9.:. iff: ir ti. . 4 Avenue West. IdtUuc Hupcrt Daflj? J3ctosf Saturday, November 1, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices, 80c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. IS MEMORIAM LINEHAM In loving memory of our beloved son, Pte. Leonard , Thornas Lineham, who was accidentally killed in London, England, November 1, 1945. He was taken without any warning, . His going left hearts filled WJtn pain, But though he Is gone from amongst us, In our hearts he will always remain. Always remembered by his ever loving Mother, Father, Brother and Sister and FOH SENT FOR RENT Three rooms furnished and one kitchen coal stove. Phone Red 693. 336 9th (260) FOR RENT Sleeping room. 221 5th Ave. East. (260) FOR RENT Four-room modern house and garage. Fenced in. Close in. Apply to 1360 6th Ave. East. (256) FOR RENT 3 room furnished ... suite, 1028 2nd Ave., Blue 270. (259) FOR RENT Heated offices and heated warehouse space, centrally located on waterfront. For full particulars apply or phone H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (256) FOR RENT Housekeeping room in private home close -to town. Blue 325. 720 6th Ave. W. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM. AND BOARI $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Tablf meals. Mrs "Lawley. 622 Fraser Street, (tf) PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and perman ent release from drinking. It is a personal and confidential 1 service rendered without cost) or inconvenience ny otner alcoholics who have found free dom from alcohol. Prince Ru- pert, Box 276, Daily News, (tf) A SANDED FLOOIi makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest In floor - sanders and guarantee the ( best service. Phone Red 581. (tf) PERSONAL. "Kleerex" For , 20 years a dependable family remedy for skin ailments, Psoriasis, Eczema, Pimples, Itch, Boils, Poison Ivy, Ringworm, Impetigo, Hives, Burns, Barber's Itch. Two strengths: ' medium, strong. 50c, $1.00. All druggists or write Kleerex. Mfg. Co. Ltd. FCR FURNACE Kumfort See Us. Thorn Sheet Metal, Black 884, 253'Ebt First. (259'. '. LOSTANI) FOUND LOST In Post Office between 3 .. and 5 p.m., Wednesday after-" nopn, lady's pocketbook. Contains sum of mopey and registration card. Please return to the Dally News. Reward. (256) FOUND CbUds large skooter, information at Dally News office on paying for this advertisement. 'SCHOOLSANDCOLI.EGES C1VTL SERVICE EXAMINA-tlons. Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 End-erton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. , MKTAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough? CaU Black. 884, New Installa- tjpns. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn. Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 620 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Dinette suite, rug 7x9, occasional chair. 1512 6th Ave. East. Phone Green 336. (257) FOR SALE Lady's Coat. Red 807. Coney Fur (257) FOR SALE Dinette, buffet, table and four chairs. $9000. 1840 7th Ave. East. (256.) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture for Household, Offices. Hardware and Musical Instruments, etc. Slightly used Radios, battery and electric sets, from $20; used kitchen Chairs, $1; Hassocks, $1.50; Chesterfield Bed, $32; new double electric Hot Plate with cord, $7; unpalnted Medicine Chests, $2.75; unpainted Book Cases and Chests of Drawer. Everything reduced. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNI-NITURE CO., Black 324. FOR" SALE Two door sedan, 1937 model. Phone Green 838. (257) FOR SALE Cabins at Salt Lakes. Seaview, Hive and Jo's Lunch stand. Electric radio, piano, battery radio, small stoves, etc. Owner leaving town. Call at Salt Lakes or write Box 282. (260) FOR SALE 1935 Dodge coupe car in good running condition. Apply Box 246, Terrace, B.C. (258) - i i FOR SALE House ofi Bus line. 1723 6th Ave. East. Phone Blue 336. (256) FOR SALE Trolling boat' 28 ft. long with 7 h p. engine and gurdies. Blue 518 evenings. (260) FOR SALE-S21 Fulton Street, formerly known as Norfolk Rooms and Japanese Association Building, consists of large builrlng with two suites ground floor and hall above, also cottage at rear. $3,500. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. (257) FOR SALE 6 room hpuse with 3 room suite, close to M?Prldo completely renovated, immedi ate occupancy. $2,000 down will handle, balance on easy terms. Also: 2 4-room houses 2 3-room houses 1 exceptionally handsome home, nearly new, 5 rooms plus rumpus room. See Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Avenue West. (257) LAST CHANCE! Ere we leave, we offer you for a short while only the following: Pig Lead In 3-lb. blocks, lb. .12 Gyproc Lath (good), per M 25.00 12-Light Windows (10x16) each (check rail) 3.00 Cedar Siding, 2", per M. 25.00 Loxstave Rafters, 24 long, hinged, each 2.50 Valves, pjpe Fittings (good) at 2 Price 1000' Shorts in Pipe, 3,4 to 2V2 Va Price Good Doors, while they last 4.00 2 Garage Doprs. each 3 00 Penberthy 1" Automatic Cellar Drainer (gopd).. 