r EWricc Utnictt Dally J3cUi0 Wednesday, November 261947 The Markets GROCERY STORES DRESSING UP FOR CHRISTMAS week will start to take on that bright appearance which will add weight to:. current warnings away. Gay decorations will selling 'at prices ranging from r 1 v. Turnips, lb .. 06 & Mushrooms, lb 63 fj Beets, 6 lb .25 B Lettuce (head), each 2(1 K (celery, 2 lbs .30 Garlic, lb 49 I (Cabbage (new), lb 08 p I White Beans, 2 lbs .33 ! Susar 1 ( White, lb ll I Golden Pellow, lb l R Fresh Milk Quart 19 f Pint 10 Fj I Cream, i-Pint 15 , g i I tggs ; f brighten the Interiors and dis-jQracje A: play wjndows as the merchants Large, cartoned, doz. feature their stocks of those dell-1 Medium, doz. cacies and staples which take on added importance during the Yule season. .., Housewives who are planning to bake their own Christmas cakes will find the widest variety of glazed fruits including cherries, almond paste, mixed peel, several types of raisins, and some may have been lucky jnough to get in on the relatively small shipments of glace pineapple rings which- the grocers predictrvi1U be sold out before Christmas. ' Canned fruits; which have been rising in cost continually since 'controls were dropped earlier this year, are to come under jyice contrpl again. Canned apricots' cherries, logan-berries.' pears and peaches are Fish Halibut, b A Salmon, lb - Cod lb Black Cod, smoked, lb Smoked Kippers, lb Butter First Grade, lb Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins, 2 for Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs Flour, 49's, No.l hard wheat.. Second Patent. Flour (24's) at Tea and Coffee DeLuxe Quality,, lb Coffee, lb Juices Tomatoes, 20-oz 40 oz : gallon 33 to40 cents a 20-ounce tin, Apples, 20 oz tin, 2 for which', is considerably higher than prices at this time last year. Butter, which hovered below the 70-cent mark during the early fall, increased last, week under pressure , of a wholesale boost. Vegetables Cranberries, lb. 53 Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 29 Hubbard- Squash, lb 07 Danish Squash, 'lb. 09 Spanish Onions, 2 lb .23 Vegetable Marrow, lb 06 Citron, lb ; .'. : .08 Cauliflower, ea. 30 to .45 40 oz Orange, 20 oz Blended (orange and grape fruit ) 20 oz 48 oz Canned Fruits Apricots, 20 oz Cherries (fancy) 20 oz Loganberries, 20 oz Peaches Pears 39. Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal Cut Green Beans, fey. each No. 3 Pesis, fey Mixed Vegetables Diced Beets, tin Leel-s. "2, bunches 15 j Wax Beans, choice Parcnip (unwashed) 3 lbs. .19 Mixed Peas and Carrots IF YOU are not one of of the many subscribers served by DAILY NEWS carriers, one of these young salesmen will call on you before December 20. Jk..:l. V- For every new subscription turned in before that date he receives a commission. A six-months' subscription doubles the- minimum commission and a 1 2-m o n t?K s ' subscription multiplies it by four. That is not all- o the DAILY NEWS car rier, (boy or girl) bring .64 .59; .35! .33 ; .25 .38 .22 .70 .27 .57! 1 2.99 235 ! 1.59 1.07 .59 .17 .33 .59 .23 .34 .19 .13 .43 .33 .37 .42 .32 -.44 1.73 20 .25 1& .14 .20 FRENCH VOLKSWAGGON On exhibit at the 34th automobile exhibition in Paris, France, is this Ravin car. which is designed to get 71 miles on a gallon of gasoline. It has a two-cylinder opposed piston engine and costs about $840 in France. Pumpkin Fruit Tomatoes (hothouse), 1 lb. Apples, cooking, 3 lb incy Apples, 3 lbs Grapefruit, Texas (white), 4 for (pink), 3 for Lemons, doz Oranges (Navel) t 40 - Emperor Gtapes, lb Dates, pitted, lb. Anjou Pears, 3 lbs. Pomegranate, each Lard Pure, lb Shortening Soap, face, 2 for Laundry, cake .08- Sunlight, cake .Glace Fruit Cherries, Vi lb. pkt Almond Paste, lb Coconut, lb. Fruit Cake Mix-, lb Dates (fancy), l-lb..pkt Seedless Raisins, 2 lb Seeded Raisins,' lb. .. Shelled Almonds, V2 lb Shelled Brazils, Vilb Shelled Walnuts, Vz lb. GOLDFIELD AIRPORT .19 i and 250 feet wide. .16 .45 .25 .32 .35 .29 .49 .63 .50 .29 .31 .15 .29 .33 .17 .25 .09 .39 .38 .63 .49 .35 .45 .24 .49 .45 .49 COLORED FURS BEING RAISED British Columbia Mink Breeders See End of Drab Browns and Blacks VANCOUVER Oi Women, tired of the drab browns and blacks in their fur coats, have something new in store pastel mink currently being raised in British Columbia. Members of the B.C. Mink Breeders' Association are raising pink, blue, white, mauve, orchid, and silver mink on farms throughout the lower mainland and growers say that when they reach the market, dark fur coats will h a thing of the past. Experimentation has produced 27 different colors including two-tone effects that cannot be limited. The two-tone varieties have a loger, dark guard hair and shorter pastel underfur that ranges from pale blue to pink and orchid. The first non-brown mink coat, a "silver blue" mutation, GEORGETOWN, British Gui-1 appeared in the United State ana, ff An arfield has been (five years ago and despite its opened in the Potaro, one of the $18,000- price, the scramble was largest gold-producing areas in so great that furriers realized the colony. It is one mile long they had something women wanted. Meet a BOV. you will be glad to know ! He's just a lad with a bag of newspapers slung over his shoulder, or a basket full attached to his bike but he's a success story in the making. Because he's learning about people, about finance and how to conduct a busi-CZZZSZS ness tnrough ms news paper route. Bright, al ing in the most points during the contest, a valuable bicycle will be presented. Second prize is $15.00 in cash and , there will be $5.00 for the third highest scorer. Ten points, are credited for a new subscriber witiv an added point for each month the subscription is 'tot V ' t v. ; run. . f . Treat your caller as a friend He is offering you am' excellent service at a minimum cost to you. ert, he will also become self-sufficient and welK poised, so have a friendly word for him each day. Each day he. brings you something invaluable your daily newspaper a means whereby you travel, you learn and you live. Live in the atmosphere of international affairs, national development and the experiences of your neighbors right here at home. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS il What is wrong with this sentence? "The woman with her three children were there." 2 What is the correct pronunciation of "finesse"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Persevere, persuade, persue 4 What does the word "gullibility' mean? 5 What is word beginning with ma that means "splendor of surroundings"? ANSWERS 1 Say, "was there." Woman is the singular subject. Children a., the object of the preposition with. 2, Pronounce fl-nes, I as in it. e as in less, accent last syllable. 3. Pursue. 4. Readiness to believe on slight evidence. "Quackery has no friend like gullibility." Proverb. 5. MALARIA RIFE The United States often has 4,000,000 malaria cases a year. (278) jLS ggSFHM A 2 r t 1 l 1 EXPERTS BAFFLED BY DUCK DISEASE PRETORIA, South Africa P) Research experts at Onderste-poort experimental laboratories near here are still puzzling over the mystery disease which made its appearance among Muscovy ducks in Natal about six months ago. The disease seems to be unknown in any other part of the world, and this has made it difficult to isolate and treat It with any success. The germs are presumed to be carried by a certain species of mosquito, but this has still to be proved. So far the experts have found that the malady affects the Muscovy duck's entire body. The incubation period lasts two days, during which the body temperature rises rapidly to 110 degrees. Two hours later the first visible symptoms are followed ' by a fatal discharge of blood-flecked foam from the duck's nostrils. You saw it in the Dally ,New! 6 fm canl nuu FORT GARRY? Full, rich body and fine flavour make Fort Carry Coffee a farorite vrhtrever it gott. It'i flavour-iealed in Pliofilm. 1 SALE OF LOTS The following city-owned vacant lots will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Council Chamber, City Hall, on Friday, December 5th, 1917, at 10:00 a.m. Lot Block Section Assessed Value 26, 27 and 28 9 1 $1900.00 7 19 1 850.00 47 34 1 1750.00 Minimum Terms: One-third of purchase price payable In cash. Balance payable In equal regular instalments over I a period not exceeding two years, with Interest at 5 per ftV.V1. At iW- . I J I annum uii me unpaia oaiance. Provided anyone who Is uable to attend the auction in person may submit a sealed, tender, to be opened at the nour or auction and treated as one bid. H D. TRAIN, City Clerk. w'cc!s'e,'!c!,''c(e'c('t'te'ce(e(C!e'ct('ctc'c(c'c'C!t,ti'cic'eic"'; u w V V y v v V 'J V V V V y y ov and ?Qh NOIV OPEN AT 206 SIXTH STREET (BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD) THOUSANDS OF TOYS OUTSTANDING VALUES VISIT Too many good watches have been riling U.. II 1:9 3 McRae's Toyland LA YAW AY NOW ! FOR CHRISTMAS Come In and See Our Selection of Gifts KINGS - LOCKIiTS e CHINA - SILVERWARE fled watchmakers. Save yours. vr 4. Look for Canadian Jewellers Certificate. C23 3rd Ave. YUKON JEWELLERS (J. G, Alexander) Itlue CIS s 9 9 !9 DRESS UP FOR " T A SUITS ORDER YOim Suit or TonrJ FHOM OUR WIDE SELECTinJ OF FINE FARn.r.e lLECT10l vk inn n. m - ' "GRANTEE 1W.M I1M.Mii. FOR MEN and WOMEN November 28 is the deadline MORGAN! MENS WEAI I LOR EH IN THE CUSTOM MANNEb . . --'-,"-siVai;.i MAKE A DATE . To see our new selection o BLOUSES JEKSEY AND COKDIT.O! Housecoats HECiENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL Rose Marx Brassieres - Lingerie! HUSH LINEN IIANDKEKCHlUl AND LUNCHEON SETS IDEAL GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS ll0Sa-Lee Ladies Wm INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See U K. MOHTIMFIU 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern. Quiet, ComtattM 714 FRASER STREET Phone Blacfc 823 W9wrrnfWm fl mm ft. Wttlllll( NO ODOR NO OILS DRYS IN ONE HOUR WASHABLE and One gallon spread makes one one half gallons. $4.95o$l.40- PHONE 651 -652 PHILPOTT, EViTT & CO. LTD. Distributors of C.licldeii Tlmc-Tesl' ints