msTOGDEH'S Rolls Best K. :p- -nnrs vs. fclfcOiw v. ru.w . v. y. K.. VU - "lajjit r. 4 St... T... 'Irs ve.! v- yi ;o P : -t Th:st-Seals. .v ,r r -Hracip.:.ners vs. m i .L' Te fit,: '"'i U il:.:..-.. v Dodgers, p.. :..;..: Pushovers ! M:KCS I. v vs ruio- .jj. Mi ;.!::. v.s Thist- Vf ; v Ki:.7;;micr.s-. Push- Map U'- Heaapln- lit Ki: O: deer.s vs. . r ..... km- x. :: t. rw- a Seu Midgets tiers VS. k 3--K!' :'i:.:uiers vs. Mi; v Atomics, l:s .. 0: J seals. Mc- v: r D. dners vs. ;E: :r Maple bier U.- A' :ntcs vs. r& It&tL:.- v.v Dod- Ml- 'l' r :cr-. King-t Hi sidpin Pioneers. It .. MrMeekins v Mapie EOT FIVE SCHEDULE Mr I Mi-.. t- - rr Hi; B.C . I SAID OGDEN'5 vs Fish Packers, Miss or 'ars vs. v.v Idea, vs. Fish Packers. We X vs. Isl- rH!t- v- Covwars. :s'-!n v.- nr Tn.v. n wt.iv- 2 k' 1 l Bi v. n woods. o Hits vs. ; Determents r5vv B.C Packer. 'are WstorlC rPfnrrl. f "h cariv ns ( IS WAY UP IN SMOKING rU 10 Otl-DIUCHT(Ul to smok'i TsM0KER5I ASK FOR OGDtN'S CUT PIUO." DOLE FOR fa) BOWLING THIS AND W;' ,,r r ! 15 Game Room. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS you and I." 2.- What is the correct nunelatlon of "limousine? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Manufactury,, mereury, perjury, treasury. 4. What does the word "marital" mean? 5. What word beginning with am means "vague?" Answers 1, Say, "with you and me." the proposition "to." 2. Pronounce le-moo-zen, both e's as in "me," oo as in "tool" accent I nn List svllable. 3. Manufac tory. 4. Pertaining to marriage. "She and her husband were engulfed In marital difficulties." 5. Ambiguous. MEN'S FIVE PIN We each have our own hobbles!" Crisis at City Hall Locked Vault Keeps Bylaws Too Secure Wanted. A gentle safecracker. While no placard seeking the services of such a sinister professional has appeared at the doorway of the City Hall one is liable to make an appearance at any moment. Ills employer will be City Clerk H. D. Thain. The trouble, of course, is a locked safe and a lost combinationin the- clerk's office, the result of an over-zealous action on the part of some un- Known- city employee at the weeK-ena. someone closed the doors to the huge srtong box, never thinking that it could not be opened. After several attempts with the four-numbered combina- 1. What is wrong with this'tion, he began to realize that sentence? "He was talking with maybe things were not as thev i pro- snouid be. As far as he knew, the outer doors had not been locked in at least four years. It plurals. was possible that some mech anical transformation had tak- en place within the safe during! that time or that he had been I given the wrong combination.! Despite the volunteer efforts of other city hall workers, the safe remained stubbornly closed. Mr. Thain sent down word to Both pronouns are objects of the police to scour the bastille for a competent cracksman. The police replied that there was nothing in stock but some well constructed hangovers. No luck! By Monday afternoon Mr. , main naa got as lar as pon-dering the feasibility of 1 ploying a locksmith but, ing h5w. safes are constructed, 1 was in constant ajimauu receipt irvtripv in of a anec Li ce f f f f f P I I P lt IrAllllr dotes aDout how vartus friends U L L M V U 1. of somebody somebody had had alternately alternately Oct 10-Mutts vs. Grotto, Ar. ! had to drl11. blat. or other- v,i tofc rn.nn vs w'lse gain forcible entry into locked Vaults Thorrwliffe Ktnm vs Moose. I Onf iaco vs. "scotians. Fish Dock i combinations. forgotten it: ... o I Somebody even had the nerve Oct. 17-Thorneltffes vs. Fish! suggest sending out a .call for Dock. Moose vs. S:otians. Can-I Vva(1fn"ne: Meanwhile, he has tu the conso- fireo v. Thoojs. S. M Army vv , Ce-op. Stones vs. MutU, Maple "T7 ,rr "7 . 