f.IDA TC PRINCE RUPERT -Here are Capt Henry Slayton tmni F;::ida, und his son, Richard, who last uppV Hmv tprlncs Rupert to win the Al Manson medal of the Public - dm i.i - ii i . . . . . I ok t ..; motuusi io anve irom Florida fines nv.-.- wujiiiB ja visji, nere aiter uie aiuu-miie drive, hrS;. the people of Prince Rupert "are the friend- iiti e (.icest I ever met In my life." He spoke highly of ndiu: ir the highway between Prince George and Prince 1-t zr.i that In the motor tourist business Prlnrfl Pit. hid u c: teitial "mint" but that steps should be taken to ifc.TREAL ser: - v:. jiuj.v i never realized Deiore I came," he said lh:r? suld be so marvellous scenery and huntine and kg n tliero i.; In the lower Skeena Valley.'1 Isulting Engineer m In Montreal IV .am S. Lee, wh des-f'tiK in such V rmipcR and ".? ! yesterday. CJAL FARES EDMONTON IMPEO E.ugle fare and b;l ::e ; und trip is k'..i offered to those li L C'.t .3 Edmonton Bx-h ' 1 19. it is an- (!) t; B 11 Powers, vice C.r -Canadian Pa- : A:::: r.iw.i on behalf of National and i; P: . Railways. The t c bo available It ,u Saskatche- .t- Prince Ru- J-.J. E T.rkets will be r J 12 to 18 and ' oiB arriving In c . te: t ii 5 pjn., r. Rc' irning, pas- c. t ve Edmonton up i July 21. If there :rrv.:c on July 21, I", cc ignored on the Ut: ruin, i SIX .UJ..I(NLI JFAX-Thc Orerk frclsh- hbassf t, ivhicli grounded 1 Island was abandoned fl after the crew had wftly removed. V-oM H MOOSE ENJOY FINAL PARTY Season of Whist Drives and Dances Is Concluded Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, brought its season's whist drive and dance schedule to a close Saturday night with an evening of card playing and dancing. These weekly functions have been held lor the last several months and will be resumed again in September, Entertainment Com mittee Chairman William Terry told the gathering. Winners of the whist, which took up the early part of the evening, were: ladles, Mrs. 0. J. Bacln and Mrs. C. L. Davidson; men. Tiift and Fred Rlffou. Dancing, under direction of master of ceremonies W. D. Weiss, began at 10:30. During the intermission refreshments were served and whist prizes distributed. HONOR WAIt DKD nUOCKWOOD. Surrey. En?. Canadian veterans of two wars honored the memory of three thousand victims of the first world wai and 500 of the second as the Canadian branch of the British legion made the annual pilgrimage Sunday to the military cemetery here. George II. Stanbrldge and James Ham returned to the city on the Camosun last night frcm a brief trip to Ketchikan I Local News Items Louis Postuk and his sort, Mike Postuk, sailed last evening on the Coqultlam for Alice Arm. Thomas McMeekln. ir.. wt. hv air yesterday jfte.-noon for a I week's trip to Vancouver. Ello's Furniture Store will re. open for business Monday, July K 213 Fourth Street (162) Mr.and Mrs. E. Turcotte and family sailed last night on the Coqultlam for Alice Arm to take up residence. Mrs. C. Twaltes and daughter, who have been visiting In the city, sailed by the Camosun last vfciiuis on ineir return to Vancouver. A. P, Crawley returned to the city on the Coq-iitlam yesterday afternoon from a three week's trip to Vancouver. He attended the recent convention of the Bri tish Columbia section of the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Claus Hansen of Duluth, Minnesota, accompanied bv his trn. Iher, Capt. Andrew Hansen, left on frlday night's train for Dul uth, where Capt. Hansen will receive treatments following a stroke which kept him In hofpl- iai ior tne last six months. Will iam Holes accompanied him as medical attendant on the trir east. Capt. Anderson, one of the first men to fish out of this port, win stay in Duluth with a sistes Mrs. Anna Lee for the next six months while receiving treat ment. William McLean, wireless on- trator at Coppermine' on Corona tion Gulf in the Canadian Arctic, is author of an article in a recent issue c-f "The Beaver," publication of the Hudson Bay Co.. telling of a thrilling story of an aerial rescue operation in that prea at Christmas, j945 when a Norseman seaplane, with a Hudson Bay Co. official on board, became missing. Mr. McLean is n brother of Neil McLean, Fourth Avenue West. Prlnct Rupert. He is expected to pay a visit here later this year. J. R. Drysdale of Premier was a passenger aboard the Coqultlam last evening returning north after a trip to Vancouver. C.C.F. Broadcast Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. H. O. Archibald, M.P., Ottawa Highlights. Club meeting Tuesday, 8 pjn. W. II. Priest, after spending the past few days in the city. Is leaving by this evening's train on his return to New Hazelton. Mr. and Mrs. Allstalr Crerar, who have been spending the past few days in the city, sailed by the Camosun last night on their return to Vancouver. C. A. Ingram, after a week's visit with his son and daughter-in-law-, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ingram, sailed by the Camosun last night on his return to Vancouver. W. C. Boardman. secretary of the Ketchikan Chamber of Com merce, was in the city on the Camosun last evening going through to Seattle on a combined business and holiday trip. Over a radio broadcast last evening someone with a melodious voice sang "That Little Boy of Mine." The rtquest came from SImcoe, Ont.. and was to be sung for "a little boy away out in Prince Rupert." Canadian Legion Executive Meeting 8 pjn. to- gvS night, Legion