.1 1 it m m r 4 prfnrc Huiicrt Dafto r3rUi3 Saturday, December 27, 1947 Classified Advertising CUulfleds: Se per word per Insertion, minimum charge, fiOc. Birth Notice. 50c; CarcU of Thanlts, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. FOR SALE ,FOIl SALE One Electric Hawal-' lan Guitar In perfect condi-,: tlon. Excellent Christmas gift for music lover. Phone Green FOR SALE Half share in Bert's Transfer. Call at office or phone Green 977, evenings. (302) FOR SALE Oolichan Grease, Good Quality. Order Now. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE British India Rugs, New, Beautiful Colors, Limited Quantity. Reasonably Priced. Come In and look them over. Bd Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE New and ,Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Fixtures, New Skillets 80c, Cups and Saucers 25c, Soup Plates 25c, Aluminum Double Bqllers $1.95, Electric Double Hot-plates -$7. New Camp Stoves, Scatter Rugs $1.75, Used Chesterfield Bed $30. Fancy Occasional Chai rs $12.50. ' Slightly Used Radios, Electric and Battery Sets from $21. All kinds al. other .useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Sedan, New paint Job and general overhaul. Phone or apply 112 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE 1939 Oldsmobile, new engine last spring. Quick sale. Phone Blue 317. (304) CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers clearance first quality for double and single beds In beautiful two-toned colors, worth double the irice. Money, refunded If not satisfied. Sen COD. plus postage in Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal' 18, Que. METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs., SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA-tions. Prepare NOW for Winter . examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 End-erton Bldg., Winnipeg. Man. LOST - LOST $35 on Fraser Street. Reward. Phone Red 142. (302) LOST Partly knitted green and yellow sock between 7th Ave. West and the Salvation Army. Finder please return to Dally News. (302) FOUND Two keys on string by 'Wrathajl's Photo Shop. Own-?r may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. tf I.AMt KF.CilSTUY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 25304-1 to the- North Half of the South-Eost Quarter and the South Half of tha North-East Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Slxty-tive (1765), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (160) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Joss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cesar Verhey-den has been filed In this office, notice is hereby given that I shall. ht the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of November, 1947, A D Andrew Thompson, ' Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) I.AM) ltrniSTKV ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 23082-1 to the North-West Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sltxy-flve (1765), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (160) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Joss of the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Cesar. Verhey-tien has been filed In this office, notice is hereby given that I shall. at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, . unless In. the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, of November, 1947, A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of THlss. (302) LONDON, '0i A government-backed scheme for producing 20,000 automatic looms a year to re-equip the cotton Industry, as against the present production of between 4,000 andt5,C00, Is recommended In the EversVd Committee's report to the Ministry of Supply. FOR RENT FOR RENT Warm, comfortable room; Fraser St. reasonable. PERSONAL WIDOW, middle-aged, would like to correspond with respectable middle-aged man. Box 298 Dally News. (303) ORDER your Christmas Tree now from B. & W. Transfer. . 25c a foot. Phone Red 182. (tf) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It Is a confidetial service rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 276 Daily News (tf) A SANDED FLOOH makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest in floor sanders and best service. WANTED (tf) WANTED Job as cook, general. Have references. Box 1029 Postal B. WOR& WANTED MTDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Monday, January 5, 1948, at 5 p.m., for clearing the Right-of-Way for, and the excavation -of, a drainage ditch at the Falrview Cemetery, Prince Rupert. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Engineer's Office, City Hall, December 27, 29, 30, 31, and prospective bidders may view the site. C. B. Howe City Engineer. (301) KOOM AM) ItOAKI) ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) LAND REQISTRY ACT Re; Ortlflcate of Title No. 17.V,n-l In Uit lour I cm (It), Hlmk Tenty-Hflit (28), Kerllcm M (0), City ut Prince Rupert, Map '!3. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Benja.nln B. Rice has been filed in this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to roe In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 24th day of November, 1947, AD. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (301) I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made1. VALENTIN DAIRY ( Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE UICK8 FRASER HOUSE 'Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 7H FRASEK STREET Phone Black 823 TUESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES Apply 806 S. Sparks 125 (305) FOR RENT One 3-room apartment, unfurnished or partly furnished. With private bath. Red 441. (tf) MILLER DAY B. Tetcrson 141 P. Roberts 168 H. Ross 118 M. Smith 85 Handicap 88 Totals 600 MANSON'S T. Dell 163 Al. MClJfUU W B. Cowgill 125 Handicap 62 Totals 540 VARIETY I. Krlsjanssen 130 I. Lykegaard 148 lF ,Cembella 136 FOR RENT Housekeeping room J: kShim"""" 45 furnished, 209-5th west. $15.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. (tf) FOR RENT 3 room house partly furnished. 1008 6th Ave. East. $20.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 917. (tf) Handioap 76 COASTERS M. Schartr 1"S B. Knutson 158 O. Tubb 114 M. Lewis 115 M. Wlndle 125 Handicap 79 Totals 760 SCUBY'S i T, Braun 121 . . lie Li, lUUIUbUIl Low Score 109 J. Thornton 201 a. Vail Meer 120 Handicap 34 Totals 730 ORANGE .... . j c. Auueiuu iE. Johansen 166 A. Wide 115 P. Gardner 109 O. Newton 212 Handicap 136 Totals 870 SAVOY SWINGERS A. Kcllet 87 E. Knuson 235 P. Menzzles 177 C. Erlckson 241 R. McCallum 126 Handicap 44 BLOWERS Totals 910 E. Morrison 124 Houston 141 Hlnton 123 Bellamy 256 Low Score 87 Handicap 87 Toals 818 MOOSE S. McEwen H. Astoria , D. Hilton 90 126 . .... 159 guarantee the s. chritopherson .... 203 Phone Red 561..D- y or AFRAID to Eat? Real genuine fast lasting relief from acid indigestion, gas disturbances, heartburn, nervous sour stomach, gastxic hyperacidity, bloating, or belching with GOLDEN STOMACH TABLETS. 360 tablets $5.00; 120 jiauujvnp Toals 811 TOILERS B. Ellison 158 O. Richards 162 JJ. Hill ...X 71 M. Wide ' 108 J. Menzles 124 fnlilnts 9nn- RS tnhlets $100. H. WrlKht 106 .it li j J- Nowak 181 fill UlUg tkllKi UiUg Ul. partments. Handicap" 116 Totals .' 810 SWEET SIXTEEN E. Duncan 179 D. Nelson 149 Handicap 70 Totals 820 COMETS Default. ROSA LEE'S M. Postuk 139 E. Morse A 122 (303) s. Ramsay 143 .Z Hedley .v 188 I. Ramsay 140 Hanrilcnn 9 COSMOS A. Holkestad 205 P. Black 93 M. Peterson 110 A. Llndseth 99 B. McChesney 158 Handicap 126 Toals 791 LUCKY STRIKES JJ. Boulter 113 Z. Vuckovlch 134 B. VVuckovlch 158 A. Smith 163 J Warren 172 Handicap 16 Totals 757 BANKERS Defaul t. BLONDIE I'D LIKE TO 4 SPEAK 7D MR. BUMSTEAD 167 149 68 195 88 087 135 126 126 186 62 C35 134 99 118 133 125 76 148 118 159 159 120 79 783 128 136 122 107 16B 34 C95 147 1G8 122 163 109 136 905 154 121 186 101 138 126 ANNETTES Montgomery 185 185 Ostashower 143 188 McMeekln 217 263 E. Smith 230 228 P. Dickens 241 232 Handicap 5 5 Totals 1021 1101 WATTS & NICKERSON V. Wrahall 118 165 A Wrathall 219 136 E Moxley 190 162 due to KID WDIGtSTlOl, IU. A HIHOUS 10UI H0HICH. I S.i.1 HUIIIUM, BILCMIH6. IIOITIICV H 2 S r r4 ""- wi I 162! ' 91 106. 140, 128 120 776 753 149 242 187 174 114, 16 882 127, 126 179 ; 127 174! 10, 7491 168 189 I 99! 207 153' 5 821 199 116 109 ij'TO NOPE.VCJU'LU 1 .11' HAVE TO COME r X Rescue Ship Takes Gifts To Alaska The American vessel Denall. which figured in the attempt t.n (1vp aid to the founderine 724 J proached. J4! She was converted Into a 103 Santa Claus craft and did not iso fail the hundreds of waltinp 153 BACK LATEG HE'S TAKIMG MIS BATH J WwwvirirWwTWi'irirw1 SHORT SPORT When he was a boy. Charles 170 ciarksdale Victory at Hlppa ri Isl- (Horses. Ayers of Toronto, con .... . , . , j ...At.ki others of the smaller ports inihlm sufficiently to make him, Alaska. Off the westward sailed ii3 the Denali, with the malls, gifts 19 galore, Santa Claus himself. 175 259 1 76 179 103 149 191 112 79 618 159 201 119 202 125 34 840 137 135 119 299 136 973 J. Shenton 165 191 162 'A. Pierce 190 221 148 Handicap 40 40 40, Totals 922 915 774 BIO SISTERS I B. Gomes 1S8 108 88 E. Bond 170 146 220 J. Dlckais ..151 216 141 1 E. Rothwell 115 90 87 E. Dickens 95 B. Alexander ,.; ' 150 154 Handicap , 71 64 64 Totals ........ 740 772 751 WESTVIEW I V. McDonald 119 136 231 B. Savllle 201- 112 69 A. Parker 88 155 115 S. Hartwig 132 153 169 D. Dibb 150 125 152 ; Handicap 120 120 120 , Totals 808 301 856 In turn, a racing writer, horse-thoe collector and placing Judge on Toronto tracks. More than CO sets of horseshoes are Included in his collec- ! Advertise in the Dally News extra at Toronto's Opera House in a racing play called "Checkers" and rooted for a horse named Remorse to win a big race, Encouraged by his success, he went to the Woodbine track and placed a couple of bets on real horses, which failed to win. Charlie nasni and, played a right-about-face centrales too naro un made a bet since. His next move 88, role as Christmas week ap-i wrse-Miue pm-mus iand a stray toss leu a scar im his head. It was the first horseshoe he ever collected. The accident ended Charlie's Interest in horseshoes and horseflesh for" in,1"""1"' " " ""' some years, but left its marie on was to write a piece about the racetrack characters lie had seen and hand it to W. A. Hewitt, then sports editor of the Toronto Star, demanding space-rates. Hewitt accepted it, wielded a heavy blue pencil and handed Charlie $2. The shoe collection started In 1928, when a track blacksmith handed Charlie the shoes Younji Kitty wore when she won the Klne's Plate in 1928. As far as me most recenv aim - - , , , . Charlie knows, he's one of only a .h hmd cultv setting the shoes he wants King's Plate winner in the last! , 16 years and those of six Ken- tucky Derby winners, lnclud- j HOCKEY SCORES ing the redoubtable Gallant Fox. Whlrlaway and Count Fleet, i NATIONAL LttAMII. I THURSDAY Charlio's interest In horses I revived when he worked as an; old Grand Toronto 3. Montreal 0. Chicago 6 Boson l New York 2, Detroit 0. 115 147 -. . lCtfBtB,W t it :r-iHia -Am 138 168 mk. QmJr A ' 126 122 OB - - " A , 092 698; W- BBk 9 KW r fl 160 142 tT.'.". js nf V -CImltil 11 -Lucky Me! A Seasonable offering brewed by VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED, brewers and bottlers of fine Ale, Lager Beer and Stout. FREE HOME DELIVERY PHONE 654 VWW OUVER BREWERIES LIMITED vv. lA PLi THANHS COOk-IP I I I ti . A ' . rS fK VJr FOR SFEINC ' PAPA'S lea ' GET OUT -S, v THAT MV IN THE S. 5 l WHILE DADOyg , f BATH IS BATHTUB ) TAKING UNDISTURBED AND HE t A BATH ) s can't come j Jtfhi SiTwCrr" pljllJ By Chic Young THANKS, NOTHING 1 I EXPECT TWENTV FIVE CENTS FOR THIS ; 1 ' r I; y y v IS : y PYREX BOWL SET Firm! that you can line for mlilnff, Uk'n ard wrvinu. IKwix-d for hand or rl.ftric UUir- Kctlier lo av ruiUard pce. A ktl of lime 12 n r . . rvi i This iffi.r IlL OFFER Regular i . V V If "! until 'an. idiv Millrlilr M,. Plimie Ut . .. ... from owners of winning horses. Uwttw,w Anuouncini our uew IIOI-MES TOW1NO AM) Willi TKl'CK SERVICE FASTER - SAFER - LESS EXPENrjv? With this new equipment we can do th.f : possible effort and save you money bv charges to a minimum 9 V ' y v ; y i y y 15 y y y y y y y y RUPERT MOTORS LTD TRY Complete Automotive Repsi Da) I'lionr 5CC Guryich & Son CONTRACTORS NUhU tin Reason's Qreetk TRUCKS FOR HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 SUMMIT ICE CREi FOR YOUR PARTY It Is Good, 1RLS1I MA DP, and Deliciooi 1 sixth st VALENTIN DAIRV rhone C57 Jl,WiC'iC'XC',t'C,tC,,,C,CC,f,r,"'::-';'!Wl MAY GREAT p BE YOt RS IN THE NEW YEi Terrace Machine Shop & Garal ,tvltx"eiif,fe,c,',e,ei,c,c''it:,''E"s'r':t',"1 'C'''C''e,,e''f,'c,cit''C,cKf'Cc,,,e',e'-'t'Hl I 4 i mm i r. BROADWAY CAFE FOR A VERY MANAGEMENT AND STAFF HaDDy New Year LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR 0 TKltRACK, . (" tfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxtxxxxKtV Happy New Year TO ALL ,U&tMcCAFFERYHO Phones 116 and 117 an d 58