(A First Baptist Church CIIKISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. WHITE GIFT SERVICE. This is a FAMILY SERVICE, which the children of the Sunday School will attend, with tljeir parents and friends. The gifts presented are to be sent to India for missionaries, and may be chosen from "this list: Dehydrated fruits, canned meats, junket tablets or powders, jellos, sugar, cake mix, jam, cocoa, etc. ; ' Special music by Junior Choir. No Sunday School at 12:15 today. 7:30 p.m-HRISTMAS SERVICE, with special music by the Bfcnior Choir. JIHRISTp4AS""TREE and Program for the Cradle Roll, Nursery and Primary Departments of the Sunday School will : be held on, MONDAY, December 22, at 2:30 p.m. Parents ..and .friends, are cordially Invited. The me'mfie'rs, friends and pastor of the church extend to all the people of Prince Rupert and district their best wishes for a happy Christmas. Church of the Annunciation MWrrigit Mass .sung by His Excellency Most ReV- BlsnP A- Jordan O.M.I. Masses on Christmas Day at 9 and 10 aan. Benediction at 3 p.m. St. Paul's Lutheran Church EARL SOILANI), Pastor Phone Black 910 CALENDAR Dec. 21 Communion Service at 11 A.M. Sunday School at 12:15 P.M. Sunday School Christmas Program" at 5 P.M. Dec. 25 Christmas Service at 11 A.M. Dec. 28 Services at 11 A.M. Jan. 1 Services at 11 A.M. First United Church 63G Sixth Ave. V. Choir Leader: J. S. Wilson Miss Rose Marie Hartwig Organist: Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A. CHRISTMAS S K It V I C E S i SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21917: 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: "The-Light of Men." . 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship. Sermon Subject; "Shape of the Ideal." . WEDNESDAY, CIIKISTMAS EVE: 7:30 P.M. Vesper Service. Conducted by the C.G.I.T. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28: 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. Children's Service and Sunday School Rally. Sacrament of Baptism. (Sunday School will meet at 11 A.M. only.) 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship. The United Church of Canada JOYOUS YULETIDE Christmas is a merry time; with gifts to exchange, songs to sing, and good things to eat. But Christmas is a time for reflection too . . . and prayer. Make your observance richer by planning to attend your church's Christmas services in the company of loved ones. Hear again the words of Him who would give the gift of Love and Peace to all men for all time. REGULAR BAPTIST (Fundamentalist) I.O.D.E. Hall 5th & McBride Sts. Phone 309 S P E C I A I. CHRISTMAS SERVICES "God SO loved the World that He OAVE His only begotten Son. ' Jno. 3.16. SUNDAY - Dec. 21st 1947 12.15 p.m. Sunday School Special Scriptograph "The Christmas Story. 7:30 p.m. Illustrated Lantern AddressMr. C. J. Carter "The Sad Shepherd"' Solo Mr. Ralph Weick. Xmas Music by Junior Choir. WE PREACH THE OLD-TIME RELIGION The Salvation Army CIIKISTMAS SERVICES CAPTAIN AND MRS. JARRRETT Corps Officers TONIGHT, 8 O'CLOCK Saturday Night Youth Rally. Come and enjoy a Christmas Worship Service. CIIKISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICES HOLINESS MEETING, 11 A.M. Subject: "THE CHRIST OF THE MANGER." DIRECTORY CLASS, 2:30 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 3 P.M. SALVATION MEETING, 7:30 P.M.-A CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE. Speaker: Brigadier Gllllngham. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:30 P.M. Home League. THURSDAY CIIKISTMAS 11 A.M. AN HOUR AROUND BETHLEHEM'S MANGER. A M E It It Y CHRIS T M A S TO A L I, I Full Gospel Tabernacle PAUL A. BARBER, Pastor 221 Sixth Ave. West O II It I S T MAS S E It V I C E S SUNDAY, 11:00 A.M. Devotional. Subject: "God in Human Flesh." 12:15 P.M. Sunday School. Open Session, i 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic. Subject: "No Room in the Inn." "His Name snail be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." EVERYONE WELCOME Saturday, December 20, 1947 Prince Uiwcrt Daily J3clus tstmas Christmas Mass Movement MOST REV. ANTHONY JORDAN, O.M.I., V Vicar Apostolic of Prince Rupert .. TEXT: '"I bring you good news of a great rejoicing for the Jiole ' people. This day, in the City of David. a -Saviour has been born for you. the Lord Christ Himself." St. Luke. Char 2. V. 10-11 Do you know anyone who does not get ready for Christmas? Anyone who remains outside Influence of that contagious excitement which lays hold of all men at this season of the year? No, this is truly a "mass movement." Whatever be the difficulties of life, or the troubles' of mankind, people the world over experience a depth of happiness that makes Christmas time unique. Fur clad Eskimos in the frozen north, vast throngs of negroes in Africa, brown men in the Southern Isles, yellow men in Asia, surging multitudes in the great cities, in the mountains and in the valleys of Euiope and the Americas, men and women from every race of mankind feel great joy in their hearts. Awe and reverence are -there-too, and for the time all else Is forgotten as the memory of the Great Event fills every mind; for it is Christmas; it is the greatest ol days; it Is the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of men. Christmas is a "human" feast, and its effect is felt most In the intimacy of the family. Children become in this season the object" of tender solicitude; their parents, their uncles and aunts ply them with presents in token of their love of children everywhere. . Oh, how softening is the effect of this generous outpouring and how in the Mind of God it is intended to focus our attention of the Christ Child, Who came to redeem and save us. The celebration of Christmas must turn our thoughts to the stable at Bethlehem that we may dwell prayerfully on the action of God begun there. The Infant in the manger was the Son of God, .Who took our human nature, and in the course of time, as the Man-God offered Himself on the Cross for our Salvation. Through Him, every human being had the way to Heaven opened to him. As St. Pe'ter'said: "Salvation is not to be found" elsewhere. This, alone of all the Names under heaven has been appointed to men as the one by which we must needs be saved." (Acts 4.12.) Our Lord Himself said while He was on earth: "I am the vine, you are its branches; if a man lives on in Me, and I in him, then he will yjeld abundant fruit; separated from Me, you have no poww to do anything." (John. 15.5.1 What must we do then at Christmas? First, let us thank God for His Great Gift. At home and in church, let all members of the family pour out their gratitude to Jesus Christ for His infinite, love of us. Second, in testimony that our gratitude is "" sincere, let us renew our personal devotion to Our Lord and to His .,v,teaching. He won for us the personal right to be happy for-i- ever; but eternal happiness is not automatically ours. Each one m gains heaven by co-operation with the grace of God. This word "Co-operation" supposes "operation" on our part. We must work then for Jesus Christ. . The nature of that work, He Himself has told us in these words:' "You will live on in' my love, "if you keep My commandments." ft I 11 I - ft V h 61-' I II I Vk t!V On Earth Peace, Goodwill lo Mm My KT. KIT. J. 11. CIIISON lllshop of Caledonia Thow who had hoped to sing the Christmas carols oi w, In a brighter world will be disappointed. Even the most giooim predictors at the war's end did not see the long drawn oui efrorb that would be required to restore peace on earthefforts thai have produced such relatively small results. Stalemates on con ferences, industrial strife, economic Insecurities, Indicate how iai from realization Is "a just and durable peace." Why have the great efforts put forth by the U.N.0 the van-ous International agencies, the laborious negotiations among thi victorious nations proved such a failure? Is It not because Ht who came "to give knowledge of salvation unto His people, to giv; light to them that sit In darkness and to guide our fcei into iht way of peace" has been left out? There was no room for Him m the inn at Bethlehem, there still appears to be no room for Him In the deliberations of men and nations. Fear, suspicion and greco have crowded Him out. At this season when we join In the Angels' song Pcao 'earth among men of goodwill." we must face them with uu present International situation but we must face them with tr.t spirit of Christ the spirit of Justice and fairness, the spirit n stern rebuke of unrighteousness, the spirit of loving kindnes u men of every race. "Peace on earth among men of goodwill." Peace to those wh; arc pleasing to God. And those who arc pleasing to God are thosi who respond to His wonderful manifestation of goodwill in teno Ing His Son to be the Saviour of the world, by themselves accept Ing that Saviour and showing goodwill. It Is not a proctamaUo:. of unconditional peace. The announcement Is that If the condition Is fulfilled then shall come peace. What has happened t that tht way of peace has been opened to us. We are not compelled tread It. Ood compels no man nor any nation to walk in any path The tragedy of the world Is not the failure of Ood but the inadt--quate response of man. Men have never known better where to look for salvation from the world's ills than they do today. They realize a 0 B Shaw said some time ago that "Jesus Christ Is the one who uio lead us out of our present difficulties that He Is the final hop ofUheHworld" and this Is the real ray of hope In our darkness m this ChrUtmas of 1947. St. Andrew's Cathedral Church CIIKISTMAS EVE 11 JO P.M. CIIKISTMAS DAY 11:00 AM. Special Preacher: The BIhop. SUNDAY A ITER CIIKISTMAS DAY: 8:30 A.M. Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2:00 P.M. Sunday School. 7:30 P.M. The Nine Lessons and Carols. First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M. McColl Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith Choir Leader CIIKISTMAS SUNDAY December 21, 1917 11:00 A.M. A Family Christmas Service. The Pastor's Sermon will be "THE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Anthems Junior Choir: "Let Joy Bells Ring." "Set Other Hearts to Singing- 12:15 P.M. Sunday School. Special Program. 7:30 P.M. Sermon by the Pastor, "Idylls of Bethlehem." Anthem Senior Choir: "in a Stable Lowly.' Solo J. A. Teng; "Star of Bethlehem." ALL CHRISTMAS SONGS AT EVENINO SERVICE A cordial Invitation to worship with this congrega1101 extended to all.