London PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL Lii-RAF.J, L-PATil Heavy Tax Cats Dae? Another Sizable Surplus Is Looming at Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) With a new tension of Parliament opening Dec 5, and with the Federal treasury snowing signs 01 wind ing up the fiscal year with a sizable surplus, heavy tax reductions are being predicted in I'noffical circles. The xumliu (or thp first, nine . ... .... I monins 01 the current fiscal year I U close to $500,000,000. The last fiscal year ended with a surplus of $352,000,000. However, the more cautious of this year's surplus will not be as last year's. For instance, the government will have to pay out some $05,000,000 In income tax refunds before the end of March As well, payments to the provinces under provincial taxation agreements and reductions in taxes granted in the last bud-iarger set will not really make them-c?ent selves felt until the latter part of the year. The more optimistic of the observers predict a surplus that will surpass last year's by at leat $200,000,000. The last of the tax cuts forecast in the 1916-47 budget was abolition of the excess profits tax. It will disappear December 31. - ONE NAME OFF VOTERS' LIST Prince Rupert's civic voters' list decreased by one voter Saturday as a result of examination by the Court of Revision which passed on the eligibility of the 2.338 citizens whose names appeared on the original draft The court struck off five names and added four new ones, leav ing the list with 2.337. The court sat in the treasur er's office in the city hall. It consisted of Mayor Nora Arnold, Alderman Arthur TJrooksbank and Alderman T. N. Youngs. The revlsprt llt. will now iro to the nrlntf-rs and conies will soon be1 available to the public Civic election day is December 11. Nominations close on December 8. So far, there are two candidates for the mayor's scat. Mayor Nora Arnold is running for the forthcoming two-year term on an independent ticket, while ex-Mayor H. M. Daggett will seek return to office with the support of the Trades and Labor Council. The only aldermanic candidates who so far have declared themselves are Alderman George Ruclderham, George Hills, August Wallin and Mrs. J. S. Black all supported by the Trades and Labor Council. MORE RESPONSE TO T.B. SEALS Two thousand and twelve I Christmas letters went Into the ! Prince Rupert post office Sat urday for distribution as fan north as Stewart and Hyder, as far east as Smlthers and to" the cannery settlements Of the coast as well as to householders of Prince Rupert city. Within the envelopes were T.B. seals I ... . ... , 1 1 cross, almost as closely associ- 11 1 (HI W1HI tC UUH.11"". mas as wie fvci6t-.n I tile liuuj. On the second day of the campaign this year $210 had been turned in to the commit tee. For the same period last year only $37 had been returned. Pholmmn THprrp LeRoss Is tak- Liiiaiiiiiuii m " w ! ir, v.i! n. mi indication that the people of this northwest area are out to set a new high mark in this the twenty-first anniversary of T.B. seal sales In Canada. 131 Juiw 31-4J, f HOYAL WEDDING BROADCAST Station CFPR will go on the air early at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning' to emit the original broadcast of the Koyal Wedding. There will be rebroad-casts at 3:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. BLUM FORM INK KOVT. PARIS A spokesman for the Socialist Party announced to day that Former Premier Leon Blum has agreed to endeavour to form a new "moderate" government in France's grave political crisis. It may consist entirely of Socialists. Former Premier Paul Reynaud has given up the effort to form an administration to succeed Paul Kamadier. PARTITION CHALLENGED LAKE SUCCESS An eight-power "Arab" sub-committee on Palestine today formally challenged the authority of the United Nations in any attempt to partition the Holy Land into sepcrale Arab and Jewish countries. R.OM.P. HEAD DIES OTTAWA II. A. Royal Kag-non, 51, deputy commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, died in hospital here today. He took a leading part in rounding up suspects during the espionage investigations in February 1916. MONTREAL HOLD-UP MONTREAL Two bandits were-still at large'and-a third was in hospital following last night's daring hold-up of the swank Chez Ernest on downtown Drummond Street shortly before midnight when two customers were wounded and a third injured. GOLD STOCKS REVERT AFTER PRICE BOOST Gold stocks, which shot sharp ly upward on Tuesday following the government announcement that the price of gold mined in the year 'ending June 30 is to be boosted from $35 to $42 an ounce. retired to their Monday levels as the industry began to assess the significance of the Increase to mine operators. Designed to stimulate produc tion by making surpluses available to the mine operators the move temporarily sent stocks upward but a study of production difficulties, many of which are tied up with labor costs, reverted the market price of gold stocks to the Monday levels. However, it is predicted that the increase will allow a general increase in production which probably will be reflected in a steady rise in -prices over a considerable period as the results become evident. RATIONING IN CANADA Minister of Finance Noncommittal on Price Control-No Unemployment Foreseen OTTAWA W Hon. Douglas Abbott, minister of finance, said yesterday he could not state definitely whether price control and rationing would be reintroduced In Canada as a result of import restrictions imposed to conserve United States dollars. At a press conference, Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of recon struction, who will have charge of the new program, said he did not anticipate unemployment would result from the government's restrictions on Imports. There .was every Incentive for industry to expand rather than contract NORTU&RN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWBPAPJCR TVTTTfYl a fTTTTf TTTTTTTTTVf IS TAXI e r o r 7.iD Phone s .. MintiT aiaiviCE af " i SUnd: I Hotel. Third Ave.? Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest," VOL. XXXVI, NO. 270, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS urky ATTACK . m f I PIIWIA ... ii...tinf Kuron- ; of State v -red a Ru sia on j ivt the 01s :r- .,c- confer-tnarged the t:.'.x.ivz "bra-- c propa-: liberated . recovery. A of 1 illl- 11 L t.iD was be- r'.ri Nevertheless ...d he was wi n an open IN c--: Stated here maler caw cars tariff ion? ANGRY MAN 1. .i ti-.. i 1. 1 u iui 1 tan 1 u ike mutt D.C .? An-i marked death in Trumans -nweer to in-- and wage onlng in the id asked for -.:- to allocate "... control ex- ;ilt and lm- Taft said i' r trying to :- dictatorial 'J moving toward i itate "This ' e ot economic ARNOLD r r wv m Is t'.ie Ont civic elec- The-. were received If I Its. V "--id A. XI, 0 w Nickerson Is WEATHER Sjnopsis dk'.urbance moved northe-n B.C during L'8hi cam has fallen "" jaii, ana m- J Will ftnrptir the dav hut fVicm (it wat apprc-'' fall in the south- IS n - ... it'suii or this me mier or .una are ralrlv me south- . - - uie urovince. 01 nrpnrrlncr 4 noruiern areas we day a .wmnH into the Qulf morning will eafly tomorrnur ftv . . V "O 0ver the low ivimr l -""O u"r'ng the forenoon ,.L. ' - "V Vi fcU 11)1111 North Coast-Cloudy drizzle wun ln- h """iicni, ana uwers Thursday. uiuuu. Wcreaslne tn ,,,. """KM l.n. . Tnursdav nt tTf . 1 Maceotl on ets Itself for if 4- FLIERS ON WAY WATSON LA K E, Y.T. George Truman and Clifford Evans, on a leisurely round tlie world flip;-!, took off from here for Fort St. John today and expect to reach Edmonton tomorrow. CLINTON JAIL BREAK 'LINTON-Police are seeking two Vancouver men wlio escaped from Clinton jail in the Cariboo district Sunday night. Two have been recaptured. The men, who smashed a jail window grille to escape, were listed as Lyon W. Gordon, 25; Robert J. Wilson, 30; Arthur C. Howk and Robert L, Clement. AIRPORT IN PERIL V A N C O U V E R William Tcmplelon, manager cf Vancouver airport, today told the airport committee that chemical frre Rxtinguishpr trucks were needed there for fire defence. He said that, with millions of dollars worth of aircraft, quipment and buildings there, heavy losses could be caused by fire unless adequate apparatus was available to fight the blaze. TEAR DOWN HOSPITAL VANCOUVER Hon. Ian Mackenzie announced today that the old Shaughnessy Military Hospital will be torn down and (he site tfsed lor the constrr.c lion of a new power plant. MUTTER OOING UP VANCOUVER W h o I e s a I e price of butter is going up 2c to G4c and the retail price will advance to 69c. CIGAR PRICES ARE GOING UP MONTREAL CPi-Spokesmen for a leading Canadian cigar manufacturer said here yesterday that an increase in the retail price of cigars will take effect