Mm' Tel ItT r r v w ti i r:u : . i miipi!. VU AND MMYC tv Mr 1 tditrtninj and Information itrWct ( eH (or todty't womsi M MONTREAL, Dec, 18lh-Lauih at Chrislm. shoppin, problems! . . . her.f.V wiii.t-to.give worries vanish like sno in warn, weather! Buy LEKTOOLITE anele JhtIS for your family and friends! Leku-olit h. Jlshter that really litsverywhere-iv ilme. make he perfect present. If, different from any lighter you've ever known. There" no flame-Just a steady, wlnd-proof glow. No flint to wear down or wick to fn .1. iinl fxlrlmltt. I. II .I . --" ",c - Miiaii nuracie oi practical slmnll. lenient, feather-light . . . if, Juft tie right she u or a very special someone's Christmas itockingl rilKISTMAS magic." THAT'S a flnalo to a merry Christmas whopping platter of gorgeous yiv garnished with cherries and A Christmastime dessert it ever Jell-0 takes so little time to it a help (hat is, with Christie and bustle to keep you so . simple os ADC to make a kmovment or cooi iD e all share who cooks it. :b S. Tinas that good cutter of little tn- k. . . . flavour (IKrNZ delicious '.' I.-lord H'or-47 Sauce add y a dish. Set a it 'i Ipinr Sauces c . . . and the :jc about your .: You'll find so Si-i-ri'ts in "Stto s. .c.-n". For your v write to me. Mil Crescent St., AN SLMPLIIV VOIR LAST - M1V. UTE S II O P. . tfriNO - and 'avoid the i rush i . overcrowd-" cd stores by b i y i n g wcl-A n:no gifts at the BANK OF MONTREAL. -n"ici Passbook, ..lj- initial de- (Milt; for tho . v,,ur Christmas ; j.rcMvit that can . . . and ' n .sive for the : ill. a nt in life. f M man-;. i thee paas- r Christmas 'I i is enclosed. : il friends a . (''lrii ue will be rc.ul- appreciated.- o r ;r.i hurry n bear- fiutl d M. i vh. Fu .. rc.idy for Uifir 7-Up! csomc . . . li l'p" for ;u .ii Kr Just taste it h;i;'i bubbles rim ..u:'.er tongue. v .. lus.'iout lemon-7 !';. i. a treat at vi ii ii iv nit to keep on hand for a tvtiiri by the fire aft. r-M-hool treat! ..ny .store dis-c '.o rful 7-Up signs! iriilSE nir Itr-rn- fll 1 nv IV THE HlfiH. 'MH a .succial " treat. "Dress up" his vege- -t'f.ii 'h 0X0! He'll gurgle with delight l( inc.ty flavour . ho II turn into "i quick and easy asy mlv suunlv In your mr nt drink nn a cold DccemDcr uay . . . : iike be?(-rieh Oxo to "hit the spot"! when you're b tying Oxo hjs re- : i as blithe and merry , at St. Nick hlmstlf-and J.ll-O In hot water. When slightly thickened, add ired. mold and thill. d furve in any number of beautiful ways y Christmas! 1 . . . and. far from being Sr a Champion riate Pol- IT 7 to use. you'll want CJ7, kitchen at all timesl (JS-1 for a YOUR HOME WILL SPARKLE like the lights , on your Christ- 7m mas Tree . . . a! ' i '' .1. with fresh. TN ' &' clean curtains ' '.iV-lffi Linlt-starch- I' ed! Truly ',): there's nothing -h prettier, fresh r 5KJ er than Linit- starched curtains . , . and. bett of all! they stay cleaner lor.yr! Yes, LINIT Is. that fine, thin-boiling starch that make difficult ironing easy . . . eliminates li t wear and tear of toc-fregucnt laundering. It's really a holiday, housecleanlng "must" and you'll want to put it at the top of your shopping list And don't forget to write to me, Barbara Brent, Mil Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q.. for your free copy of " The Linit Book "1 INVITE TOUR FAVORITE C.UtOI.Lt Its in for an evening of Christmas fun and refreshments . . . and remember, there's nothing like a good cup of coffee to establish your reputation as a thoughtful hostess. Most important step to coffee success is your choice of a good brand. Just one I " saved " pennies on a " gain brand" . . . lost goodness and flavour! Now I always ask for richer, smoother CHASE & SANBORN Coffee In the vacuum-packed tin or the economical paper bag. You see, Chate tc Sanborn fuller flavour gives fuller value every time! One rounded tablespoon of Chase 4c Sanborn to every service