7. ' .JZZ. Leafs vs. Grotto. Oct. 21 Co-op vs. Scotlan. Mutts vs. Canflsco,, Stones vs. Grotto, rlwrnrllffps vs. Thom. S. M.. Maple Leafs vs. Fish Dock, Army vs. Moose. Oct. 31 Stones vs. Fish Dock, Tliorncttfles vs. Moose, Army vs. MutU, Maple eLafs vs. Canfisso, Co-0) v. Thom S. M.. Grotto vs. Scotians. Nov. 7 Army vs. Canflsco, Grotto vs. Thom S.M.. Co-op vs. Moose, Thorncllffes vs. Scotians. Stones vi. Maple Leafs, Mu':ti, vs. Fish Dock. I Nv. 14AIutts vs. Tliom S.M.. Stones vs. Thorncllffes. Maple LeaJs vs. Scotians, Army v.v Fish' DoeJc, Grotto v. Moose. Co-op vs. Canflsco. Nov. 21 riiorncllffes vs Canflsco, Army vs. Grotto, Stones vs Thorn S.M.. Mutts vs. Scotlai;.' I Co-op vs. Fish Dock, Maple Leaf vs. Moose. Sun Yat Sen was the founder and first president of the Chinese republic. BLACKHEADS Don't wuwm bUckhMd"- -dlMoi Ihem. CI two ouncM of wrolnt powJr from ni cloth over blrkhdi. Th.r dlMolv. n4 dluiir b f ilinplo nelhd THAT TpTTrOi tents of the safe are secure. None of the long list of bylaws which a generation of aldermen have conceived in the Interests of civic felicity will be stolen. But bylaw number 1060 (a by- j law to amend a land sale bylaw) which will be approved by council next Monday, faces the cold prospect of being separated from its predecessors until BOTTIED BEER (delivered free) PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. oy tneuoviinicvvw A. mi not DUbllshed or Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Klver) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT T11E Civic Centre QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Are Carnival funds used for operating expenses of the Civic Centre? A. YeS. In the fiscal year ended September 30, 1947 approximately $3,500 of the $6,600 netted during the 1946 Carnival was expended on actual operation of the Civic Centre building. The balance was added to the capital fund for building project. Q. Can membership be purchased on the instalment plan? A. Yes. One-third down and the balance in three months. A. Yes. If the canvasser, school principal minister or welfare workers reports these cases, frpp TncmhprKhin rnrrt: will 'hp1 In fact, City Clerk Thain was issued. Persons helm? wanted not particularly worried when free cards need feel, hb embar-he ' saw the safe locked Monday rassment as all information Is morning. At least, not until he confidential, tried the combination that had' been given him four years ago, BRAIN TWISTERS By Don Douglas Plural Endings How are you on your '" plurals? Here are 10 words ending in "o." Try writing" the correct 1. Piano. 2. Motto. 9. Cargo. 4. Ratio. 5. Torso. 6. Veto. 7. Potato. 8. Memento. 9. Banjo. 10. Credo. Answers 1. Pianos. 2. Mottoes. 3. Cargoes. 4. Ratios. 5. Torsos. 6. Vetoes. 7. Potato 8. Memem-tos. 9. Banjos. 10. Credos. someone finds that dratted combination. Prince Rupert's statutory cor he was not too hopeful about ner stones are held incommuni the prospect. All this time, he.cad0- 'PASSENGERS ON AIRPLANE SIGHT! GRIZZLY STALKING MOUNTAIN GOATS STEWART While Bill McLeod was piloting the Halda Queea In the Morris Summit area six goats were sighted browsing on the mountainside. To give his passengers p, better view of the animals, BUI circled down. The startled goats scampered off in all directions a'rid then it was noted that a grizzly had been on the stalk aMo With the scattering of the goats concealment was no longer necessary and a very disappointed bear lumbered into view and ambled off the scene. PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO October 7, 1912 Capt. H. S. Cameron, owner of the small launch Guilford, .arrived in port from Skidegate The Marine Department announced the installation of several new aids to navigation in northern waters and the discovery of several uncharted rocks. The VS. government also was active in hdrographlc work on the coast. - C. C. Perry, Indian Agent, returned from Port Simpson where he 'presided over a number of. police court cases. The society of matrons in the village had been airing their grievances on the evening of the Duke of Connaught's visit and some uncomplimentary language had been indulged In which resulted in fines being imposed by the Agent. October 7, 1922 The freighter Canadian Prospector, Capt. Charles Wallace, docked at Prince Rupert for annual overhaul, 24 days out of the Chinese treaty port of Dal-ny. During her crossing, the seventh which she had made in the Pacific, she encountered two typhoons which she weathered in good style. Edward Hamilton, a bucket man at the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. coal dock, lost his life when a portion of the dock collapsed while the steamer Amur was discharging a car-, go of coal there. There were about 450 tons of coal on the after one of the stormiest trips wnari at the time. in 'his 10 years on the coast. The Guilford lost a smaller boat 1 The Prince Rupert Mercantile which she'had In tow In" Hec- Co- was fined $l-m y Magnate Straits. Urate McClvmont on a charge of i illegally selling two kegs of beer to George James at the St. James HoteJ. The information was -laid . by Mayor Rochester, who also was a principal witness in the case, FAST WORKERS The average speed of workers bees engaged in making honey is about 15 miles an hour. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modem, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 In the kitchen i ; ; in front of cool "herb aarden" window. Use a "dining table" that drops down out of the way between meals . . ; And then most important of all put down a sparkling bright Gold Seal Congoleum rugl Its smooth surface Is easy to clean with the swish of a damp cloth. And durablal Why, its wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel is actually eauof fn Ihickness to 8 coat of best floor painl applied by hand. But when you buy your Conaoleum rug look for the familiar Gold Seal. Without it remember I it isn't Congoleum. You'll be surprised how much quality you1 can buy for so little money, Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs . . . product of Congoleum Canada Limited, Montreal. Your dealer may b temporarily out of Congoleum becgui tuppliei or (till vary thort. Pleoie try hint again Ol he recelvei limited shipments from time to lime. W.simGy I ? J I I lArtHATnCMI TI Local Dealers in Congoleum J We handle Congoleum Products . . . Gordon & Anderson Ltd. GORDON'S HARDWARE THIItl) AVENUE 1 McIIUIDE STREET " " Congoleums of every description when A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. stocks are available i " i; . nil !. Make Make U U easy easy for for yourselfl yourselfl Eat Eat righl righl II ill III II V I.HI I in I . .. V ww...... . Tuesday. October 7, 1947 O Before having that next REPAIR JOB done,-drjve Jn and have one. of our experts -give yo.u s a detailed ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs Dealers In Studebaker Commercial and Hudson' Cars Tires and Tubes Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and Third Avenues Green 217 RUPERT MOTORS LTD.. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service (or all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CC Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green U75 303 Cabs , t ould like to take this opportunity to announce to my many friends and patrons that t havcicft 123 Taxi and will be operating 303 Cabs from the 3 Sisters Cafe. our continued patronage will be sincerely appre- ciatcd. FRED JENSEN 303 CABS KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, TLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VKKLAKN LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint, Kilii-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assort ment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 COAL PHONE 117 Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE HI WA Daily Deliverjf Service NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMDIA'B.'NEWSPAPER V it- f