J) h VVI II I I.'C rJMUNf ASPIRIN ... uta--' . ..... ic- Pay.s! our fiinA . I . . , ! . -- iiSc Jllllliuil yuu Will Kin Fires Hallowe'en Magnet For Children Contributed to Fine JNijtht In l'rince Rupert The Prizewinners The sun had scarcely tucked Itself out of sight last night when there came a knocking at house doors throughout the city and cries of "Shell-out for Hallowe'en I" and "Apples, apples, Unllvisinnn Imp i pr.vce RlTEItrS NEWEST AND MOST 1 UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT . n A 1 1 D C 17 MC A 1 5 FROM 11 a.m. iu aji. Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. INESE DISHES A SPECIALTY I Mill UL A 4 I.' I S 'I'll t 1 tf'fl 14 - J V M ft V. VS CHOW MEIN rOIi OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST LUMBER RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Cl.ir.lmt Vlfifirimr. VW .Ininf. Kiln- Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assort- Sole Agent for H.C. CEMENT CO. II III II I W Ml f A LLI.II V I III ULMLiVI KjL riUynl I lrl I uiui . . . .v wTvr iMtn nTTlif 11 TT.O H L' I L I 1 V I I IV Ifl II II ilt ." I I I I I I I'jH 116 COAL PHONE 117 i i m l m I I 1 I I I f ' III! W ' 4 1 lll IJ M V rl.J a i aoou vour throat m lerts inir nsrni . . . i rt i Si i Mill hiww inll ill. coat. Come in today of fur-trimmed coats Iff I I if j "una zrii m iir.iT m ax is ripUonni in suit everv - NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES I lilt I A I .I Mmmw r - m M XJ J i PRICE SALE --ui utility vUSUS 'ilin? Casas - Shaving Kits Our entire slock of these leather goods mA J k 1 1 X 1 ' lliri- r,, A I " air a :.i . : " and son Hi,..,. r.. ..ir ...... n., ni r - t - i" Hallowe'en apples!" sounded up and down the streets. Groups of little gypsies, cow boys, pirates and strange, gob lin-like creatures with false faces trooped from house to house gathering a loot of candies, apples, cookies and shell-out tickets. When the glow in the sky warned the revellers that their neighborhood Kinsmen bonfire was alight, they converged on Totem Pole Park, Conrad Street and Gyro Ball Park. Kinsmen were on hand to collect and tabulate each child's collection of shell-out tickets and to provide entertainment and eats. A special delight to young palates were the candied apples. Armine Boas, with the aid of several volunteers, the cooperation of the city bakeries and the North Star Bottling Works, had 1500 apples dipped, skewered and wrapped for the occasion. When these gave out the busy handlers opened seven more cases of unadorned eating apples. Each fire had novelties for the youngsters and a display of fireworks. At Conrad Street special entertainment, arranged by fire captain Charles Collins, was provided by- Laurie Stevens on hi? piano-accordian. Early in the evening he played request num bers for the children but, as tho crowd swelled with adults, a full-fledged sing-song got under vay and lasted until the fire died to glowing .coals, Bill Nob!?, directing operations j a Gyro Park, had a small stage iPHIUIPSi j MILK OF MAGNESIA ; TABLETS ; 5 BRING QUICK llIf&S Glorify Your Sentiment With jijewellery DESIRED .MOST OF ALL WHEN GIFT TIME COMES Priceless jewels are like stars, but inferior jewels, unlike the stars, lose their brilliance, their beauty and value. Let the glory of your special occasion live foreverby choosing fine gifts from a competent jeweller. His experience and understanding, and his loyalty to his craft, Is assurance of complete satisfaction. So consulet your Jeweller. He Is ready and willing to help and serve you faithfully, mm STOP. ttt up near the fire and conducted a miniature amateur night, offering novelty prizes to the best performers and for the most original costumes. Community singing was also part of the program. Totem Park fire, In charge of George Dibb and his crew, at tracted the greatest number of adults. Under a moonlit sky some two hundred parents gathered around the cheerful blaze to watch the kiddies receive their gifts and to enjoy the fun , with the youngsters. YVONNE NEILS EN IS WATCH WINNER Yvonne Nellsen of King Edward School won a girl's gold wrist watch as first prize in the Kinsmen's Hallowe'en shell-out ticket contest with a total of 6,152 points. Along with the prize goes a silver cup which Yvonne will hold for a second year having won it last year with C,065 points. There were two prizes for each fire with an extra one going to the fire having the contestant with the highest score which in this case was Conrad Street where Yvonne turned in her tickets. Aside from Yvonne Neilser. there were three repeat winners Dorothy Hibbard, Jeannette Cloutier and Jimmy Currie. Girls predominated among the winners, taking the first five prizes. On Monday the prizes will be turned over to the principals ol the city schools who will make the presentations. The following Is a list of the winners, their school, the fire they attended and the prize won by each contestant: Yvonne Neilsen, King Edward School, Conrad fire', gold wrist watch. Dorothy Hitobard, Borden Street School, Totem Park fire, 'silver wrist watch. J acquelin Moore, Borden . i Street School, Totem Park fire. II gold filled locket. ! Jeannette Cloutier, Annuncla tlon School, Gyro Park fire, Ibirthstone ring. 1 Anne Mil jure, Conrad School, ! Conrad fire, camera. Jimmie Currie, Conrad School, i Conrad fire, camera. Murrav Boa. Klnw TMur-arfl j School, Gyro Park fire, pen and pencil set. DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S' Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up flftp percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now I H.G.HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street HEFORE YOU BUY THAT ELECTRIC TRAIN FOR X.MAS SEE THE REMOTE CONTROLLED LIONEL TRAIN A v"(ect Scale Modfl IT WHISTLES