utdoor stu with Marty Dick Letourneau Becomes Second No-Hit Pitcher In Local History Olympics Opens ee cee Hail, the Phila- | Declaration lelphia ne where the Uni-! now is a museum. 2 a aN _ = - . a-* — en . * rince Rupert Uaily News 2 PIeCISiINKi Monday, July 21, 1952 lacie - ~ - aneene mene NOW MUSEUM jted States Congress adupted the of Indeepndencs This s advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or " the Governemnt of British Columbia NOT -gotten! ‘That | ncimatienienesineiingena - vive oy me; Abel & Odowes Oust Hotel ELAINE €p—The president eviden J e |of Finland before 70,000 rain- mprehensive report | owes st ote men a Yanks L Aap soaked spectators Saturday de- poctor Peter Larkin and | elared open the 1: loon nions at the recent W Fi | 8 | a a = : # Sth oe Serr: aaa ; ympic Games, biggest in history y Une 1 rs ; . acing, Ot, ee ith First nning Single Run Sua Firemen To Chicago; and the firt'to be attended by + an - , | Soy >» esis " very definitely | age eg Rute : our Heense fuads are If Prince Rupert had a Baseball Hall of Fame, CCc 300 downed Firemen 9-8 in m in Beebcomng "Finnish ‘Swedish, maintain a highly 1 & ee ae ° the best softball game of the i S i ee tt of biologists, | = doubt Abel & Odowes erratic but star pitcher’ .-o.on last night. Art Olson lost hee and. English, solemnly ft ‘ ’ . ’ > ae , ‘ olc 2 587 iassed < ste k will be of inereasing) would rate an entry afteft yesterday's performance a heartbreaker is his team allow-| NEW YORK @ New York | trom 70 a ne ones provinee and ad when Diek Let \ s o . (ed four unearned runs to score | Yankees gave ground in the tight ne Av poene ” € szevourneay became the second man 1) on him American League pennant race “I declare the 15th Olympic ure, as just another | local history to pitch a no-hit ball game, Harvey Deary, “the winning | Sunday while Brooklyn Dodgers |®#mes in Helsinki open. ant to say to these} @ommercials who lost the pitcher, threw a brilliant game | CePUNned to roll merrily along| The crowd in the modernistic rhank you. Please | nerve-straining contest 1-0 to Lambe's first hit, and a near) 8 he gave up eight runs on six "| entgpenen Civeaple stadium stood st een the clotheiers, also featured homer by Jack Lindsay hits . CARO Meee Tanmecw6-4 and — ae tee ania vee & huge » are not forgotten MeN. | some good pitching by Gerry Hodgson, top ot the batting) COC 300 scored twice in the ee - New York's margin | band played -_ Cyr nam the P.R.R.G.A. and pull | Fraser who allowed only five order, got a free pass to firsi.| first. Firemen scored twice in ee Boston Red| Just before the president weight, we'll get things | scattered hits Hawryluk saerificea for Hodg-| the same inning as Mickey Web- jand ineiane € ; vig ape ten: ve-| opened the games, Erik von wry : : dis oo land Indians 8-7 j nnings. , inni i that we Winning run was scored n the 80n’s trip to second. Lambie’s|ster hit a two-run horner deep The ‘ ra ‘aus a Cet d Frenckell, head of the Finnish would appear thi *\ first inning. After that it was single into right field gave Hodg_| into centre field ae ee ie eee : aeilill : atehervi*. > é tl 3: % e- i } vt ' lanw i, |2ames organizing committee, ort fish hatchery ;nothing but a straining tug-of- | 40n third base COC 200 scored four woearned : e oS nie F eoigg x rs ] ' ve let : t ; au en eet We | war “Then Lindsay powered a (runs in the second and went sitio in re eee ane as eee tisfied that Dr. Lar ‘tei : heal "aaa? teagan are | Senators ors and said: ff wil advise the| Another highlight of the gam« drive to left centre whieh had ahead 6-2. There was no more) Brooklyn remained 7% games| “we ; f the ie ind others| Was Bill Lambie’s entry to the alt the earmarkings of being | scoring until the bottom of the | ahead in the National League ee 2 oe F , cai | winners’ lineup. the first homer of the season. | sixth when Firemen tallied three yoiived to an 8-5 tri | Olympics in Finland, a country be” exactly what is But for the sensational demon- times to make it 6-6 : , Bn Se SEY Ore a prince Rupert and it’s} Lambie was the only other stuntion of liclding by Nick ccc 300 scored gins bitin Pittsburgn while runner-up Nev where west and east can neet em. Would strongly | . iteher to heel = ne-iiier § Sustihis whe canga the ball at the seventh when Siordano, Le- York Gianis defeated Chieago | without trouble.” ers le mp in ‘he ve nd a years =®6°, the fence, more than 400 feet Page and Deary all singled, load- es SEE SCORES PAGE ( {=e = é office and pick tl - from home plate. Hodgson ing the bases. Shaminski knock- eee tr velepes in ae ype og en several years’ came home after the catch. da deep fly into cenire field | h CALES from any fish of almost complete retirement TEN STRIKEOUTS with Giardano and LePage scor- adi rhis very little chore | from active baseball, the grey- pjtchine performance of Le- ing. Deary the rored’ on an Can ans Lose 1e to researchers | ing veteran, who admits to an tourneau. who with Gior met . " 42 : : ' ' neau, who with tiordano error, Firemen scored twice v | age of “over 40,” took third base gained the only other two hits the bottom of the seventh, leav Shooting Prize Martin — jmetch because of ® player shor!- of the game, showed he struck ing the tying run on third BISLEY, Surrey, England (CP) a dozen sca ei age, and hit three for four at bat. out 10, nit one batter and walked For CC 300 Giordano.was the Canada Saturday lost top indiy- below the tail end} Five years ago, a no-hitter wa5/ one other. In two innings he/| big hitter with two for four, while | 1¢ ial and team events of the Bis- is sufficient; | pitched here when three pitchers | struck out three men in a row inridge did the same for Fire- ley Rifle meet which she wen to state wind of| combined for Savoy's defeat of) Praser struck out three rave men last year—the Queen’s prize and h and whe re|the Moose team up two bases on balls. There were Tonight, Hawks meet No. 1 the Rajah of Kolapore Imperial | First, winning and only run ef! two errors by Commercials and Firemen defeated Pulp Mille Challenge Cup ithe game was largely due to|one by Abel & Odowes 10-7 in FPriday’s game However, in the 12-day shoot he Perey: have ‘ which ended Saturday, Canada’s Hoat —— ae qi Wi ORCHESTRA SOCIETY 22-man team won four first pri- be easier on the wo t oO t R nners The English Philharmonic So-| zes and placed in six other com- MUCILIN, obtainable es as ui Nn y cic was founded in 1813 petitions } ire stores is pretty ‘- ; * +} these many years i a ew cents. Use t| CQNAAIANS NO Iiminate SPOR TS ROUND LP | ard rub -in 1s ia} | y ‘ wry? , * * ™ = j OLYMPIC STADIUM, Helsinki. — Two west ver town without i >: ) ¥ oy atomizer for| coast runners, Jack Hutchins and Bill Parnell, are By The Canadian Press ; dry flies, The | > Canadians ns sliminati aus i 3 , . : —r * l spot of MU | the only Canadians to escape elimination today in a Following are thumbnail sketches of Canadian} | . ] pe c 42 ; : ° . ~ . body tie ary| record studded Olympic track and field competition.| basketball and fencing teams at the 1952 Olympic fully applied this] ’ fat te. ‘ . . | onmiaea with- | Four failed to qualify. Games at Helsinki: fe om its appear- Hutchins, a heat winner and BASKETBALL TEAM good hook shot; an all-star Parnell a third tn the openimg| ‘nere were no heat winners in| Bob Pickell, centre, 24, born while at Western, first year witn ew type hollow fly round of the 800-metre run, both! rowing but Hamilton Leanders|at British embassy, Kovna, Tillsonburg; married. irket, quite expen- move onto today’s semi-final in the fours, Toronto Argonauts|Lithuania; came to Canad: Bill Coulthard, guard, 27, %’, et on sale here; But the bit of glory. they! in the eights, and Mob Williams|when seven years old; started 5 pounds; veteran of Tillson- | to carry enough ; Snatched for Canada at the Ol-| and Derek Riley of Winnpeg in|playing basketball in Calgary;|burg team, with Livvies five eep it afloat and|¥™P Stadium was overshadow-! gouble sculls, all continue in| attended University of Portland years; coached intermediate! d for line dress- | 4 by four prilliant record break-' eompetition in 1948-49-50 on _ basketball at ce team to Canadian! I like the slick| "8 Performances, Leanders were third their|scholarship; played with Van * championships in 1949; at-| ' line shoots through Emil Zatopek sturdy Czech,}heat; “Argos fourt, and the couver Clover Leafs, Canadian tended Patterson Collegiate, De N é Tinie workine for dis- broke his own Olympic record Wiljiams-Riley combination also|senior men’s champions in 1948- | (Continued on page 6) umber oO HINES 2--2--2enernoes }in winning the 10,000-metre race, fourth 49 and 1951; played in 1952 for HO Rive LOW you line when i e thme has rutdoorsmen hia to raise against the Dig game ire sold to fol thei ries a Canadia tnat pay $161. and Wyomin bear in min touches the borde e; should R.R.G.A iKing nere,) like te being p data on the taken projeet hat it has been demo irk well wern fly on t p Out first take off most of t ind all the wing, leavi 1 fat body and a f of hair Che Coachman Black Gnat or is Jred Ty as a dropper, boa Ush this rig deeply drepper does its t the De . “nd flick your wrist E Ok whenever you note pper anything length te your leader uy when trout are be ! ao a Ce e ue F & leader, * Just draw the lea Uh a bar of soap; carr more low and $370 to hunt 45.75 in New Mex- | 100 Colorado? Mon- we seek ») have reports 01 still that our nearby lakes rout of twelve inches eller, here is a tip om how them may be fooled, Tie A Brown Mackle heavy- good.) leet above this place a Nall buekshot, then six hove this tie any light Working preferably from ‘tf ignatling amy disturbance le ip fly (which is the true unusuab. | ‘ hermocline, which right now about 10 feet here, Any time unt use a timy lait of lead but wish the fly to t Walt now | iat} c | broke were k} r ing a qualifying berth | will have to better their times if | they hope to get past nj finals Davis of Texas, « high jump mark; Nina Romas- chkova of Russia, in the women’s discus throw Charlie Monroe of United 400 -metire the jreeord winning Neither Hutchins forced to go all out in earn Hutchins clocked 1 ning his heat, racked the set a new mark and States, hurdles heat. nor Parnell but both the semi- 154.5 in win- a finish so close ; i that John Barnes of the U.S. and} : Jeno Bakos of Hungary who | placed second and third, alko omething of a lesson | | | ed | n- he he ng | ew 80 rue to the if low der y a a stone on a low | good fishin’ nial timed in at 1:54.5. Barnes is do we realy Wass ranked among the top U.S. haif tate that has vir- ae its own birth-| Milers e, and now would 1) ours small piece in your kit. Tooth- Think it over, then join the | Paste does the same thing, and | so*does fish-slime nwood is raising a} ‘ husiastic fishermen| Weather on Sunday kept some they got quite ajof the less enthusiastic rodsters | ion of how NOT to| away from the water, but those Larry failed on two} who worked Dfana and Prud- ‘ oat in Cloyah Creek| homme Lakes ‘had good luck day. Better luck next} Have no report from Rainbow, jnor from the party that flew ppen to know that the|to Ktahda; would like to know ) set hook was because | how they made out had become tip-tilted | See you pext week, meantime, ERIC S. MARTIN Such Getaway ! ESSO and ESSO EXTRA—there’s no better buy! Backed by Imperial Oil's 72 years of refiming experience - - - by the most extensive research... the most modern refineries. , Canada at the sigm that says quality —the ESSO sign. "Glad I switched, Buy anywhere in Vancouver of Kitchen- Nick Mohammed and Robert Steckle r, Ont were competition iosers RUSSIA LEADS First day track competition saw Russia take the team lead over the US. with 23 points. U.S, had 15 and Czechoslovakia 10 France was fourth with five. There is no official team championship in the Olympic Games but points are customar- ily figured 9n a oasis of ten-d-4- 3-2-1 for the first six places in }every event Moore Named New Contender WASHINGTON (CP)—The Na- tional Boxing Association Satur- day criticized titleholders for giv- ing Archie Moore ‘of St. Louis the “cold shoulder” and named him No. 3 challenger in the heavyweight division, Announcing quarterly ratings, N.B.A. placed Moore, legitimate light heavyweight, right behind No. 1 and 2 challemyers, Rockv Marciano and Ezzard Charles. The new rating was in addition to Moore's billing as “sole logical contender” in the light~heavy- ; weight group fo PRODUCTS*OFRMIMPERIAL Ol in wrestling | 16”, » | Univers Edmonton Meteors, Alberta tl lists; automobile salesman, mav- ried, one child Roy Williams, centre, 24, Win- nipeg Varsity Grads, 6’ 51, pounds; played senior basket ball five years; no previous in ternational experience; played for Univetsity of Manitoba Ri- sons and was two years with Winnipeg Paulins, both teams Greater league; employee; Men’s pany child Beb Simpson, 190 pounds; sor, Ont.; attended Collegiate and played one with Assumption College; ed football in 1951 with Ot Rough Riders, Grey cup cham pions; second year with Tillson burg; married Bob Phibbs, 185 pounds; born Windsor, tended Kennedy Collegiate anc ity of Western Ontario also played football with the Mustangs and competed lt track; was chosen on CP all star college football team; goo< one-handed shot; second with Tillsonburg; single. Harry Wade, centre, 23, & 210 pounds; born Windsor; tne com- one insurance married, forward, 21, 6 born in Wind- forward, 21, tended Patterson Collegiate anc University of Western Ontario; = YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO COME IN AND DISCUSS YOUR HEARING PROBLEMS WITH MR. C. G. DIXON, WELL KNOWN. HIGHLY TRAINED SPECIALIST IN FITTING DIFFICULT CASES. GASOLINES” 175 Winnipeg Senior Patterson year play- tawa 6’, at-| | FRIDAY and SATURDAY, year t- a FOOTBALL TONIGHT Sheardown’s Dominion Day Trophy GENERAL MOTORS vs | HEAVY BATTERY 7:00 Name Enclosed Please Find ..-.....-.-...-.----.- (3c per word per insertion—e.g. Number of words 25; cost, /5c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if bot number required 1 || At Prince Rupert Hotel, 9 A.M. fo 9 1 NO COST ANNOUNGENS THE m3 > an 7. TINY Kallang HEARING AID Terms can be arranced, HEARING AID AUTHORITY TO HOLD FREE CLINIC JULY 25 and 26 Prince Rupert, B.C. P.M. NO OBLIGATION Don't Miss This Opportunity .. to know what your hearing loss is and what the “BELTONE” can de to help you hear again. FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HEAR WITH NO BUTTON AT THE EAR Hearing Aids at all prices. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATIONS Just Phone Hotel for Appointments x=