'ASPIRED WET FAD NIK -4 pay's it OPENS ALAMEIN COTTAGE- H.R.H. the :wn during a visit to the village of Enham-;vcr Hants. Eng., when she opened two new men who fought at El Alamein. The vil-ir.rmorlal to victory from a fund started by Osman Pasha, Egyptian finance minister, j wars. Men with weak lungs or lacking limbs i-Alamein. .Here Princess Royal receives a : ..n? the foundation stone of the village iff Rl PRRT EARS GO 1932 and Jack cud a nar-rownlng in vi rowboat rescued by Luura F. hi in the luds could ale which : dow;n 50 .ut the tele- : fvlec A few otoken by qlven in s ir Hills by daughter, l ugan. The '.ebratlon of; .nvcrsary of j :r guests of j of the eve-; Hills were1 .ndsome set 1915 marked an-the history uk Pacific. :raln from uth Hazel-. Chief Jus-W Stewart rror, at the first Assize irod that he "overnmcnt t::juor to In-indlctable of- uperintend- !" dro-electrlc ' tiled by Mrs. the city from itorla. ' ::d to the city : east where li brought his ; 3 tii lace, have with teen-age ' '-ism to dances c 18-year-old Jl n Simmons In ;" ".it pictures, T py are also -;1 "tie in the into ring """Plica of her r tfh temple. c- ined Ads! ' "ackinir rrad.... Pnnd-r.eneral P'Upo . ... and Kln.n tollable and -"vice, call Cartage Prage , m p 'ft Avenues 3 1910. ts 6 and f.8 Announcements All Advertisement In this column will be charged for a (ull month at 25 cents a word. Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car. give you ticket to Orand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) Catholic card party at the 'School Hall, Nov. 27, 8 P.M. CCF Bazaar. Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Sonja lea, Home Cooking, Fancy Work. Lutheran Recreation Rooms, 2130-5:30. Nov. 29. PJays. Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, 4. Orange Sale. Dtccmber 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec: 11. Moose Christmas Tree December 13. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What is something which should be avoided while riding on a streetcar or bus? A. Discussing the affairs of other. people. If you must men tion names, do so very quietly, as vou mav be talking about the friend of some nearby pas senger who can overhear you. o should a handclasp be firm? A. Yes. Some people claim that a weak handclasp is indicative of instability. Q. Is it 'proper to say, "Mr. Green and Jils wife attended the dinner?'' A. No: say, "Mr. and Mrs. Green attended the dinner." Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come In and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS TO GREAT BRITAIN NORWAY - SWEDEN CONTINENT ALL LINES KEPnESENTED ,lsn Traiis-Cuiiiulil Airlines Passports and Visas Secured For Information See i c. Till .MIKM.. OHy Tliket Agent 528 3rd. Ave Prince Rupert or any agent Canadian national Local News Items . . , Valhalla Whist Thursday, Nov. 27, 8 p.m.. Refreshments. (277) Sonja Tea Sale, November 29- (273) Customeis Patronize thos-3 who advertise. Let Dally News ftu columns help your Busi ness (tf) mm irwwa RUPERT LEGION MEETS THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 8 O'CLOCK. (276) Mrs. A. M. Ingalls, called to New Westminster to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. J. A. McGuffin, who passed away sud denly last Saturday, left by air toaay for the south. Mr. and Mrs. John Currle and son, John, and Cliff Knutsen returned to the city at the first of the week after a six weeks' trip to California for the bene fit of Mr. Currie's health which is now much improved. They took their car with them and motored south from Vancouver. J2; Tfiis is xm way to sell that furniture you no longer need; ' a Classified Ad in the Daily News. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilchrist eld timers in Prince Rupert and well known in the city, and north, were obliged, to enter ths local hospital recently. The former is making good headway toward recovery from his illness, and looks for discharge befors long, while Mr3.. Gilchrist will be leaving later. They have been living for the past few years at Hunt's Inlet, Porcher Island. PARENTS TO BLAME Speech experts have 'found that "problem parents" sometimes are responsible for psychological speech disorders in children. KINGSTON - ON - THAMES, Eng., 0i Surrey County Coun cil has lodged a protest against proposals to take 850 seats of Surrey downland and common for military training, armed forces. , V. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFV- Presbytf rianChurph. FOR SALE One 9 x 12 "rEabn and turquols rug. one douBJe spring and mattress, three tables. Phone Black 929. (278) II. O. Archibald, M.P.. is leav ing on tonight's train for Ot tawa for the session of Parliament which commences on December 8. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Archibald and their small child. They will remain in the capital for the winter. MERCHANTS ORGANIZED W. M. Walts Is Elected President of Association. A representative group of retail merchants met last night in the Civic Centre and decided to form a Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association. Jack Scott, acting as chairman of the meeting, stressed the need for such an organization in Prince Rupert, asking those present to give the question considerable thought. Following general discussion on- the duties of a retail merchants' association and their application to local problems, an election of temporary officers was held. W. M. Watts was elected to the office of president; Jack McRae, vice-president; R. E. Montador, secretary, and W. Sheardown, treasurer. Scott, L. M. Felsenthal, tonc. F. Ellison, G. Brown and W. G. Scott were appointed to serve as directors of the organization. These officers are to serve until the first week in January when another general meeting will be held to hear a report from the executive and to name permanent officers for the new year. i The present oody or officers i will carry out any business that , may arise during the interim: period, draw Up a constitution and outline a general policy for the approval of the next general meeting. Another of their duties will be to solicit new members. Closing dates during the coming holiday season were discussed and.it was left to the executive, to arrange for a public announcement regarding this matter. Membership in tffe association is open to any merchant paying a retail business license fee in Prince Rupert. FOR MILDNESS MILLBA Agents for Staler Shoes GEORGE P.O. Ilox 737 MM II! Pi . -i STRAIGHT CUT MRGIINIA CIGARETTES Give HIM the Gift he wants . . comfy, good-looking SLIPPERS FOR CIIKlSTiMAS HILL & SONS LIMITED 621 Third Avenue PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . ure always acceptable Drop in and inspect the many useful items that wc are showing for the coming Festive Season. Kilt III.M' l'er nnil Carpenlerl-'Olt IIKIt: I-aiims. Dishes Pre-N Hslilns laikle, ,rt- sine Cookers, Dleitrle Irons, ,)1MK Toasters. Mixers I'jrex Ware. t'OK Till: VOfNdSTKUS lie Skiiles, Skis anil equipment, Melglis, Holier Skates, Wagons, llkjiles unil Klilclle Cars. "SHOP EARLY" M IL Mt Bride St., Flioue 31 1 Attention Trappers, Ranchers and Dealers FOU TOP MAKKKT l'MCKS ship all your KAW FURS to JACK I. LOUIS 207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. PROMPT RETURNS We Deduct No Commissions Our Prices Arc Net to You (283) Magazine Provides Wedding Headgear Just Another Service Says Editor of Finnish Magazine TORONTO, j When girls in Helsinki marry they depend on their favorite magazine to provide part .of the wedding costume-it's all in the "special services" offered by Kotiliesl, a Finnish women's periodical. "Finnish girls choose much more elaborate costumes for their weddings than Canadian and American girls," said Miss Alii .Wlherheime of Helsinki in an interview. "They go in for intricate headgear, and one of our services is to lend a crown Of sliver and gilt to our readers for their wedding." Kotiuiesi of which Miss Wih-erheimo has been managing editor for the last 25 years, isn't concerned so much with fashions as It is with the more serious in terests of the housewife. It carries fewer fiction stories than American magazines, possibly because an acute shortage ol paper forced the magazine down to two-thirds its pre-war size. AID FOR ABORIGINES ADELAIDE, Australia, 0) Pastor Albrecht of the Her-mannsberg Mission, in an effort to establish aborigines, gave selected, trained stockmen of the Arunta tribe $1,200 worth of cattle each from the mission herds to breed with their own, Jack The natives will pay back the W. F. ' missidn with proceeds from their better quality cattcle. FIRST HEELS Heels were first used on shoes in 1862. low at Civic Centre THURSDAY Sports ' A.M. 9:00 Booth School Physical Educational Class. PM. 1:00 Booth School Physical . Educational Class. 2:30 King Edward School Physical Educational Class. 3:30 Teen-age Badminton. 6:00 Civic Centre Boys' Basketball. 7:00 Adult Badminton. 8:00 Rup-Rec Men's Gym and Apparatus Class. ' Special Events 7:00 National Film Board (chil dren). 7:00 Badminton. 8 : 00 National Film Board (adults). 8:00 Eoy Scout Annual Meeting. 8:00 Junior Chamber of Commerce Executive Meeting. PAY DA? TEMPERANCE MARPORT, Cumberland, Eng., ((Pi Innkeeper Belle Graham decided 60 years ago to serve only one pint of beer each to workers on pay . day to discourage drunkenness. When she died recently, patrons said the custom would continue. YOUN MO T Classified Advertising Pays! night. Try itl ER Relieve dis tress of baby's cold while he sleeps. Rub on Vicks VapomiD ai oea- time. Sooines, j m relieves during 8 fAPORUe Xmas Tree LUES HUBBLE LITES OUTDOOR L1TES THEE SERIES LITES REFLECTORS AND ACCESSORIES AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE 617 Box 1321 - - i . iiii TRY Many Others to Choose From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR The Early Shopper Is Never Disappointed t On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE ' PREMISES LATEST IN JEWELRY FOR THE . , . MANSON'S JEWELLERS "YOUR FKIENDLY JEWELER" FOR TASTY MEALS c.Unn Snf' Chow Mein w 1 ' OPEN 3 A.M. TO 2 AAI. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL V , ft AiJimMili ' SHorrlNG DAYS I I KBH TILL CHRISTMAS ft HnH i n I 1 UULOVAS ft tf jpi&tf7 (1KUENS w . . ,B i n K 41 X ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4 ptfncc Rupert Dalle 33ctSs Wednesday, November 26, 1947 LUGGAGE We think you'll agree that our Fall showing is the smartest you've seen in years. It's built to stand plenty of wear, too. The range includes mahogany rawhide, solid pigskin and tweed-covered sets. Make your selection for gift or presentaton now. mm A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions LANE CEDAR CHESTS Tennessee cedar throughout with exterior of burl xvalnut The Ideal Gift. Got to be seen to be appreciated;. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert V ' -J IP-FULLNESS and longer skirts arc keynotes in the new dress styles. Cloth coals arc treated xvilh full swing backs for graceful lines . . . Furs are more lavish, more ' luxurious than ever. Sweet Sixteen has all these styles, so visit us, and you too can be trim, smart and glamorous for the Christmas season. uaata $ Our BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges, J J will assist one and all to become a part of the1 new J Fashion World. Announcing W Hill I Mini s' I W It ! ie opening of our new CARPENT Gunnar :!. : ' ' . ; ' : '.UViir i ER SHOP 1 with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also. Floor Sanding with the veryu.' latest machine. , , For appointment call Selvig Phone Blue 610 P.O, Rox 651 it's made of wood, we can do it iii-ut HI K . I ill. tt1 ! I t !' I"' Ml t.l. lt i.l' ;a- .!. mi til M( ii? til' i'li i't.' M- ah