6 4 : 1 ! .?" : la. mi (172) Prince ftitaert Dnflp Beta? Wednesday, July 16, 1947 sna-sr" Classified Advertising - - - - CluMfteds: 20 per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50a. Birth Notice 60c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FUNERAL NOTICE DAVEY In city, Saturday, July 12. John Wesley, late husband of Mrs. Margaret Ann Davey. Remains will be. forwarded on tonight's train to Winnipeg for services and interment In family plot. A sister survives at Montreal. (It) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED First class cook and one short order cook and baker for Three Sisters Cafe. Good wa?es, steady Job lor right parties. See Jim Moran Three Sisters Cafe or phone Green 889 at 6 p. m. (167) HELP WANTED First class mechanic . Wages $225 per month. Wire collect, George Kustas, Stewart. (1G9) WORK WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will mind children evenings. Experienced in handling Infants. Red 838. (168) WANTED WANTED Used 2x4's, any length. Box 1337. (tf) WANTED Anyone leaving by car after July 28, and having room for a passenger, please ...-. contact Mrs. Welter. Green 186 n. ... . after 6 p.m. (167) SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, ..., Top Prices .Paid Active . , ing Company Ltd.. 935 East , Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED Landlord with 4 or room houi.e to rent. Phone Red 292. (166) - W A N T E D Bartender, Philbert Hotel, Terrace, B.C. Appointment 10 o'clock, July 17, at Savoy Hotel lobby. (It) FOR RENT FOR RENT One-room furnished cabin near Seal Cove Air :l '. Base. Phone Blue 825. (166) FOR RENT 2 ro'ym rnrnished suite. 221 5th Ai e. E. (169) "FOR RENT Two or three-room suite, Partly furnished. 616 6tn Ave. West. Phone Green 698. (171) FOR RENT Housekeeping room at Vernon Apaitments. House for sale at Seal Cove. Blue 815. (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND On Monday, bunch of ' ' keys on ring on Cth Ave. West, past Dunsmuir St. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) MACHINERY -TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date1 type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, '.B.C. (tf) NOTICE TO CKEDITOItS OEOROE EDWARD CHARLTON Deceased NOTICE la hproliv irtuor. .. .11 - j o iuuv mi persons having claims against the estate of George Edward Charlton, Deceased, late of Telkwa, British Colombia, who died on the 6th day of April, 1943. are hereby required on or before the 27th day of September, 1047, to deliver or send by prepaid letter full particulars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned at TVtx flr-.R PHnr- I?nruit TJ t . . i ' - u K L u.Vm tCW BUII- cltors for Lambert H. Kenney, the uacvuwi u. biic nil iu estate. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the Inst mpntlnnofl riatm ilia i?VAn(.M ...ti IIV UACkUvVI Will proceed to distribute the assets of wc Md-ccwcu auiuiig me persons en tltlpH t.hrptn hnvlncr etmr-A .niM the claims of which he shall then nave naa nonce. DATED this 10th day of July, 1947. BROWN & HARVEY. Solicitors for the Executor. Box 658. rlnce Rupert, B.C. (172) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP HARRIS LEVIN, DECEASED ........ TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made i the 26th day of June, A D. 1947, Letters Probate of the Last Will and Testament of Harris Levin, deceased who' died on the 29th day of May A.D. 1947. were granted to Dominic Ello. the Executor. , j, ,,,ALL parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required ., to furnish same, properly verified to . me on or before the 21st day of August, A.D. 1947. after which' claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims or which I then bad no knowledge AND all parties Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the mount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith a 'DATED this 7th day of July. A.D. a1947. DOMINIC ELIO. Executor, cr. M. Wllla Ray. BnlVlfo. f" -"tor, Prlncs Rupert, B.C. " 1947-48. FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 room float house and shed, 3,4 mile eart of Port Edward. Apply 1902 Eighth East, Prince Rupert, B.C. (168) FOR SALE 36 ft. trolling boat 8 It. 3 in. broad, 4 ft. lepth, 14 h.p. Guaranty engine. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. (168) FOR SALE Blacksmith blower, Champion (400) anvil, 180 lbs. Phone Black 733. (168) FOR SALE Folding cot bed; Icebox. Excellent condition. Red 183. (165) FOR SALE Restaurant. Fully equipped. Doing one of largest turnovers In city. Snap for quick sale. Apply Box 258, Daily News. (170) FOR SALE Shingles, windows and frames, doors and frames, base board, finishing material, Gyproc, electric celling fixtures and bowls. 