Prfttfc Ruum Daflp. J!3ciu Wednesday, November 26, 1M7 SHORT SPORT Interior ice curlers who find their game slow because of dull lirs life ras a fiack-of-all-trade and . . . Hnallv .settled down in 1930 in the .unusual occupation of rock reconditioner. O'Nell, about the only man In Saskatchewan In this job, calls on practically . .every curling centre as far north as North Battleford and as far .south n ManlP rrwk .mrf rmsspjs the border to his native Mani - toba to do a little recondition- Ins for the Swan River curlers. He uses two gasoline-operated machines which he made himself, an emery wheel and a 'cupper" to shape the small Indent in the bottom of the rock The machines are carried In his truck, the cabin of which Is Business and JONES NEWS STAND If Ifa Rock Work-Eastern and Western Papers CALL BLUE 939 Masazlnet M.SAUNDERS SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN CONCRETE Sixth Street Red 808 - SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS GEORGE' L. RORIE yur huse and yourself fully Insured while I do the work, i Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. boat construction DESIGNING REPAIRS PAINTING AND Pine Workmanship Estimates PAPERHANGING cow bay boat works , A. P, Crawley Green 391 r,i Phone Black 823 H.J, LUND JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone, 174. P.O. Box 274 I McKINLEY .& ST. GLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR . DECORATORS PAINTING :: PAPERHANGING Phone; Blue 952 .or Black 245 Len Kitchens BUI Thornton . (D18) ARMSTRONG AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS 'Phone . .34? nr r nnn 1 n .vy. uua t DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ; 1 ANNOUNCIS TH OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 7G5 MARIE RICHARDSON GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMFORT and FIGURE PROBLEMS. For appointments pieare Phone, "Res. Red. 246. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Us tranches, 200 4th Street Phone G55 P. N.. Kilborn w. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage j ' Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 877 Pj-luce Rupert . PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent tor Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. equipped with electric lights. hammock, oil heater and other conveniences of home. Ke still calls Brandon, Man., his home town but admits he seldom visits It. ' " - warsiFact and Close,!N iti mi B LEAGUE ipiAnii hooliganism at games In Brl- B II J & U 1 1 U U1UOO ton Thn e Football Pnnthi Association An ht nn fckaimerUCl ck,,merud 01 of Brft BrOW taln- controlling body of the game in this country, clamped down on the Homford club of the Ismalan w and ruled lts ground must bc 'or a two-week Perlod "as a result of misconduct y spectators." Newspapers ap- P'auded the F.A.'s decision. The, London Star sold editorially the F A- was "wlse"' and that "crovvcl rowdies nave been lar too mucn in evidence ai games mis year. "Spectators who behave like hys terical children ought surely to stay away," It added You saw it in the Daily News! Professional the CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S not LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER on Baggage Freight Expresi Phnno P.lno 9R0 tvi civtv. 5f - uauv J tJ g4i UAiVbil -J V. Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL 10 LTD. , ERIC BPEERS, Mgr. 1 ers Specializing in Marine and General Sheet m Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 834 had ter Grandview Hotel and ROBERTSON an BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 112 . HANDYMAN ato HOME -SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 2, Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: Green 48(5 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES' Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave Serving; the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd.; Cartage, Labelling Weiehlnc ULUE 992 mmrxmi irnaiNT two Mil Hw 4tt W COLUMBIA OPTICAL CXU Train Schedule For Hie East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From ihe East Tuesday, Tliursday, Baturday-10:45 p.m, Totlay Basketball senior boniest Urown woods- 4)efeat Savoys Other Jntercstinff Games" 1 Savoy 39, Hrounuooils 51. Fashion Footwear' 21, lio-Me-)li 43. Bo-Mc-Ili 35, Sweet Sixteen 13. G5 Taxi 31, Do-Mc-HI 24. Before a capacity house last evening Art Murray's Brown-woods defeated the Savoy melon tossers 51-39 In the Senior Bas- ketball Lraoue. i The scores in each quarter 1 were as follows- ! Savoy 11, Brownwood 19. Savoy 17, Brownwoods C. j Savoy .5, Brownwoods 7. ; Savoy .C, Brownwoods 17. .. .. , ,, i It was a fast game and the j Shoemen Dlaved a better brand of ball than the Hotelmen. HoI - kestad, Ted Arney and Morgan : had their shootlne 'eve in eond 1 - - sight last evening. Hartwig, Gur- i vlch and Everett Pierce were . . .. the big guns for - the Brown - , woods. Comadina and Calderoni had an easy night last evening. They dished out only 29 fouls. There were 1C called against Savoys and 13 against the Brownwoods. A KAINMAKERS : WIN AGAIN IE S. uomlnato's Fashion Footwear T' hoops ters lost to the Bo-Me-Hl 'The shoe- men had a four point lead at a. the first quarter. From then on. gradually lost the ead. Half v time score was 16-12 in favor of the Students. I. The Cloudbuster; played a good fast-breaking game and really deserved the win. The V. Shoemen were in there fighting D. K. right from the start but could V. get their shooting eye in E. E. working condition. Sweet Sixteen sales girls were the wrong end of a 35 13 score in their game with Booth b" Memorial f?rhrvl Vvi-nHe B. - xv XJVivJ, Jackie fiudinichUwet on a n. shooting spree Shcftrimmed the B Sales .Girls herself by snaring. poinis. sne and little Arietta ning that reminded the old tlm- c. of the days when the Maple J' t.f,.ji..i...i. . J- usc w P'ay in tnese pans. r. no time was the game In doubt. It was Just a case of! uMmworK oeieaung heavier, ex- perienced .players. I2, 05 Cab Junior cagers were lucky In their win over tho Bo- Me-Hl junior Rainmakers last 0. in Sports WAIMFPIID. bowls top Brownwcnd- bowlcd tho hlShost score in tiic mixed "3" league thJs v k, rciung up an aggreyue of C85 Xor three and top ping the list for high !r.slc game score with a .?7C. R. Tubb of Cougars was close behind with i ('.84 total score and a sinlr gam? top score of 2E8. Erewnwnods improved thc'.r third -place position in the le!Tiic by taking three' panics from Islanders, and B. C. Packets wan thrce imm Miss or llIts: Cougars won tw0 rom Ic,eal Detjrgenfjs iand the two tems ',lcd for ,:ie thlra unc- x won tw0 from C Y-- brownwoods- ' ' Grace Brown 174 134 . 