Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Monday, July 21, 1952 | hie tind District Votes Newly-Weds Spend Holiday With Well-Known Relatives A well-known basketball player of Vancouver and his wife are visiting relatives in Prince Rupert, following their honeymoon at Lake Kathlyn after The new middy look poses alfashion stitches. The art of;the middy effect. These three problem for- fashion-loving| machine-sewing these yeasts | jwomen.who are short-waisted.| embroidery stitches can ; | There just isn't | stitches are particularly appeal- beling on light summery fabrics. enough roomjlearned at any Singer sewing| For wool or corduroy for fall, ‘jin a two-piece costume for aicenter free of charge. Braid, or| the boucle stitch gives a heavier | | fitted top to drape nicely with-| ribbon, too, can be applied to|more deeply embroidered look. out bunching. And, if the waist-| give a middy effect. |This more sharply defines the line in a one-piece dress is low-| For an evening dress, where|middy line, and is carried off |ered, the result may be in fash-| fashion is always important,|best by the woman with long, ion but, alas, the dress doesn’t| the metalic stitch gives a pleas- | narrow hips and long legs. fit. ing outline at the hips, and stitching may be modified, with There is a neat way out ofjadds a dash of glamour. The | few or many rows, light or pro- the dilemma for those who do| stitching could even be extend- | nounced stitching, to suit the \their own sewing. Home dress- ed up into the bodice to addjindividual figure. The middy imakers with short waists can|the equally fashionable empire) look is not flattering if applied, Py : ; : r, tak ly ¢ fit their material to their nat-\line above the waist. This| without modification, to the ex- | their wedding in Vancouver July 9. lural waist-lines and achieve|styling is especially attractive| cessively wide-hipped, short- Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mitchell lche middy effect with a few|for those blessed with narrow legged figure. With fashion | are guests of their grand-| small. No fires are to be started WOMAN OF YEAR—Margaret | rows of fashion stitches. |midriffs. The spiral, spark or| stitches, the woman who ap- |mother Mrs. John R. Mitchell,| without a permit. Anyone wish- Fe HYnemas of Toront a8 | ‘phe rows should encircle the|Cordonnet stitch creates airy,| praises herself carefully in the Atlin Avenue ing to burn rubbish must apply, named Woma1 of the _ lskirt from the natural waist- | not too-pronounced rows for a/mirror, can have just the right Reid, as one of the top stars| for permission. the Canadia Federation * lline to a depth sufficiently low| ¥oman who is not very long in suggestion of the current fa- jin Vancouver Eilers, Senior A ee 8 Pu it s and Professt oe \to give the middy effect. No| the hips, and who would want shion without doing arm injus- |basketball champions of B.C,| J werner, M. Finlayson, and T Women's Club a - —. ‘attachments are needed on the|only the merest suggestion of tice to her natural figure line. |was here last winter with the) ponaldso student geologists} Convention In Vancouysr. .. (sewing machine for ‘making ise 7 |team. His uncles are Alex and eee at ‘the Coa) ee foi - Pian wo oo 4 |George Mitchell | Meanwhile, Reid's fathe |James Mitchell aiso is in Prince |Rupert during the summer holi- : a ae work and leadership per Ridge mine left for White- nection with the equal pay for | Add 1 tablespoon salt to rap-| horse on Tuesday. A crew of) — eer eae a eee ° x i he saath tT |e er SOAR acation Luggage drillers is expected to. arrive Ontario afd Baskat- Lea : within the next week to start ‘om Panto) smacaron! 80 tnat water | . exe |days, looking after the office of) ¢urther work on the property. hoto) |continues to boil. Cook uncov-| OOKING-—Thrt of 1.200 Girl Guides attending the 12- | Mitchell & Currie, while bro- . > : e ee es ered, stirring occasionally, until | 20% Discount Guide Camp at the Connaught Field Ranges, thers are holidaying i C. P. Bussinger has unloaded <} ) tender. Drain in colander ! me cal : agit me imely . imp cooking. Left to right, they are “Jim” Mitchell, a past resid- his first carload of pumice Rinse with cold water, drain | lam Man.: Pat McGuffin. Toronto; ang }¢Mt of this city, formerly taught nncks used in the construction 5 ,again. Soften gelatin in cold | Winnipee (CP PHOTO) school here,and later in AnyoZ, | o¢ ni ane garage ‘The second water. Add hot water; stirring | e , where Reid was born. At pres- ae amen witein « tow constantly util gelatin is dis- | ent, the teacher is on the staff aes noo . MACARONI PARTY SALAD solved. In a bowl, combine re-| . ” * of West Vancouver high school ts i ae ° (Makes 6-8 Servings) ‘maining ingredients with cook-' Wher | i | . erever we lyn Smith Radiant Bride | His first job in Prince Rupert; ,,.. s Irene| 1 tablespoon salt /ed macaroni and softened gela- erever yOu 99, ° can was on the editorial staff of the aoe 7x ae ee ade: a 2 quarts boiling water |tin; mix throughly. Pour into con supply you with Annunciation Ceremony Dany ene. Seen Se new ties. ahd wee has ‘roe per 8 ounces elbow macaroni (2 |# othe rip 3-inch . ae eae smart, neat luggage ... oy 1 ~ anag ow € L as Ci~ -usta s ack firmly. Shi “ . es a _. ete mens going medical treatment for the cups) : er toa er a crisp | whether i+ be Twin Sets, be 4 ich of the Annunciation was the scene mr * . past few weeks, will be confined : prea poon Loreena | salad greens. | Club Bags or Gladstones 7 : : M and M Alex Mitchell at his home necessitating a pro- ¥y cup cold water j | tifully impressive early morning ceremony Mt. BAG BES ex Mitchell,| \\.56q rest in bed or wheel char.| 4 cup hot water | n Father F, J Ray ier, OMI ited fe ee 2 Pees A year ago the boy’s father was % cup sour cream e nen fatner ¢@s ayn r, OMi, united IN| to the city last night by CAT) viied in a canine metbtent. ¥, cup mayonnaise VI Evely n Ruth Smith, eldest daughter after a holiday in the south cciteiisisiaehiesdliilaaeusiain yy cup chopped sweet pickles They drove through the United | ; smi ris 1144 cups chopped cooked rs. Dennis Smith, and Mr, John Joseph) States to Chicago to visit with BORDER RIVER libel Mr, and Mrs. John Basso, Sr. peso yo hc Pagar g a South America’s Jabary Riv 1 teaspoon grated onion 104 sister-in-law, Mr. anc Mrs.| navigable for 300 miles, forms} 1, teaspoon Worcestershire nely i : Howard Frizzell Son Bobby part of the boundary between auce ff suMMET | F}Jeq to capacity with more than | remained in Chicago for a teW/ Brazi] and Peru. 1 teaspoon salt 1 cticeaiiin 250 guests who had gathered to| weeks . ee aa wc - enterea tne ‘ centinemenonnigienmnngllinainmsgion ! congratulate the happy young TELKWA F 7 SLAVE : nett coupe sain sure sesia ti, Bh es Tae litional Lohen- Miss Dorothy irving N., lef kK H ua nN! vier class.|,, They were iecelved by Mrs.|today for Berkeley, California THEY ARE SO THOUGHTFUL, TO PLEASE US AND er class AND KIND, AND TENDER THEY ASK SO WN Oa } YOU'RE AND UNDERSTANDING LITTLE IN RETORN ad ‘9 ; BONT BO ENOUGH RIGHT, MR. DITRERS ed tulle under a beautifully|day’s train having spent thei! decorated arch the wedding|summer holiday with Mrs , ecollete neck party received the toast to the Smith's sister, Mrs. Ouderkirk of stasain bride, proposed by Father Ray- | Quick, B. C ® yas fashioned Basso, who chose an afternoon- | after spending a two weeks vaca- itin and length d ess in black and pink|tjon with her parents Mr. and red ao ahost and white accessories, and Mrs.| wyrs. A. H. Irving. t which form Smith, whe wore a rose dress with : ‘ . m and slight navy accessories. Both mothers Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith of ed pver the | ore Pam Cacoenon, Corsages Edmonton returned on Thurs- 1 Standing 16s f the Net, and fittingly responded to ' CHIC YOU eee “Of by the groom Mrs. W. W. Noonan left for 7 j ieep Ame! Dancing followed to the music| Hazelton to attend her é i] ee . ; . - ‘ * it} vw tte \ of Mike Colussi and Robert'daughter’s birthday. Betty-Lou With ne " ae Wi , » Wood will return with her grandmother LET'S EACH OF ) ve, 71 CO WILL HAVE f Z . DEAR BOY, ue = FOSaTY for a few dav US BUY OUR “~ Mm" E> TO BE SOMETHING fj 2 ; iT MUST BEA [taly D The magnificent five-tiered ia ag Re 3h , 9G geow THEM, =~ : i WONDERFUL ney See atin cap wedding cake was duly cut by| a ae : © : HOW WE Pe We cowczous f-the-val- the bride and groom, while Mrs. | Mr Frank Dockrill sr., newly APPRECIATE ) . 3 vetl of R. L. Wicks sang two Italian se- ®Ppointed fire warden s out to } npleted | jectior Santa Lucia and Watch for smoke no matter how L'Espaniola accompanied by} int if Mr. Colussi. After the delicious no ‘ was supper had been served, Mr.} red ers tin and Keith DeWitt, master of cere- dress; monies, gathered all the guests) @ Attention Elks Meeting July torso and | OBetaer whe al joined in sing {| 21, 8 p.m 4170) tiny tulle | -28 For They Are Good F llows.”’ | |The bride then threw her bou-| @ London Shoe Repair has r : en cuet which was caught t Miss | opened under new managenic n‘t cs Carole Mooérehouse Every kind of repairs made wt) d-length j } 7 ’ = Pema, . in . jall types of shoes Only the best HOW ABOUT Je LO Vt THAT'S NOT ENOUGH THEY'VE GIVEN US THE m illusion! For travelling the bride chose | quality workmanship (170p) oog SUGto REPAY THEM FOR ALL A PRETTY BEST YEARS OF THEIR , Miss|a lovely costume of grey gabar- | jN— THE DEVOTION WRIST WATCH, LIVES OU SIFY ies nk carna-|dine with black and white ac-|{ (THEYVE SHOWERED MUST BE COMMENSURATE , . cessories, She wore a pink car- | ELECTROLUX = NUS / tJ tion corsage, After % f= | I RYVTOCR \ : yt] Ration corsage. After a honey” | SALES AND SERVICE y ,. | moon in the south, the bride will an while | ) nd Mr.| resume her position with the} i iG) I | 1 at Royal Bank while the groom is : employed with the Standard | Machine Shop Phone: Green 960; Evenings, Blue 970. Box 1626 For genuixve parts and service phone or write above FISHING TACKLE Plonning a fishing trip? uy T= 4 eS || = || Nout NOW, A_MINK COAT MIGHT DO, BUT WE'D LOOK SILLY BRINGING THEM FUR COATS IN THE SUMMER, DIAMOND IN THE WORLD BIG ENOUGH 7" THERE'S NOTA ) . TO REDAY : AE A, NACE LT AI. Sce us for your needs. pt eames act See our window display Vidette 7 No, DAGWOOD EVENA ) ( YACHT OOESNT COMPARE 7 TO THE GOLDEN sl ( HOQueSs THEY'VE ; nutter » a) PRICED FROM $299.’ ea ING COOL When the | Omete Var ¢ hovers around a lady has to keep Cope King Pearce: ai Ran SM ; st she can Two-year- ieee | es can, Two-year . 1932. > M4 Svecth inc, Weld yh eer’. a plenty ue eae Phone 46 Ln eH (CP Photo) | { Tate a \ young GY 6 ms 2. 6 > ge > = a. | ® ay w 0 pe ut