Former Premier of i,ew Brunswick Dies mT or New Brunswick. 0I.ard P u. niiy. aira nere ,.tfrr.:t in his 77th year, from itf of a heart condition, nai been unwell for about PR Hp passed away at the Business and Professional SUPERIOR DECORATORS tlNTWO PAPERirANQING ih Blue 952 or Black 245 Hi' nms Bill Thornton P. J. CHENEY DKNTI8T ANNOUNCES I E hpenjnu ur uia office fviH THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE h SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 705 ARMSTRONG AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS V1URANCE ADVISERS 42 P.O. Box 927 ;N Kllboru W Peterson HI' UTS TRANSFER SAND MESSENGER r -. - wooa - Haaeaee Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Nrht Calls- Oreen 977 Prince Rupert HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 4th Street Plwne 5J PRINCE RUPERT VTTLE COLLECTOR .nl MESSENGER PHONE OREEN 955 r ir Pacific Bottle B C. Ltd. iNH NEWS STAND n and western Papers Magazines SnBSCRIPTIONH TAKEN 'h Street Red 808 AT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS WorkmanshipEstimates X)W UAY BOAT WORKS ' Crawley Green 391 iEORGE L. RORIE Hi Accouiitunt. Auditor, etc. me Tax Returns Compiled, "tier BliH-k - Phone 387 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND KINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANOINO PHONE RED 240 IITII & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers me 174 P.O Box 274 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 1420 i East Phone Black 489 11RUNAWAY m i ' jii ui rsir former Tilly, one of the roth... CM A f IITf rriAtir of Confederation ' JIMMU it was a, fltUM -- m m I w I "KKesnon that the word Dominion;; from the Bible, was ehown to apply m the expre,. lin; Dominion of Canada, fol- "wm " union of all the HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS mi8) , Gliding and Repairs of all kinds. (Roofs, chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 4Bfl Rd go4 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs potted Plants Large selection of Olfts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box Sid Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON 028 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 240 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th' Ave. If It's Rock Work- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the. work. s JOHN MOSTAD . CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Oreen 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 1301 Overlook Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelllnr. Weighing BI.CE 992 Happy New Year TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Bacon Fisheries A OF CITY CAFE A driveriess 99 Taxi bus leave," she explains. New 97, Mrs. Bennett has lived here since she and her husband moved from' Moose Jaw C4 years ago. She never remrned t.T the city, and hasn't even visited the .xjllaue of Tu.xfprd, ,12 miles south of her home. Born In Scotland, she moved t-j Winnipeg with her parents when she was 17 and came to Moose Jaw where she worked for the railroad and met her husband, also a railway They left Moose Jaw soon after the tncldent with the Indian and shf never returned. She now .spends her time knitting arid reading the Bible which fhe knows from cover to cover although she won't go to church because "they won't preach from the Bible." "What do you want all this '.rash about me for?" she asked a visiting newspaperman and photographer, then hastened after the cameraman and offered h'm the burncd-out flash bulbs he used to take her picture. "I thought you might forget those." she said. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is It ever permissible to elbow- or push your way through a crowd? A. No; try to avoid brushing against others. If you will notice the type of person who does this, you will have no desire to put yourself In that class. Q. Should the man or the woman say, "I am glad to have met you. when parting alter an introduction? A. It is the man's place to say this. The woman reples, Thank you." Annouiicenr-ents S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 30, 2 to 5. Refreshments and Booth P.T.A. Jan. 21. Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta-males, chill, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders to take out. 2 . m i-T-i Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Local News Items Cash for old eold'. Bulger's, j Moose whist drive and dance Make your reservations NOW! every Saturday night' 8:30 (lt) for dinner on' crashed Into the front of- the" at Clvlc Centre Commodore Cafe. Third Avenue, jPnone 231- New Year's Day Dining Room. (303) stores', no business was being transacted. In others, blinds were drawn. There were no hurrying steps. The general condition of D.C. Stuart, who was overtaken by Illness last June, continues to gradually improve. He is still confined to his home on Second Avenue West, but is able to be up and about more frequently. MIGRATION FOLLOWS RADIO HAM'S TALKS WHITSTABLE, Kent, Eng. W Because Walter Barker talked with people In Canada over hlj ! amateur radio station, he and his parents now have emigrated to Vancouver. "Walter went to Canada last May and contacted people he had spoken to over his radio station," said .his father. "Now ver and we're going out to join him." ' X The steamships Albernl and ing a piaiTg window 3 f ! P , Tree, Monday. Dec. crushing in the tile work below. OQ .. , thJ Changing temperature is thought to have affected the mechanism of the handbrake, which was reported securely set when the bus was parked across the street on the hill between Fifth and Sixth Streets, according to Art. Murray, taxi operator. The vehicle coasted backward across the road and Jumped the curb to smash the cafe, then it rolled forward toward stores across Third Avenue. Stan Hemmons, dispatcher for 99 Taxi, dashed from the office and climbed aboard the bus In time to swing It down the road. WOMAN PIONEER STAYS AT HOME FOR 64 YEARS Frightened By Indian, Never Visited Village 12 Miles Distant MOOSE JAW. Sask. -V- toting Indian went after Mrs. Margaret Benhett back in 1883 when Moose Jaw was just a settlement pf terits and Hallway cars and frightened her so much she has remained at her home in the- QU'Appelle hills. 24' miles north of here, ever since. For 04 years she hasn't been more than half-a-mlle from her farm home and she has never seen a motion picture, although aircraft flying overhead and cars and buses speeding along Jhe highway have kept hsr par tially In touch with the 20th century. "When you stay that long in a place you Just won't want to Valhalla Children's Christmes 3, 2 to 5.1 fit),. cheques by mall. (302) ' Attention! Oddfellows and Rebekhas Christmas tree at the Mr. and Mrs. W. A: McBroom j hall on 4th Ave., Monday, Dec are spending the Christmas and ; 29, at 2:30. Bring the kiddles New Year holiday season visit- along. (It); Ins? in Vancouver. Thev will be I back early In the New Year. K.ev- w- anuon, unnea , 'Church missionary at Bella Mrs. William Wilson Is return- j Bella, and Mrs. Cantlon left the lng to the city on the Catala village down the coast this week Sunday evening from a brief trip J ' for Vancouver enroute to Ed-to Vancoover on police escort monton, where they are spend-, duty- ; ing the Christmas and New Constable Clarke of the Provincial Police left at the first of the week for a trip to Vancoover on- escort duty and will be returning to . the city on the Prince Rupert next Wednesday. The Legion of the Moose will hold their Annual' New Year's Eve dance at the Moose Temple. Dec. 31. Come and meet your friends there. Dancing starts 10 p.m. (301) Today, In the business section of Prince Rupert, was a- good i A gun- deal like' Christmas. In numerous i Year holiday season visiting Hotel. . . WONDER BRA Now for extra-fast baking It's New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. No need to keep it in the icebox it stays fresh in the cupboard for weeks right there when jou need it. Just dissolve according to directions. Then use as fresh yeast. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME you can always keep a large supply ready for "hurry-up" baking more delicious baking results. Order Fleischmann'sRoyal FastRising Dry Yeast fromyour grocer today. CITY TRANSFER V. MENZIES First Avenue and McBrlde f'S IPfll arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. It Sandran, city; Casslar were In port yesterday. G. W. McComb, Tulsequah, B.C Thomas Anderson, Pi'ince George; Mr. arid Mrs. W. Harris, Terrace; E. Rowei Port Edward" Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Butchart, Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. Oleson. city; Mrs. L. Hanbury, Advertise In mi. Daily News ABY'S Colds with a sort, who is going from upset stomacn vegrevine w meet mem. Time-tested home remedy tor relieving miseries Ml.. ' ' W or cniidren's colds. No dosing to I 5 VICKS VAPORUO INCLUDING BLACK IN ALL SIZES ANNETTE mansell UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING y yeast 1M wr OUR WISH May you enjoy all the Happiness In The icw Year McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. i y y y i y y y y T I : S o make a w. lovely 'lady even Lovelier! EXCEPTIONAL SELECTION OF DAINTY WEAR FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS RKIDAL SETS LOUNGING PAJAMAS SLEEPING PAJAMAS PLAID JACKETS FOR SPORTSWEAR New Shipment of y y y y K'J X A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Prfnre'tfupett Dnlfp J$cto0 " TSaturday, DercembeY7TT94,r PI We wish you, our friends and customers A HAPPY MW OF GOOD FORTUNE- 1 1 BfflUH 'Ml GEORGE HILL & SON LTD. lj MEN'S SHOES Modernize Your Bathroom! Our Bathroom Fixtures of modern de 1 i 1 k i n hi sign are constructed of finest materials. ' Estimates given without' obligation Prince Rupert . Plumbing and Heating ?" Second Ave and Seventh Street PHONE 103 ,: ; - - 4J ,5.5.S.J.S,.Jii,5.S.5.;3,5.5,XX;J.;i5li.fcX,X.l...X y Oreer & Bridden Builders and Contractors : REX CAFE EiHsSijIEJi ; We have a good selection of j FURNITURE J made in our shop, such as . CABINETS BOOK CASES TABLES . MAGAZINE RACKS DRYING-RACKS : ROCKING HORSES DOLL CRADLES ;I in three sizes Youf last chance to purchase these locally-made furnishings and toys .'. A "I i 1 1 67 1 1 i "If it Is made of wood, we can build it to brder4 ; ' TREE DELIVERY PHONE BLUE 610 ', .W.V.VV.W.SV.W.VVAW.W.VU".V.'Ay.SWJJ RUPERT MARINE REALtV; (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . . BOATS FOR SALE OF! CHARTER BKOKKHS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISIHNG. EQUIPMEN TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfs, WaterfrontV Box 548 Pho Oreen 7ff i I !l !i i i 1 - ! i X I