cupful of water plus careful brewing will give you coffee your guests will rave about! III KK'S A OUT I hope lo see under my Christmas Tree! If HENLEY'S COUNTRY GARDEN '.'ill Box dc luxe! Inside a beau'iful, simulated 1' ither box are Lfpsficlk, lace Powder, Per- "if, and i'au it Toillrtle exquisitely fragrant v ltd the Country Garden fragrance of freshly t flowers. Thi beauty of a box and other Country Garden Git Packagei priced from (! -icned to delight many a lucky lady come ill nt'W to your special St. Nick that here is i.) give you . . . tell him he can find Country :,i tic counters everywhere. t f&s V A' TOR THE Itr.ST OK CHRIST MAS WISHES chowe sifts of versatile GT' VINYLITE -vV Plastic.' Meet n S.. U Tnhhv lh Vr-f PSJ " "IPS- lie's a member- in-iood-stand Wat; msr ing of the VinyXUe Plastic toy family and he'll make your youngster happy ai a lark come Christmas! lor your favourite spectator rports fan there are Buoy-o-Boy cushions . . . so comfortable and convenient for hockey games and such! For the bridge fiend . . . wonderful, washable bridge-table covers ... and for Sis gleaming stocking and lingerie envelopes with a little something inside! Here, truly, are those " just-what-I-wanted " glftj for a Very Merry Christmas! You'll And them in your favourite storej ... be sure to ask for Vinylite pronounced " Vinc-na-llte "1 y y y v y H y y y y y y y y v y y y ' y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Hotel. . . arrivals I'rince Ituperl Mrs. H. Bean, Port Esslngton; E. Grant, Port Simpson; T. BIyth. Vancouver; Mr. and Mra.r Mc Laren. Sadsplt;. II. Albertson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Lund-strom. Sandsplt; V. Dalums, Sandsplt; E. Hodginson, W. J. Crawford, who sustained painful Injuries when run over by a horse and sleigh at Stewart a few days ago. was able to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital Thursday and will be returning to his home at Stewart on the Coaultlam tomorrow night. UNLETTERED LANGUAGE No alphabet exists for most of the scores of dialects spoken by Mexican Indians. DIRECTORY Pen Ire In all (Inirilifx at II anil 7:3(1 p.m.; SimkIiij Muml at 11:1.". except a i-himii. AMil.K'.tN ( ATIIHIKAI. 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 ajn. Sunfliiy School 2.-O0 p.m. Hector: Basil 8. Prockter, D A., B D (Blue 733) IIIIHT HtPTIST 6th Ave. E. at Young St Minister: Hev. Fred AnU-obus (Green 813) I HINT I KKMlVl utuv 4th Avenue East (Oreen 8SU) HKiT I MTI.h 638 6th Ave. West Minister: K. A. Wilson, MA. (Oreen 613) I ILI. ;oi-i:i. Tni:iix.V( Li: 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Oreen 620) SALVATION AK.MV Fraser Street CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrett Directory Clan 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p.m. (Black 269) T. PAIL'S It Till KAN 5th Ave. at McBrtde St. Pastor: K. Solland (Black 910) ST. I'LTI It s AMil.HMN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School II :O0 a m Evening Prayer 7:30 pm. (Blue 827) (OMMIMTV SINIIW SCHOOL East End Hall. 2:30 p.m . Local News Items Valhalla Xmas Dance, Dec. 20. Members and friends. (297) Any Xmas Donations for Miller Bay Hospital children can be left at 349 Taxi for free delivery. (299) Miss Astrid Carlson sailed this afternoon on the Catala for her home in Vancouver to spend the Christmas holiday season. Mrs. Leroche and son, who have been residing at Sandsplt, arrived from there by plane yesterday and sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver enroute to Eastern Canada where they plan on resuming residence. Plenty of tasty, fresh doughnuts for everybody. That Is our baking objective NOW! Orders taken for dances and parties-no order too large or too small. Prompt attention given out of Rupert. Phone 303. (2991 John L. Johansen, local fisherman who has been in Vancouver for the last couple of weeks whJIe his boat Twinkle is being prepared for beam trawling, re shortly after the New Year. NOTICE All oil companies will be closed from December 25th to 28th inclusive. Imperial Oil Limited, British American Oil Company, Home Oil Distributors, Standard Oil of B.C. (298) A. T. Parkin, pioneer local el early this morning in the cityj-w ambulance suffering from a re- j Sf currence of a heart condition! which has troubled him foV aj7 number of years. His condition i f& this fair. morning was reported as ffa ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER IIKLATIIKASY OI CANADA Ltd. Vantouter, III'. S,i.XXi.XX.K...XXX.5..S.SiJ;iJ;.S.3i3, y v v v v i v 1 y if l !v r ', y Ideal Gifts FOR ALL AGES Latest General ... "INSIDE I!. S. A." "PEACE OF MIND" "HUMAN DESTINY" Books For Children . . . Complete list of books for children of all ases. Hundreds of Titles in our Selection (Gunther) (Liebman) (du Nouy) F0 I Latest Fiction ... "iiorsi: DivuiKir (Williams "THE MONEYMAN" (Costain) "EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" (Hilton "CAME A CAVALIER" (Keyes) DRUMS OF DESTINY" ... (Bourne) TKOt'D DESTINY" (Feuchtwanger) "PRINCE or FOXES (Shellabargert "THE GARRRESTON CHRONICLE" (Brace) "CCS THE GREAT" (Duncan) "THE BISHOP S MANTLE" (Turnbull) THE SAXON CHARM" (Wakeman) "HILL OF THE HAWK" (ODell) M(aSes.JM 1ie'cx,cx',,'cc'',cf!'c,rw:'s,ieel''!f,t,X'C'c'c!,e',s! " .,.wn-Xtl KMKICKKltItXKs-i;s.Ii;iaxi-'CX'lKKE p m BULOVA l-Klewel Walchcs from n XXV 1- 2 and :i-Stranl Pearls from 15.75 up Musical .lewd and Powder Hoxcs 8.7 ( '"sarct Cases and Compacts I-00 P Karrinjfs and Pins from . . . .' l-m ul' COMPLETE OPTICAL HEADQUARTERS No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from $30.00 and up SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS TO FIVE-DAV WF ST1II (WWII YOU A TIIKKK SERVICE Jfj riljIiTjIt I lii'Jl aiuu i""' umiiiuiu"! U A MCON1 Jewellers and Optometrists IVIAnOwl Sincere, Friendly Service MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION A A A A A A A s A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A s .1 K R a A K A K A A A A A A A A A A A I A Cash for old cold. Bulger's. Industrial Workers Union Christmas Tree. Valhalla Hall. town orders. Three Sisters Cafe, Sunday, December 21, 2 p.m. lit) 353 Third Avenue. West, Prince J Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday ight, 8:30. Peter Leland, who has- been seining herring in southern waters, returned to the city this suJ: Si m m m V I I f aM- sr. Christmas Shopping IS A DELIGHT IN OUR STORE WHERE THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES ARE ON DISPLAY REQUIEM MASS CELEBRATED FOR MRS. McCORMICK Requiem high mass for the re- Basketball tonieht. Senior; Pse ot the soul of the late Mrs. game, 9 o'clock. Savoy vs. Co-op. I Peter McCormick, who passed (jt) away tnis week was celebrated I at 10 o'clock Friday morning at iwuuaiu, m.r., wm i Annunciation Church. rl. give you "Ottawa Highlights" C.P.P.R. Monday, 6:30 p.m. .298) Regular meeting of the Deep on i brant was Father Edward Green. assisted by Father J. Carroll. The church Was filled to capa l' city with friends .lc" which Mr3 Sea Fishermen's Union, will be held Sunday December 214l!? deln5her u 2:30 p.m. Members are requested to attend. ' (it) Mrs. M. McCafg of Saskatoon, who is teaching at the school at Bella Belli, arrived in the city this morning on the Catala to spend the Christmas holidays with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Rupert. Following the service, the body reposed in B.C. Undertakers' Grenville Court Chapel until evening, then was taken to the train for shipment to Vancouver where interment will be made in the family plot at Ocean View Cemetery. Pallbearers at yesterday's ritt w ere Louis Amacno, Joseph Gar- Annotmceiuentj St. Peter's Y.P.A. Xmas Concert, Dec. 19 and 20, St. Peter's Hall. S.O.N. Christmas Dance, Mr3. I Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets incus at mornlmr nn tho r,t,i, f -Ji4J,"J""c rhriVtm,. Christmas with !, his m7 family here. r "u I I door. o.nn Civic Centre. Dec, 26. 9:30 i .Hhe nlans fn fofum t ' 6 UU- iuwicu uu me wuuua IMIS mora- ""'tuu-1 ?f)M f'hrlctm-ic! ing ot spend' Christmas with his! at th beginning of the NewjJ tSl"S? Local school teachers salllhe i ment. Tree, Odd-30, 2. to 5. and entertaln- this afternoon on the Catala for Booth P.T. Jan. 21. Vancouver Included J. E. Ken-1 Rnsnn tnn ono pirt Avon,., jney, J. s. Church, W. Sbrocch!, ' West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-. A. Williams, P. Adlem. J. Evans, males, chili, barbeque fried Miss P. McRae, Mis3 M. Anstey, : chicken. Caterers large or small urquanart miss Sweeney, parties. Open all night. Orders Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Stone. to take out. (2) Follow the Orowds ...Lo the Variety Store MMK YOU CAN DO ALL YOUK CHRISTMAS SHOP l'lNG UNDER ONE KOOF. WE HAVE JUST THE HIGH T GIFT FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST. 1 that HAT tv TOY FOR ,. , HOHBY OR JEAN IS WAITING FOR YOU IN OUR LARGE CHILDREN'S GIFT SECTION. GIFT WRAPS TAGS, SEALS DECORATIONS GROTTO CIGAR STORE WHOLESALE AND, RETAIL TOIJACCOXISTS Third Avenue; JWefl ' ) iSe ''Berf, br Bud" Phone 372 .14 I II p J $l I a- I 1 gf 518 Third West Red .00 5 2? 5 What to Give l lie Man who Smokes O WE'VE ALL KINDS OF SMOKERS' GIFTS. WHETHER I'lI'E. CIGAR OR CIGARETTE IS HIS CHOICE, T-LEASE HEM WITH OUR I' INEQUALITY BRANDS . . . AND SMOKING NECESSITIES. LIGHTERS RAZORS MEN'S SUNDRIES p :: III 3tfnce mfttl DaflB 33cti Saturday, December 20, 1947 on, Angelo Astoria, George Holmes, J. J. Gillis and Leo Dolron. A further mass will be cele brated at St. Patrick's Church, Vancouver on Tuesday, follow ing which the Interment will be made. Mrs. McCormick will be buried in the family plot whera-ln lie her parents. Mr. McCormick accompanied the body of his wife south. . 'HlX Much better Better . . . . . than mistletoe ... Here' a Christmas gift combination that will make HIM act as if a sprig of runaway mistletoe was hovering over your headl Give him Arrow shirts . . . ties . . . handkerchiefs. Hurry over and have a look at our Arrow line. Choose those Arrow shirts that wear well and fit well (and Jceep on fitting well because they have the Sanforized label)! Then select matching patterns in wrinkle-resistant Arrow ties. Top off your combination with colorful Arrow handkerchiefs. And get set for a Christmas morning kiss I, Watts & Nickersoit rAJllOilrSlTS TRADE MARK Ties. Handkerchiefs, Pajamas PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable FOR HIM Tower and Carpenter Tools, Fishing-Tackle, Sporting Goods. FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrex Ware. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. "SHOP EARLY" Last Minute 'Shoppers' a . $. I WcrCtt, Mdlrlcle St., I'liune 311 V X t A A A ri I ri f ft K Ft li S A K a a A A W.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.VAV.V.W.V."AWV ilISil 5 We have a good selection of v ; . FURNITURE made in our shop, such as CAHINETS ROOK CASES TARLES MAGAZINE RACKS DRYING RACKS l" ROCKING HORSES DOLL CRADLES : in three sizes ! Friday and Saturday, December 19 and 20 Our display rooms in the Krooksbank Building on !fc Third Avenue will be open all day Friday and Saturday, Dec. 19. and 20 ; Your last chance to purchase these locally-made i furnishings and toys before Christmas s "II it Is made of wood, we can build It to order" S FREE DELIVERY PHONE BLUE 610 CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Ardcn livening In Paris Adrienne 3Iax Factor Yardley Peggy Sage Cutcx Tangce, Bachelor ' WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR' LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. Wc will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS'