SALE Blue S . I1! IT 33 V. ' ' Classified Advertising - - cards 01 ; runenu And fcn Basement Annoiinrmn i ' ' plus extras. can oe seen at Terrace Trans- TL Terrace. (297) Cmnll nnrtnhtA fill (298) KAi P Half share In Bert's Call at oiiice or oreen 977. evening!. (302) K " I r..l 3!iCK size 18-20, Phone Black "X.j'1 rew oKiurM owi, ;jp and Saucers 25c, Soup rv I5c Aluminum Dobk x ..- $195, Electric DouWe :i. : o-aic-; $7. New Camp ::ovc Scatter Rugs $1.75,! Vrfd cheiUrfleld Bed $30. r. Occasr.onal Chai r a 5;. 0 Slightly Used Radtes,' ; and Battery Sets from ' Aii kinds of other useiui Come and look them ROOM AND HOARD (tf) CM AND BOARD $43 each ;sie $48 single. Sleeping r::: for rent Table meais. Mr lawley, C22 Fraser Street. LOST AND :Of,NI 1ST Fountain C:n40 Street tofyiook Street. (tf) pen. between School and Finder pleose re-.i.., to Dally News. 297) WORK WANTED 3DLE-aged woman will look .11 .... 1 t)Vn itf '.niiaren eveni.igs. 3r:n 58, I"1 .ANn nrniSTRY ACT Uf r.tim,.i, f Tiilr Na n.Vifl-1 " t lourlcrii (H). , mt .rlclit fJH). Sril. ls f Prlnre Knpert" '"I' HEHEA8 Mtlsfactory proof of a 3) ae boy Cttflflciite of Title 1 the name of Benjamin n. c .- own filed tn this office. '" i hereby Riven that I w". the expiration of one month from date of the first publication rl we a Protlslonal Certlfl-' or ntie in ejn rt aald lost Ccj- inless ln the meantime ? ".In- U ma.l. tn m in WfltlnK' Dated h. tj.rni iienistry of- "Inee Kupert. BO, tnis an" ' NovembT. 1047. AD. ANDIIEW THOMPSON. Deputy RegLilrar of Title. 1 ' (3011 l M KH1IHTKV ACT C?ninr,i. f tii 1a Nn. 230M-I the North-West Quarter of Lot "e Thousand Seven Hundred nil Sltxy-flve (1765), Queen Charlotte District, aald to contain k Hundred and Sixty U more or less. , HtREAS satisfactory proof or Of th nl.nv. rvriirieatn of Title """d in tha rinma nf Pesur VcrllCy-1 ha been filed ln this office, f'r u hereby given that I "hall. , "te of the first publication t75i irm" n Provisional Certlflcate m lieu or said lost, uerun.- llpn i . . ii ni.le- . M ir.llla tn ma In wrltlnC. DED at the Land Registry Office. n'?'t Dim... n r ihl. Mh daV ' "ovember, 1947, A.D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. CiMsiricd Art in The News f. 60c. Birth NotlrM lotlcee. Marriage WANTED 1931 model A Ford WANTED Bolt or pump action At $373 conuiiiuu 22 rifle, good condition. Write particulars to Box 205. Dally News. (tf, I OR SENT FR RBKT-ltouaekeephig new. 58.50. Phone , room in pmate heme time to town. Blue 316. 726 9h Ave. W. (tf) FOR RENT-Fufntohed aufte. atee, clean and warm. 1112 room.' ham' after whifh E- Jar' Sleeping $18 1 Phone rett led ln Praver and Ms- OH- Blue 243. i Oirl's bleyele. Bltek F?R RBNT-Twe-wom suite. y KAi k uraiiu suite. (295) new 4-pleV Apply 433 Ukh 298)1 3ood Quality. Order Nw. 3C Furniture uo. R SALE uniisn inaia nuga, d Quantity. Reasonably Prle- c me in and look them' H SALE v. 3 'I Studebaker 1990 Red Fox Fur Neek Cedar Planking, 3x12" xl0" Apply 1401 Fred- 'Midland Camp). 299i Ai.E New and used Fur- Ilardware and Office . m. 1 1 1 . L - nyi furntahed. Apts. Apply No. 2 Bay Uf) FOR RENT 6 room hoe, bath and tpi'.et, full concrete base-nwnt. tl4 7th Avenue West. Ptwu Black 814. (297) FOR RENT One 3-ioom apartment, unfurnished or partly furnished. WKh private bath. d 441. (tf) I'I:ksos.l your Chroma Tree i?w from B. Sl W. Transfer, ate a foot. Phone Red 132. tfi ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It Is a eonfldetlal servle rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from akahol Box 270 Dairy News (tf) A SANDED FLOOh makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient Job with modern equipment. Greer and Brld- METAL WORK B r Furniture Co. niack . PLUMBING Installations and -:ALE 1942 Dodge Sedan. caint job and general, r a Phone or apply 112 i ' (tf) 1 F.A1.E Kf E Baby Carriage. 