10.00 Large Valves and Hydrants 2 Price Shorts In 6x6, 4x14, 2x6, 2x8 2x10, 2x12, good material rough and S4S, per M 20.00 2x8, 2x10, 3x14, 6x6, s4S base 45.00 2M feet 2x4 shorts, per M 22.50 Many other kinds and sizes of materials at special prices. SPIES & MECKLINP, Phone 866. Wantage Road. (256) FOR SALE Ljirge supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $0 per cord, 3 cord, lots $16. BLUE ,810 Bert's Transfer 303 Third Ave. TENDEKS will he received hy the undersigned for the purchase qf dwelling property No. 327 5th Avenue East, City. Tenders to he submitted on or before Saturday noon, Neveniher 1, 19 H IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. HESNEK BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (255) Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. ana McBrlde St.) We prpacij Christ ... CRUCIFIED ROWNLD OMING "Ye will not come to ME that ye might have LIFE." Jno. 5:40. SUNDAY, NOV 2, 1947 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Subject: "UNITY" Speaker: A. Ewald. (Lord's Supper follows evening service). WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. FRIDAY 3:30 p.m. Mission Band 7:00 p.m.-Junior Young Peoples. (Phone 369 or Green 779) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD FOR SALE axle, reinforced frame, platform 7 10"xl7' 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO, 12 ton, stake-body, 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform 6' 6"xl6' with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-set Co-operative Association. co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 264, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Additional information may be had from either of the above named. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED TO RENT ROOM AND. BOARD For two year-old boy. Phone Prince Rupert Hotel, Room 55. (256) WANTED TO RENT Furnished 3 or 4 room house or apartment, couple with one child. Phone Mrs. Hampton, Prinqe Rupert Hotel. (257) AGENTS WANTED HERE'S a Natural. New patent ed tool multiplies man's strength 31 times. Sell retail outlets. Needed by autolsts, farmers, lumbermen, builders, garagemen, transports, public works. Immediate deliveries. Attractive sales proposition. Palcoseel Co, Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. WORK WANTED SATURDAY SERMON KELIfilON AND THE SCHOOL (By REV. R. A. WILSON. First United Church) Education Week this year is stressing freedom and one of the major freedoms is freedom of religion. For the sake of this freedom men have suffered persecution and death. Many of the first settlers on this continent came to its shores because they were promised freedom to worship God according to the direction pf their own consci-- - -" euses. Today, however, to many ! other hand there is a majority ptcple, freedom OF religion1 who would welcome a greater means freedom FROM, religion, j use of this rleh treasure of nu- That, at least. Is what freedom of religion means to our public educational system. Let us look briefly at some aspects of th.s curious situation. In the first place, If you think it unimportant that religion has little place in public education, remember how great Is the influence a teaiherhas with your children. If the ttacher in Grade One makes a Jack-o'-lantern (255) teacher and co-operation on the pupil's part, any subject can be come interesting. But in all 12 years of lementary and high school there U one subject about which the teacher must maintain a discreet silence. That subject is Christianity. ThiTsilence isn't the teacher's fault, for the sublect can't b? tau?ht itqschool Don't blame the Department of Education for leaving the subject out for this emission is ona of those collective sins. In which most of us have some share. j When you step to think of it; it is a ridiculous sltutajon in I which we are Involved. Th? I Christian religion upholds aj faith which It claim? brings salvation to all who accept It. By any test It Is Important. Historically, it has done much to make us what we are, be that geed or bad. Scientifically, re-1 llglon is such a universal phe-ncmena that its presence requires some explanation. It changes the landscape, dotting it with Dlaces of worship. Even economically (the crowning method of explanation for spmei It seems to have Importance, for people do spend a -limited amount of, money to maintain its institutions.. And when at last life's silver cord Is broken, with few exceptions the offices cf religion are sought. Yet about this, the most fascinating of all sub jects, the teacher must maintain a great silence. Oh,, yes, occasionally It creeps Into a history course and it Is discovered that In some ancient and wicked day the men of the church, over come by human weakness, started a war or did something else equally notorious. Or, If by chance some child, made, of the stuff of the poets and philosophers, should ask one of life's important questions, such as "Why are w.e here?" the subject must be shifted to a less embarrassing topic such as the jilt pump or the steam engine. The beauty of this system of silence is that It has an Immortality all its own. By training students ! very highly In some subjeits and ! keeping their curiousity duller! ! on this controYesia.J question H will ,soon be posstole to say that. there Is no one who could teach the subject. One thing our school system 1$ best fitted to produce Is teachers. One generation teaches the next. By this process our Ignorance Is .elf-per-cetuatlng. Soon the public mind wm be Ignorant enou?h to accent one of the bloody secular religions that defy the state or man or some equally monstrous abstraction. Roughly speaking, there are two groups who maintain this educational taboo. There are the religious people., who refuse ,ta look at any teaching except tlelr MTDDLE-aged woman will look, own and there are those educa- aiier cnuaren evenings, pnone , tors who regard relleion an a Qreen 588. (tf) j burden to be cast aside. On the man experience. Could not course be designed in co-operation with the various churches that would help to Inform the student about the history arid lnitltutlons of Christianity? JU purpose need not be to persuade, but ;o inform. The establishment of such a course would present difficulties but there are far greater dangers in our growing religious illiteacy. Religious without any teeth you may find; freedom is not found In lgnor-that your efforts at home are j ance but in knowledge. Soma completely unsatisfactory if you I way must be found whereby the Include teeth in your model. For reiources of the schools can be FOR SALE-Kltchen table, four large part of the day duriPS effectively. chairs and bed complete. Call mu5l, ""Ponaoie years : at 513 8th Ave. East. (2SB) he child is at school. A myster-1 937. -r- , . . . , . lous thing called the curriculum I FOR SALE "Babee Tenda," good U making the intellsctual weath-1 condition. Red 985, call eve- er in which his mind must grow, i nings. FOR SALE Flooring and 2x10. Phone Green 698. (256) FOR SALE Farm at Remo. Box 1367, Postal St. "B" Prince Rupert. (18-25-1) CHENILLE SPKEADS, $4.83 Manufacturers clearance first quality for double and single beds In beautiful two-toned : .colors, worth double the price. " 'Money refunded if not satisfied. Sent C.O.D. plus postage In Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal 18, Que. TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15, 1947. FARGO, 3 tons, 196" W.B., stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with "2 speed rear (260) We all think the thing we are doing is Important. The student assumes that Uie impartant sub- Jects are the subjects he !s FOR SALE Girl's bicycle. Green studying, and, granted a good First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Clerk of Sessions, J. A. Teng ! Morning Worship, 11 ajn ! Minister: Rev. A. M. McColl. Subject: "I Am Debtor td All Men." Anthem, Junior Choir: "Hallelujah, Raise O Raise." Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 pm. Minister: Rev. A. M. McColl. Subject: "What Do You Think of God," Anthem, Senior Choir: "Savior Breathe An Evening Blessing." Everyone welcome. First Baptist Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 Sunday, November 2 11 a m. Morning Service. 12:15 p.m. Church School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. "But Ood r.nmmpth His nin mm ST DIRECTORY mtiIich In nil (liurilif ut II a.m. u nil p.m.; kiinilay School nt Villi V lf t UH sIlKUII. A(SI.ICW CMTIIKIlKAI. 4th Ave. W. at Dununulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Suaday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Procter, b a, BD (Ulue J3J) MUST ItAI'TIST 8th Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: av. Fred Antrobus (Green 812) VWit I'HCMIYTHmS 4 th Avenue East (Oreen 884) iiusr INITIII 630 Cth Av. Wit Minister: It. A. Wilson, M A. (Oreen 813) t i l l. (lOSI'll, TtlltllYW i.i: 221 6th Ave. WMt Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Oreen 820) SAI.YIUOX AllMY Prater Street 0.0. : Capt. Earl Jarrctt Directory Claw 2:39 p.m. Sunday School 3.00 p.m. (Black !(W) ST. I'll l.'S Ll lllKUAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: E. Sollaod (Black 910) st. iTiKirs .m;i.ic. Seal Oove Arthdeason E. lloctson Sunday School 1 1 :00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:80 p.m. (Blue 827) nnniiMTY siaiiw kcikiol East Euil 1U1I. 2 30 p ro. I'rlnre riupm Full Gospel Tahcrnuclc 221 Sixth Avenue West Rev. Paul A. Barber Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Devotional and Communion Service. 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 pm. Evangelistic. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer meeting. Friday, 8 p.m. Young Peoples Service. Behold the Lamb of God which take th away the gin of the world. John 1:20. All are welcome. St. I'aul's Lutheran Church Earl Sotlaad, Pastor 336 East Sixth Avenue Phone Black 910 Wowblp S rylce, at 1 1a.m. and 7:30 pjn. Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. Choir meets Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. The Church Council meets Tues day at B p.m. The Sunday School teachers meet Friday evening. The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrctt, Corps Officers. TONIGHT "Our Youth Rally." Mrs. W. Timms will speak to us. TOMORROW 9 a.m. Knee Drill. 11 a m. Holiness Meeting. Miss Fraser of the Northern Light Bookroom will bring the message. 2:30 p.m. Directory. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 pm Gospel Meeting love toward us, In that, while f P m-Home League we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the close of the. service. Remember to brrlng your parcels of new and good used clothing for Europe to the parsonage, very soor for shipment. Try a DaUy News Classified Ad Classified Advertising Payj' Wed- 8 pm. Soldiers' Meeting. Note The Home League Sale of Work will be held in the I.O.D.E, Hall on Nov. 25. Discussions about operations and sufferings should not be carried on in front of children as it will frighten litem unnecessarily, say health authorities. See the Spies and Meckling ad this week. (250) L1.1JJJ II I JIK.I IJ I i it 1 j i.i iff f 1 ii innccDVTrrmu RELIEF PASTOR Rev. A. M. McColl, recently retired from Westminster Presbyterian Church, Sioux City lov , arrived in the city yesteru.iy from Vancouver, where he k , now masing nis home, to occup- the pulpit of First Presbyterian ; Church until a regular minister I has been secured. I Mr. Xtcuoll Is a veteran of trt!. (First Great War, having joined a Canadian Scottish Regimnn as a private. Later, as chaplain he served both in France una j England and for sometime aftr, returning to Canada. He wounded In action while serving as a private In France. His s.n served as a paratrooper In the I last conflict. t McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. O. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 7!) GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs - Construction Alterations Phone RED 501 - P.O. Box 721 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When one calls to sr? friend who U ill, should he to see this person? A. No; perhaps the oer-too 111 to receive gup "." I.. Q. W A T Q b z I. r LITTLE, HAUGLAIID & Rough and Dressed Lumber bil, . ill tv TW ... Terrace Lumber Manufacturers T EUR ACE 1J Jftlil tile duty fc. Agents For International Harrattr C. W i. sptt Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Itl I'bllco Radios Willi rd Batteries Phil's Cafe Lakelsc Awnuc Tcrrart. BREAKFAST - LUNCH - I AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick ndCon.-teoo3 Proprietor, Phil Tetrault TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WB MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN TUB DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace y .t 11 , 1. 11 nvzEY SIHGll Immediate fcSnrjl treadle and elettw I machines ia Mm I and dtsUici SINGES Scwine MacM 1 nunc uracil in 1 Prince Rupert Realty C Protect Your Home NOW Againft Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be TooLcdJ of practical VIICMMK u ,) Experience in Prince Rupert IOHN GURVICH has returned to the - CONTRACTING EXCAVATING. HAULING, Uf , j PHONE PHONE 32 32 ci 111 To Avoid Inconviei Coal II IS Bl"h FOOTHILLS LUMi; Lumber r"" , 4i,, our cusi We strongly recommend . -m fill their coal bins w"; least order well Tot unquestionably, a shortaRt tcr. "CALL US OVi:B J'" fflliestin." 1. 1 1., iii lie a nu " - Efifi PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO.