jr. r I?; Art- i nT Holt, Betty Woods. 12rfmt Giipht Daflp j3cib Saturday, November 1, 1947 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PARTY jThe auditorium of Booth Memorial High School was one Truman and Bob PRESBYTERIAN BOY SCOUTS Organization is proceeding with considerable enthusiasm of a Boy Scout troop and Wolf Cub pack at First Presbyterian Churchy ' The nucleus of the Scout troop has been formed While upwards of a dozen boys are already enrolled in the Cub pack. There will be musters of the boys ranging from eight to 18 years ; of age weekly. Officers and executive of the Scout organization at the Presbyterian.. Church are: JCha'lrman William McLatchie. ! SI a B O Secretary Fred Conrad. Scoutmaster Roy Brian. T Cub . Master Ian Dunbar. GREAT FILM AT CAPITOL With one of the greatest all-star casts ever assembled for a oi, the Hallowe'en bright spots j motion picture, "Duel in the last night' when 250 junior pu- 1 Sun," giant technicolor produc- plls gathered for a ,gay party wjhich Included a musical program, -a period of games and skits and two hours of dancing. The big.'fobm was appropriately dcprated. Fine refreshments were served. JThe program included guitai tion, comes to the Capitol Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotten, Lionel Bar-rymore, Herbert Marshall, Lillian Gish, Walter Huston and many other celebrities give full play to their talents in a stir- selections by Molly Dixon, sing- ring story of when the railroads ing oi "Tne Lord s Prayer" as a duct by Bernice and Eleanor Hood and solo by Maresa Wln-dle, accompanied by Beverley Matson. "John Church supervised the affair on behalf of the staff while the junior students' coun- first pushed across the wild lands of the Texas cattle kings. n H Waterfront Whiffs Negotiating Wage Agreement At Dry Dock Current Activity At Yard Six Tugs For Indo-China Here Miss Jones plays the part of Canadian National Railways of a fiery half-breed girl. Gregory Peck is a rough-riding cowboy who is not above murdering for the girl. He vies with his milder brother. Joseph Cotten, for the ch committee consisted of Tom Blrl's affections. Lionel Barry- llllllBIIIHliaaailallB- BWjppjMBBHBBlaB----.------- mm BULGER GE0RGE HILL & SONS LIMITED OPTOMETRIST Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers John Bulger Ltd. AGENTS F0K SLATER SHOES Third Avenue 824 Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 iynv ufnt ! MAC SH0E A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE ATTEND TIIEIH MW DYEING dTifaHawrA COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SAVC Tjj"E, fKm SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES SOLES MtEtT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Box 774 flUBf Proprietors: TOSI PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Second WfW Ij Avenue mr m I or n, turn in n .rrnnt nnrtrnvci ! Group and. according to the arrived in the city Friday morn- life ;I FA$m,A$lK, CLEAN EX HEAT w your KANGE r liK with a r M ILENT ULOHL Oil BuRMgw No more ashes, soot, dirt, fires lhat die outj in your kitchen range I Five Yor Guarantee by maktn. Over 400,000 In use today. ON SALE AT: Advertise in the Dailv Newsl weeks, three sections of .the former No. Two Wartime Housing staff house have been moved from location and placed on a scow at the dry dock. The scow can take, at most, one more section. There are four more sec tions still to be moved to the dry dock. The staff house, and Its companion, Number One( are being moved to Vancouver by Mlllerd Cannery Co. for the accommodation of cannery workers. It was estimated that It would be more economic to move Discussions regarding a working agreement be- them in sections th. tr thPm tween the Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard down and then re-assemble and the unions employed at the yard, involving pay them ,n the south-and working conditions similar to those in Vancou- T77 u . ver and Victoria, were carried on between Robert ZndonS. "SvS Cameron, shipyard manager, and union off icials j here this week for shipment to Friday afternoon and the agree- j : ! Indo-China. This brings to six ment now waits the approval of ments must co to Vancouver ' tne number of the 40-foot ves- car, arrived almost two months ago. 1 union is the Ing on the Chllcotin, as the Dower-mad father of the men. same as represent- j , u , .u- adopted in southern vards last ing that group at the talks. Vessels fining dog salmon committee J. A. Teng. S. C. Shearnown, John