1013 z inn I 1 JJ ' r - -ti : b- k u., 1. n i i . a rr.i turerV clearance first for double and slnrle in beautiful two-tened worth double the price. - refunded If not satls-Scnt COD plus postage r.ada Handicraft Dlslrl-254 Sherbrookc St. W., eall8, Que. MACHINERY FOR SALE ) SAW better lumber more (comically use the modern " up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufac-fcrra by National Machinery Csmpany limited, Vancouver, IC (' HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS If you live anywhere in B. C, have a car and are neat In appearance, like meeting the public, here is an opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new busi ness. A business giving you 65 profit per sale (average sole $7.50). 50 of sales repeat immediately after delivery. You won't have any competition for at least 6 months. Wc-aupply you with and train you to operate our advanced equipment. Also supply you with leads. You deposit with the company $300 as a guarantee which will be returned to you anytime you wish to discontinue your agency. Re-! Mnvietnne Recording Co.. Box 290, Daily News ..nvoi rr timber rni.tiriitars of the nun... i" ."- ,nULUl lUNltKII 1300' SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ClvTL SERVICE EXAMINA-tlons. Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 End- ' erton Bldg.. Winnipeg. Man. FORCE OF GRAVITY The force of gravity at uic surface of the sun Is said to b? 27 times greater than that at the surface of the earth. TIMBKR SALE X42793 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Mlnlater or rorenw ui y..- DC. not later than u am. 29th day of December. 1947 ntirrhaae of Licence X42793 S.77S.OOO f.b m. of spruce . , .fr nn An area I cedar, and situated on '.'""...r- cumshewa Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. ..., . ... ... Two (3) years win w on the for the to cut Chief Forester. Victoria, ba... - Forester. Prince Rujiert. B C. " I.WIl HHinruv ACT certificate of Title No. 25304-1 e. North Half of the South-East to the Quarter and the South Half heNorth-Et Qjmrter of U.t 2SS sVxt am . Queen C'har.oUetyDlstr.ct. sale Ito con tain One Hundred and Sixty ? (1W) more or less. acres, of proof WHEREAS satisfactory ,o ofthe above Certificate o Title tatied In the name of Cesar Verhej nen nas ,u, t chnii. I u O'!... ' g nvls oi alCertlflcat. oi Title, in teu of J J unless in tno o, November. Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Title". Advertise ln me Dally News Program of Christmas Plays And Music A program of Christmas plays and music which featured .-.v the imgnam gave a scripture reading. At the conclusion of the program, Mrs. Jarrett thanked those whn had wnrkprf tr mnlc Item, "The Gospel Ship,1 KwakVs class. Piano and accordlan duet. Marwret Straehan and Olive Strand. The ctoslg item of the program was a pageant entitled "The Way of the Radiant Star" which was presented by the members of the Home League and Senior Sunday School IRON CREATED The world's greatest iron de rjcslts were created by prehistoric bacteria which gathered iron from water in their living orocess. y Advertise ln the Daily News. y V w y w y v y y g y y y v v y y y y y y y I v y y y y v iow AritilahUi! y y y m LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL XMAS GIFTS THAT l'LEASE WANOANUI. (CP) Twenty-three years ago Mr, M. O. Taylor, of WanganuL was reading In the public library when she was approached by a, audience at the Citadel Wednes- ml" lne "gwer naa signed the bride said to day evening. The program was opened wl Park Avenue. Oreen 224. 297i remarks by Brigadier T. Oilling FOR RENT-a month. (297) .nv. I -layior , iouii Deneru the concert a success. The gath- Jut Just As Warm enng sang "O come, ' All Ye Faithful," following which Brigadier GHUngham delivered the benediction. The program consisted of the following Items: "Hnrk, the Herald Angels Sing" by f,e ""regatlon. "P1p"- tpo VTerry Bells' Siinlaw Srhnnl rhllrtrnn been Mrs. f from this," but she never saw either of Uvem again. Now, however, she has heard from the public Trustee, that she Is a substantial beneficiary .under their estate. Cloth Is Lighter Recitation, "Welcome," by C.!f this problem by new methods oiivpr I of treating the yarn and new Diatesue, "The Star's Lljhtr members of the Senior School. Item, "Welcome." members of Mrs. Eriekson's class. Piano and accordlan duet,1 Maraaret Straehan and Olive Strand. Primary item, "Mother Goose's ChrWmH." Reeitstten. "The Spirit of Cbrintmas." Drill. Dreented by the Senior f iris under the direction of Mrs. Chambers. Item, "Jonah and the Whale." den have the latest ln floor presented by the Band of Love sanders and guarantee the members, best syvtee. Phone Red 501.1 Dialogue. "Christmas Fare," (tf) printed by the Corps Cadets. Reeitatlon, "Don't Forget the Savtmr." tvw Gillesnle. Sone. "Christmas Night," Sen- repairs. SHEET METAL lor airK WORK. Furnaces, tanks, I item, "Candles of the Lord," eavestroughlng and stack, Mra. Erlckson's class work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal, Furnaces, Smokestacks, Air Conditioning Units. Black 884. 253 East First Avenue. (tf) AGENTS WANTED LONDON Of All over the world their is a noticeable tendency to make materials for women's dresses and coats lighter, without reducing their ability to keep the wearers warm. Ex- by the. tries' research laboratories are KoneentrMlng on the solution methods of weaving. They have succeeded already in reduchi3 the weight of new materials to two-thirds the weizht of ens- temary cloth and the materials have become popular rapidly. INDIAN DERIVATION The slang word "thug" comes from a confederacy of professional assassins who travelled In gangs through India in the early 19th century. BASKETBALL CHATTER (By BILL LONG) scnooi unrmmas tree was ell- ,V"" ""-""-'lect of a .good deal of Interest no The fate of Bo-tie-Hi basket- shy counle with a problem. They ... . ...... - - - i Dau i earn wneuier n snau on annual Salvation Army led to the Sunday "fix ,nternwdiate n, su. maxea witn the appearance of,"""" on the part of hoop fans and asitea Mrs. layror J wouia " " dc ... - . , . - sanu uaus who distributed V will provide food for conversa VUness for tr and she agreed. I nt, to the children In a packed, Uon ment durln3 Christmas Intermission when the merits of all teams will be given the top circle. The students are plainly the cream of the Intermediate League, so much so that their constant triumphs . have about tliminated competition, thus reducing fan interest. The argument, seemingly, will centre on whether or not a move to the enior section would benefit the team, the league and, therefore, local basketball. If the students do nove tnio Ihe senior category. .heir place In the intermediate league will be eagerly fill'd bj the Port Edward team which sought admission earlier this veek. High School coa;h Alex. Bill wisely declined to make a decision on behalf of his team as did Booth High School principal A. M. Hurst. Both left it up to the players. So far. no word of their Modernize Your Bathroom! Our Bathroom Fixtures of modern de sign are constructed of finest materials. Estimates given without obligation Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating Second. Ave and gevenUi Street PHONE 103 A. xmmmmmM-A A A A A W1 I YUKON i I J EWE LLERS a J. O. Alexanaeri C23 Third Ave. 615 8 PIP il if B v I T Ta FOR THE. Ladies! KERCHIEFS and SCARVES NYLONS RAYONS WOOLS Lingerie STYLED BY ylor Maid GLOVES Angora and Plain ROSa-Lee Ladies Wear FOR PRINCE RUPERT PEOPLE GIFTS thai are DIFFERENT! AKTCUAFT' NOVELTIES SOIIVEN1US WAX FLOWERS NOW OPEN HANDCRAFTS AND SOUVENIRS (Vera A. Parsons) 211 SIXTH STREET KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1 Pronrletori: TOM flESUT STEVE VUKLAKN decision had ppnetrated this far. To coach Bill the thing must be a bit of a tiresome routine. Last year when he had his team clicking at top efficiency ln the-Intermedlate League he was requested to climb Into the senior group. Ills team did so with glorious results. This year, with the schedule half over, he gets the same request. If the team does go Senicr It undoubtedly will be with the same determination that inspired last year's 'successful aggregation. Incidentally, it seems too bad that some- of the other coaches could couiu not not do ao as as well, wen, especially especiai.7 the the Fashion Fashion Footwear Footwear mentor. mentor. a half-time examination. 1 w ' ' Bo-Me-Hi's nlieht Is tnls-thcy shoemen can boast of but , g have been requested by the Asso-1 elation executive to move up Into'013 win thls "ason- .i tk. sw r.m. n,v,uB entire roster reads of names thtt 5 have the thP iinHniihtHl htivo a Miinlfr Spaced Intermediate. . of players of senior calibre. La-I"' f0? tbT"V f eems to be certain how well the i whole team would stack up ln TinlwiV ' W 11UJ lildh LiiCj Wlv C4 t " ( Via Main Vflfl 1 AN ANCIENT WORD An acre orHjinally meant an open, rlowed or sowed field. BIG SUGAR PRODUCER Cuba supplies- a quarter of the world"? sugar supply. You saw It lr the Daily New? I WHEN IN 'TERRACE STOP AT THE TFRRACE-HOTEL For Convenience and Comfort HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS Central Heating Spring-Filled Mattresses Margaret McLeod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave Phone Green 324 for JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Tavoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Jf 3 V V jf y M tf V if y tf y tf tf y tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf y y y y y tf M y j rhone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert y Two Sailings Ter Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays l:3i pjn-Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight Catala. STEWART and ALICE Sundays, 12 midnight. !; ! ARM QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 2ft midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS December 28 midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Fnone dm Jdrfnrc nunrrf ?afjp Betas -"Saturday, December 20, lsMf"" SUIT YOU! HANDSOMELY CUT, DOUIiLE AND SINGLE BREASTED tMODELS ALL SIZES' a sa i .s Si ' S' . A-A-A A A Gifts Galore... at McCUTCHEONS FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumesj' Colognes, Compacts, Stationery; etc. FOR HIM Shaving Sets, Wallets, Ron son Lighters, Pen and Pencil Sets, Pipes, etc. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. 3rd Aye. at 6th St. SHUT OCT THAT CLATTERING NOISE! Soundproof with 268 Fourth Street Phone 79 ACOUSII BOARD Si We can sJjip dirett to yu and SAVE the cost of handling SMOOTH AND SLATE SURFACED ROOFING PRINCE A A A A A A i A A A A K. g PERFECT PERFORMANCE FOR LEAUINjw" MEN j: GET SET FOR THE HOLIDAYS WHY! unur i AND SELECT ONE OF Ol'U GUARANTEED GOOD FITS. MORGANS MENS WEAR "TAILORED IN THE CUSTOM MANNER" Asbestos Products Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles Wallboard and Masonite Lustrelita Flexboard Rubber Floor Tile . We have Just received a shipment oi ASPHALT FLOOR TILE RUPERT ROOFING CO. GURVICH & SON CONTRACTORS Land Clearing and Rock Work Box 348 rhone Blue 389 K. t A, It a: Rasement Foundations Our Specialty TRUCKS CARS- TO HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 Sixth Street i RUPERT MARINE REALTY? (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS ' (Just East of Llpsett's. Waterfront) Phone Green 1)75 WE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY AND BOXING DAY-ALSO SATURDAY 27th PLACE .YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL EARLY A Merry Christinas TO ALL ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 and 58 -1 1