j BLAi'h AND WHITE' CAMS I m um I Elnurn i k n n in - nuu- 1 :-, ..,,1 Tprrible' ..,. , in Pensions. iio.l.-irrv aaglc and veterans ' said O R Pearkcs, mscrvatlve. Nan from $30 to $40 -. iuding the prc-living bonus, in Army pay will s o 10 $58 per month :3 a $9 Increase In .r.c A lieutenant s;i! instead of $150 an increase of allowance Corre-in navy and air c :cive similar In- 1 mil nil 1 1 j 1 FKI llld I I II S;::-jfiecI with Increases nnounred in ER ? Officials of vunu organization executive meetings id and that a "ma in?, v. not remote." all rroup involved immtdi.i'r reaction dtsappoin'mrnt. l.AK KAY l ut iiMMMrn '! The welterweight Ray Robinson last a technical knoek-ticre over chunky Robinson's second - .cd in hospital to-'fcring from the of which he was 11- .sixth round. Rob- ucal knockout be-fans cleared away : i.he champion siip- iv of left and right rashed to the ean-ath and the fight ' ne ten-count sound- 0!;er suffered piw-uon of the left kld-attendants report-otion as "Xatr" today. E BEING PUDIATED r Mi Auslanc of C.t.L. " 'oniniunists Behind It 'Sunt. Alex McAuslane. : if of the Canadian Labor, .attacked the yesterday for fo-': mble In connection udlg of the freighter Vancouver with arms iIK''iniuiion for Nationalist ;a Picketing was quite obvl-y ' 'irk of the Commun- The C.C.L. might step A" une said. "niie miphnsLq are work on repairs " id's engines at the They did not tn- invnlvorl In n "no. al 1i-putc." asserted a smaii 'tttiat1(mai Longshoremen's , hdquarters In Los An- ; HYcPtj stevedores to re- their work of loading I raOVmCML LIBRAIi EIGHT DAYS IN BOX CAR, YOUTH IS' FROST BITTEN, LOSES FIFTY POUNDS' FOKT SMITH. Arkansas rcinTh,. anient yesterday Karl Harrison, aged 21, who was locked in a box car' . "JKSES rV c,?h? (J" aml "'hts without food, water or suf-' ,u Sdows al an- clothing, is described as "good" today by hos- atement by Pre- Val attendants. . Phis worked out t at an Increase :rnt whereas the ;elf announced living had gone The pension In-totally lnadc- 0 the Nanalmo 1 jr Nanalmo also Government for tier In the an-me increases af-iZXOOO civil ser- Soviet Leaders Are Moulded At Moscow College Communist Party School lor 193,000.000 Russians By DON DALLAS MOSCOW-Immense pains are being taken in the Soviet Union for civil seTvnu 1 1 keP 193.000,000 citizens in- VPDVAMTV IL JLIV f Mil I J j formed on all matters of Com-jmunlst policy, both internal and I external. I Party chiefs supervise a tight educational structure that alms at enlightening the people on many things current national events and plana the "forces that threaten the development of the country " why they must be "always vigilant, always prepared." Each cltiten mutt knoV why the Soviet man, publicized as "the pride of our times," Is superior to the man of the bourgeois capitalist world, why culture 11 the capitalist world is de graded and vulgar, why the old world capitalism and Imperialism it doomed. Spearhead ot all organizational and propaganda work Is the tfescfcitlt CwnmunM parHy-wltji its organizations In factories, workshops, collective farms, offices and stores. Every place of work has a party group, affiliated to a city dlttrlct group, above which Is the city organlaatson. In turn re- pons! ble to the party organization for the krai or oblast 'both large administrative areas, similar to a small state in the United States). Tlie chain Is completed by th? party organization ganization ol of the tne mem indlv Harrlson was found In the' car when It was opened at a lumber mill here on Friday Hl.i arms and legs were frost-bitten I and. during the Imprisonment I he lost fifty pounds, weighing less than 100 txmnds when he f was found. The unfortunate man had loutitain-llrail of Knowledge climbed Into the car at Wells, Nevada, on December 11 CANADA HAD BIG THIRST Liquor Consumption in Fiscal Vear Totalled $30,915,005 OTTAWA. 0- A long list of figures tabled In the House of Commons yesterday was another way of saying that Canada had a pretty expenslvethlrst In the fiscal year ended in 1946. The sum represents the gross sale of spirits, beer and wines by provincial liquor control boards or their agents. It was a Jump of $83,414,641 over the Dominion's' drinking bill for the previous twelve months. Prrnce Edward Island, where j the sale of alcoholic beverages ! is prohibited except for medi- clnal purposes, recorded lowest sales of $12.65 Der caDita. British! Columbia was highest wlth'tns placed as $$36.63. UNION HEALTH IS SUSPENDED Has Deficit of $16,000 With 23,000 .Members VICTORIA The Union Health and Accident Association had all ll nnuprs snsnrnriprl bv At- ZrZ ml(( Friday following discovery the Communist party of the U. S.S.R. .VAKXIST ! Insolvency. A Vancouver account-ant informed the government i that there was a deficit