Kll- sTi r 2ti ;; 5 ii. !: tius ' ; out &ia ;' 51 1: . gTI j ot g fflkl; J fll first I; Spss Kin: .! V.0 ki he :; Ihel i. hc ; IS!1 as 2a ; fool! ; cam . leas' ; J ft!!: an a a B - H B fl B ' B B . B B M a B B B a B ' B B B B a i a B B : B Si B : ii mil 2 n n Hi n B H ll 4 4 : i t t T 31 2 at ISrincc Rupert Dnfli? OcUjs UtO. Mohdajf, July 7, 1947 (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department,. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunuay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prlnco Rupert, British Columbia. a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Colombia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES -ate City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; tndM7tlito By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year. 4.00. 3yjS' Not a Rosy Picture by Soviet Russia of the Marshall REJECTION Plan for economic reconstruction of Europe, there can be no doubt about it, constitutes a major deterioration of the international situation. It brings about a state of affairs, the seriousness of which to realistic thinkers cannot be ignored. The. fact of the matter is that, if Soviet Russia and the Western Powers cannot be brought together in the eleventh hour on this very vital issue, the conflict of two political idealogies will have been precipitated into the very survival of western Europe from the actual standpoint of physical survival through supply of food. Whoever can deliver the food to these people must necessarily control them politically. The situation has now doveloped to that very point. Russia, by means which we can hardly call anything else than aggression by duress, today controls the bread basket of Europe by seizure of this "Adolf Hitler had lipped to win the war. Fail- uro pelt his ultimate (disaster. The strength of Russia's position, therefore, cannot be denied. That ig, Why today the Soviet can persist in being aloof and un receptive to any proposals which do not fit in with her own national and political aspirations, . be. they worthy or otherwise. Unless Russian collaboration with the United States and Great Britain in meeting the problem of European rehabilitation can be obtained,, and .the chances of obtaining that co-operation seem fto be dimming every day, the western world' is faced with the necessity of feeding Europe or letting her succumb to the Soviet domination and aggression. It is not a rosy prospect for world peace. . THE BIG JOB STARTS A LITTLE LESS than two months ago, leading officials of- the Celanese Corporation of America visited Prince Rupert and said that within two months actual work on the $15,000,000 collulose pulp plant at Port Edward might be expected. Saturday's highly gratifying announcement that British Columbia Bridge & Dredging Co. had been awarded the $400,000 contract for excavation of the site at Watson Island indicates that the progress of the project is going according to plan. It-was a brief and undetailed announcement but it is known that heavy machinery for the big job of rock work is already on the way. Soon hundreds of men with modern and fast-working equipment will be blasting out a bluff at the site and throwing the rock into the slough alongside. Prince Rupert's mighty industrial project, an undertaking which will mean a complete and permanent turning in the road of Prince Rupert's business and economic progress, will be under way. The brief period between announcement of plan and actual commencement of the work is about over. Now we .go ahead. Possibly, some of us even yet do not appreciate the great change all this will mean for the city of Prince Rupert 'which, except for the hectic boom of the recent war, has so far in its existence never had much more than a fairly even, leisurely although not unpleasant course of life. MOOSE PICNIC WASHED OUT The annual picnic scheduled to be held by the Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, and the Women of the Moose, at Port Edward on Sunday afternoon was postponed on account of the weather until next Sunday "DEAD" O.I. FOUND Missing for three years and listed as dead by the adjutant-general's office, Pte. Martin H. Papula, of Plymouth, Pa has been discovered working as a black smith and farmer In the Normandy village of Alrel, not far from Omaha Beach, where, he landed under fire on historic D-Day. See our Selection of . . . BOOKS including "THE ROBE" by Lloyd Douglas; "VALLEY OF DECISION" by Marcla Oavenport; "GONE WITH THE WIND" by Margaret Mitchell; "DRIFTWOOD VALLEY" by Theodore Fletcher; "A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN" by Betty Smith; "CHINA FLIGHTS" by Pearl Buck; "LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN" by Ben Williams. And others at LOCAL RADIO CASE HEARD Representations of Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Before Parliamentary Committee Representations of the Prince Rupert Chamibor of Commerce seeking better radio service for he Prince Rupert area and central British Columbia generally, have been brought before the Parliamentary committee on radio at Ottawa, according to advice received direct from RalDh Maytoank, M.P., chairman of the committee, by E. T. Appiewhalte, secretary of the local Chamber. Two specific requests were made at the- instance of the radio committee of the local Chamber that there be a more complete elease of popular CBC network irosrams from station CFPR Mnce Rupert, and that booster tations be established at points hrough the central interior to 'acllitate the reception of network programs. TRIP TO JASPER MAYOR'S REWARD OTTAWA Tne 13 children of jayor Donat Orandmaltre of suburban Eastview waved a noisy .'arewell last night a3 the Mavor .nd Mrs. Grandmaitre left on the Canadian National Rlaiways Continental Limited for Jasper Park and Vancouver as guests of ,he Mayor's constituents In appreciation for his 13 years serv-ce to the community. ' A vacation in the Canadian west was the personal choice of the mayor who declined the suggestions of new cars, radios, or trips to Paris or Rio de Janeiro. When the cltizeas committee learned of his preference they notified Vancouver's Mayor Mc-Geer who sent the Grandmaltres his personal Invitation to visit the west. LETTERBOX BAFFLING .QUESTIONS Editor, Daily News: Through the medium of your newspaper may I be privileged to thank Rev. Basil S. Prockter for his Saturday sermon. "Immortality of Animals," which I read with much interest in July 5, Dally