Hall, Rmu-sviar Monthly Meeting, 8 pm. Wed.. July 9th at Legion Hall with initiation of new members. Annual Legion Picnir Sunday, July 13th rJigby Island. (157) R. B. Spis of Vegreville, Alta.. and Oscar Meckling of Vancouver are in the city In connection with the demolition and disposal cf lumber from the former Group 4 camp of the Royal Canadian Air Force which they have purchased from War Assets. Material from nine of Ihe buildings Is to be shipped to Didsbury Alberta. NOTICE ALL GARMENTS ordered from Modern Tailors before April 30, will be direct from 20TH CENTURY TAILORS PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. GEORGE QUAN PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. H. LINZEY (158) INSURANCE - RENTALS - REAL ESTATE (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) 0T WATER ELECTRICALLY In hot weather you need MORE HOT WATER! There arc more clothes to launder more baths to take extra dishes and drinking glasses to wash . . . and think of those wet, chilly mornings when there's no warm water to wash with. Indeed, in the good old summer time you really appreciate a continuous flow of dean, bubbling, hot water . . . the kind you get with an automatic electric hot water beater: hot water on tap morning, noon and night! RENAMING OF OFFICERS LONDON B Premier Attles announced In the House of Com mons that the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs and Dominion office will henceforth be known as the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and Commonwealth Relations office. Premier Attlee said the titles would be changed by order-ln- council. He said It had been clear for some time that In cer tain quarters, both here and overseas, the view was taken that the present titles were no longer appropriate. Regular Moose meeting to morrow night at 8 o'clock Moose Temple. It Mrs. Fred Stewart and family arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Ooquitlam yesterday afternoon for a visit with Mrs. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Eby, Fourth Avenue East. Mr. Stewart will be here later, , Two of the first graduates from the School of Medicine at the University of Alberla met brief-i ly here this morning to recall old times when Dr. Walter Mor-rlsh of Edmonton passed through on the Princes,? Louise on the round trip to Alaska, accompanied by his wife. Dr. Moorish was met by Dr C. H. Hanklnson. who had been his ilassmate in the first .graduating class at Edmonton. Dr. Morrlsh Is a radiologist In the Alberta capital. C.P.A. AGENT IS TRANSFERRED Joseph Ferris, who has been acting as agent for Canadian Pacific Airlines here since the Vancouver-Prince Rupert scheduled passenger and express service was started, has been notified of his transfer to Vancouver for a new assignment. Glen Lee is coming here from Fort McMur-ray to be Mr. Ferris' successor. Staff Sergeant G. A. Johnson of the provincial police left this afternoon by air on an Inspection trip to Queen Charlotte City He expects to be away for a couple days. Announcements All aavcmseuirtms ra tnia corumn vUl be charred Tor a lull month at 26 word. Eebekah Bazaar. Oct. 30. (166) Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. 20 Orange Sale, December 5. HAY FEVER R6iief hM been won o.-lrkly, tafely-by thouiandt who once mfftred don ore. itreaminj. Irritated i , 'i , w"u nLl ana wneezea. coughed, choked, ipluttered every year. Now ...w wni, irf, normal inanics to Templ.ton RAZ-MAH. You needn't .ufler the relief you long for. SOc,tlatdnigguaa,R-19 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE DRESSES BRIGHT ! NEAT! AIRY I For Summer For Afternoon m v MJ4P iff' W4 Prints, Crepes Linens, Jerseys ROSA - LEE LADIES' WEAR 345 THIRD AVENJE WEST SHINGOLEEN Sliingolcen beautifies and preserves new and old shingles and gives a lasting: protection against ever changing weather conditions. We have it in one and five-gallon cans and several different colors. ASK FOR A COLOR CARD . THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue PHONE 101 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Fort Edward, B.C. CllOr SDEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pm. FILMS Superpan Tress Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Trompt Mall Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR - GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 Jprincc Hupctt Dailt? jQctos Monday, July 7, 1947 Terrace Club SPORT JACKETS Attractive Tweeds and Plain Color Polo Cloth-tailored by Fashion Ciaft. Smart, practical and reasonably priced, these jackets are sky-high In quality and value. Priced from $20 to $40- lll.liJnTTiT.I.M.I!' n b ti an n iaa jaa a i m -i i ! u alba B I H7ilTf r P P B 1 1 B I arWiV,7?7rvWJY!1a We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West i --7:: ir .----rrr Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come in and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS at GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable" (Everything has to be sold, including furniture). Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock of Plumbing: Supplies Why not have a . . . Typewriter You Can Own One On Easy Payments Q We sell the latest Smith Corona fitted in a handy carrying case. This case can be removed and used as a weeK-cnd bag. Other conveniences are: FLOATING CUSHIONED SHIFTs; .. TOUCH SELECTOR BUCK SPACER AUTOMATIC RIBBON REVERSE Prices run from $70 to $95 on terms