8'2-10-12" brick, linoleum. Phone brick, battleship linoleum. Phone 866, Spies & Meckling. (167i FOR SALE 7 roomed house. Best residential district. Furnace, garden, 4 bedrooms. Price $4,200.00. Immediate occupancy. Phone 57, G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE '42 Dodge Sedan. Can be seen at Arrow Cabs, (tf ) MODERN 5-room house, close in. $3200 cash price. On 6th Ave. East, a fine 6-room home, bright, and ln Bod condition, on 3 excellent lots. Cash price $3500. 7-room house in best condition oh four landscaped lots, furnace, basement, greenhouse; near Seal Cove. Only $4000. For these and investment properties, Inquire at Collart and McCaffery Ltd. (166) FOR SALE Desh able resort site on Lake Lakelse. Frances Poe, 147 Linden Avenue, Wllmette, Illinois. (178) HOUSEHOLD & Office Furniture. Hardware & Logging Supplies, New Wire Cable, Fishing Tackle complete $3.75. Pocket Compasses $1, Hotplates $3.50, Scatter Rugs $1.25, Wood & Coal Ranges small size $30, Used Anvils, Office Chairs, Desks, 3-plece Chesterfield Sets $40, Baby Carriages from $5, Pails 50c, Electric and Battery Radios. All kinds of other useful articles at reasonable prices. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. (tf) TENDERS INVITED At the re quest of the owner we will accept tenders on the speedboat "Marjorie," length 32 ft., breadth 7 ft., depth 3 ft., powered with an 85 h.p. O. M. C-gas engine. Boat can be seen at Fishermen's Floats. Tenders to be in by 5 p.m. Friday, July 18. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union, Co-op Store, Cow Bay. (166) TRUCK FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived by the undersigned up to July 31st, 1947 for the purchase of International 1942 truck, Model K 4, wheelbase 160", 4-speed transmission, tires 650-20, rear dual wheels, 1 spare tire, with RCAF 4 cot-ambulance .body, used as school bus from November, 1946 to June, 1947. Truck has never carried a heavy load and is ln good running order. Mile age: 14851 miles. Inspection and delivery of truck at Smith ers. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tend ers will be for an all cash offer. Smithers, July 9th, 1947. A. Muhelm, 6ecr.-lVeasurer, School District No. 54 Smithers, B.C. (174) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK DON'T Wait for Winter. Now is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and furnace Installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black 884 (tf) LONDON Kfl H. Roxbee Cox has been elected the Royal Aero nautical Society's president for PLAYGROUND PROVING VARIED Civic Centre Recreational Program Is Very Comprehensive Interesting and Profitable (By M. E. ANDERER) There would seem to be at least three groups of our citizens as far as their attitudes to the playground activities, directed by the Civic Centre Recreational Association, are concerned. There is a group, fortunately very small, who just know about it. This knows that there is a program. There is another group, much more numerous, who know that there are programs carried on at the various playgrounds. Then there is a third group, and this one is not nearly as large as it should be, who know what the activities are and who realhse the values of these activities. First of all the whole, set-up Is organized from the Civic Centre with Neil Ross, recreational director, ln charge. He is ably assisted by Miss Margaret Slinn, assistant recreational director. These two have the responsibility for planning and carrying out the whole program, Then there are two playground supervisors, Miss Peggy Large at Alder Park, and Miss Loverna Lin-ney at Seal Cove. Miss Slinn Is at McClymont Park, There is a fair amount of equipment at each park. For the providing and original Installation of this the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was chiefly responsible. At McClymont Park there Is also the very popular swimming pool. Those are the material assets. But to get the most value out of them there must be a directing agency. That is where the playground staff steps in. And this observer is happy to be able to tell something of the grand Job that all of them are doing. DIPLOMATIC DIRECTION First of all there Is a minimum of direction. That is a tribute to the quality of supervision. The children are encouraged to develop their own Ideas. Always there has to be a consideration of the rights and comforts of other children. The parents with two or three children know what a problem this can present at times. The playground directors have the same problems multi plied many times. But they solve them. Where the children can not organize their own games the supervisor suggests some Where the children are playing their own games the supervisors keep an observing eye open to see that all's well. In playing a game at McCly mont 'Park some of the children found time, while hiding, to pick a few berries. Later on when talking to Miss Slinn a boy suggested a berry-picking expedition. Miss Slinn was quick to see the value of the suggestion so there is a berry-picking trip under way. And under way, un der supervision. Then Miss Slinn had planned a paperchase and weiner roast. "Well, I guess that all right," said a lad. "We can pick up the papers and tidy the grounds and then have the roast." Miss Slinn, while not wishing to dampen the boy's enthusiasm (,) explained that a paper chase was a game where some runners lay a trial with paper scraps and that the rest of the players have to find and follow the trail. This was much more attractive for the children. So today, Wednesday, the children from all three grounds will meet at the Civic Centre and then will "follow the trail" to an unrevealed destination. There they will enjoy the weiner roast. Will they have a good timer There is no question about that. Another item on the program is a sand-box contest. In this each playground will have entries and there will be a fine problem for some judges to in spect the projects and adjudge the winners. This observer hopes to be able to accompany the judges on their tour of inspection. It should be interesting and revealing. Beginning next Saturday plans will be made for the classes in swimming. Plans are also under way for junior Softball games. These will be played between teams of girls and boys from different localities. A visit to any playground Is HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet. Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 ACTIVITIES ARE' AND CREATIVE ! well worth while. Children have lots of energy to work off, In unorganized centres this working off may get youngsters into trouble. In organized centres, such as are blessed within Prince Rupert, there Is no need for "Satan finding some evil for idle hands to do." There is something to be done, something healthful, something worthwhile. The playground activities provide a program that helps to build "healthful minds in healthy bodies. Such a program pays tremendous dividends. GIRLS PLAY STIFF GAME Gordon & Anderson Stages Last Inning .Rally to Defeat High School In a well-fought Ladies League Fastball fixture last evening, Gordon St Anderson staged a ninth Inning rally to take a 14-12 win over the young Hish School team. Each side scored three runs In each of the first two innings. In the third Gordon Si Anderson scored one while High School sent four runners across the plate and took the lead. Gordon & Anderson added one in the fourth and one ln the fifth while holding the students scoreless. At this stage both teams were playing better ball. The students put the hardware ladies out In quick order in the sixth and themselves added two to go Into the seventh leading 12-9. Then some good hitting by the store ladies, hard base running, with ! costly errors ln the outjlield by man ocnooi, resulted, ln Gordon & Anderson scoring five runs. In the last inning Farrlngton got cn base for Hi?h School, Husov struck out, Beth' Sedgewick's Ion? fly to the outfield was well caught by Hart and,. with Mostad being caught by the cat-her, the students were retired scoreless end Gordon & Anderson's had registered their first win of the season in the field. ( Gordon & Anderson outhit th younger High School team 13 to 11. Hart with three In four official times at bat was the best hitter with I. Ramsay two hits in three times at bat and Flynn with two in four tims at bat doing well. For the students Skoro had! three hits ln four tlmos at bat, Farrlngton had three In five times at bat and Budlnich two )n three offiela! twes u;. Windle was the winning pit cher allowing eleven hits, walking five and striking out four Sedgewick allowed thirteen hits, walked seven and struck out eight. Fielding lapses toy her tea mmates were costly. She herself caught a very hot drive ci I. Ramsay's In the fifth that was really travelling. It was Gordon Si, Anderson's first win ln the field i.nd they fought hard for It. As they had already won one game by de fault from Khatadas on May 29, they are now credited with two wins. It was High School's third de feat. In as much &i this is the first year in the league for these players, this young group does well. Most of the senior High School players are on the Moose team so that every credit Is due these girls and their coach Tern-evoy. G'don & And'son AR R II (Ramsay, I 3 3 2 'Flynn 4 4 2 iRamsay, S 4 11 Hart 4 2 3 If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowt H.G.HELGERSON LIMITED 219 Sixth Street To da us in Sports' SMITHERS WINS FROM HAZELTON SMITHERS In one of the best baseball games played at Smithers In recent years, Smithers defeated Hazelton 5-4. Howls Wales, Hazelton pitcher, turned in a good game,, striking out a number of batters. Smithers scoring was made easier by a number of errors by Hazelton players. a Years Ago 25 In SPORT I July 16, 1921 The Sons of Canada defeated the Callies ln the Senior Football League by a score of one to nil. Swan scored the only goal of the match when he got a rebound from the crossbar and beat Martin. Teams: Sons of Canada Thompson, V. Menzles, II. Menzles, Anderson. Shakespeare, Mitchell, Robinson, Swan, Moffat. Clark and lane. Callies Martin, Murray, Wllliscroft, Hay, KInghorn, Currle, Marks, Stewart, McGreish, Campbell and Ssl-lars. S. Mercer referecd and linesmen were A. Clapperton and J. Stewart. In the Juvenile Baseball League the Falcons won from the Midgets In a close game. Batteries were J. McNuTfy and E. Yager for the Falcons and N. Chenoskl and S. Gurvich for the Midgets. Windle (p) 4 1 0 Clouthier c) 5 1 2 Balagno 4 0 1 Clough 2 1 1 Duffus 4 1 1 Menell 3 0 0 37 14 13 High School AR It II Budlnich 4 1 2 Farrlngton 5 3 3 Husoy 5 0 0 Sedgewick (p) 3 3 1 Mostad 4 1 1 Flaten 4 0 0 Skoro (c) 4 2 3 Sedgewick, E 4 1 1 Voungman 2 1 0 35 12 11 G'don Si And'son .331 110 514 High School 33 1 002 012 Umpires: George McWhlnnev and Pierce. Official League Sandings to date: W L Pet. Moose 6 1 .857 High School 5 3 .625 G'don it And'son 2 4 533 Khatadas 0 5 .000 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST WILL BE OUT OF THE CITY JULY 1 TO 10 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Fort Edward, B.C. CHOP SUE Y CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pm. AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-8 POWER ABUNDANT DEPENDABLE POWER Tonight's Fastball The double bill tonight ln the men's fastball league should be a stand-out. The league leaders, the Co-op, meet High School In the first game. A win -for the Co-op would put them securely on top of the league with a .714 percentage and High School would have only a .500. But a win for High School would give them a .625 percentage and would leave Co-op with a .571. In that case High School would top the league. The second game brings General Motors and the Navy together. A win for the Motors vould give them a .600 percentage and they could be ln second place. However, while a win for the Navy would stlfl have the sailors at the bottom, it would provide them with a rtepplng stone that ln view of their greatly improved play recently, might well put them on the way to catch up with the leaders. BASEBALL SCHEDULE July 17 Watts & Nickersbn vs. Savoy. July 20 All Stars at Smithers. July 22 Watts & Nickerson vs. Moose (postponed from July 13) July 24 Moose vs. Watts A' Nickerson July 27 Smithers at Prince Rupert. July 29 Savoy vs Moose July 31 Savoy vs Watts Sc Nickerson August 3 Watts. & Nickerson vs Moose August 5 Savoy vs Watts St Nickerson August q Moose vs Savoy August 10 Watts Sc Nickerson vs Savoy August 14 Moose vs Watts Sr Nickerson August 17 Savoy vs Moose. Team last mentioned Is to be the Home team. With Minora Blades! Greater comfort, plus economy ihafi the lowdown on Minora. It'i the) quo fir blade In the low-price fields FITS roUK DOUHf.fOCC KAZOg 10 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street UNITS SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest Ford V-8 engine, Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught Carburator, Heavy Duty Ford Truck Radiator, specially designed Power Take-off, equipped with flexible coupling and two ballbearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built In sub-frame. Bob Parker Limited P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 1 """" . sf fou cam out FORT Cemiine Pliofilm keep Fort Girry Coffte r0ll(t r.A.k..al Ih n.ll nl ill r rt.- t. DIIDCDT Jul A DIME Dca m mm m m m w m m m. m r u we raKe Listings oi . . . Enjoy Fort Carry Ta, too. RH A TV? FOR sAf F DP PU Axr BROKERS IN I50ATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQtff TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR Ql'iCK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of LIpsett's, Waterfront) Uox 518 Phone Gnr FOR MEN ONU WORK BOOTS DRESS SHO RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LID. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES I 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O.! i nrvmrr l aril ina rrncr ir Marine and Industrial Engines. Comnlete Automotive Recslr (or all makes of cars and tot Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town ordm given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert BC SPECIAL BATHROBES Outstanding Vain Maroon, Brown and Navy Bin Small, Medium and Large Reg. $"15.00 THIS WEEK A cme Clothi honl 633 3rd-Ave. W. STORE Pi QATTC HATCH COVERS SKATE COl EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL Phone HLUE 120 160 East Third Ave. (Next to 6" FAMOUS RUPERT RRA FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by rAkiiiMin rim o mm v BU n HI a U V V 17 PRINCE 1 JV111VEI , , 1 rupert Company Limited I I J. CLAUSEN' & S()V I - - - n , U UbU MIIIIIUVI mm m m mm m mm m m m m I