IT REVERSES IT COUW.ES AND UNCOUPLES See This Wonder Control It Yvursclf RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone Cll 313 Third Ave. W. Box 331 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCJE RUPERT HOTEL ChopSuey CSiow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open S am. to 2 &.m. PHONE 173 Local News Items Cash for old sold. Bulger's. William Smith of the Co-op staff Is sailing on the Chllcotin Sunday on a trip to Vancouver. Malcolm McLeod, president of the Shipyard General Federation, Vancouver, left this afternoon by air to return to Vancouver after a brief visit to the city In connection with the negotiation of a working agreement between the Prince Rupert dry dock and its employees. Elio's Furniture Store will be closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) See the Spies and Meckling ad this week. (256) LEEDS, England O) Lucy Bowling, 46, Is to help ring a special peal of bells the occa sion being her own wedding j with Canon Charles C. Marshall, I 82, who recently resigned from the church. I 20 Announcements Lutheran Ladies' Aid Bazaar, Saturday Nov. 1. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Sons of Norway meeting Thursday, 4Nov. 6. Important that all members attend. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov, 10. Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13. Moose Temple. Turkey Dinner, United Church, Nov. 13. Catholic Card Party at School Hall Nov. 13, 8 p.m. Queen Mary I.OJD.E. Bazaar, Nov, 19. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Eastern Star fall Cance, Ma-i sonic Temple, Nov. 21. Stt Andrews Cathedral Bazaar. November 22. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, civic Centre Nov. ' 28th. i Sonja Tea, Home Cooking, Fanpy Work. Lutheran Recrea- j tlon Rooms, 2:30-5:30. Nov. 29. United Church Bazaar, Decern rbef-r ance Co. Ltd.. who attended the mm j company's first annual meeting, Vl 3 T 3 TGI ItICLGOQ in 1874 as a 15-year-old clerk, Is retiring, aged 98. You saw It in the Daily News! Optometrist hLH AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Aviiable NOW! ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Oasungs Electric and Acetylene Welding, SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Canadian Club Tea for members, Civic Centre 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4. Report of Regional Conference. (It) Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (256) George Frizzell Is 87 Years Old George Frizzell, who has lived in Prince Rupert since railway construction days and taken an active part in business and com munity affairs, was 87 years of age a few days ago. Considering he sustained a stroke some years ago, he is in remarkably good health for his age and his l many friends wish him many more returns of' the anniver sary. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert W. Bonsor, North Vancouver; J. Humphries, North Vancou ver; Mrs. P. Pritchard, Church Creek; H. Campbell, Queen Charlotte City; J. Robillard, Vancouver; S. McGuire, Queen Charlotte City; A. J. Campbell, Vancouver; T. Richards, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. P. Dalum and son, Church Creek; E. Walsh, Vancouver; Mrs. A. J. Ingraharn, Skldegate; Mrs. M. R. Barwlck, Fort Bablne; Mr. and Mrs. Yagos, Terrace: C. F, Healy, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. L, G, Murray, Vancouver; Mrs. M, Howarth. Fort Babine; E. Coates, Vancouver. ASTHMA -t WITH FIRM 73 YEARS ' Orange Sale, December 5. LONDON ) Sir Frederick t. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Pascoe Rutter. governor of the London and Lancashire Insur- FOR AND HAY FEVER UKKATIIEASY OF CANADA Ltd. Vancouver, BC Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pan. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUFERT HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 L 1 .HI Three Bailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pjn. Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 3 rfnce Bupcrt Dallj? 53ctog Saturday, November 1, 1947 Topcoats Fall is here and we're ready with a fine stock by Fashion-Craft and Society. There are smart Tweeds, coverts and gabardines, velours and fleeces to choose from. You can take our word they're made right and styled right. Priced from $37.50 From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 312.00 per ton MINE R UN- Loose .. $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 liblJtM. Ml J.U.U Mi:nimiiin.n.f w Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO V mVT RTATIONPIJV FOITKTATN PP.NR V y v il W BOXED ASSORTMENTS J In New and Original Designs. Prices from 50 up DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 1 y BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE v ft33l9)3i3i9i9)3)3ii9)3t33)3)lli9)3)ai3l3S3!9)3)3i3)li3ii3lMM NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Homt 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.O. Phone 281 P.O. Box ! POPULAR GUITAR RECORDS (Hillbilly and Cowboy) Stock Now Complete of Your Favorite Artists ; WILF CARTER . . Hank (Yodelling Cowboy) GENE AUTRY Spade, Cooly and others ALSO ALBUM SETS by "Sons of the Pioneers" GENE AUTRY KING CROSBY : and Square Dances with calls A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Su trn'nuf i n c H IHO CHESTERFIELD SUITES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES TABLE LAMPS LAY-AWAY FLOOR LAMPS END TABLES .MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut). COFFEE TABLES (walnut). LIVING ROO.M DESKS (solid mahogany). LIVING ROO.M TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MIRRORS Numerous designs, reflection of beauty and taste. ORIENTAL CARPETS WILTON CARPETS AXMINSTER CARPETS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS