FLIGHT CUKItK r.l,lvl inn lor Vinler Fair nanqu Ji.llMiriiletiorl yesterday in front of , Mntpr Fair's main They came in a iour i... hollrnnt.pr and nKKV uv.'i rip from Maiton Air- cxactly seven nuuuw. u'erc 6U Winnipeg " now the scarcest isn nnrf thev were raiw-' ..g Air i.inps unrthpr president. 01 . iirinicr Fair, and a T.CA- to commem- .MiMnn rtf VA I- D ,i,ni!iiin in cram m uft " .... n.in hp served to- ..... - the openine-day toan- 0 Vlner accom- ptifnrrirv nil i i 21 1 l. a ucnv 01 nunc Mian -ot. the T.CA. Diane i--- TV10 rrnlHpvAS i30 miles to meet ;l It 1j. Avery, 1. c manager or cargo Oe transfer of the r and boarded the i' . 1 . mm n r ri t n uieui .u uuu- r-'.r to the Royal fj Mr Northey on tts T.CA. manage-Ncrihey expressed of the good j tij new grain cham- i ;m one of Canada's c.. was made In a approximately 100 The 54 -foot over-all !-.2 helicopter seemed 5 tne smau a3 It came down .A UrVElfll. IllilllUl' 1 .1 I I . a 1 1 111 11 iiiiu k. iit i I . A- 1 1 I -T 1 11.. lilt. . . il l I W.. r Fair j v.ncr nus uic uia- .i iv,uuu nines, ir helicopter pilot N i S. Navy as hell- . 1 nninncr nn with -.lowing a recent Long Island ON IS SLOWER fein occur more fre- ;i lunar eclipses. INOTICE - - pally News wishes to Ittentlon to the rule Nficd and transient f'ng is payable in ad- It the office at time pntlng copy for adver- tThose desiring to ad- ?n this manner in the- mws are asked to fce office and respect by refralnlne from ping classified adver- EDDY KING EDWARD P.-T. MEETING . With many new faces seen, the King Edward P.-T.A. held another pleasant meeting last night in the school assembly room. . In a short business session topics such as the King Edward Civic Centre Christmas concert, Radio Quiz program and P.-T.A. r::: flying hours up'polid' -, were discussed ii r-1 Kinrp annea Knipriainmeni consisted 01 to his record. It I National Film Board motion :'..... he has flown i pictures on scenic Canada mrougn iour seasons ana uie evolution of news dispersal. To wind up the affair refreshments were served under the i convenorshlp of Mrs. McLeod. KH.OWATT SO-- ROYAL WEDDING CAKE Here Is an overall view of the four-tier wedding cake, left, made by Huntley and Palmer, famed British cake makers, for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lieut. Philip Mountbatten on Thursday. The cake bears portraits of incidents In the lives of the couple and is made from ingredients from many parts of the Empire. At left, top, one side of the cake which bears Mountsatten-s monogram, "P.M." Below, the royal heraldic symbol of Elizabeth's. FILM BAD BOY TO BE MARRIED HOLLYWOOD (AP) Victor Mature, former bad boy.of Hollywood, is on the brink of marriage. Vic, who has eschewed night-clubbing and publicity-grabbing since his return from the Coastguard, apparently has gotten over his torch for Rita Hay-worth and has found the girl he wants to marry. She is Dorothy Berry from Pasedena, and she isn't in the film business. VIC aajfo llicj 11 ..v . she'll have me." The actor is the pride of 20th Fox these days due to "Kiss of Death." After "Ballad of Fur nace Cheek." he's .set for "Th? Chair For Martin Rome." "Strict ly Dishonorable" and "Road House." The former "Beautiful Hunk" Is a changed man. Dally News Classified Columns. To Avoid Inconvience We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible, or at least order well in advance as there will be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this winter. "CAIX us ovi:k the COALS it is goins to lie a burning question." rOOTHH.LS LUMP - ECO - NUT TKLKWA LU31P PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber - Paints - Buildinjr Supplies "5 '?. : Isn't it wonderful?" "Any wife who takes pride in her housekeeping would rave over a sparkling new automatic electric range. Cooking is such a pleasure cooler, cleaner and more dependable than the old-fashioned cook stove." End of World, But Not Soon Disintegration of Universe In Million Years WASHINGTON (AP) The end af the universe through a grad-ua; scattering of all matter through, cold space is seen as a possibility by Harcard's famed astronomer, Dr. Harlow Shapely. But don't get excited. Our own system of planets hasn't even started to so into this cosmic spread-formation and Shapely is thinking in terms of millions of years. His view is that creation may be slowly dying toy "negative gravitation" -- A cosmic forcaj which already has caused many