News. Incidentally, in Mr. Prockter's ministerial duties he will have gathered much for provocative thought. He will have been ask ed various and innumerable questions; many of which he has been able to answer readilybut surprised at none. When my younger daughter isked me today: "If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth and they were white-then why are there Chinese, etc.? I was not only surprised at the seemingly logical question. I didn't know the answer. VIOLET INGALLS. With your tome and cur paint, we've really got ometliing. Protect your liome with durable, colour.' lasting lovelineM. .specify' B-ll "Engiiau" VtiaU 2J ' " McBride Street 1 w R emmiscences By w.J. Reflections For months before Incorporation, .Prince Rupert had seven barrooms. Applications for liquor licences had been made, but were turnd down. Nevertheless, ale, cider and beer were sold, but no whiskey. Buildings were permlt-te dto be put up on mineral claims owned by John Houston and John Knox, one proviso oe-lng that no liquor would be sold on the premises. With a few exceptions, the faith was kept. The exceptions were the men who, through false representations, were allowed to erect buildings in which to perform legitimate business and then turned them over to parties who had been refused the right to construct. It was a situation that was far from suiting everybody. Indeed, while the new city was being founded, there were those who wished to see an experiment the growth of a community in which the consumption of alcoholic liquor would be- unheard of. Someone has reckoned that between Vancouver and New Westminster, the horde of rats totals 480,000, and that it has become necessary to launch an all-out war Early day residents of Prince Rupert can recall a similar emergency. For r. few weeks one summer, ths un'.ovely creatures swarmed, but unlimited poison finally won the fight. And right here Is the place to inquire how it is possible to count a Ulaue of rats. Vancouver says 480,000. Who did the calculating? And how? Phone 775 The Empire, In October. 1908 says: T. D. PaUullo. financial agent, and George Driver, contractor, who recently spent some time here looking over the situation, have formed and incorpor-r.ted the Prince Rupert Construction Co., Limited. Kenny Munro, who as a rule knew what lie was doing, lived In Prince Rupert when everybody was an optimist including himself. He was handy In different lines of business and off and on would serve as a hotel oierk. He kept a book on the counter. On the c,over were scenes, In vivid color, of eruptions, explosions, flrts and earthquakes. The guest, with time on his hands, would naturally open tsjs book, so full of startling pictures, to sec more. He could not fbrsee he .was walking Into a trap. Instantly, the "book" itself went off, with a ban, loud enough to cause him to drop it, perhaps Jump, and stare at Munro. That gentieman, not a muscle of his poker face movlqg, would be calmly reading a newspaper. Thus, life in the rude north. O many yesrs ago I MELKSHAM, F.nfe. B Problem set before Magfstrate Sir Reginald Blake was "which rider is to blame?" when he fined two aircraftsmen for riding a tandem having no lights. They paid half each. Classified Advertlslne Paysl 1 Pre-Vacalion Special! For en elegant holiday, fingernails eloquently mirror-bright with one of Chen Yu's famous colors. CHEN YU Lacquer and Lacquerol Base 75 (Regularly $1.00) (Matching lipsticks are $1.15) ORMES DRUGS A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT 327 Third Aienue 0 'Sails ' 9 hatch coveks skate covkits EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 160 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-8 POWER ABUNDANT DEPENDABLE POWER UNITS SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest Ford V-8 engine, Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught Carburator, Heavy Duty Ford Truck Uadiator, specially designed Power Take-off, equipped with flexible coupling and two ballbearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built in sub-frame. Bob Parker Limited P.O. Bok 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 HE RECOGNIZED ANCIENT POLE One of Totems Outside Museum is Very Old Matthew Hume, who has lived all of his 75 years on the Queen Charlotte Wands, recognised one of the two totem poicr now being put In shape for re-erection bv the entrance to the museum. He says about the first time lie ever saw the pole h" wus about five years cf age, and the totem, even that far back, was not so new. The oldest c the two pole the grizzly, blftck fi.sh and thunder bird Is taking on new llfp. In the skHled limd.s of diaries Dudoward cf Port Simpson, coi-orlns; has been freheed and renewed and the boH b?ak of the thunder bird which, through some misadventure had broken off, has been rpnlaecr' with perhaps, even a better one. VALUE INVRKASED SHAW1NIOAN FALLS, Que., V Evaluation of immoveable property in Shaiwnl5on Falls for the 1947-48 fiscal year has been Fet at $38582.937. marking an increase cf $583,750 over laM vear's figure. jow Available! LOOK FOR TUB NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Katei for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Kooro CAFK In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) r ii on p. ii INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See II. E. MOItTIMKIt 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 4 -d o It's ICE d POULSEN GUARANTEE NCLSHKLNK.AGE INSIST ON HAZKMVOOI) SKi: US FOU AM- HKQU1KF.MENTS IN Ul'IlOLSTKItlNfi FUKN1TUKE IthTAIKS Truck and Auto Cushions Itepaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-or-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) l'HONi: BLUE HIH t DLUtJ Uim Siipjili ... .... ii nnrl D t r nil (unn. . . Consun us jor yu"' oi pi Everything in high-class statlontrj Cards for every occasion DIBB PRINTING COM! BECNEIl BLOCK CEOtl McWH Cor Decoratim i i L.ana$ Lav it: th i (To retr o! I'lione Lauri- i contract! Black 41) ti TIME TO FIX THAT ROO Cedar Shingl We have juit received a large shipment of vl crdar shinties. Let us supply your needs now while the r area PHILPOTT, EVlTT & CO. II "Serving the North Since 192' Coal Lumber Pain I liuildind P1IONKS G51 -12 Best Wishes to Superior Auto and Bod s-rvfcl opening. Maosoe Medal Pictii The Trip, The Presentalh NOW IN MANSON'S STORE WIND A new stock of the Latest Coro' Pins, Chatelaines & Earri For tic Very Luteal in Jeweller)' t Your Friendly Jewells