I J, II r w, t 4 3 if 1 ,v w "l I ft 2 'jprnifc Rupert Dtii'li) JlcUis LtD. Saturday, December 27, 1947 ,-independent daily newspaper aeTOTea to the upouliaing or Prince Rupert ind ill CQBununltl comprising nartnem and central British Columbia. (Authorued. as Second Class Mall. Post Orrice Department, Ottawa) Ilibllshed every artemoon except Sunaay by Prlnoe Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia I O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. FERRY. Managing Director. UISfijER OP CANADIAN PRESS . AUDIT BtrREAU OP CIRCULATION? CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAFER ASSOCIATION H SUBSCRIPTION HATES. City Carrier, per week. ISc; Per Month. 69c: Per Year. 7.00: OiSfeiV Hospitality Thrives Here QSPITALITY of Prince Rupert in the early days was proclaimed far and wide by visitors to the town. Then during the war years, the s&hl& generous spirit prevailed and thousands of ftf?rij$nd women from distant parts enjoyed it. In the past two days Christmas and lioxing Day thcissidonts of this city generously demonstrated that-the hospitality of old still thrives in Prince Rupert. Many a visitor here over Christmas had his yuletyle made bright by that hospitality. It is a hospitality not born merely of courtesy, but born of the heart. Simply, it is goodwill toward men. A city's greatness can be measured by the hospitality and stature of its people. GOME TO RUPERT I ERE IS A pre-New Year resolution for every tmmch Prince Rupertite: "I will be a staunch booster of this city and country. When writing 'thank you' letters for Christmas gifts received from relatives and friends dttt of town, I will invite them to visit Prince Ru-perfrnext summer and ask them to suggest to their friends that they also holiday here." ..This city and province of ours have much to delight and interest visitors. By citing some of their, wonders and attractions in letters we write, we. can stimulate interest and help materially to promote the tourist trade which can mean so much. Long-range planning is necessary if we are to eap rich benefits from the tourist business. So, 'le'tJphch one of us start now. Write that letter to- 1 -iVThe man who gets too big for his breeches is usually exposed in theend. WHAT A WARM WELCOME ST. NICK RECEIVED! Lovely Dorothy Parker, Canadian-born screen actress and former model, assured St. Nicholas a warm welcome when he paid his annual visit Christmas week. PEACE PIPE BARGAIN . . QUEEN'S PEN NAME i Trie peace pipe is still smoked 1 Dowager Queen Elizabeth of I by many Canadian Indian tribes, Romania who died in lSl6 was J particularly when a bargain Is best known by her pen name, I sealed. i Carmen Sylvia. U lipp in this Prince Rupert by BIDDER JINKS much cold turkey, a grated fin- It was her clothes and the knovl-ger (done as usual In the dress-'edge that she was past 30 which lng), and a feeling of great ! made her so, not In the fact that many children in our own city would find no expected gift from St. Nicholas, or even have much to eat. Another group, greater and more distant, would have much less after spending the night huddled under anything handy to keep from freezing. I skipped over the morbid sight." never was, for no distance that existed between parent and child, or between! older and younger. For the most part, for the rest of the year w lived in one world and they ln another. I never thought the YOU TOO CAN BE INDEPENDENT Have a Busmen of Your Own Become a aucctitfal operator in the profitable profruion of hairdrewing and beauty culture. Our new enlarged ichoolt offer a thorough training under qualified teachers. Write or call for free literature to MOLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING 30) W. Haitlngi St. (Dept. 1) Vancouver B.C. Lw Good Will Gifts to Britain Members of the Rotary Club, assisted by the Hoy Scouts, will make a canvass of the city during the week DECEMBER 29 to JANUARY 3. Please have your parrels of clothing or grocery Items ready. IF YOU PREFER A CASH DONATION, PUT SAME IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME AND IT WILL DE ACKNOWLEDGED. . Prince Rupert's gifts to the needy of Poole, England (303) figure something to envy. Our gifts were of a practical on Christmas Eve, a group of us nature or were of the mechanl- would have followed our prac- Cal kind over which the whole tlce of other years and gone family watched and laughed un- slneine-carols as sweetly as na- 111 thev wnre out th.it first dav. the frosty air a-thrlll with a tinkling In tune to prancins feet. ONLY SPIRIT OF SANTA REMAINS CONSTANT Toast was a slice of bread browned over the coals In our world. And someone sitting by the Street talkln8 10 hlmSelf ln thmmht nnri nn nrmrin. i was done and once more folded away, a "Gee, Mom, I like it this way best!" t INCOME DOUBLED IN NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND. N.Z. ( Aggregate private income In New Zealand more than doubled In the m vpnrs from 1937 to 1946 and With the great day Christ-, thought, or dreamed to tell my . .... plcln Thp ,ntnl , 1937 'mas-gone after weeks of hust-1 mother she looked "oh, about was $5()5C00CC0 compared with I left with 17." Of course she didn't; but . ling preparations, am S1.016.400.GC0 fi t-0 in 194(J 1948. These These totals inchide sala'ries and wages, other forms of Individual quiet. That the weather was one her hair was more beautiful -r rlni v,fclv,H In Ho Vnlotlnnc l than Vior rinnirhrpr's nnri her "" ""..- my only irritation. Had Jt be haved as weather Is supposed to (I I MUMKNTU 11) I.O.DE. Hall 5th and McBrldc Salaries and wages increased to more than double in the ID years, whereas "other Income" rose by less than half. Social security benefits and pensions In 1946 were three times as great ture had ordained that we we did not think of them as as In 1937 and It Is estimated should. As it was, we listened practiced. Skates were skates, ! that they will be five times as from inside, ourselves warm and ahd.1i iew dress was a dream ! great in 1947. Company Income dry and in the process of get-' ctme -rue. One most pleasing J has increased to four times It ting especially well-fed. to oth-j .gut received on my third Christ- j 1937 level. er caroiiers in a irucK. wiin i-.ie'nas, was a pair of shoes, shep-younger members, we wovrlec", herd plaid bu-i boots with! only slightly about SantigVpt- patent trim aiJl purple lining. I ting water-logged. Vlridly,3me They sat a little by themselves of us knew he had his soaking under tne tree that morning, and ! some time in advance. my delighted' eyes' knew them as Morning ... ah, morning . . . mine f0r those just older and arrived at but 3:30 a.m. Happily jUSt younger were of the other it had not come to stay, for cer-1 Sex. tain members of the family car-j We llved mucft everyone rled items back with special elM llved for mM around Wo them to a warm and wai tins nad no mort and no , ex bed-and Christmas arrived Day t that our horses shone a the second time much later. nttle fatter and our driving MANY CHILDREN HAD NO 'sleighs were" long and well-turn CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR ed. My father loved horses. Th( In spite of the activity that harness was kept in perfec" accompanies the advent of so shape with the addition of wonderful and busy a day, I scotch-tops with their red found time to compare it with plumes. For the Yuletide, sleigh-others other days and other GREAT YARMOUTH, Eng. V Thousands of fresh-water fish were killed when gales fanned the sea into the fresh-water Norfolk Broads. people. For a fact, I knew thatjto the backhand to set us and First Presbyterian Cluircli Fourth Avenue East Uev. Allan M. McCol) Supply Minister. 11 a.m. Anthem by Junior Choir. Sermon: "Boast Not Thyself of Tomorrow." more food than was necessary, ' "tter Profan'ty on Christmas 7:30 pjn.A,ur.cin by Senior and ended up by thinking howDay Kwaf ,a hrfror res"ved for Choir. Christmas, on the average, has'm"clJ later. fea .lng ?n Sermon: 'Thine Ear Shall stepped up ln tempo since the days of my own ch'.ldhdod. Then It was a time of great family gatherings. Our house, chosen probably because of our family equation of seven-and-two make nine, was the scene of these parties. From noontime onward, the excitement mounted among the ybung household, and the exquisite feeling of Christmas Eve fell like a blanket. For once we for- comment. Santa Claus was seen only on rare occasions, and was always the same. It seems there that outlived many scoffs and Jeers, and, later, pretending almost brought him back. Then as. now, Christmas past meant New Year not far away One recovers from the first bare- lv ln time tji mnlrp n feu; u-olt. got to be as near as passible to ,unc ,citlnn. r, ., I the mince tarte but fastened B Umes these brief forms take dur out of the window, gaze or.the shape 0f wishing ... for I followed the road a small dls- fhl-. a, lmnn..1Kll, , tance "just to see if Grandpa U Iesol;tlons are the t0 k aUve In in f I nY T " tla He mavpAw nm Faw ma Just now, one wish is constant Hear a Voice Behind Thee." A word for the last service of the year. was but one suit ln the district we best prepare oureelvea for and It made the rounds. He was 1 a much adored old gentleman entrance Into the New Year by dealing, faithfully with the old one. Kirst Uaplisl Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobua Phone: Res. Oreen 812 Sunday, December 28 11 a m. Morning Service. 