distant galaxies (star systems) to fly apart. . At the same time," Shapely said in the annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, "through the operation of the laws of thermo-dynamics, tha heat cf the stars is going out into the coldness of space. "The universe Is steadily approaching the heat-death--a coldness near absolute zero in an empty world." Absolute zero is 273 degrees feelow zero centigrade. But the astronomer offered this comforting thousnt: Although the stars like our own "It takes just a few moments and very little 'elbow grease' to keep an electric range in brand new condition. There's no soot or smoky flame to blacken range or pans." LIVE AND CNJOY TH2 ( DIFFERENCE 5w TUdtU "KUMnitt W inn ta mm, vm NABISCO Jlett tiic Wilson's! Mother know lier active, boisterous twins need rolnift. cnerpy-liuilding food I So lie pie8 tlieni liefty-liusky, noiirijliinj: Naliisco Slirediled Wheat for in cakfa-t. ll" whole wlii'at in its niot natural form. And whole wheat contain vital food elements for glowing energy! llemeiiilicr, Nahiseo Shredded Wheat is actually baked to a digestible, lioncy-liroivn. It is the energy- packed food witli honest whole wheat nourishment. Serve Nabisco Shredded 'Wheat at your breakfast table! Baled by The CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA mi m "Yes sir, electric cooking is economical ... It costs less than Vli Per mcal Per person. And think of the saving in time and labour!" SW-IB7 sun radiate plenty 01 iree neat into space, they have built-in subatomic ineffgy "stovea" which will enable them to replace the lost heat a thousandfold for millions of years to come. Getting- back to cosmic scat tering, Shapely holds that most I of the hundred-iblllion odd gal axiesfar distant from our own "milky way"galaxy are Il:i; away from -one Another with enormous -velocities, -winicb, eventually may bring about "infinite dlssipatation" of all the bodies that go to make up the universe. ARCHITECTURAL RELIC EAST LONDON, South Africa, O) An old house here called 'The Gables," has been converted into an art gallery because it is a perfect example of early Victorian design. Admiration will be yours when your hair is set by our experts. Soft, luvely curls , , . to delisht and flatter you. PHONE G55 Helen's Beauty Salon 204 Fourth Street ISoiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL rhree Bailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:3c pjn. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 ' November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER , Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert jsdnrc Rupert, Da Hi? Ji3clw H weanesaay, woveinuei- m, isn - i - a. in 111 FORT j .2 I it .in Expertly blended from the world's fineit coffees, Fort Garry Coffee is always coffee at its best. It's flavour-sealed in Pliofilm. IS 1 m PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT IJOY SCOUTS' ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting Thursday, November 27th CIVIC CENTRE :: 8 VM. ;; ; All interested in the work" of the. Boy Scouts in r Prince Rupert are cordiajly invited to attend. Space by courtesy McBride and Third Avenue RECORDS "JINGLE BELLS" "SILENT NIGHT" "ADESTE FIDELES" "AVE MARIA" "WHITE CHRISTMAS" "SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN" "I LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS" "GOD REST YOU MERRY GENTLEMEN" These record titles now available by Bing Crosby, Deanna Durbin, Perry Como and many others Albums of "Dickens Christmas Carol" by Ronald Coleman Choose yours now from a complete stock at Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be, Too Late! OUR NEW CHRISTMAS Dresser Sets HAVE ARRIVED Beantiful Gold Colored COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SETS $20.00 to )!27.."0 One very special nirie-piece golden set with the coronation crown applied to the back of each piece makes an appropriate gift for this Royal Weddlns year. Sterling silver COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SETS beautifully engraved, in satin-lined eases. Priced SiW.OO to !?.V.00 aw Also a fine assortment of three-piece "sets for little " gins worn I ft fi K R R K K i K A A A fi m H K H fi fi R K a K a 'c','!l,,'c"l,''e,',,e,,tlc't,e,t,c,eie,c'(! Phone Green 917 P. II. LINZEY 214 4th Street PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS-CIRCULATION COUNTS t r V 'h 4 -I AT.".! ' H 'V at w .Hi