8 dtUuc Rupert Dailp &tv$ .Wednesday, November 26, 1947 Jgfi 0 OF OIF URNI .7". iARDEN 'NOTEBO'OE rs LEAVES PILED UP TURN INTO PRECIOUS LEAF-MOULD If leaves are piled up and allowed to decay, they produce leaf mould, one of the most usefeul soli conditioners which amateur gardeners can have. The more he advances In the practice of his hobby, the more useful will the gardener find this material. .So do not burn leaves. Pile them up and invite your neighbors who are not so keen on gardening to bring their dead plant and even animal material from your garden, and from kitchen wastes. But carefully exclude all wood, branches, twigs and metal objects When the layer, well tramped down. Is six inches thick, sprinkle it with i. balanced fertilizer mixture, about one ounce to a square yard. Wood ashes and limestone are also beneficial, each in thres or more times this quantity leaves over to your pile. If you I Then wet it down, use no special treatment to hast- j Build up the heap, layer by cn their decay, in two years at (layer, with similar applications most they will be reduced to leaf j between the layers, and keep It mould. But one may easily short- moist. If bad odors develop an en this period by months, if he j inch of soil thrown on top of prefers. ! each layer will prevent them Set aside a suitable location.! When the pile Is as high as you out of the way, and preferably ! can conveniently manage, cover screened by planting or a fence; the top wltn soij and iet lt stand 10x10 feet would be an average , untu you are ready w dig the into the start Carden- a harden the surface soil by roll-!humus ing. Pile evenly over this area nw one to take care of current all dead leaves and other waste i accumulations. ire v...,;-! $ i s A Trim Pile of Dead Leaves Will Become Leaf -Mould in Two Years Without Special Treatment. PIONEER NEWS STAND BUSINESS HERE IS SOLD-JONES PURCHASES LITTLE'S Announcement was made Tuesday afternoon of the sale of the Little News. Agency, Second Avenue, to Noel Jones, proprietor of Jones' News Agency, Sixth Street. The change will become effective early in the New Year. Ben Sampson, who disposed of his business to Mr. Jones, plans on spending the winter In Los Angeles, w here a sister re- FUGITIVE FROM REDS Be lleved to be slated for arrest by the CommunisUdomlnated Hungarian government, Zol-tan Pfieffer above), leader of Hungary's anti-Communist Independent party, la reported a fugitive. He Is said to have fled into Austria a few hours before a parliamentary committee was due to decide whether his parliamentary immunity should be cancelled so that he cpuld be brought to trial for allegedly sheltering members of the German S.S. NOTABLE RECOVERY LONDON, ff Crippled for the first 20 years of her life, Juliette Longman, 62, entered a dancing contest and said she was still "capable of enjoying a 40-mile walk." BOOST AFRICAN INDUSTRY ACCRA; Gold Coast, P! The government has announced a bill to set up an industrial develop- ment corporation to establish secondary industries, and to aid IDBB1SEDBKnHBBD es so - Hollywood Cafe T PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST T UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 AM. : i r! r, i p- , noijvwui uinner rvery aunuay - o p.m. lo o p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST HOUS m TOO! You weren't really stumped at what to buy for that special gift, now were you? If so you didn't see the bridge sets, table and luncheon sets, and table cloths at Wallace's. Even those hard-to-get fine English. Scotch or Irish linens. " '-L2&?$ is small African firms. It will also i sides, and looks forward to re- ' turning north In the spring. It was in 1926 that the late Arthur Little, founder of Prince Rupert's pioneer newsstand, died In New England after a period of ill health here, leaving W. M. Wright, since deceased, in charge. Mr. Wright carried on until 1938, when he passed away j suddenly. The business was then j acquired by Ben Sampson who now, through tho sale, relinquishes further connection with It His assistant for the past few 'years, Mrs. Scherk. remains in (charge The Jones News Agency In the Empress Block remains In J the present location. , The story of Little's News (Stand goes back to "as it was in , me uc-giunuig in uie nisiory ot '. Prince Rupert. As soon as strangers were' allowed ashore. Arthur Little, fresh from 'way down .east, lover, of good horses and handy .'In a trade, Incurable optimist; and keen on publicity, came striding1 off one of the pioneer ships and up the dock with a bundle of newspapers his first stock-in-trade. Next day or it might have been that afternoon he had a shack run up and was doing business. It stood somewhere in the immediate neighborhood" of the present railway station. Trade grew and premises became more substantial. Little's old home was the state of New Hampshire and early In life he had spent a while in Boston. He was never known to be downcast. He was of somewhat heavy build and wore a black Christle-stif'f on the back of his head, which gave him a wide-awake look. His hearing was not of the best but that was just an incidental. He wore a device on his build experimental plants to test! toat and, adjusting lt; managed practicality of undertakings. j to converse pretty fairly. If there HEADQUARTERS .FOR THE ' PARTICULAR SHOPPER aces ourse aBBiaBBIBBHHBBHnilHBBBIIBaBUBBBBBBDIIBBHDQHBBI CHRISTMAS SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call .at Chandler & Cowirill -- was difficulty at first, he would i shout, "Come