Classified Advertising - - net word Vet Insertion, minimum charei of ThanKs, Death Notices. Funeral N . inn KiiKUKciiivjii niujuuiiu-'inrnu FOR SALE . .McClary Clrculat-,r like new. Phone (tfi Majestic ra- ALE- -Roge" tube juwjuium icwiu vv ' 278) nd engine Appiy wiarinc ! Repairs vioi .SI Willi Sixth Ave E 23 au casn. m ! - SALE Furniture on and Chester- (27u) SAf E 3 -room couatc.ii . a mi o'.iii'k sale. $850.00.i ... L T 20 piece sei new uimiuh, c Soun Plates zdc. New nlea Furniture good r. New anu useu uara- n L t:i i iiijt-a . .11 . . 1 ui 1. style Squares from $2.25, f X IViril D1I1L1 UI1L1 rur Cuat sir,e 14, Coney, Nex Mattresses to clear come ana iook inem over. Furniture Co. Black 324.. S KLEEN KITCHEN Fultcn Street 7 rooms, basement furnace. Reas- 7Ct ii r . ii t r nvt rtirn nir te.i Studebaker truck) ;)oea with 2 Rupert rpar boccter brakes, heavy reinforced frame 'etc. be seen at Superior Aulb Sc vice, or Phone Transfer business. coTerea van. one steel hydraulic dump truck. 'imt fnl n.ln rt Rupert, or Phone u W (27G) to Drior alp Prlrps ran Arim and machinery seen Company Limited, 1G52 . .mill ji, OUIUVUIl IsUUI -Baauiuie powerea. .vvnK. -Baaumie powerea. JIy no. a Emco Mucking rhlne. FJy CO ton Manley Hydraulic (278) n room house on ' lot, only 5 years old; ex 'ent buy for cash. Seven :i? house with full basement n Avenue near McBride; irar some terms at AddW Hnllirt X, Me- ofltliAOS. S4.89 vmrers' clearance first "'y ior double and slnsle In beautiful fmr.-tr.noH ors- worth double the price T "c reiundr-rf if colic. . Norn 4 v.w.u. plus posiagr aada, llanrllomft nicH. K4 Sherbrookc St. W. ""Ml is, one. better lnmw mnr H . . wig iiivutiii TMlc sawmills mnmifnf. National .MnMilnprv ""'y Limited, Vancouver. POR SALE Tlurtl Ave. (tf) .of dry LraP Wood, ranrlnni lots $16. LUE 810 Ben', t e 0 ransrer , SOC. OtlOCS, t2. WAN'riSO Birth Notices. Marriage WANTED Frlgldalre or refrigerator, electric. Apply Box 289 Dally News. (279) wniutu-uouse, b or G rooms. Phone Black 232. (278) WOKS WANTED WORK WANTED By youn? man, will 'consider anvthina. after 5 p.m. ALE 'om house- "".MlDDLE-agefi "woman will look jivruu- (281)1 and' chain imiuiuoii me-1 guitar. rnone (1W Phone Red 728 WORK WANTED Woman win look after children evenings. ' Phone Bed 485. (28l after children evenings. Phont. Green 588, (to I Oil jaiNT I FOR RENT 2 rooms and kit chen. JSC flth Ave. West (279) ROOM ANI HOARD ROOM AND i)OARI $40 each double; $4$ single. Home awa from home. Tabl; meals. Mrs Lawley, C22 Frasr Street, (tf ) ERSONAL ftLLUllUHUS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from i drinking. It Is a confidetial Bcrvice rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 27C Dally News. tf) PERSONAL Only intention with present government our leader Is nnmrpntlv nnmnn pursuit. Possibly not finding desired suitor. Independent Progressive Box 288 Daily News. (it) Open for engagements for house-parties and etc. George Ellott and his accordian. Evenings Royal Hotel, Room 40. (282) equipment Greer and Brld-den have the latest ln floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 561. : (to METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. ' , SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces,' tanks, cavcstroughlng and stack " work. Letoiirneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal, Furnaces, Smokestacks. Air Conditioning Units. Black 884. 253 East First Avenue. (tf! TENDERS ENDERS will be received by the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15, 1947. FARGO, 3 tons, 190" W.B.. stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, platform 7' 10"xl7' G". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO. 214 ton, stake-body, 1942 Model, completely over hauled. 1st 'class condition, 1 - good tires. Equipped with reinforced frame, two speed rear axle, platform C G"xlC with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-set Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 2G4, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Additional information may be had from named. either of the aDovc (tf) "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT (Section 16) for a Club Notice of Appllcillon ,l(rf NOTICE is hereby given that en $B of premises s Mi-.te Licence In respect at No 221 Third Avenue West, British Columbia. Prince Rupert, described , m lands 'iTu 45 4 46, Slock 34, Section Prlnoe Rupert Land Regis- un 2a aCJb.sUt. m rVh Brlt1retidaubtoekeep.on rhTDremlses readable quantity rnr Persona, consumptu-n Sub to lor VVom a ven- SS and to sell by the glass the liquor to