J n J si '. ..X . a 17 4 Li if ,1 8 grfncc .Rupert Dailg X3cui? YULETIDE CARDS AND WRAPPINGS Saturday, December 20. 1047 Waterfront Whiffs Fishermen Would Open Season for Halibut June 1 Other Requested Changes in Regulations Prinnn Ilimnrt IWn Son Itclmfmcm'c ITnwn ul.nic EVERY SMOKER Will be pleased with Gifts from Varied Stocks CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Lighters, Wallets, Mens Sundries RUPERT TOBACCO STORE CORNER THIRD AVE. AND FOURTH ST. Hollywood Gate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS PROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PAPwTIES CHOP SUE Y CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST ber 15. At present halibut may be caught under permit only during the prescribed halibut season. Another request that the Prince Rupert union will make is that the use of auto trawl i gear be restricted to specuica PflVM areas and prohibited in the rec- to recommend that the 11)18 halibut fishini? season be' ?uta for A5eKas a"d t'T' rt,,l T 1 :.,.i it.... 1 ...i.:.u u... I be increased by 5,000.000 pound i IJ ucucu uu ounc , moiecui ui inuy i, which mis ueuii . above tne leveJs of m7 the opening date for the last several years. The j Wni ask that the increase be di-reeommendation will be placed before representatives vided evenly between both areas, of the halibut fishermen of Washington. British Co-! From Ketchikan win come u lumbia and Alaska early next month. If the fishermen's unions of the other ports agree, the recommendation then will be placed before the International Fisheries Commission annual conference which meets in Seattle on January 9. along with other recommendations. Prior to the conference, representatives of the halibut fishermen will meet to co-ordinate their requests to the commission, a policy that eliminates contradictory resolutions coming from different unions when they come before the commis-, Aon. Need for such co-ordination is illustrated by a request which the Ketchikan Deep Sea Fisher-1 recommendation that all hall- u... u u I : 1 Tn.i Tr... .... .!, m, fi.t..., I U"i uuau in.- ntciBcu. iiim it- was made to the co,nm s-vention. meet privately prior to the con-j'uest this difference will bej'lon several years ag0 lle reconciled and the group group wtlllw,m-c nuKl" "uk ask that It be opened on a certain date, one on which all the representatives agree. The local halibut men also will ask that the percentage oi f "licensed" halibut those which! may be caught under special 1 permit by boats engaged In another type of fishery, notably1 black cod be Increased from 14 per cent as at present to 2 per! cent. mg came or it. xne KetcniKan fishermen will lsist on getting action from the jommission on the exterminatlo of sea-lions which are a plague to the fishing industry. Curtailment, the favored method of equalizing the halibut dtches among the fishermen by extending the season, probably w'ill not be brought before the commission because they I feel that before an effective cur In this, both the Prince Ru-ailment policy can be brousht pert and Ketchikan fishermen into force, a new international are In accord, although the treaty must be adopted. Drafts Moving, Packing: Crating-, Shipping and General Cartaee and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and G8 Classified AuverUomg Pays! BLONDIE rrmiiiiiiniiihiiiiiirmrn B III ri.l.fllilll'lll fltll WT TTTTl I FILM COUNCIL MEETING FAILS May Not be Able to Take Advantage of Offerings if More Interest Not Shown Lack of attendance last night forced cancellation of the semimonthly meeting of the Prince ognized halibut fishing grounds. Rupert Film Council which had Tills is an old complaint on theiPiannca 10 organize me operai-part structure for the exhibition of the halibut men who!inS claim that dragging by