jpniuc Rtipcti Dnfip rectos JLto. Wednesday, November 19, 1917 An independent dMly newspaper devotwl to the upbuilding or Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mali. Post OHlce Department. Ottawa) U. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Published every arternoon xcept Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News .Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 7.00; Bj Mall, Per Month. 40c; Per Year, 4,00. Austerity they may call it buttaking the dim-mest AUSTERITY view possible of the prohibitions and a-e-strictiona placed on Canadian buying and living habits under the government's dollar-saving program, there is a long way yet to go in the eramn-ing of living standards before the people of this country will be doing any real suffering. We may have to put up a little Jonger with things we have .alneadyy change our buying ways ;a bit, deny ourselves a few things if we arte to inntke ends meet on our personal budgets but, ,on the whole, it will amount to little more than getting back toward wholesome thrift after trie splurge w,e have .been having .the .last few years. In fact, it will be a good experience for the fliost of us and, with no one really suffering from the things we aie denied, we can well accept the -aug-ygestion of the Prime Minister that we Jook ibsyond Kthe temporary adjustments, even if they might seem a little distasteful, toward the vwider'ihorizgtns and the long-run objectives on the road .to which the new restrictions are only passingly incidental. We have come through many worse things than these restrictions can possibly present in the way of trials or discomfort. ORGANIZING MERCHANTS MOVE of local retail merchants '.to r.e,oiv THE ganize an association is to be welcomed. Healthy competition by way of vying to give the public service and value does not remove the desirability of getting together to settle on certain common methods of practice and service. Often matters icorae up in which the .merchants are mutually interested and there is inconvenience, embarrassment .and misunderstanding through having no central body representative of all which can get together from time .to -time to deal with .such masters and nfake decisions. IN NELSON'S MEMORY AN fclGHT-ROOMED MANSION in Britain knbwn as the Nelson Estate may soon fall to y, the highest bidder. It is costing more and more to keep as it should be kept and the increasing expense is too much. The Nelsons are the direct descendents of the victor of Trafalgar. An appeal is now being made to save the estate for the nation. The -land consists of 3,500 acres. Relics and reminders of the life and deeds of the adiniral are numerous and of priceless value. It is indeed right that the memory of the man whose genius and devotion led to British naval supremacy for a century should he revered forever. But it does not follow that the same reverence 'need apply to those who, later, can claim kinship. After all, they .are just -people bearing the name of Nelson- T.llP .rolifS of si nnrinnnl Ti - - ' muvI.W 'ilWU ' V, ft W 1 fcc f taken care of in fewer than .eighty rooms. Times ' nave -cnanged. ine bread and butter question i restoration of prosperity-count today. It is pos- , sible to think -just as much of Horatio ;as , ever and ' at greatly decreased cost. ! TRADE AND COMMUNISM I N A REGENT ISSUE .of "The Tribune", a Tor-' I onto .Communist paper., there js an article on . .. trade and trade expansion. It tries to point .out that we are losing a golden opportunity ,and .endangering our future by failure to open up .trade , with "the new democracies" Russia and :her satellites. 1 Here is the way the Tribune puts it : ; "There Is an alternative for Canada the only road to trade. and peace and that ls(. while naturally preserving trade with the Americas, to break away from U.S. domination by sending missions to :the U.S.S.R. and 'the European states, 'Uhat is the satellites!' to conclude mutually profitable trade agreements; to take the Initiative in calling a Commonwealth economic conference where .the resources of the Dominions" and Britain can be used to help to build up the new democracies, '(Russia, Yugoslavia and Albania)' by selling our goods to them and importing from them." Now this would all be very delightful if Russia - believed in .trading with other nations but Russia has peculiar conceptions in regard to .trade. Never . have we been able to do an important import or I export business with that country, whether under the Czars ,or .under the "new democracies" of L Messrs. Stalin, Vishinsky and Tito. I From 1869, which is about as far back .as .our : trade returns go. and coming down to the begin-Z Jiing df .the war in 1939, there was only one single : year in which our imports from Russia amounted - to over a million dollars and only nineteen years in which our exDorts to that .countrv .amnnntpri tn over a million dqllars. Trade with Russia almost dropped out of sight between 1931 and 1939 exports in one year fell to $1,201. . In the same neriod from 1869 to 1939 our total "imiorts from all countries expanded fronr $68,000,-000 to $6.ri8.000.ono. Exports grew from $56,300,-000 to ,$970,000,000. s miles an That shrill shriek of laughter came from the fellow who saw, the bureaucrats' simplified Income tax form. Mrs. Knowitall: "It is best for a girl to marry un cviiuuutii man, you know." Daughter: "J dare say, .mother. jButit's lawfully -.trying to be engaged to one." Two. 'little boys had Just heard the story of William Tell for the first time. ''Do you really ,thlnk he shot .the apple?" .asked one. VNaw," -said .the .other, "I itlilnk he .shot 'the .bull." .proud ot h.awng a new arrlv-ol In ills home, illttle Johnnie announced itpshls school teacher ithat '.he .had a new sister and. she had cost more ,than a hundred dollars. 'tQoodneas;" .the teacher replied, !',lsn',t :that ,a lot of money Ifor a tlny (ioby? "yes, .but ithlnk how long they ast!1' was Johnnie's reply. Better English By D. 'C. WILLIAMS 4. What ;is -.wrong with this sentence? "JIls .work Is com pletely ilnlshed." 2. What .Is -the correct .pro nunciation of "malpractice? 3. Which .one of these words 4s .misspelled? Sacrament, pre-: djcoment, Jmpedament. 4. What does the word "gen- da Taxation JMvision Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in ,and see sampled WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Steamer Service Irom PRINCE RUPERT SUSPENDED FROM NOVEMBER 17 TO -DECEMBER (i INCLUSIVE Account annual overhaul of ss "Prince Rupert" :Servlqe .Resumed December 8 Reserve Early Jor Xmas Sailing December 18 For Information call or write Lfclty or 'Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT ucMes They tell this story about a politically .appointed worker In one of our larger cities. He had lust .finished a leisurely meal and was perusing the newspaper when his wife exclaimed: Had' not you better be egttlng back to the office?" "You'ie jright," she . replied. "Ypu know, for a minute I thought I was at the, of flee." USELESS ... All professors .are supposed to be -absent-minded, .but this one was worse than -usual. 'He was outone ,day and -vaguely remembered .that he .had to get hU wife Jsome preserving jars. Ms .walked 4to a shop -and saw some dtsulaved uoslde-idown .on a' counter. He looked at 'them and said. Absolutely useless. The things have no mouths." Then he picked one up and looked at the .other .end. "Absurd," he muttered. ''Absolutely ..absurd. They have no bottoms, either." tillty" mean? 0. What Is a word ..beginning with "ve" that means "acting I with .great Jorce?" Answers 1. -Omit .completely. To Jlnlsh Hon. Junien J. MCann Minuler of Mtitiintnl fried lie PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO j November 20, J022 S. .p. Macdonald, president of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council, was appointed to the B.C. executive iof the Dominion Trades and Labor Congress. There were four other members from Vancouver, Nel- ison and Victoria. A (torrent of water which poured -clown the cliff at the south side of the City Jlall .wandered from Its .regular .course and flowed In the door of the jail. .Chief of .Police w. .H. Vlck-ers. Ills constables and the prls-, oners used tin cans and buckets .to keep ahead of the flood. Mayor Harry Rochester relumed from a trip to Viotorla on the Prince Rupert. He had been In the south attending a convention of the Union of B.C. Municipalities of .which .he was an .executive member. Jle declined to say whether he plan -ned to run for .office In 1D23. NO LONOEER PEST SYDNEY, Australia, Australia is beginning to turn her excessive rabbit population Into something more -than a liability. During 1945 and 1046 she exported 28,558,000 pounds of rabbit skins and .one factory alone cans 2,000 carcasses a day. means .to complete. 2. Pro- PUP'S LITTER PUZZLES nouncerboth a's as in at, prln- IPSWICH. ng., The case clpal accent on second syllable. of a three-monUi old pup giving 3. . Impediment. 4. Dignity birth to five perfectly formed of .birth! ".Gentllitv without abiK puppies, each about one inch lty is worse than plain beggary. I long, has .veterinary .experts Proverb. 5. Vehement. ' puzzled. Should You Have Completed and mailed This Card ? IF you are entitled to repayment of the Hefuudable Savings 'Portion of your 1912 Income Tax, Afy'D IF you live a til .different address, or Jiave.changed yournamedueto marriage or oilier reasons since fdingyourl912 IncomeTax return, YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THIS CARD If you huve not yet done so please act now.:, AW cards should be in the Department by Nov. 30th Kememlier! There are complete details of what to do. on the card delivered to each household in Canada during recent weeks. If, for any reason, you did not get your card or an insufficient supply -was left at your address, go to your nearest district Income Tax office or yourloral I'ost Office, wliere cards are available. If you have a change of name or address to report do it now. It will assist in the proier delivery of your cheque! DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Ottawu SEE' YOUR FAVORITE IN DOLLS ft '';A - - ' - - 518 Third Ave. Wst AT THE VARIETY STORE Our attractive, colorful dolls are a natural with younsters. This season you will see the finest selection in dolls on display . . . dolls with sleeping eyes, movable arms and .legs, real hair and smartlv dressed, at prices to suit any purse. Phone Red 400 SHOP EVEN OLDER HITCHIN, Hertfordshire. Eng Q) A rare specimen iof an English chain-driven .watch, discovered in a .crevice of a mountain wail, was returned to . the workshop where It was made 140 years -ago. AFRICAN CIVICS DAR ES SALAAM, Tanganyika, 0) With arrival of a town planning expert from the United Kingdom, Tanganyika, Territory Is planning a program of township development f OVER THE "Here's something I have .often thought about," remarked the Old i Timer this morning. "Have you ever noticed that, in efforts at planned ' economy, there i$ a new emergency requiring 'temporary .measures' of 'mote planning. arising almost every day? "It liappened over and over again in the days when the Nazis were I s V V II u II ft I u ST 5" M . V y m v V I : happened too in the early days of Mr. Roosevelt's adrr.inistra tion in the United States, the days when the 'New Deal' was b!ojorrung, and all ;the theoretical economists and college professors were called in to establish a planned economy. It was just one .emergency .after another, one more control after .another, untiliinally the whole.thing just .about blew up, and Mr. Jlodsevelt went back to his .original belief that free entetprise, within limits, would qperate to take care of most of the country's difficulties. "You can see it happening in England now where the planners are in charge lwaysa.newxmerg ency, a new 'temporary'. measure to meet it, and the freedom of the people being whittled away more and mote every day. "All in the best of intentions, of course like that easy grade on the road to hell. "I've yet to see a planned economy anywhere in the world that I would like to live in." (TIk ivu.1 o tht Old Timer u: pritntei uxely in thii ncwipctr unJcr the iimsur-ihip cf tht Cruch CWunif! rlemmt of Trait and , imluif rji ,F-1 B ,(A(Ulress) getting under way in Gcrrmny and i when the Fascists were taking over I Italy. New emergencies were always I arising, and new decree for their I solution followed as a matter of course. U'iUily excused as just temporary. But nuined in force. It they always re George Hill & Sons LIMITED We have something in teresling and reason able to offer you in . . Complete -OU1 miKD AVENUE (Next Commodore Cafe c 1, n 1. ... 3 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See 11. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRl MEN'SsB SH0 4 KUERNOWi Fl Meeting CnrlA , T UKIMF n New and Oriiin,! n n I CrP A M-irkM 1 I xr - f'C.eS 'Pi DIBB PRINTING COMPI UiCKl ERASER H Modern, Quiet "4 FKASFRi To Wartime Housing Pur chasm- FIRE INSURI On your new home and futrniture. Ikt lay in 'providing yourself with full pj We have u plan to meet all your needs, Do Not Delay! See Us at Onct H. G. HELGERSON LI I'lione 0(1 or visit our office 216 Sixth Sci RADIO RENTAU RENT A RADIO . . . Ry the Day By the Week-orBy! (at RUPERT RADIO & ELEC A L l NEW 1 94 8 MAKCONI R1PKI .-it mi a YOUK BKST EATING I'LACE fULL-COURSE MEALS il AJU. TO B P.M BROADWATt Are you Perple::ed About your 'Xmas Gift ? USE THS COUPON DAILY NEWS, , PJUNCE .RUPERT: Please .send ,a Christmas Giftu bscription ..' I'' " FORMERLY BOSOT Chinese Dishes a 5peJ Banmiet Hallfar Limclieons, Dinners, M fi08 JHIHU Ai:MEX'l Telephone ICS of Xhe Pi SUGGESTS A Gift Subscription a n j, .11-T -T-, l A T1 I'CITPI ON DAILY UNTIL NEXT .CHRIST' .(Post .Office) ... ' gift d a am It is understood kyou will scmla, receipt to me .cation .to the recipient. , Enclosed 'please 'find the siim of - anyw . ($7 for a year's subscription by carrier In the city, 5 ! ..,.... g II IBB ..tlf!a rnrn