Immediately. The price of a 9c cigar will be raised to 10c while the two-for-15c variety will be Increased to three for 25c. Juneau Is Making Lumber Shipments JUNEAU The Juneau Spruce Corporation recently shipped away a total of 50 000 board feet of lumber on three ships. The vessels inclure the Rambler, the Baranof and the Sword Knot. B.C. BEING PASSED UP . VANCOUVER if 1 A chall enge to British Columbia to demand more active participa tion in Canadian affairs was made by Thomas Braldwood, president of the Vancouver Board of Trade, He termed as "disgraceful" the lack of West Coast representation on national bodies such as the Canadian National Railways and Corporation. Mr. Braldwood was addressing the Board's sixtieth anniversary luncheon. Young Irish Priests Coming Here Shortly Three young Roman Catholic priests of the Oblate Order, who were ordained by Bishop Anthony Jordan of Prince Rupert during his recent visit in Dublin, are arriving in Prince Rupert at the end of next week from the Old Country to be stationed in this vicariate. They are Father Gerard Clenaghan ot County Antrim, Father Edward Green, born in Liverpool but ' educated in Ireland, and Father ; Edward Ballesty of West Meath. WHERE ROYAL COUPLE WILL SPEND THEIR HONEYMOON Princess Elizabeth and her fianfcee Lieut. Philip Mountbatten, will spend their honeymoon at Broadlands, near Ramsay, In the New Forest, anu a:so at, Birkhall, near Balmoral. Here's a view of the south wing of Broad-lands, the home of Viscount and Viscountess Mountbatten, where the royal couple will stay. BANK BILL APPROVED Federal Government of Australia Is Going Ahead With Nationalization CANBERRA P The House of Representatives today approved the Labor government's bank nationalization bill for Australia on-third and final reading aftprfjpposiUqiViLeader 'Robert O. Menzies tried unsuccessfully to postpone action for six months. The vote was 38 to 26. The bill Is expected to pass the Senate next week after which It will face a prolonged court battle-over its contitution-ality. ALBERNI FIRE BEING PROBED One and Possibly Two Men Lost Lives In King Edward Hotel Blaze PORT ALBERNI P)-The deP- uty fire marshal is today inves yesterday destroyed the forgone year old King Edward Hotel and claimed one life and pos sibly twe, injuring ten persons. A body, definitely Identified as being that of Tom Jones, a logger, was found in the ruins of the hotel yesterday. Another man, Dick Finn, of Bamfleld, Is missing and might have been in the hotel when it burned. FRUIT GROWERS ARE ALARMED Loss of British Preference May Be Damaging to Industry, 'Tis Feared KELOWN.A Oi Fruit growers registered initial alarm over reports that the Dominion's new trade agreements involved a loss of preference in the Bri tish market. A. K. Lloyd, president and general manager of British Columbia Tree Fruits Ltd., said "With the elimination ot the British preferential market, it simply means that the fruit in dustry will revert to the days around 1935 when there was cutthroat competition." Growers and dealers said they feared the effect would be to place Canadian apples on a par in both domestic and foreign markets with United States grown fruit. They said, however, that the loss of the British market might be compensated for to some extent by the acquisition of new markets in Eu ropean countries which have lowered their tariffs on Can adian fruit. Royal Wedding c Rescue Now Being Made j Survivors of Langleecrag Being Taken Aboard Another Hritisji Ship HALIFAX ?) The British freighter Empire McCallum .re i ported today that she had started taking aboard survivors of tli-reckedrelghter- Xanglee-l crag who had been marooned on lonely Sacred Island off the northern tip of Newfoundland since their ship run aground Saturday. PLANE CRASH KILLS THIRTY Swedish Freighter Machine, Bound North From Ethiopia, Comes Down In Italy ROME IP) A chartered Swedish frplTitpr nlanp pnrrvlntr Shlrtv nprsons lnp,udin twpntv SwPril,h mmt,,rv airmpn rr!,sh- ed today in the mountains near Salerno and Swedish diplomatic sources said twenty persons were killed. The plane was enroute home from Addis Ababa where military men and four others had delivered a group of B17 planes sold by Sweden to Ethiopia. :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. oeoo ooooo oooootHjooooooowowoaoaoortoooooooc ooo Vancouver Bralorne 11.50 B. R. Con 05 B. R. X 09 Cariboo Quartz 2,98 Dentonia .21 ' Grull Wlhksne .O6V4 Hedley Mascot 1.05 -Minto 02'4 Pend Oreille 2.20 Premier Border 05 Vi Pioneer 4.10 Privateer .'r 39 Reeves McDonald 1.10 Reno ..14's Salmon Gold .27 Vi Sheep Creek 1.15 Taylor Bridge ....j... .50 Taku River .70 Vananda 25 Congress :i 03 & Pacific Eastern 'i' 07 Hedley Amalg. 04 Spud Valley 4 .11 Central Zeballos 01 Vi Silbak Premier 65 Oils A. P. Oon r .12 Calmont .36 C. & E 2.52 Foothills .2.60 Home 4.25 Toronto Athona . .12 Aumaque .30 1 1 CANADA AND COMMONWEALTH Should be Senior Member, Howard Green M.P. Tells U.B.C. Students VANCOUVER (CP Howard Green, Progressive-. Conservltive Member for Vancouver South, &ld that-Canada could:, be a senior member of the British Commonwealth -if her - present government desired. Mr. Green rapped such reforms as abolition of appeal to the Privy Council as cutting away at the roots of the Commonwealth tree." He was addressing University of British Columbia students. KEEP LONG SIGHTS UP LONDON O) Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King told Canadians Monday night that they must at all times keep real and long run objectives constantly in sight and it is to wider horizons that Canada must ever look. "We must meet the requirements of the short-run situation courageously, competently and with confidence, accepting the emergency measures for what they are drastic but temporary adjustments," he said In a broadcast to Canada. Bcattie 1.02 Bevcourt ,., 64 Bobjo , .t.. 16 Buffalo Canadian1 .18 Consol. Smelters :.. 96.50 Coriwest 1.52 Donalda 1.18 Eldona 1.23 'Elder , 82 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.50 God's Lake 1.07 Hardrock 40 Harricana 11 Heva .". 33 Hosco v........... 55 Jacknlfe 07 Jollet Quebec .50 Lake Rowan 19 Lapaska 24 Little Long Lac 1.71 Lynx 10 Madsen Red Lake 3.0 McKenzie Red Lake .... 3.60 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.81 . Moneta 50 Negus 2.30 Noranda 51.50 , Louvicourt 1.66 Pickle Crow 2.51 Regcourt 14 San .Antonio 4.85 Senator Rouyn .70 Sherrit Gordon 3.15' Steep Rock 2.20 Sturgeon River .23 Ms Enthusiastic Anticipation Pervades Air Final Rehearsal Todav Abbey Is Sealed and Guarded LONDON (CP) Last day before the eagerly awaited wedding of Prin-i cess Elizabeth and Lieut. Philip Mountbatten dawned murkily today with a chilling rain falling on grey ' London. However, unsettled 1 weather could noUdim the cn- thusiasm of -workmen putting j the final touches on street dec-: ; orations and Westminster - ad-j ornments or daunt the deter-j mination of many hundreds of j thousands to see just as much! j of the great day's happenings: as they possibly can, The key event fo rthe wed ding eve was a rehearsal at & pjn. complete In all details down to the wedding ring of; beaten Welsh gold. The King, Elizabeth, Philip and the wed-, ding attendants all took part along with the Archbishops Canterbury and York and other ecclesiastical dignatories. assist ing In the performance of the rites. Westminster"; Abbey Is already closed to' the public and, after the, Thearsal.; was f'svlet1JVby Scotland Yard with "all-'nlghf, guards posted. The guards were doubled today in all Whitehall offices, scrutinizing with the utmost thoroughness all who enter casual visitors, govern ment officials, civil servants and even cabinet ministers. Princess Elizabeth attended a tea party at St. James Palace this afternoon and showed five rooms of wedding gifts to the visitors. The Princess had no further engagements for tonight. Already crowds are lining the route of the wedding procession. Standing room space is selling at $100 per person. . Gordon Moore Heads Gov't Employees VICTORIA roProVlnclaUlvil servants Saturday elected" "ll. Gordon Moore of Victoria president of the British Columbia Government Employees' Association. Vancouver was chosen as the 1948 convention city. Executive members include R. Carter ot Prince George. c , Local Tides , Thursday, November 20, 1947 High 7:11 16.5 feet 18:34 16.2 fet Low 0:16 7.3, feet 12:59 11.4 feet GREAT SHOW Ancient Indian Customs Concert, Dancing by the CHIEFS OF KITWANOA Kitwanga Community Hall ' November 22. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Full narrative of each ot main events. See what you have never .seen before. EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission-Men, $1; Ladles, 75c Children, 50c Master ot ceremonies: Chief W. B. Morgan Announcer Harold Sinclair