12:15 pm. Church School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Wednesday, December 31 one arrived until evening when u wouia need a , d to 8:30 p.m.-Annual meeting of i.iutco wcic uuiic an item bring one of those pages back, "wi- iiijacii uuk lui my till- . .... . . , childish anxiety. Idren yet I would have It so. r. V: Z,:"J" uncles and cousins ,:i ':1 Knowing, even hearing after It -aunts, ga lore. Fun ran rampant that night, fun of the old-rashioned calibre, which allowed Grandpa to play a game much older than himself, and he took his turn at being blindfolded after he was caught and detected by his wealth of beard. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AGES DISSOLVED Now, I think It was that very thing we anticipated most, the dropping for one evetilng and the next day, too, of the rigid I line of deference and respectful Sunday School teachers and officers In the church. This meeting will be followed' by refreshments to which all those attending the following service are cordially invited. 11:20 p.m. Watch-Night Service REGULAR BAPTIST Phone 300 Sim. 1.1V. Hit. jh, i7 "Christ Jeaus camr Into the world to anvo alnnera." I Tim. 1:15. 12:15 pm. Sunday School. (Special children'a talk The Mlaaeii Krowchenko.) 7:30 p.m. rintpel Sen Ice. (Prayer Praise Testimony) Com and close the Old Year aright. Speaker d HB. Blackaby Topic "O.U.V.UIV IMPLIC IT IN IICTIII.I IIDM." Special Miivic Iji.IIhk' Trio "THE LOVE OK OOD" WK piii'.trn Tin: di.ii-timi- kiikiiov A Renaissance of. . . ELEGANCE ... Is what you will have once you slip into this lovely furred coat, You will be delighted with Hie swirl upon swirl of luxurious fur that forms (he collar. When you lay plans for that NK WCOAT, DRESS or SUIT, visit' Sweet Sixteen and use or convenient HUIXiET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges. ! ft una DIRECTORY sen lent In all rlmrilien tit II u. 111. anil 7:30 p.m.; Sunday mIkmiI ill 14:11 errit u vlmuil. .tN(il.l( ( ATlll llll. ilh Ave. W at Duiuwnulr Bt Holy Communion 8:30 a m. Hunilay Urhoul 2:00 pm. Rector: UaiiHj ProcaUr. 11 A . b I) (Ulue 7) I IKST IMITIST 6th Ave. K at Youmt Bt. Minister: llev. I'rl Antrobua (Until 812) I IKST 1-1(1 MIV I I Kl W 41(1 Avrnue East (Orrrn 882) FllttT 1M1III (no etn Ave. vit Mlnlau r: R. A Wllaon. M A. (Orrfri e 13 1 n i l. liltM'H. Tlltl UNA! 1 : 22J Oth AN Watt PuaUir: Paul A. Barber (Orrm 0401 Mtl.vATHtV ARMV Praurr Btrwt CO.: Oapt. Frt Jarrm UlrKtory Uluu 2:30 pin Sunday School 'J 2tWi SI. P.U'I.'H H Till KN 6th Ave. at Mcllrtdr St. Paator: . Holland (BUtfk 010 1 ST. I'KTHfS AMil.K'AN Srnl Cove ArchilKkcon K lludnon Hundy Bt liool 1 1 00 art Evrnlni Prayer 7 JO pm (Ulue 827) riiMMixiTV ni'Miw sriuMd. FjusI End Hall. 2 30 p m. The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corp Officers. TONIGHT, 8 p m Youth Rally. TOMORROW "Enter Into HW gates with thanksgiving and into I1U courts with praise." Ps 100-4. 11 ajn Holiness Meeting: "ThU Is the Victory." 2:30 pm. Directory Class. 3:00 pjn. Sunday School 7:30 pjn. Candle Light Service entitled 'The Christmas Altar." A Very Happy and Messed New Year To All! NOTTINGHAM. Jig. -Be !a caue he received 30 appeals for I j& money during his first weeks as i Lord Mayor, Councillor John 1 2? Mitchell said he was not in of- 2? j fice to "provide petty cash" and J$ I added he could not "find hu-I bands, wives or pen pals ." fttf WISHING ALL OURiP FRIENDS AND PATRONS A Happy New Year A The Popular PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNK'.IIT For" Information call or write City or Depot Ticken PRINCE RUPERT, II.C. Just Arrived Another Sliipment of I'iioni; POPULAR Connor Washers IN THREE MODELS Now 011 Display Rupert Radio & Elect I $ k V jit' - l!WW-v.'rr MAY THE NEW YEAR BE THE HAPPIEST YOU HAVE KNOWN F: .m BOH GElii.t.r SHOES 't'8rwiei! i ':,tt;'Ktiffsietgiitt,p'ityft''t't't'r " tyj a thank you for your patronage during the past year and erttend to you a very Happy New Year I PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD ? PHONKS fi.-l - 0.V2 I COAL I.UMI1KU IH'IUHNfi Si IT XXtX'e'Ct'VCf1Xt1't'CVC i txxxxxxxxxtt WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing OSST Fireworks! WK HAVI Mac Shoe Hos Hnv 774 SPCOll 'e,'ct'et'c'ctitt'ei'ei't,trt' iticx'c'c,,''t'i'"'' 55 FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY AN INTI'RESTINfi STOCK I'Olt A CELEIIKATION w ifi Third West