McLeon. W. D. "ffklns, E". F. Saunders. W. G. I Lambie and C. F. McCarthy. "" ' I , week which already has been ' s"mnier level which was one of 1 Union steamer Cassiar docked effective here for the last year.reat activity, although there nere at j ociock rriaay aiter-Union ls stm a considerable amount of noon from Vancouver via the representatives s a y wok About south Islands She sailed again that their signatures are already refair 40 smaU ves- sels are docked at the various at midnight for Massett Inlet nn thP rinnnmpntQ nnrt thnt tv,.v ; pany at Fridays discussions,; said that "nothing has been signed" here but that the docu- Wallace's! CURTAINS! S CURTAINS! CURTAINS! I Yes, and Panels and Curtaining by the Yard, Too! WINDOWS MAKE THE ROOM Fresh new window curtains or curtain yardage for those who enjoy ! making their own. New life to your windows make even old furniture reflect new charm. SAVe also have ready-made washable Plastic curtains for the bath and bedroom windows and just loads of drapery to fit your color scheme. ; I At WALLACE'S Of Course!! repairs. They Include many well known names, such as the Dovre B., Skeena Maid, Strafen, Advance II, Joe Baker, Harry H., Frisco, Svalbard, Clipper II, Five Princes and many others. In Number One pontoon at present is the Nelson Bros, boat repair scow Bobolink, undergoing repairs following her adventure 10 days ago when she was blown onto the beach In a gale. Originally thought to be badly damaged, a survey shows that she actually sustained only a small amount of damage. The scow itself was twisted from the strain of riding a rock ledge but her bottom suffered only slight ly. Replacement of a few planks and ana again. During the last couple of Jow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert of Capt. Alf Aspinall. The steamer Chllcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, docked here shortly after 8 o'clock Friday morning on her way to Ketchikan, Petersburg and Wrangell. The Chllcotin ls relieving for the Camo-sun, which made the first trip to the Alaska ports last week. The Camosun is receiving her annual overhaul and will be off for three weeks. The Chllcotin arrived here almost an hour ahead of her scheduled time and carried 190 tons of freight for this port. OCEAN MOUNTAIN Paramushlro, northernmost stringers and re-caulkinsH , ., ... . . ought to make her seaworthy ft .l.po? the Pac fiC' to live: it's a milc-hjh moun- tain sloping directly into sea and is-, fog-shrouded. the TEA TASTER S TESTS An expert tea taster can identify between 1,500 and 1.C00 different teas, telling where a particular tea was grown, its variety, season picked, how it See the Spies and Meckllns ad this week, (250) BIG CRWD AT GYRO HOEDOWN Hallowe'en Celebrants Conversed on Affair of Service Club for Playground Fund Hallowe'en celebration converged in a big way on the annual hoedown dance of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club In the auditorium of the Civic Centre where 500 or more persons had a gay time at this traditionally Jolly affair. The walls were decorated with Hallowe'en colors and motifs as well as balloons and other adornments. Spirited music was provided I by Andy McNaughton's Orches tra which dispensed its tune- snmi strains frnm fVin efn-o Each of the unions involved se,s now here awaiting a deep- whlch was adorned wlth bales have separate agreements, ; sca vessel t0 lo-d them. So far, of hay and other rural svmbols. The agreement has been ap-, wnicn nowever, will be similar; "aa uvt" u WUIU 01 One of the features of the eve-Droved by four American Fed-! in nature. Malcolm McLeod of snlP coming. The first pair, ninp .. thp prriip nn nM eration of Labor Unions and one , Vancouver, president of the j each Ioaded on a railway flat drawing in which the first prize Canadian Congress of Labor Shipyard General Federation ; winner was George Ferguson. j A. J. Domlnato was convener I of the hoedown. Maurice Bryd- ges was cashier and George railroads. Lillian Gish is his August. The unions involved are With him was J. W. Prusky. lo-! are having a fair run of luck In Dawes presided at the door gentle artistocratic wife Her- tne International Brotherhood cai representative. J. s. Black, 1 in"i. upparcnuy me, pr0Ceeds were for the club's bert Marshall is the girl's father f Carpenters and Joiners, the business agent for the Carpen- nly Place on the coast where piaygr0und fund. ters, Joiners tney are showing. Some of the, All the hate love and feirs of Electricians, Plumbers and and Shipwrights, , the pioneers who settled the old Steamfitters and the Steam Op-1 represented that union, while Ilsn are being brought to Prince j West are forcefully broueht out eratinS Engineers in the A.F.L. James Forman represented the RuPert in packers. Friday after-) in the saga of the screen which ErouP and the Shipyard Gener rises to great heights dramati-ai "aeration m tne UOL. cally. The agreement Involves a gen- Other first line stars seen in eral pay increase of UV2 cents "Duel in the Sun" include Harry an hour for the 70 men employ- Carey, Charles Bickford, Otto ed at the dry dock and contains Tilly Tosch. Mr. and Mrs. Don Forward are sailing tomorrow afternoon on the Chllcotin for a two weeks' trin to Vancouver IslnnH electricians, George Weatherley noon the Embla brought 4,300 the plumbers and steam fitters pounds to Atlln Fisheries, while and S. L. Peachey the steam op- earlier in the week, the Combat crating engineers. j brought 10,000 pounds to the I Co-op. Work at the dry dock has! ' slacked off somewhat from its Carrying 19 passengers, the "aln h"U on her regular bi-weekly run or engine wait only the approval of the whafs The Cassiar is under command ranway company, parent Doay a' Sfs SekPi6S MPCS t0 be rC etteCtl? CamJ . eron, who represented the com have you provided for the days when you can't earn.? To many elderly people In all parts of Canada, the postman brings monthly retirement cheques that represent the fruits of a wisely planned Mutual Life of Canada insurance program. We Invite you to coll and see our representative, or 'phone him, and let him tell you how to provide a retirement income for life. low coif fi7e' insurance since 7869. - was processed, its cost and how, Richard Scpiiten, Prlnco Rupert, it should be blended. POINTED CUSTOM The word turnpike originated from the early custom of blocking toll roads with pikes or poles when the toll was paid, the pikes were turned around. Coastal and Interior District Agent. It. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B.C. E. T. Kenncy Ltd., Representative, Terrace, B.C. Hoops & Madigun, Representatives, Telkwa, BC. I.. K. Condon, Representative, Ocean Falls, B.C, Closing-Out Auction Sale Absolutely Unreserved AT MAIR'S AUCTION ROOMS THIRD AVENUE EAST on Thursday, November 6 at 2:15 Sharp By authority of MR. J. II. MAIR, I will sell to highest bidder, the entire contents of auction rooms, consisting of: 1 Chesterfield Suite, 2 new Walnut Bedroom Suites, Leather Settee, 2 Devenettes, 2 Office Desks, 10 Camp Beds, :! Ranjjs, Occasional Chairs, Folding Chairs, 2 Dressers, 10 Wash Basins, 15 Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Mirrors, Pictures, Tools, Kitchen Utensils, 1 new Masanite Table with chrome finish, Magnetos, Timers, Screens and hundreds of articles too numerous lo mention. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. OWNER HAS ORDERS TO VACATE PREMISES. Geo. J. Dawes TERMS Kit CASH PHONES: TUB AUCTIONEER KED GREEN 810 ! I T ACT TTTTf TODAY "TiJTlHAvniJ STRANGELY THRILLING! SUNDAY M0N.-TUES. MIDNITE 0JlK MOlJ AND rii "B0ST0NBU AND THE I CBEGOKJ' PECK JEKMFER jfixfe jorf Vwl McCanlti . . dir. kf , i inlout . . .violent Iht wind-swept prairie, land Ihet five him birth. "Peerl Chavti' y,, , wm built b, the dJ J"""-:.! unvt men in,, DAVID O SEIZNICK'S a raping st AieiNO w mm JENNIFER JONES GREGORY PECK JOSEPH COTTEN with a Cast of 2500 mices ran tuis limitu) how siiowim MATINEE 75-EVIMCU LOOOLS IT.o IATKA This pirture will nut be shown at Lower Prices done. I STARTS NEXT MONDAY Hi Aiii'i'r rvTi'irTiu'ui'vi' KSTrmTflftTS AVrVWl Furs of Quality. Style and Distinction Priced (o suit all ItudgtU SEE THEM at Fowlie & Ruttle THIRD AVENUE Coney Coats ijil.'t.'.OO Ore Broadtail Coal Brown Electric Seal Coats .;C.00 Moutun Coats ... K I ."0.00 A generous valuat i m Muskrat Flank Coati Miiskrat Back Coats ' old fur coat In tradi : p Budget terms available No Iimt - No Caz-'l c Remember . . . for QUALITY. STYLE and LOW IW FOWLIE & RUTTLE Third Avenue V.VWWAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.,.V.,.'.V' PHOMl YES!! We Make Them All MITIXLKS - STAIRS BOAT TANKS - TiiAiii eur-cr TAI. LIU. jj " ii...... u i Announcing Ihc opening oi our not CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINE , i.;,hnn cuuboai we will ouiin youi m - ; tion, . right in the shop ready for msuwa "Also Floor Sanding blithe very latest machine. Phone Blue 610 For appointmcnl call Gunnar If it's made of wood, w Selvig