy. Mr. Moore that the meat would move through the usual channels, and would not enter areas normally served by other packing plants, which are now strikebound,, was one of the reasons why the union had agreed toclassify the current dellvry as' "fair" according to Mr. Boshier. MAYOR ARNOLD NOT EXCITED BY GOLD JITTERS . VANCOUVER CP) Mayor Nora Arnold hasn't succumbed to Prince Rupert's gold fever excitement yet. Visiting friends here, she' told an Interviewer Friday: "I don't think I will stake a claim. If it will benefit Prince Rupert, I'm all for It, but if there's a gold rush, they'll have to take what comes In the way of housing." COMMITTED FOR MANSLAUGHTER AT OCEAN FALLS Stanley Cecil Shaw, of Ocean Falls) was committed for trial before a higher court on a charge of manslaughter when he ap- i l ir..UiMiiA n AsnrA i peareu oeiore viiigLLiutc wcuib smpment wouiu ,oe uie iai io u--, , t n,..- p- is on Frfdav. The charge resulted from the death of Steve Albert Rachin-sky, a paper mUl employee who drowned after allegedly being pushed from a float into the harbor on August 25. Authorities at Prince Rupert are endeavouring to have depositions In the case ready in time to have It heard at the fall Assize Court session wlhch opens here September 29. However, It is not certain yet whether or not the c.Ve will come up or will be held over until the spring. J. T. Harvey, of the law firm of Brown and Harvey has been appointed prosecutor for the Assize hearings, but no definite word Is available here as to which judge will preside. It is rumored that Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson may be on the bench. So far, the only criminal cases on the docket' are & murder charge against Harry Eckels resulting from the death several weeks ago of Patrick Meehan in a local hotel; and a charge of theft against Edison Briscoe, of Ocean Falls, who is alleged to have stolen a boat at the southern town. Fish Jjnion Counters "Bill 39" Members of the Prince Rupert local of the United Fishermen & Allied Workers' Union on Thursday night Joined the prov ince-wide fight of the trade union movement to have Bill 39 amended. Opening their cam paign the members sent the following telegram to Premier John Hart: "Prince Rupert local United Fishermen & Allied Workers Union tonight passed resolution demanding fall session of the Legislature to revise Bill 39 in accordance with wishes of B.C. trade union movement. Reply." Among features of the Blllto which the union objected were the government supervised strike vote, the big fines for union officers and members who engage in strike action, the inclusion of "employees' organizations" other than trade unions, that Is "com pany unions," as a bargaining agent under the act, which we're branded as "chains to bind the trade union movement in slavery." The Union decided to circulate a petition among the citizens of Prince Rupert with the objective of obtaining 1000 signatures ot people endorsing the demand for a fall session ot the provincial .law-makers The following were ppolriterffls a'commtttee to.pYe"-" pare plans for the city-wide can vass which will be held next week: T. Dennis, E. S. Brett, R. L. Gardiner. E. S. Brett was elected presi dent of the local to complete the term which has been rendered vacant by the resignation of Robert Montgomery. CANADIANS DEPORTED SEATTLE, fi Five Canadian youths were ordered deported to Canada and placed on two years probation in district court here Friday after pleading guilty to entering the United States illegally. All are from eastern Canada except one, from Manitoba. A sixth youth, from Alberta, was sentenced to 30 days in jail, followed by deportation. NO CLEAR.CUT, LUMBER BOOST VANCOUVER 0) Lumber dealers said here Friday night that no agreement had yet been reched on the future prices of lumber, and that it wrould be at least three weeks before any definite "understanding" will e reached. Meanwhile, a survey of lumber prices here discloses that prices vary from no Increase to boosts of $5 to $20 per 1000 board feet. Alamln, who didn't have much success as a matador in Spain 2 better as "Don Taneredo," or the "Living Statue." AflSid id's bull-ring he amuses the spectators by "fooling" the .11 Because of the danger Involved, there are not many fol-, ' occupation, which has just been restored after Aiamln' IT veaf atence "in Taneredo." attired completely In white, stands in the centre of the ring on a .wooden white platform. When released, the bull rushes straight at the "living statue," but seeing .that there is no movement, takes a smell, looks around and walks away. That Is the happy ending, but on many occasions, previous "living statues" had to be taken to the Infirmary, badly Injured, some mortally. In photo, left, the bull rushes Alamln In "Don Taneredo's" first performance. There is no movement. The bull tries to stop suddenly but the momentum causes him to nudge the "statue" over. Alamln lies "lifeless," centre, as a statue should. He knows Just the slightest movement might result In his being gored to death. The bull saunters on. "Don Taneredo" considers his duty finished and scoots away, right, reaching the safety of the sidelines before the now in-, terested bull can approach him. . ....