of more (than $46,000 and outstanding I.I)IC.TIU. Irlnlmn tntallinp over $37,000 The Job of training the party . with no money to meet them, and soviet (municipal) leaders. i The Association has 23,000 mem-who must be the best informed bers In good standing from which 1 people In the country, is en-! it has been still collecting, trusted to the higher party The move is reported to be the school of the central committee beginning of a general "clean- of the Communist pary in Mos- up" of unsound benefit groups ccw the "Communist Unlver- ally" of the Soviet Union. There, some 880 students arc undergoing a comprehensive three-year course covering wide fields, from current events to culture. More than 500 others. Including party leaders of many years' standing, arc doing a short nine months' refresher course. New Instructions issued by the party central committee in the last -12 months have aimed at a purely Marxist, as distinct from a "bourgeois' approach to the fields of art. literature, science and philosophy. The teaching and lecturing staff, men and women specially picked by the higher party chiefs, include two academicians members of the academy of sciences, top scientific qualification in the Soviet Union l 11 other members of the academy of sciences, 60 professors and 32 lecturers. The scientific council of the chool has th? rlaht to accept these for a scientific degree and to confer the degree of candidate of sciences, somewhat similar to i bachelor of science. The school has two faculties, the party and the soviet. The 13 chairs at the party school are In: liistorv of the party, history of the U.S.S.R., general history, poll-t'cal economy, economic and political geography, dialectical and historical materialism, international relations 'including n Dritain is Gratified Over President Truman1!! Plan to Aid Europe LONDON P President Tru man's presentation of details of the Marshall plan won general approval today in Britain's press which is much concerned at the moment with Britain's own attempt to lift herself from the morass of austerity. The Independent Times called it a "grand design to breathe life Into, the oid world by help nf the new." The Moscow radio ignored Truman's statement and Marshall's report on the Big Four foreign ministers' meeting In London which collapsed on Monday. CANADA'S FARMS There were 731,760 occupied farms in Canada in 1941, according to 9. census of that year, as compared with 728,664 in 1921. the foreign policy of the U.S. S.R.i, Russian language and literature, Soviet economy, party construction, state law and Soviet construction, Journalism and foreign languages NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAXI (TrrrrfTA tTTTTrf ttttttttt lb JZ?" erlcan ships In new peril today. 7.716-ton James F. Harrell, the high seas further battered the 10.172-ton Army tanker El Ca-ney and the 130-ton Army barge DSF-856. The Harrell was the latest to run into trouble. She radioed the coastguard that she had three hatches stove In, a foot or more of water in the hold and a wet. swelling cargo of maize threatened to burst the -1 . Wismer'shlp- Its position was about 420 General Gordon public linking directly P.""?. C"Z ITT of miles southwest of Adak in the Aleutians. MANUEL ORTIZ RETAINS TITLE P.aiitamweisht Champion Wins Over Student of Manila University MANILA f' Manuel TOP ATHLETES NAMED IN B.C. VANCOUVER CP Lome Main, two-fisted tennis ace who captured the United States National Hardcourts championship and the Canadian junior crown, has been named outstanding junior 'athlete of the year by the B. C. Athletic Union of Canada branch. Senior nomination went to Peter Salmon of Victoria, holder of the 'Canadian 100-yard breast stroke record and all-round aquatic star. Wales Wins In Rugby Football CARDIFF, Wales 0 Wales defeated Australia 6 tot 0 in the Rugby Union International football match today. WORLD'S LARGEST The fresh water area of Canada Is 'estimated at 223,070 square miles, larger than any similar area In the world. WAR-TIME BUDDIES ON FIFTY-YARD LINE - Prominent among the glittering array of military brass' at Philadelphia's Municipal Stadium to see the U, S. Army-Navy grid classic were Ships Still in Peril of Storm High Seas of Pacific Ocean Are llaUerinc Three IJr.iled Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific I'ort-'Trince Kupcrt, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVI, No. 297. prince RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS, anway Workers Increase ITALY HAVING FOOD STRIKE Adds Further Embarrassment For de Gasparri Government Pope Makes Appeal to World aiaies vessels ; ROME, Oj A country-wide iiwnTTTTTT (i,wnrth ttootfix strikeiii! Italian food industries. ast three Am-" iai-ua)6Htfwiwi'ittMj'! ass rremier ae uasparri s