VISIT TOYLA at the VARIETY STORE where you win find vour favor-ite TOYS and GAMES, The varetv and select tion ths season is far ahead of pre vious years. ;H Third Ave. West t Radio Dial m 1240 Kilocycle : ,:1k v to change) L, . WEDNESDAY P.M. !) -E " -d Hockrlase ' C x Quotations :ina l! c. : FolkTales i -?.: Muggins T 5 Bands r .. i:ida Ki r Jward Hotel Trio U -per Serenade '' T be announced Ml.. Varieties Ar-rilng to the Record Ur News :Bt Nr v Roundup c. . jlshed Artist -f -r Forum lis fl -nc j Time H ;t:"T. :cs Review fJ-Gi; .irand Seat Announcing J CHOCOLATE j 1 flwokeo v i DAIRY I DK1NK i Containing ! inot less than V bulterfat ; CHILDREN LIKE IT " Irom your Wneon. Grocer Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 Their beautiful You will not only rind gilts tor everyone that arc useful, but also colorful wrappings ribbons, stickers seals and cards, al) at the same store. Savr TI.Mi: Save YOUR TEMPER! Save SHOE LEATHER! SHOP AT Phone Red 400 10:00 03C News 10:10 BC. News 10:15 CBC Movie Critic 10:30 Music for Listening 10:55 Musical Interlude 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. THURSDAY AAI. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45-LitUe Concert 9 00 BBC News 9:15- Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Ttnie Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 The Lady and the Monster 10:40 Recorded 10:45--ScunUnavlan Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast ,.. . 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert PJtl. 12:00 Mid day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital 1:45 A School for Parents 2:00 B.C.' School Broadcast 2:30 Sheha Presents 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Report from the United Nations, CBC BUSES FOR LONDON j LONDON, London is to have a new fleet of buses 3,000 altogether which will make travel In London easier and saf-; er. The first batch of 80 has ar-1 rived and another will be ready j nmiind Christmas. OUillV After that 100 will be built each month. Advertise In the Dally News. Good TasW is Shown by PEARLS utral lustre harmonizes with anything a woman can wear, be any of .the colors. Pearls are worn by royalty it black, while or everywhere anil arc especially popular this year. in one two We have beautiful pearl necklets and three strands at prices of $:5 "0 - S7,-, $n.oo up to .WO-all beautifulb boxed. ' Pearl rings are also selling. One nice round Peatl about the size of 11,11 shot in gold setting Si"i OO. Another with larger pearl and two small diamonds at $3.".00 is special. Different prices in between. Glad show you. i'VMAC KVECIfcUT apimj uuiuni CONTRIBUTIONS i Further Donations Received to Help Thomas Meillas Go to Vanccuver When Thomas Meillas entered j the Pioneers' Home In 1940 he could see and read with the use of glasses. In the fire which dPStroyed the old Eventide Home two years a.?o he lost his glasses. Since then his eyesight has so deteriorated that he Is now almost blind. Consultation with specialists and surgical treatment might at least partially restore his sight, doctors here believe,, and it Is to raise funds to help him make the.trip to Vancouver for such treatment that a campaign has been instituted and is now meeting with Increased response. The' fund has risen to $53.15 with the following further con-t.rrfoutions to be acknowledged today: Varderi Singers $10 DJ3.FJJ .. 10 Mrs Alfred Benson 1 Anonymous 1 Anonymous l M: II S. Harrison 2 Waltzing Outdated, Says 101-y ear-Old AUCKLAND, N.Z. O) "Don't call me old or I'll knock your head off," declared New Zealand's most vigorous centenarian, Mrs. O. E. Nellson, In a speech to the guests at her 101st Mrthdajrparty at Auckland. She proceeded to prove that she is old In years only by waltzing with Mayor J. A. C. Allum, and (lien demanded a modern dance "because waltzing Is too old- fashioned." Mrs. Nellson, who goes to church every Sunday, re ceived a message of congratulations on her birthday from the King and Queen. Film Producer Asks Industry Be probed EX VICE PRESIDENT HAS WORD FOR IT Slop worrying. And the way to stop worrying is to forget all your troubles. They don't amount to anything anyway." That is the philosophy of this placid man who sits In the sun shucking pecan nuts in the backyard of his Tennessee home. He Is John Nance Garner, vice president of the United States for two terms under F. D. Roosevelt. Today he'll talk about anything except politics. When he quit politics in 1941, he said he was through. He has kept his word. FILM COUNCIL ni a kig rnwrrDT Moving pictures of scenes n i FOR ARHY WIFE rvuicc fcvper.t, uie central interior and other parts of British Columbia and Items being , arranged by various schools of the city will toe Included In the program being arranged for December 5 In the Civic Centre to raise the public in the film council' which has been suffering not only through iack of such Inter-p--i but through shortage of funds. The council has set first and third Fridays for its regular meeting nights. Glasgow University Buys New Property GLASGOW W (.diversity of Glasgow Is buying Garscube I House, home of Sir George ', Campbell, and 125 acres of ad- oaiing land to overcome a space shortage created by a sharp In crease in student enrolment. "There is plenty of room there to meet the needs of the university for perhaps the .next 100 years," said nrlncipal Sir' Hec- tor Hetherlngton. Garscube Is about five miles from the heart of Olasgow. It will be used for residences, new scientific and medical stations and perhaps playing fields. The present city site' is completely built up. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I test a stain remover before using it on delicate material? A. Always test It on some part of the garment where it will not thow. If the remover does not affect the color, It will not harm HORSE VS. EAGLE the.garment. .r., . w Q- "0W Cln 1 treat oiuowiuui, v.- n uatuc toothbrush so that the bristles oetween an eagle ana a nors? nQt CQme Qut SQ readUy? occurreu. on uie dwouimi imuiiu ; . B soaklne lt for about 24 LONDON P-An inauiry ,lnto i of Oland In the Baltic sea-ana . ld t t - h the British movie industry was me nurse won. me caBie. lt51ittle salt has been added. urged by Paul Rotha, film pro-ia seven-iooi wingsu, ana- Q How can I prevent olive oil ducer, addreing a teachers' ea me norbe anu meu iu u salad oll f r6m bec0ming ran conference. "I believe one would i at its chest. The horse beat off .fcid? have been set up already If the! w" "u WT,A. By adding a pinch or two film Jndvutry had not doomed so:e " wiui I ' ""fgarto'the oil as soon aslt largely in Anglo-American trade relations." he said. Rotha said there had been "frightening examples of physical violence in British films." Recent gangster films shown in London were copies of American psychological FROM CELLAR crime thrillers, said Rotha, who quoted one producer as saying. "Sadism Is safe box-office for two years." Classified Advertising Pays! Js, qpened. I CHOICE CAMP SITE F DENBIGH, Wales, (CP) The Boy Scout Association here has been jgjven the 554-acre Brynback estate near here for a camp site. TO ATTIC If CAN'T SEE WHERE $ ?M I WATCH YOUR ' jjpj There's a proper light or lamp for every spot in the house A torchere lamp provides a very attractive glow in a dark hallway or a dull corner of a room . . . but not to read by! Floor or table lamps placed to give a proper reading light to several people are both economical and cheerful. Make sure that you have plenty of wall outlets . . . use bulbs that provide a comfortable working light neither too dull nor too glaring . . . use light-colour shades ... dust lamps and bulbs frequent ly. Look around your home: is there adequate light for the children's study? For Mother's sewing, kitchen and laundry work? For your own reading requirements in the living room or iri bed? LITTLE GLAMOR Mrs. F. F. Worthington Hopes Her Twenty-first Home Will be Permanent EDMONTON There's no glamor In being a soldier's wife, funds for the bringing of the said Mrs. F. F. Worthington when i acuities of the National Film ! her husbandMal ..Gen .worth-Board to Prince Rupsrt through,. .... the medium of the recently or-pngton' r.ncer commanding, ganlzed local film council. Mean-1 Western Army Command-re-t bade rewll to a long me. efforts are tlng made to,cently awaken interest on -the part of i army career. "An army wife is a profession Just like a soldier and It's tougher too because there isn't any glamor. But there are compensationsyou make friends all across the continent and travelling develops a tremendous love THERE S ;f3rfncc Rupert. Daily r3ctas Wednesday, November 20, 1017: of Canada it, really is a lovely country." Mrs. Worthington was born Larry . Dlgnum in Toronto and attended Branksome Hall, a Toronto private school, before her marriage In 1924. Since that time she's had 21 homes and now, she says, "I'm looking forward i to unDacklne completely and entirely, for the first time in 23 years and It's a wonderful feeling." Petite and chic, she believes moving is hard on children but that they adapt themselves to it 'Army kids are well behaved." A soldier is no good unless his wife is behind him, she says. "J. don't think people realize the job wives play. We. for In- stance, have always felt that the army came first and our own nersonai me second ana i uuu& MORE COKE rim YOU NOW 1 1 that, has tri he the case." uli'i1 almost every city across the-ijj? Dominion from Winnipeg, Ed- monton and Vancouver .to Ot- ; twa, Kingston and Toronto. But she confesses that she left her i heart In the West and intends to make Vancouver her home. A son, Peter, who served m the navy during the war, and a ! daughter, Robin, are now attending the University of Bri - tish Columbia. THEATRES SUFFERED Plagues frightened people of the Middle Ages from the theatre for years at a time. viiA' 3ss rti ' mi warn mm n t? V, tfSc 8 ilTiTr rr if ilMTw WW HTi " f 'mwmmm$sxmm?mm?mmjmmmmmmm rr es SXMKM'S 1M BII fiHKKiitef! mmm mmmm mm Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca -Cola-Ltd. YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. NORTH e SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert low Available! STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) j IXTe T-lb-o T.llllnirt nf i BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) 2 Box 548 Phone Green 1)75 ( BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 PHONE 81. DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS LING THE JAILOR tVe are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Civ, yourself . fflfflfffffffl COLO WAYE f RMANENT1 i tut to do I (:.... J light it bomtt Soft, utunl- V (wiA boking Mil. AJc foj $75 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE Ormes Drugs GOLD SEAL LABEL THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS'