.1 ' It,' 1 M V . .1 V irk I I II Saturday, December 27, 1947 ('EAR-END REVIEW Janada Assumes Bigger Role n International Affairs By ROSS Canadian Prfs OTTAWA (CP) Canada in 1047 took a detrained stand in support of the rights of middle md small powers to participate in the peace settlements with Germany and Japan. mis uiuiuiuuuc ninu broadened status in foreign affairs, despite failure far to budge Russia in her ppositlon to such participation.' The soviet Union is adamant. hat the big powers alone will ! many haTe adequate tHp hnth trette ,e .n o.i.u . ., the Austrian settlement. j .... . 1 tiiriy in me year, uanaaa: nresented preseniea her ner ca.se ca.se for lor nartlel-! paruci- (wuu.. . uic unuuui iredij-1 bassador to Russia .But the So- i the four German satellites-making to the deputies of the ' vlet Union refused to yied an j Hungary. Rumania, Bulgaria Council of Foreign Ministers . inch. It must be a bie Dower and Finland. meeting in London. In the late winter and early spring at the Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Moscow. Canada again, through the British and United States delega- Peoples Wii iter l-PIECE SNOW SUITS 3-PIECE SNOW SUITS WOOL GLOVES and MITTS AGES 1 TO 3-4 TO 7 AND 8 TO 14 INCLUSIVE Styles and color selection as well as prices to fit the individual purse. Our quality as usual is guaranteed. We invite vour inspection and RUPERT Mm FROM MANAGEMENT AND STAFF HOLLYWOOD CAFE ISIS GREETINGS I TELKWA. B.C. ieswc'tieeet'cetf,ciei -rc MUNRO Stall Writer reneciea ine uonunions' purged that shelrhTr 1 middle and small nowers who Tl.ZT J r?"! ! Skilful, patient work was done! in xw thrn,mv, r,riv, toii- 6 ""- - with deleates b' Dana gnu. t th t u ranai!lfln flm. ycuir. ucoyiic uic ai-iunc cull- tributions of the other Allies. : ISSFE WILL BE REVIVED As the year wore on. the im- ponance or tnis issue tempor- ' Store Protection For Your Familv BULKLEY VAUEY COLLIERIES SKI SUITS SKI PANTS SKI SOCKS PEOPLES iu mm War 1 51 TO ALL OUR-FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS arlly evaporated before graver disputes between the Big Four over Germany. But It will be revived In time and If a separate peace Is made by Britain, the U.S. and France with western Germany. Canada and the other Interested states will likely be granted the participation they desire. The same issue is involved in the pending Japanese settlement. But it appears that the Commission, other than the Soviet Union, will disregard the 10 countries on the Far Eastern Russians and go ahead and draft a treaty without them. Canada is a member of this commission. The United States has taken the lead in trying to get all the countries on the commission to ,h,r th. mr .nn'ber was sold and the pines cut, Canada heartily approves this .nian The struggle for participation w , ,r-v, ...... t,nm , 'i oiR - v..,. Paris peace conference, which rirptt. ,. .,h fln(i nnirti Anctrrjlli anrt tpv. eral other states battled In Paris :for thP nrinrini nf nArtirinA. , " " r tion and won a partial victory. although the big powers had the final say. ' ' , Presents 5 ! 2 i j i J! i ? '. ' H a : Bi , STORE SAVOY HOTEL 11 L5iJ HAPPY SEW ) EAR Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street, Prince Rupert SINGER Si .ving Machine Co. Lord Beaverbrook Restoring Burial Site As Memorial Area Includes Crave of Pioneer Who Founded Masting and Other Industries In Northern N.B. NEWCASTLE. N.B. J The resting place of William Davidson, one of the first English-speaking settlers of northern New Brunswick, lies In a graveyard Lord Beaverbrook has un- cfertaken to restore and preserve "" - memorial to early British set- tiers, Until recent years the burial M"! " tumps and debris rfth, Davidson s railed grave plot the Y Ve" sIce. Last year tne United Church of Canada here conveyed the land title to Lord Beaverbrook, the 1 e g i s 1 ature made provision for a roadway and the work of restoration I started. The Davidson grave, marked by a Iarc cracked sandstone tablet, is near the JuncUon of at T it. K J n .At A the Northwest and Southwest Miramachl rivers. He died in 1790 when 50 years old Born in Scotland. William Davidson established a salmon FOLK TREATIES SIGNED BY CANADA This fall, Canada formally signed the treaties with Italy. Hungary. Rumania and Finland. There was no treaty signed historian wrote In the foreward: with Bulgaria, for due to an' -His untimely death undoubt-oversight Canada never official-j pdly greatly retarded the de ly declared war on that Balkan velopment of the Miramachl country. Canada was invited to thd western hemlSDhere defence! I conference in late summer at, PAY CP OK ELSE Rio de Janlero, but declined.. CANBERRA 9 - Papuan 5 , The government felt that the "bo's" who want the Australian present defence arrangements R0Vernment 10 rant higher with the United States are ade-:waes recenlly wrot: "Oh dear, "iquate enough without further Please Mr- Woodward th? J , commitments with Latin or labor want tm' a week ' South America. I because no rations are received. In the sphere of trade Can-Iplease reP Decause we work Siada took a leadlnz nart in thP I "tremely hard If you pay up International Trade Organlza- i tion conference In ficnpva frnm April to October and also was represented at the world trade ! conference at Havana which followed. The diplomaUc service con- tinued to expand during the ,year. with several score young jmen being taken into the Ex-a ternal Affairs Department. Senior diplomatic changes were not numerous but the chief OnpS Invnlvpri --v. lho . . . Innifni. MUtWIll u nt , Mr. Wllgress from Moscow to be minister to Switzerland, and the switch from Rio de Janeiro of Jean Desy to be ambassador in Rome. Maj.-Gen Victor Odium was appointed ambassador to Turkey and E. J. Garland bc- came minister to Norway. Y r V y v y v y y THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 ttttttt,tttwWwt 0k. YUKON JEWELLERS J O ALEXANDER G2J Third Avenue West XtXXrKXXXXX'4XXXXKXXKXXXXKXXVttXXXXXnXx X'rxxrxXKXXXXXXXXCKXKXXXXXKXXXXXXXXtXKXX OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH I Second Division First Division I Birmingham City 1, Mlllwall 0. Arsenal 1. Liverpool 2. , Chesterfield 3, Tottenham Bolton Wanderers 2, Sheffield ; United 3. Chelsea 2, Grimsby 3. Derby County 5, Blackburn Rovers 0. Huddersfield Town 1, Manchester City I. Mlddlesborough 1, Charlton Athletic 2. Portsmouth 1, Manchester United 3. Wolverhampton Wanderers 4, Aston Villa 1. Stoke City 1, Blackpool 1. fishing and fur trading busineia on the Miramachl at the age of 25. When American privateers plagued him during the Revolutionary War hp moved to Maugervllle on the St. John River and pioneered New Brunswick's masting industry. Supplying masts for the Royal Navy, he received prices ranging from 110 for a stick 18 Inches In diameter and 72 feet long, to 136 for one 36 inches by 108 feet. After the war he returned to! the Miramachl. revived his business there and had a brief but colorful career In politics. His great rivals, both In politics and trade, were the Cunards. of subsequent steamship fame. W. H. Davidson. Newcastle lawyer, has published a sketch of his ancestor. Dr. J Clarence Webster, noted New Brunswick area of New Brunswick." we stay Otherwise look out. ?Ta AIH Jn tf you USflSf tt, SIZES 255 Third Ave i I A X r M I r- r-v p r- 1VIAT 1UUK DAT UL BR1GMT AND GA'i' Itlue 6IS A. MacKenzie Furniture A Happy New Year KNOX HOTEL Hotspurs 1 Leicester City 1. Brentford 2. Luton Town 6, Leedj United 1. Plymouth Argyle 3, Fulham 2. Southampton 1, Bradford 2. West Ham United 1, Sheffield Wednesday 4. Game postponed from December 25 Nottingham Forest 4, Don-caster Rovers 2. SCOTTISH LEAGl'i: "A" Division Aberdeen 5, St Mirren 0. Alrdrieonians 0, Hibernians 3. Clyde 1, Third Lanark 1 Hearts 0, Motherwell 1 Morton 2, Falkirk 1. Queen's Park 3, Celtic 2 Queen of the South 5. Dundee 2. Rangers 2. Partick Thistle 1 . . 4 4 a a. A Aii I i in LESS WEIGHT Tlt in A! irun'jra hii'v- cirrujt 1 if imtirct It U'nght iru ('an i urrbgt trtfek -i n)m nrtila. Thm'i no dJ ' trjn-Jk arounj. And tt i t lot lex cualrwaK to kmik on ttut. AkiMtam U Mrori(. pxi lnctit. iittmif MxtoJ The baby carriafe it tn"' o the Alcan AtuaaoM mtucb irt ivjir i bie todijr le Knt tiit Cuiua 1mm. Mort than (Al inbVrertist CinaJun sunUKtutni cuic Al jnunuai ffocucta. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. iSow Available! m LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL LING THE TAILOR n'e are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 819 - 220 Sixth Street 0S - AND Best Wishes FOR A HAPPY N cw Year ctr..u LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP VTH E71P-A-DEE DOODAH' SHOWr SONG OF THE SOUTH TWO GOOD FBATTKKS One Showing Only tfcrriij 0U$ -v. T MON. TO WED., I Mat. Mun. and Wrd. i 30 JOE LEWIS vs. AT THE GaiDilsl Wa'.S. til 0$ PRIZES TO LUCKY TICKETS NOW ON SALE General . COc lodges 75c INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Y law! V ..AST TIMIS SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY DECEMBER 29-30-: Eve. 7:00. 9:11; Wnl. $ p JERSEY JOE WALCOTT FIGHT PICTURES ROUND BY ROUND - BLOW BY BLOW riu MUST B. C. SHOWING .MICKKV KOONKY IlltlAN DONLEVY -IN "KILLER McCOY" She Sings! She Dances! She's Terrific. X BUT WHO TICKET HOLDER Is! rrrf Train Schedule I l or the East-Monday. Wednesd.i Frlda: I 8 pm. Erom the East . -J' Tuesday. Thursday 10:45 pan. WITH THE VERY BEST WISHES FROM US ALL HI PRIINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO LIMITED 28 Fourth Street I'hone W I w - - - - 1 39