auto;0 e1nt"tainmf"t CdUCa nxtnrh. th halibut . tlonal films in the city. feeding grounds and also catches j a percentage ot young nanoui Purpose of the meeting was to have been to set up author- lltv for the distribution of the The Ketchikan fishermen also ( monthly shipments of films win request mat uic nanoui, .MrLOY.MK.Vr AT FISH PLANTS LOW Employment at Prince Rupert's fish plants has reached a winter low and Is now only about may result In a movement o Ketchikan men have gone even of a new treaty have reposed at i frozen fish into the States wit meil's Union has drawn up. The, further. They ask that the jer-i Ottawa and Washington for the 1 consequent employment of some Ketchikan fishermen have gone iod In which halibut may be ; last two years, but the govern-1 fls" handlers. on recora as urging that the 1918 , caught under permit be extend-; ments have not yet got around . season be opened on May 20. ed to from March 15 to Novem-1 to acting on them. a Rupert Mens' and Boy's Store For a Boy After Your Own Heart DRESS HIM UP LIKE A KING Boys' Suits Boys' Pants Boys' Shirts Boys' Ties Boys' Belts Boys' Jackets Boys' Socks Boys' Underwear Boys' Pajamas Boys' Snow Suits Boys' Overcoats Boys' Parkas Boys' Raincoats Boys' Sweaters A combination of good appearance plus fit plus Ion; wear make an unbeatable team. You'll find our stocks complete starting with the small boys size up to the full grown man priced right as usual. GIVE DAD AN ADAM HAT CERTIFICATE YOU DON'T NEED HIS SIZE! YOU THE COLOR CHOICE! DON'T NEED Dad will select his own. Just give him a $6.50 ' Adam Certificate DAD IS A GOOD SCOUT TOO! RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIBBBIBEBBBIlDIBaSnn I a B a a a a B The Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. seiner Chief Seegay returned to port here Friday nnornlng after a month ot "spotty" herring fishing on tSie lower coast. Under Capt Ralph Green, the Seegay hit a few days good fishing at Rivers Inlet, but on the whole found the coast waters relatively unproductive Herring production In Fisher ies District Two from the start of the season until December 6 was 6.872 tons, the bulk of the catches being made in the Rlv ers Inlet. Bella Coola and Bute dale areas. There has been no herring found near Prince Ru pert this fall. Herring pack for the whole coast for the season has been 818,989 cases The Fishermen's Co-opcratlvc has received a couple of shipments of herring from Ketchikan but the amount was not great. Early this week seinsrs were catching herring in Ketclv lkan harbor. From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE R UN-Loose . $11.00 per ton No rebate lor quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 The Popular S.S. M PRINCE r RUPERT Sails l'or VANCOUVER AM) INTERMEDIATE POUTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Hook Early for Xmas For information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Dressmaker's Dummy Hcsijrns. CAREFUL WITH WIIHTHAT THAT I S NEEDLE NEEDLE Ji tM GOING TO r- ( ra its so Sweet v J T "ru MJT a . (7, A - make over Wffl pLOUIMCE x tl. QS- ALL MY V BACK HERE) V- t VDRESSESJ A j wnich have already begun to ar-jrive from National Film Hoard i iciuonal headquarters at Vancouver on the basis of prelimin ary organizational efforts havo Ten films which arrived in the city on December 15 have rc-ct'ived no local showings so far because, according to Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton, Film Council chairman, the machinery for their distribution has not been completed by the council. Original plan of the council was to turn the films over to the be taken for display byorganlza- tions which are members of the council. If we can't get the backing of the organizations which originally expressed Interest then we can't carry on," Sgt. Potter-ton ton said said this this mominc. morning. "We "We need need ilXinas iff M Marconi at Civic Centre SUNDAY Sports P.M. 12:00- All Star Basketball Practice. 2:00 Badminton. Special Incuts 9:15 Community Carol MONDAY P.M. Sports Basketball 0:00 Bo-Me-IIl Girls. public library where they could ; 8:ooMoran.s. 9:00 Savoys. . Sing. Special Events 8:00 Band Practice. 8:00 J.C.C. Public Speaking Class. one-third of its "normal" sum-, i January 15. are "Fur Trade mer level. It is estimated that their whole-hearted support atj'Klee ' Wick," "Listen to The at the present time there are least until we get started." Prairie, "Let's All Sing," "See-about 120 fish workers employed Under the Film Council plan, ! ond Freedom," "Sand and along the waterfront as com- organizations desiring to use the j Flame," "Toronto Symphony," n.ired dth mnro thnn snn rtur ' alms can have them for dlsolay "Wind From the West" and lng the height of the season last by joining the council and pay-summer. jinK the $2.50 annual dues. The This seasonal slump, however lilm shipments are kept one mav be offset earlv In the vear month- then exchanged for when the reduction of American Import tariffs on fish come Into effect. Tills reduction was a re suit of the Geneva trade negotiations early in the fall and provides that the American government cut Import duties on salmon and halibut from one cent to half a cent a pound Local observers believe that thi: other films Films in the De cember shipment, which will be here until "Your Children's Eyes." DEATH RATE LOW The lowest Death rate recorded for any country was that if New Zealand In 1932 and 1933 with 8 l r 1.CO0 population Suggestions uid Strotnberg-Carlson Radios Rupert Radio & Electric ' PHONE Gil on I ft Automatic Electric Irons A jfo Electric Kettles XZSf fi loasters v,( JT' Lamps - t AND FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Crystal Radios Crystal Sets Electric Model Motors Electric Motor Kits S m and numerous other ideal mCts M a ir Illuminated Wreaths Treetop Angels Christmas Lights Replacement Bulbs By Chic Young t I'M THROUGH V I : j) ii, m M (JX 1321 fa 1 'tCigii 1 1 '"' TODAY fiKNK KLLLY MAImi "... His book about women was a HIT throughout.. ykt J "The ""I'WXAl l. . LIVING IN A BIG WAY' SUNDAY Ml DNITE ONLY IHUm BEAUMONT ciii:kyl walker In I : T ton 4 ' Isili v nntr mjii, 1CU1SE BAKNON DMull MATINIE1 tM W Ml. M Kvr.xix;$ ; 00--9;0 tut when she threw her curves she struck him out! rnrsff .... ' 'in Trouble With ., Women" t5 s urn v. i A rVomvnt f klwrt Stoning Ray Tereoa Br!llT, MILLAMD -WRIGHT DOHIM MON. TO. WED. 6APITI TTETJ mm o , THAT LAST MINUTE GIF T A BOOK OF THEATRE TK M Is XMAS MIDNITE SHOW THURSDAY, DEC. 25 11:30 P.M, LOVELY PRIZES TO LUCKY TICKET HOLDERS One Showing Only of iniiiiuiiiiiiiiifrwn iiiiriiiiimimiiriiiirrniimimiiuiiniuir 1MB mm nrtf ii i nniAAii n i nnrrti ntllinl "S. . 1 m Wri HAWklNlIN . MflllWrrN HflKA 4" iili, iinmuuuii ninuiiLuii u mum Now on Sale - 60c and 75c Ml.l..l-1-f Jl.lll.TBIII 1 MWITI Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewlne machines In Prince Rupert anil district. SINGEIl Sewinjr 3Iachine Co. Phone 884 Prince Rupert LIMITED "A OOOD PLACE T BUY" M A. MacKenzie Furniture Christmas Suggestions ( iii:sti:iii n:i i) suites bedikiom i itks Beauty Host Mattress, Beauty Besl Box M,r"' Walnut Tables for every purposr WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPK l-i: Phone 775 2" r" SINGER Wirnuf NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Au.r t- 1 50 Rooniv II"' W.i!'- PRINCE Rl'I'KHT llknn. OBI I' ' ' I illI". )10 Box 196 1 iraaaaaaBaa aaai in mi in M Ftiiifcii I YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON Chinese Dishes a .Sp"ll' Banquet Hall f' Luncheons, Dinners. Parties COS THIBl) AVENUE WEST Telephone 200