new- tough El Centra, California. Iet ien less than tuce farmer, retained his world's 1 promised, bantamweight championship to night with a decision over Tlrso del Rosario. Manila University student, in a fifteen-round fight. The champion scored two knock ly reshuffled cabinet, began today but IndicaUons were It would be settled by nightfall.. An estimated 300,000 employees of food factories, stores and shops are affected by the strike. Bakeries, milk distributors and ice plants were exempted. At the same time violence broke out over the Christmas dole among jobless in Naples today, even as Pope Pius warned In a Holy Week message that class hatred threatened the very foundations of the nations. It: his message to the world, Pops iPius urged Roman Catholics to jpray for peace. I The country-wide food strike I was called over contract nego-I tlatlons as rioting opened In of them policemen, were wounded by gunfire touched off when an unemployment office handed out Christmas doles to a crowd the workless. The recipients Orltz, 1 claimed that they had been giv- they had been ARSON HINTED AT HILLIERS Doukhobor Fire Haiders Arc Plained for Destruction At Island Colony NANAIMO Q -- Doukhobor fire-raiders today were blamed for the destruction of a combination cookhouse, dining hall and store at miliars where Michael (Archangel) Verigin's colony Is located. Flames swept through the building late last night but were halted before reaching other structures in the colony. It was the first outb'reak of violence at the Vancouver Island colony, 37 miles north of here, from the Kootenays. BUILD NEW NASCOPIE OTTAWA Minister of Transport Lionel Chevrier announced Friday that contract had been let to a Quebec shipyard for the building of a new Arctic trading vessel to replace the Xascopie. It will be modern Jn every respect and will carry a helicopter. iMore Nazis Take Trial Twenty-one Kormer German Diplomats and Officials Charged With War Crimes NUERNBERG, ?) Twenty-one former German diplomats and high-ranking officials In the Nazi government pleaded Innocent today to a charge that they commltteed crimes against peace, and humanity. The defendants, before a mlll- tarv trihnnnl upri nnniiQpH nf marshalling German financial IPOLICEMAN IS and economic support for Adolf Hitler and were also accused of murdering millions of Jews. The chief defendant is Baron Ernest von Zelzsaecker, former Secretary of State in the German Foreign Office and German ambassador to the Vatican at the end of the war. THE WEATHER Synopsis . A wet week-end is in store for all sections of the British Colum- General Dwight D. Eisenhower, U. S. chief of staff, and Field bla coast as an active storm ap-Marshal Harold R. L, G, Alexander, governor-general of Canada, proaches the shore. Southeast-who are shown sharing a program. Field Marshal Alexander was em gales are already reported a close friend and colleague of "Gen. Ike" during the war. in northern coastal waters and strong southeasterly winds arej expected to move inland tonight giving snow flurries throughout the interior tonight -and Sunday. Temperatures remain near normal for mid-December. Forecast Prince Rupert. Queen Charlottes and North Coast Intermittent rain today. Sunday overcast with showers, winds decreSStng decreasing to! Ya r southeasterly (20) this evening. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Sunday At Port Hardy. 36 to 42; Mas-sett, 34 and 40; Prince Rupert, 38 and 42. May Tie Up All Ships Dominion-wide Walk-out of Canadian Ship Officers Is Threatened Seamen Would Co-operate MONTREAL 0 A complete tie-up of Canadian shipping in the ports of Saint John and Halifax was threatened today as S. J. Walker, agent of the Cana dian Merchant Service Guild, and William Doherty. national secretary-treasurer, left Montreal for Halifax by plane to marshal deck, englneroom and wireless officers in Canadian ships for a Domlnlon-wlde walkout. "With the co-operation of the Canadian Seamen's Union," Fisher asserted, "we can stop any Canadian ship from clearing port. Pilots and longshoremen will co-operate with us also."' In Vancouver officials of the Merchant Service Guild said they were expecting at "any time" clarification of the Mont real report that an emergency meeting of their representatives had been called there. Tlie guild has more than 1500 officer personnel in membership. Gasperri Given Confidence Vote ROME The new coalition government of Premier de Gas perrl was given a vote of confld division of year by dlssldlent Doukhobors ! ' to ; :The LCmm.U"U' 11?? I had challenged the government. SUITS ARISING FROM WRECK, OF ARMY VESSEL SAN FRANCISCO Mrs. Lorraine Ruth Dehne of San Francisco, whose husband was among the missing when the Clarksdale Victory was wrecked off the Queen Charlotte Islands, has