124 o. Brown iao iss 1S1 n. wood 117 178 145 j& Sf.;;.7.7. JS via 1S7 J. na sua sew 183 ""cp 59 59 Total lOTT' tSOB 10H5 . islanders v Duncn 140 183 1 83 a. rotter -no hb iot H. Dunm no m 154 EE. Duraam 1(8 118 M7 A. Bo8 107 183 109 B. Payne 129, 170 168 f anllcp -107 M7 107 Totals 048 1018 1019 triple xxx Mtheeon 182 ' 202 200 Eric Trumbcll 180 192 187 - Trumbell 119 (W 120 Davteon 1T5 178 ic Thornton 147 211 m HandKp 40 40 40 r Y 0 Pierce 179 229 22a Bruce - 00 isa .05 im im M- Dumas 139 127 117 handicap 124 124 124 Totals 1002 1184 1005 B. C. PACKERS Olccone 503 181 168 Paul 152 in U9 Hamilton 210 188 210 Turcotte 121 , 168 04 Comndlna 159 257 199 Barber 220 193 115 Handicap 89 89 89 Totals . . 1100 1177 1021 MrrS,i u it u Mcchesney 183 .178- iu Wlndle 99 , 118 72 190 too " MuLn '''.'.'' 12a 168 120 Scharrr 230 ; 187 11a 100V11S5 739 OK COUGARS 145 160 scharff 174 159 139 Adeock, 99 105 141 Dunphy 178 175 174 Tubb 235 191 w sre 135 124 120 , Menzip 3, Arntsen 3. Intermelia Teng, Jama, Pettersen G, Shepherd. Johnson, Skog 5. Bo-Me-Hi Lavigne 12, Shier Flaten 4. Olsen 8. Davidson 3. evening. The junior collegia tea Scherk 7, Spring Carlson, Boul- the lead In the first quar- ter. but could not hold It. Holt Ladies his cohorts Webster and Sweet Sixteen Jordan, L. Ratchford turned on the heat Husoy, SImondson, Dumas, J. dthe hack drivers walked off Husoy, Kildal 5, Skoro, Currie' winners 31-24. B. Smith played 4, J. Mcintosh, L. Youngman 4. bang-up ball for the Students. Bo-Mc-Hl A. Hamilton 8, Individual scoring: Thomson, Budinich 1Q, Ken- Senio'' ncdy 1, Howe 4, Smith, Pavlch, Savoys R. Holkestad 11, T. Lykegaard 2, Greenwood. Arney ip, II. Morgan 11, Domin- Juniors .0, Haugari- l, M. Holkestad, Bo-Mc-Hl-D. Johnson, Jor-Murray, Alexander. da, Black 4, Weiss, D. Prevost BrownwoodsGurvich 11, V. 1, B. Smith 8, Jeffreys 2, Web-Clccone, Thomson G, E. Ciccone ber, SImondson 5, Ketcheson 2. Hartwig 14, Forman 7, Pet- 65 Cabs Ratchford 2, Web-tinuzzo, Pierce 11 ster 8, Holt 10. Martinson 2, Van Intermediate Pykstra 2, Sedgewlck, Antone, Fashion Footwear Slatta. Olsen, SIDEWALK PIRIllNn tw wpur vnn.j. m ... tides flooded low-lying aa's SKtSS'S among other things gave a photographer the opwrffiv to record a fellow catching fish on the sidewalks of E l gler1Si0hnny Palm and ilsh came from a XuSed tah SS !?e one'held by Johnny here l00ks i'SSUS ' 7 (F?rv- if PRAIRIE FARMER SHOWS DOGS IN NEW YORK William H. Martin, sheep rancher of Maple Creek. . has been training sheep dogs for years. This month he will exhibit a couple of his prize dogs in Madison Square Garden. New York, at the U. S. National Horse Show. At the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Ont., last winter, a U. S. Horse Show official in the audience was so struck by the performance of the dogs in herding sheep without command that he invited Mr. Martin to appcar'in New York. Toots and Johnny will go with him. Handicap 77 77 77 Totals 1072 970 1078 IDEAL D ETEnO ENTS - Suden 137 124 1C7 " " 1GB 120 w. Fucixtr us 200 U7 "ou?.n E - m . ; ; J 81 otai 987 978 984 ouiiKiini; im ai .ovemoor 34 " " 0 23 tT. ,? '" H'u J 11 28 BrownodJ 8 12 2 B. C. Packers 17 18 22 (Triple XXX 14 16 19 17 16 CouRari 11 19 14 C. Y. O. 7 21 10 Next Sunday's games: Ideal Detergent vs. Miss or Hits Brownwood vs Triple XXX B. C. Packers vs. Cougars Islanders vs C V.O. LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE November 27 -Watts & Nlck- erson vs. Sweet Sixteen. Lucky Strikes vs. Coasters. Annettes vs. Miller Bay; Scubv's vs. Blowers, Moose vs. Comet" : December 2 Variety vs. Cns-258 mos. Manson's vs. Bankers. Ble Sisters vs. Comets: Toilers vs., Sweet Sixteen. Orange v. Coast- December 4 Watts & Nlcl-r S011 ys- Miller Bay, Luckv Strike.'; BTkensS avovTs Rosa Lees. - ' I v a Daily News CioJMtf Vd A' I LIT US HANDLE YOUR ."MOVING QUtCK. - tL AND RWABlt 'iM 'l CAKTAGi: SERVICE. Call 950 V. Meiuics CITY TRANSFER J, First Avenue and McBrldc To Please Give a DRESSING GOWN for Christmas $12.75 Reduced from $15.9." SCARVES Silk and Wool AT 1UO REDUCTION LEATHER IJKI.TS-Finest made ACME CLOTHING STORE CM Third Avenue IVest BASKETBALL SCHEDULES Basketball League achfdul? for the rema.wier of tsbo ear are announced at follows: (.Senior) Nov. 20 Savoy vs Co-op Dsc. 2 Co-op vs Brownwood Dec. 6 Savoy vs. Brownwoods Dec. 9 Co-op vs. Savoy Dec. i 6 Brownwoods vs Savoy Dec. 20 Savoy vs Co-op Dec. 23 Co-op v Brownwoods (Intermediate) Nov. 29- .Mornar.s vs Merchants 2- Mc: "ha:it ; F.shion C-O-D tm BOffliD i! PHONE 654 25c PER J)OZ. PAID for FM!TIK.S l'ltase have them ready when (he driver calls. . l4dV'-''tl,n'iit la not publUhrd or 'v. niiii-iitoi iirltlKh Columbia. TIES Boxed lor Xmas phone ;.-, To Wartime Housing Purchasers fire insurance able to offer you in . . On your new !iomc and futrnilurc. I)t not dc lay in providing yourself with full protection. Ve have a plan to meet all your needs. Do Not Delay! Sec Us at Once! H. G.HELGERSON LTD. none wtt or visit our office 210 Sixth Street 1 i 1 y Dec. tU-Bo.,Me-m v MoiKa!.. Dec. 0-MorRons vi Paishion Dec. J-4ta.M..Hl n Fashion Iec. 20-MwchanU vs Mof. gens Dec. 23-Paibltw yMerchu!: (Ladies) Dec. 2 swet Sixteen v Ptoplf Dec. 9 Peopiei v. High Scbu Dec. lC-Hlgk sehijol v Swec 'A Dec. -Ptojd VJ hwl 7r (JuiUor) Nov. W-aint$ va flyroa Dec 2 Oyrci v C6 Tai Dec. 6-High Sahtnl v st011r D( :. 9 Stone vt. OJ Taxi Dec IC-Hlth Seiwol Vs c-Taxl D c. 20-,Oyro, v,w)M Dsr 23- 5 Taxi vi Gyro 1'hone 83 riione (irrcn "H7 J (.mit r .,. 1 I'KINCI.- iri.i.. ... I im SCOUTS' ASSOCi. Annual MertuJ TUimcnAv mm tr. CIVIC CKNTIti: All Interested in Um worx nj :sBf c Prince Rupert are com, ., 'v Spacp by court Bob Parker Ltd, "The Home of Fur.; "y c P.O. V.ox it I'. II, LINZF.y 3.13 m. i'rinre Rup j Prince Rupert Realty Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses J omnrrmi) Mnv Rt I nn I nlJl Fin From Tod to Bottom . . . WE SEKVIt'K OiJlt CAK. imivi: IT IN NOW I OR WINTER LHKCK-OVEK. Dan's Service Station Mrllridc Street Green G03 JOHN BULG opTouma John Bulger 1 JJ,e,c,,ccieTcc,ctci('eeT:ce'te':c'Cc:x'::iet':t'n,j y n y tf v V y y 5 u J ORDER NOW! Personal Christmn Greeting Cards MS BOXED ASSORTME In New and Ori?inil I GIFT STATIONERY FOl MAIM1 HBP PRINTING COMM BESNFJt nLOCK THIRD Al From Thli Dale "Alt ASSI'TS CIAI. ' will l.f 1 Sarkrd 312.110 rr tun i MINE K1IN Loose $11.00 jicr Ion No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER I'llONi: 580 I'rirrj from .W MAC SHOE a wiv iionoit siioil n:v.i TiiKM-uti:m) tiikir ivt:i.(i-savk tiihii som:s- Avrnut KNOX HOTE A (JUIICT, I'LEASANT I'MCK TO UVE COMPLCTKLV RKNOVA1ED ROOMS REDEC0B1 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES MANAOEMBNT UNDER ,NBW Proprietors: TO.M PESUT - STFVE VBtt8 TRUCKS - CARS TO H GURV1CH & SON CONTRACTORS Land Clearing and Rock Work Phone 32 or Red 511 TRV C UR CLASSIFIED ADS Our SH'a,,J T1IEY