again" or "How's ithat, old timer?" He did not i swear. His most impious ex'ple-a , tlve was "By Judas!" ' ' Time went on and the agency B n a Try a Classified Ad in The News i moved up to Third Avenue next dbor to where the former post office stood and across from the Empire offJte. Here lt remained until the post office shifted over to Second Avenue and Seventh i Street. The next change was to Second Avenue on the corner across from the Hotel Prince Rupert but, with the outbreak of the last war, the stand crossed the avenue Xo Its present situation. Through most of his wanderings through Section 1. Little was accompanied by his dog a black, wooly looking "pooch" that lay outside. Every time the siren whistle of the CN. steamships sounded, the dog would throw back his head and utter a howl that even outdistanced the reverberations of the siren LOG CABIN SCHOLAR. Mark Twain attended a log 1 cabin' school until he waj 12 years old. rhree Ballings Per Wec!c lor I VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pjn. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. . Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANOELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 10 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone $58 STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Canal Wining Centre Evan Harris, superintendent of the Morris Summit Gold Mines Limited returned to Stewart after an extended holiday In the south. Freighting over the Salmon Glacier will, be started shortly. Portland Canal Lodge No. 1213. Loyal Order of Moose held a very .successful whist drive and dance last Saturday night in the Moose Home. Winners in the whist were ladies first. Mrs. Jean Stewart; consolation, Mrs. F. C. Harrison; men's first, Alex Russwurm; .consolation, Harry Bennett. The ham, which was raffled, was won by David Ged-des. Music was supplied by Mrs. Jean Stewart, Mrs. Dot Thomas and Billy Orr. The Crawford Transfer Company Is busy getting out piles lor their dock. Repairs to the Stewart wharf will be undertaken shortly under the supervision of Hugh McDonald, general foreman, department of provincial public works. The Board of the Stewart General Hospital plans to have a big drive for funds around Christmas and New Year's Day The town will be canvaised, several raffles will be Inaugurated, and a big dance will be held on Hogmanay. The Library Committee "of the Women of the Moose held their Chapter Night program last Thursday night in the Moose Home. Chairman. Mrs. O. Coffee and her committee presented thesis a n hi) cats an interesting Princess Elizabeth program. Betty Barwlse and May Wolstenholme carried away the honors. The special gift was won by Vera Lawrence. 'Refreshments were served with Dorothy Thomas, assisted by Betty Barwlse. serving their birthday cake. CHARGED $6,000 FOR SHORT TRIP NEW GLASGOW. N.S. O) Mrs. Roy Webster, wife of a missionary in China, knows what Infla tion means It cost her and each of her three children $6,000 to get carried up the steep bank of a river near Chungking. In Canadian money the trip made jin chairs slung on bamboo poles and borne up the steep slope by coolies picking their way In toeholds hewn In the rock would have cast 10 cents each. "That." Mrs. Webster commented In a letter to her parents here, "ii lnllatlon." ROYAL SPONoOR The Royal Academy of Arts was founded oy King George III in i768. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 ' ""V. I , "VS.. SHREDDED WHEAT "I'll ay I do," Ilij; Jim will tell jou. 'Driving a truck take extra energy aml.liuky Nalirn SlireiltlnJ Wheat cite uic pu-lcnly !M Staunrli, ftilUio.licd, rolut Xal.in. o Shredded Wheal i whole wheal in iU mod nalural form. And whole wheat eonlaint vital food elements that iieli give, vigorous energy . . . rich, red hlod . . . Mrong hone and teeth . . . healthy i.enee. Dclirioii-ly haked to a digot. lhle .golden-hrown, Nahisco Shredded Wheat i the woriiH iiiot naliMymg cereal! Get mime) Mireildcd Wheat today! RoWd by Ttie CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. NIAGARA FAUS, CANADA USE Bulkley Valley " t VoS WtKWH'S. COAL AND SAVE OR Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply, you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED mWmwmmmm llHWi i yJL WeiCOM! .......... .. . j v n i,TW7 1 r 1 1 v g oIi oft,, ih, ,( JMi mm. SI it Lm BBBV M IV I I I II I I P 1 1 f j 4 DarrylF.Zanuck .iu iml LU1 nnnrr.n MT AY coloh by TECHNICOLOR A flHOUl riArin TNUTII i fiir liiivc rnr uniif pan no n w m u -M i i j i wuui U.UUUUI - - - - - - y j o Heaiitiful furs arc the Ageless Gift of Distinction Yearned for by every woman from 1C to CO. 8 BILL SCUBY- Vim S7 I 322 TlllRIl AVENUE RLACK 110 in BER JUST KKCinVKI) a Iarirc shipment ol i-MincsMUii, ouiinup, riuuuiiK- T i r I . I I . (ivfrn urifu rir rimsii, ouiiikks, ihu incnt of Moulding. Sole Aircnt for 1.C. CKMENT. CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. - . ..- cirnlH ruoNi: tic COAL W W W M M W M W W W W Thinking of . . . CAMERA Sl shipment of We have juU received a , frm Kodaks and Urownics. S3.40 to $61.50 McLUILntUN PHAKiwi iv n Wallace. Mar-. nvK wt " ' J'llV'- Third Avenue at Sixth Street u I A filPT OF FISH." r m m -mmw mm m 1 W. . .j I.I I Your friends will appreciate a: a S a ten-pound carton of our Fan.oii u.u- I ASSORTED SMOKED & Slilpped Express l'repaid In iix.. W SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for Send your orders Bacon WisU&ie PRINCE RUPERT, Dl Vrinno Kiincrt ScafoOll 1'' w. ' ...v. 1 e VJUW' .il PLEASE PLACE YO0R OWr"