brought action for $100,000 dam ages, charging negligence in the 1 operation of the ship. ence. I am sarry I could not bring back profitable results," Mr. Marshall told rerxrters. jJL Blue 3 JTW STAR j IPCabs I liiAAAiifiAiAAAiAiAiAiAAAii s Rejected Brotherhood NowAsks Naming of Conciliator I MONTREAL (CP) Request of 140,000 Canadian railway workers for a 35 percent hourly wage in crease was turned down Friday by officials of the Canadian National Railways and Canadian Pacific Railway. The request had been made by eighteen railway brotherhoods which immediately appealed to Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, minister of labor, for a conciliator. There is at present no strike threat. FOUND GUILTY VANCOUVER A Vancouver city police office, Constable P. A. Smith, was charged yesterday with theft in connection with the theft of a plaque. Two other officers have been suspended. GEN. MARSHALL RETURNS HOME Rough Ride Europe Aid Seventeen Billion Dollar Tlan is Already Sharply Attacked WASHINGTON, D.C., 0.' Sharp attacks from both Republican and Democratic ranks, today forecast rough" going for the four-year seventeen billion dol lar Marshall plan when United States Caress comes back to WASHINGTON, D.C. ffi-Sec-' retary of State George MarshaUl,!",r,c,J,fnuarir 6' returned Friday from London RepubUcan leaders are appar- and went Immediately into cabi-. ent,y n? behlntd Pro 1 Senator Taf t that f0841 .any net meeting with President formal aid Truman to give a first hand re 1 pledge of European port on the collapse of the Blg'bf toone J""" and re Four fnrplm ministers' ronfpr-l cwcu tti"iuuu. SWEARING IN : Met at the airport by Presi- IV nrrrKKril dent Truman and members of 'J I LI LllLL the cabinet. Mr. Marshall waa told by thejjhle executive, that aWOone-ROOfl lob - General Marshall said, in an J object, with its continuous at tacks against the western pow ers and Its propaganda, was to create confusion. nyron Johnson to Take Over as rrunler.l)eirib12T VICTORIA Swearing in of address to the nation last night, Byron I.Johnson M.L.A. as that because of Soviet "frustra- Premier has been deferred from tlon" policies, a lasting European peace settlement was still distant; He said it would probably have to await the outcome of western Eurppe's efforts to restore healthy society and economy with American assistance. The Secretary of State declared that the Soviet Union had taken an attitude of frank hostility to the European recovery program and that was the reason for the breakdown of the Big Four conference. Russia's tomorrow to December 27, It was announced late yesterday. Yesterday Mr. Johnson again conferred with Premier John Hart but there was no intimation of what happened. The fate of the coalition may be determined when Finance. Minister Herbert Anscomb, Conservative leader, meets his caucus. LOCAL TIDES Sunday, December 21, 1947 High 7:56 17.9 feet 20:06 159 feet Low 1:10 7.9 feet 14:19 9.3 feet OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Football Association Cup ' Second Hound Replays Torquay United 2, Northampton Town 0. Stockton 1, Notts County 4. Swindon Town 2, Aldershot 0. Brighton and Hove Albion 2, Hartlepools United 1. Glllingham 3, Rochdale 0. Shrewsbury Town 2, Stockport County 2 (extra time). Walsall 3, Norwich City 2. English League First Division Aston Villa 2, Grimsby Town 2. Burnley 3, Portsmouth 2. Chelsea 2, Blackpool 2. Everton 4, Blackburn Rovers 1. Huddersfleld Town 2, Derby County 1. Manchester United 2, Middlesbrough 1. Preston North End 3, Liverpool 3. Sheffield United 1, Charlton Athletic 1. Stoke City 2, Bolton Wanderers 0. Sunderland 1, Arsenal 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Manchester City 0. 0. Second Division Barnsley 0, Birmingham City Brentford 0, Fulham 2. Bury 1, Nottingham Forest 0. Chesterfield 2, Cardiff City 2. Leicester City 2, Leeds United Luton Town 2, Coventry City 3. Millwall 0, Sheffield Wednesday 0. Plymouth Argyle 3, Newcastle United 0. Southampton 6, Doncaster Rovers 1. Tottenham Hotspur 1, West Bromwlch Albion 1. West Ham United 0, Bradford 0. Scottish League "A" Division Celtic 0, Alrdrleonlans 0. Dundee 0, Morton 4. Falkirk 1, Clyde 1. Hibernian 4, Aberdeen 0. Motherwell 0, Queens Park 2. Partlck Thistle 4, Queen of the South 0. St. MIrren 1, Hearts 0. Third Lanark 0, Rangers 1. NOTICE OF CLOSING All Grocery, Butcher and Bakery Shops will close on Thursday, Friday, December 25 and 26, also Thursday and Friday, January 1 and 2. All other Relail Stores will close Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 25, 26 and 27, also Thursday, January 1, and will be open Friday, January 2. Retail Stores will not be open on any evening. PRINCE RUPERT RETAIL. MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION.