if 4 I v I y" i A- i i t & .prince Rupert Daflp J3eUis t. Tuesday, November 18, 1947 An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd ill communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Olflce Department, Ottawa) a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor, II. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN TO ESS AUDIT BOREAU OP CIRCULATIONS fusnsUed every arternoon except Sunaay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATE& City Carrier, per 'week. 15c; Per Month, 65c; Per Tear, 17.00; Bj Mall, Per Month. 40c; Per Year, 4.00. isNew Tariff Deals cuts in the United States tariff on PRESENTING many items which would result in the increase of Canadian exports to that country while Canada in return, reduces duties on imports of many necessary articles which should result in lowered prices on this side, the new tariff arrangements with the United States, as announced last night, tempered to considerable extent by drastic import restrictions, should be highly beneficial to the national economy of this country in the way of dollar conservation and -stabilization. It seems that a good stroke of business has been done as far as. Canada is concerned and that the quid pro quo for the United States has been arranged as satisfactorily as could be possibly expected. For a district such as ours, the new tariffs would appear to present particular benefits in the way of further encouraging incipient industrial developments although there might still l)e some clarification as between raw materials and finished products. The further cut in the United States duty on Canadian fresh and frozen halibut and salmon from lc to Vc per pound would be particularly .-Vfdcome here on the British Columbia coast. Canadian fish operators have long irked under first the 2c and then the lc tariff which has had the virtual effect of a price differential. In short, the new tariff deal, which has yet to be approved by Parliament, seems to present the likelihood of very general benefits to the Dominion ;;and particular benefits to an area of potential natural resources awaiting development such as that of Prince Pdipert. The new agreements between Canada and seventeen nations appear to represent the closest approach to general free trade that this Dominion has ever experienced. Delegates Are Named And Instructed to Support Hon. K.'T. Jfcnney .as New ' Liberal Leader Prince Rupert District liberal Association last night ap-'peinted 11 delegates to" attend a provincial convention in Vancouver December .9, 10 and .11. They were instructed to support Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests and M. L. A. for.Skeena, as successor to Pre-rater John Hart as leader of the Liberal party in the province. The delegates named were L. M. Garden, H. F. Glassey. J. D". McRae, Aid. Robert McKay, R. E. Montader, A. S. Nickerson, J. i. Judge. Aid. T. N. Youngs, S. E. Parker, J2. R. Gordon and A, D. Ritchie. , . , In the event of Mr. Kenney declining to run for the leadership or being eliminated, the delegate will be left to .use their own judgment in supporting a 3?vw leader. - A committee consisting of A. D. Ritchie. E. T. Applewhaite and Aid. Robert McKay wat appointed on ways and means to finance the delegates to the convention. TfflVnother committee consisting of S. E; Parker, Aid. T. N. Youngs, J. D. McRae and A. S. Nickerson was appointed to "TARE GIN PILLS!" 'advises Sydney woman. Ktiumn tiJi 46 yttr elj rtmtJy " sujjertil for years from kidney trouble u ilhout getting Much relief. TbeultrieJGin fills. After taking 1 boxes I fell very much im-proi ed." Mrs. V.L.,Sydney,N.S. Gin I'illi help remove the acids that can cause aches and pain. Sold bytlldruxgiitioa "Satiifacuoo-pr-albuybiick, basis. Ue provee (lieit meric Regular ilie, 40 File Economy olio, SO PIU (In the U.S.A. oikforClnoPllle) HiBosil Diui t Ctanici Cen et CMidi, linlta Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS A made from ypur own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in and see samples . WRATHALL'S Pholo Finishing consider resolutions to be en before the convention. tak- Delegates were a)w if the question arises, to coalition in provincial affairs. G. C. Mitchell,,, president of the District Liberal Association, was in the chair at last night's meeting. Aid. Arthur Brooks-bank was secretary. IMPRESSED WITH NORTH 15. K. Sandwell Thinks British Empire Through Urges Closer U. S. Relations B. K. fiandwell, who was In Prince Rupert years ago, and gave a public address in the city hall council chamber on a Sunday afternoon, thinks Northern British Columbia Is a first class part of the world to stick to. He regards this as goad ad-vict for a young man to heed. Mr. Sandwell, who Is editor of Toronto Saturday Night, and a well-known lecturer, was in Edmonton last week. In the course of an interview Jie declared the British Empire, as an Empire, has disappeared and ' urged closer relations between Canada and the United States. "Canadian unity" he remarked "is improving." Curing the war it became worse due to war conditions but there has been improvements since. In British Columbia I found they are letting up on the Japanese. Ontario is showing less hostility to the French-Canadians and the French-Canadians are feelin? more comfortable about the rest of Canada." Concerning the north, he said. "In mv oninion, Northern Al-.berta and Northern British Columbia offer the -best, prospects to a youne man of any place in the world." IFIFGPAPH MANAGFR ft TRANSFERRED , Word was received Monday 1 afternoon by Gordon T. Durkin, manager of the Canadian Na-I tional Telegraphs local office, of j his transfer to Regina. where he j will be manager of the com-1 cany's office. The transfer is expected to be effective about the middle of December. Mr Durkirrhas been manager of the' C.N. Teleeraphs here since Sen-' tember, 1944. No word as to who his' successor here will be has been received yet. support me conunuauon ot ine vqa,jra.0i Jnh Oonnrtunities REGINA Employment HUNGRY POLISH sur veys conducted here recently di3-1 closed that more than 1,000 future job opportunities will be available. In Regina and Saska-toos, returned soldiers will have Gordon II. Jollife, well-known the chance to find work 940 Queen Charlotte CiCty merch- out of a total of 1,023, Survey ant, is a business visitor In the 'are conducted by means if city, having arrived from the j questionnaires mailed to employ-Islands yesterday by air, ' ers. jBBjjl' Today In Avar-ravaged ravas Poland, Wm8mt$lS -m '' 3,315,000 children are liunsrv and iniRerable. llierc are 1.600.000 war orphans. Many are near starvation, menaced by tuberculosis: There is urgent need for strengthening foods, winter clothing, medical supplies, hospital equip, ment. United Polish Helief Fund of Canada is peeking $1,500,000 for this humanitarian task. All amounts collected Avill he expended entirely in Canada for the purchase of essential relief sup. BANKER IS TRANSFF.RRF.n W. G. Kennedy, for the past iour years accountant avuie 10-1 cal branch of the Canadian Bank j of Commerce, left the city at the week-end for Vanderhoof , where I he has been appointed branch I manager. His position here will be filled by R. A. Morley of Rev-elstone who is expected to arrive next week. RENOVATING OF STAFF HOUSES Francis Millerd Company, fish-cry operators of Prince Rupert, are moving two former wartime staff houses from Prince Rupert riiiviti,i TKa Kin- ernff and 2r0 feet in length by 30 feet wide, were built in Prince Rupert during the war for shipyard employees. Now they are being cut into sections 30 feet by 26 feet and each weighing ten tons. Canadian Fisherman. Household Cavalry In Dress Rehearsal LONDON The Cavalry rehearsed from Buckingham Westminster Abbey Sunday afternoon. In all the impresslveness THE Can you close your heart to the appeal o f these CHILDREN? PREMIIER KING VvllWiirii ii.ti Ji Message sent to Prime Minister j From Prince Rupert Liberal Association A message of congratulations will be sent by the Prince Rupert District Liberal Association to Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, on his having been honorel with the Order of Merit toy the King. In moving that such congratulations be sent at last nights meeting of the Association, S. E. Parker said: "It is a tribute not only to Mr. King as a statesman t0 Canada as a nation and houses, two storeys in heightjbut Dominion's a recognition of the great war f fort." PRINCE RUPERT FREE OF FROST Accordlg to a widely circulated medicinal almanac, only three cities in Canada "have more frost-free days than Prince Ru pert. This city is recorded as having 194 fiost-free days per Household yCar. Other cities that have the march more frost-free days art Vic-Palace to torla. 254: Clayonuot, 230: Van couver, 215. ol full dress unjform not seen DEEP-SEA BREATHS since 1913 and holding uplifted! A battleship sucks In and swords, the parade, numbering breathes out enough air each 21 sevan officer? and 120 men wa.s hours to equal half her own watched bv huge crowds. weight, about 43,000 tons. If you were discharged -prior to February 20, l43, your application (or Veteran intwroncc mwcl be accepted by February 20,194l. II discharged otter February 10, 1945. the application mutt be.oc cepted within three yeare el the date of your discharge. FEATURES OF VETERANS INSURANCE AvailabU in moil cot, without mdU cftl Mominoitonj cWf tomparobl low. Vandard toCmj wwailabU to omownft from $500 lo ItO.OOO, pr miiwnt poyoblo monthly If Wsird; to stoblithmont credit may bo omo lo malto poymnti. THOSE WHO AXE ELIGIBLE - Among thoto oligibU oro all votwont of WoId War II and In ctHtoin cowi, fhoir widow I; momboii of tho Porma-rMrtif Fore; -cortoin mvrehant toomon. Fir Fighlofi, Auxiliary Srvic Swpor visor, and Spodal Opotatorij thai in focoipt of war disability inions, VI-72 PuUrtdeJ, un Jer fhe Authority of Rt, Hon. Ian A, Mackenzie, Minister of DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS plies, and distributed in Poland under the direct supervision of Canadian citizens or under such other safeguards as will ensure their reaching those for whom they are intended. The allocation of relief assistance will he determined solely on the basis of need; Coming Avinler threatens these people with added misery; Won't YOU help to relieve their distress? Send your contribution TODAY to United Polish Relief Fund of Canada, 36 Adelaide Street, Kast, Toronto, Ontario or to any branch of the Hank of Montreal; You will receive an official, receipt for Income Tax exemption; MISERY KNOWS NO POLITICS 2-47 i I I More f aulty Koad n Reports At isomer A family from New York arrived jnot long ago in Terrace enroute to Haines, Alaska, after having been Informed that the'e was no highway whatever, west of Prince "George. They are Mr. and Mrs. Qymes and son, After motoring through the United States, they turned north, and at the Canallan port of entry. Blaine, in Washington were told positively that they colld not go any further west, if Uiey expected to Journey by automobile vest of Prince Oeorge. However, they discovered this to be false, .and entirely misleading. ' Mrs. Priscilla Lundy, wife of Austin Lundy, local fisherman,! died early this morning in the j Prince Rupert General Hospital 1 at the .age of .36. She entered hospital Jast .night. She .had1 been a resident of the Fraser Rooms. W 1 1"- A A 6- . n y I ' . have somethlriV l. fc"uerj 2i nc hon and.futn.Hn,. n V " i,rov,( nj? yourself wiik.;" we nave a plan to meot .n . " IU" ProlJ Dot Delay! SeeVsQt0nc H. G. -HELGER-SON LT Phone H( r visit " Ll RADIO 5 Mmt? w y y v I y Are you Perplexed J About your 'Xmas Gift? 73i( OVT 6 Sixth ! RentaJ RENT A RADIO . . , If' 41... II.. .r II.. i ... . at RUPERT RADIO & ELECTA ALL NEW 1948 M A It COM R Ani ItltlUU iNlHlIIi to SUGGESTS Gift Subscription AS A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON G1VLN1 DAILY UNTIL NEXT CHRISTMAS L .J A J ,1 7 rZ4. ior your roUiliw rj I . It's-a Letter Every Day Wc W i fr oU l T r.PF-ATI V APPRF.CIATED. TOO Bi' THf Just hrng in or send your order. We will send a Christmas Gift Notification. I l V SUBSCRIPTION RATES I iByitarrier in the City $7 Per I .. JBv.Mail ' I THE V V V y y y St y PRINCE RUPERT y v y Hi y B y a y ? : y Z y y " y y y v m y v V y y 5 y y y v 5 y USE THIS COUPON DAILY NEWS, , ; WtlNCE RUPERT: -Please send a 'Christmas Gift' Subscription ' - . . . ;. I ....... f .. . .'. ... .'' (Atldresa) .rv---He (Post Office) . It is understood you -will send a receipt to me ,o cation to the recipient. " T'-.-l i ..1 J" A 1L. f C . . . $4 per year W0 BRITISH C0LU JflBB"J and a g cjiieiuseci piease una uiu sum ui p- u gny' (J7 for a year's subscription by carrier In the city, 4 there'