Its memoer. -guests purchased ,0 the Club for consumption on " 1- -,incf with ine nrpmisrs 1 11 nmiiUlons of the . .,,.nr Art" and "Government the regulations promulKated thereunder. i of October Octooer.i nATED this 27th day 104 REX BOWLINO CLUD LIMITED. (378) MR. SI1INWELL SEES HIS ARMY The Rt. Hon. Emanuel Shin-well, Britain's secretary of state for war and erstwhile minister of fuel and power, made his first visit of inspection in his new role when he toured the Wessex brigade training centre in southern command at Burford, Wilts. Mr. Shinwell talked with many young recruits to the army and visited a gymnasium, barrack rooms, cookhouse and dining hall. During the preparation of a meal in the cookhouse, Mr. Shinwell talks with Junior Commander Ann Pringle, A.T.S.. the unit catering officer. Francois Lake News Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shaffer and Gordon Michel is staying with1 Kip Routley have gone to Van- his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. shy or Indifferent to marital' couver ln theIr new truck children are ttaying Nobles. with Bear Enraged as Cub Is Run Over The Nobles. the FRANCOIS LAKE When Cyril Shelford was driving his jeep Mr. and Mrs. Tysn Radley have changed their plans and will be staying the winter at Babine. HADINA RIVER (around the west end of the lake MAkiP 0111) klCH I late at night he ran over what I II II Kl T nljKnLU A SANDED FLOOIt makes a he thought wa. a year old bear. . new room! Dark and stained He lifted his rifle out of the I FRANCOIS LAKE Earle Os-f loors can be made as good as jeep Intending to finish off the bdurrie's larga log house at Na-new by sanding, a quick, ef-libear when something made hlm'dina River burned to the ground flcient job with modern j look around and he saw the in the early hours of Sunday mother bear right in front of! morning. He was unable to save the jeefii hitting at the front a thing and his winter's grocer-lamps in a race. He jumped into i !es and seven tons of hay were theieep intending to shot at, burned. The fire "was started her frcm fl safer "place, wTifen sh6y overheated stovepipe?: ResI- Timely Topics from Terrace Corporal Brunton returned tol Miss Josephine Jordan spent Terrace on Wednesday from a. Tuesday in town coming in by short business trip south. j car from Prince Rupert and xe- - turning on the evening's train. w. H. Williscroft and daugh-i ter motored to Prince Rupert j Saturday, returning Sunday. Nigel Sherwood, accompanied toy Mrs. Sherwood, returned from Smlthers Hospital on Saturday's train. He is much Improved in health now after being very 1U with pneumonia. Friends Honor Terrace Child TERRACE Friends pthered it the home of Mrs. Florence Olsen Sunday in honor of her small daughter's third birthday. The room was decorated with pink and green streamers for the occasion, and pictures were taken of the children. A number of gifts were received. Those present were Mrs. P. Hoffman, Mrs. C. Muller, Mrs. A. Spencer, Mrs. B. Robinson, Mrs. G. Brack-enberry, Miss Sarah Richmond, and Orvllle Spencer. The children were Edith Jones, Linda Robinson, Beatrice Olson, Raymond Brackenberry, Jimmy Muller, Jackie Jones, Johnny Jones, Carole Jones, Harvey Muller and Betty Hoffman. MUSICAL FAMILY In seven generations of the Bach family there were 49 musicians. I : LAND REGISTRY ACT lie: Orrtirtralr nf Title ItfiHO-I to lot I'mirH-nt iti). Klink Twenlv-flelil (IK). SciIIoh M ), 'ltv or Primp Unpprt. Map 23. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Benjamin B. Htae has been tiled In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, t the expiration of one month from the date of the .first publication twreol I we a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Cer- ran past and he saw a little cub dents across the lake went by tmca. unless in the meantime valid jump un from the road and join boat in the hopes of being able ( objection be madenwin writing. Its mother and run into the to do something to help but the j f(ce RuprVc.thisth buh at the side of the road. The 'ie was too fierce. Earle is a iay of November. 1047. ad. rub aorared to have taken no Josrer and has' lived here for! DeguiMTities. harm from being run over. more than thirty years. ooij , Mother Has a Better Balance Now I Why act Mollier's witcliel the family to Potimitlie lieverage that sutisfws everybody yet costs iiiih U le.a 1 WHOLE FAMILY LOVES ITS GRAND FLAVOR Mollier JUi overed tlial PoUum not only takes llie place f tea or wffee-lut i a delirious beverape a 8atUfyin llavor Jill il own. EVERYBODY FtELS BETTER Tlie cliinlier itb Mollier was when the learned nervousness r irritability due to the caffein in tea or coffee, in t bildreu or grown- TRY IT TODAY! up, diminMi vvben lliey iwitcj to caffein-fret Potlum. . . . and HOW THEY SLEEP Pontum makes for family galberingi because, adults or children can drink as many cups as tliey please ill any hour - and not have to worry about miing sleep. less Work You make It right in tl rup 8-ounre tin makes about 100 cupsl It's so econoniiv JI WINTERIZE NOW! Recharge Battery, Tune Motor, Check Cooling System and Instal Antifreeze, Repair" or Replace Those Worn Skid Chains, Change to Winter Grade Lubri- atjon DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH RUPERT MOTORS LTD. mm POSTUM A rteducl J Corol odt Mrs. Grace Dover eniertalned at the tea hour on Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. called wauth through the illness G. Ronson passed through- of their mother, Mrs. M. Greis, Terrace on Monday on his way Due to fog the plane was irom Prince Rupert to Prince grounded at Prince Rupert and George. ithey returned to Terrace Mon- I day after hearing df the pass- -At a meeting of representa- tag of their mother, tives of the schools of District 53 on Thursday evening in Secretary Alger's office, T. A. Hen nessey of Dorreen was appoint' ed trustee replacing Mrs, Marks of Pacific who resigned some time ago. i MRS. 6REIG OF TERRACE DIES Was, for Many Years I'ost-aiiislreKs in Interior Town TERRACE Word was received in Terrace on Monday evening of the death of Mrs. Mary A. Greig, 11, at the home of her son, Lawrence, at Lantzville, Vancouver Island. Mrs. Greig came here in 1920. A widow with five children, she was ior many years postmistress at Terrace. In later years she has been residing with her daughters, Helen and Vel- Sanl(is Suggestion SUPPERS for the ENTIRE FAMILY FOR JUNIOR Fashion Footwear stonh m.nn. SINGER Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewing machines in Prince Rupert and district. SINGER I Sewing Machine Co. Phone 8G4 Prince Rupert GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repai irs Phone RED 561 Construction Alterations P.O.Box 721 LITTL Rough and Dressed Lumber Margaret prince Rupert pall? Hrtos Wednesday, November 26, 1947 ma at Prince Rupert. She leaves to mourn her pass ing, one son and four daughters, 1 Lawrence Greig of Lantzville, Mrs. Sam Kirkaldy or Terrace, Mrs. Everett Thomas of Trail, Mrs. Helen Forbes and Miss Vel-ma Greig of Prince Rupslt, ' also nine grandchildren; a bro-1 ther, George Little, pioneer lum- j ber operator of Terrace; a sister, fff A Tl-. U- rr, , Mrs Hnm VlrV-QW o.-A Mice cuacc, illiu SCV- Veima Orcig drove to Prince eral nleces and nephews. The Rupert on Saturday, having been ' body will be shipped to Terrace and funeral arrangements will be announced later. i COATS RAYON UNDERWEAR VEST AND PANTIES Small, Medium, Large and Outsizes BLACK SLIPS RLACK NYLON NIGHT GOWNS Optometrist FOR DAI) 1 1 UH. - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Ehone Green 324 for TV HAUGLAHD & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers T Kit 11 ACE Logs, Poles anil Piling Agents For International Harvester Co..-, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ud. I'liilro Radios , Willard Batteries COZY AND FLATTERING WOOL HOUSE ANNETTE MANSELL UPSTAIRS IN STONE BLDG. "WALK UP AND SAVE" LOVELY ? LADY n "CALL US OVER THE COALS- it is coin; to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGC, TELKWA LUMP I Terrace j TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage " WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN TIIK- UiSTUIUT t II. Smith) P.O. Box 1C7 Terrace PERFECT BEAUTY IS EyERY WOMAN'S DESIRE . . . AND WHEN WE SET YOUR HAIR THAT DESIRE IS REALIZED.; CALL FOR 'AN APPOINTMENT. riillE. C5 5 Helens Beauty Salon 20G Fourth Street LUXE WALL TINT This improved Kalsomine is an ideal finish for plaster walls, and excellent for decorating Gyprock, Beaver Board, Masonitc, and all heavy wall board. Beautiful artistic effects can be obtained by dappling with one or more tints. Made In ten attractive colors. . FIVE-POUND PACKAGE 7." ! 1 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. I'll ONE 101 255, Third Ave. To Avoid Inconvenience... We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal hins as soon as possible, or at least order well in advance as there' will be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this NlT PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Coal . Call 651 or 652 Lumlwr Paints - Building Supplies i NORTHERN AND CENTOAu BRITISH COLUMBIA'S. ,NWSP APeA